Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 110: Little Monster Mu, here comes my little brother

Ouyang Lengyan did not return to Hongdi City.

Neither the people of Suifeng Tiandi nor Ouyang Indifferent found her trace, nor heard of her appearance in that city. However, with Ouyang Lengyan's strength, casually lurking in that city, no one can find her.

It has been half a month, Ouyang is indifferent and a little anxious, but Tiandi Suifeng and Tiandi Fallen have a glimmer of hope in their hearts. As long as Xiao Lang is not brought to Ouyang's house, they will still have a chance to catch Xiao Lang.

The news soon came out. Xiao Lang was not a child of the Ouyang family at all, because the younger generation of the Ouyang family, there were only ten men of Xiao Lang's age, and they were all in Hongdi City at the moment. I have never heard that the previous generation of Ouyang's family had illegitimate children.

Fallen Emperor Tiandi was secretly angry, but Ouyang Lengyan did not bring Xiao Lang back to Hongdi City, and he did not want to go to Hongdi City to find the old man of Ouyang's family for theory. After all, the undercurrent of Tianzhou is surging at this moment, maybe there will be a big melee. The Emperor Falling Leaf could only let people search around, looking for Ouyang Lengyan and Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was naturally not with Ouyang Lengyan. He flew through the void at a slow speed. He hadn't reached the God Armor Mansion in half a month.

"Lisa City? Um... I'm at Lijing Mansion, there is still a short distance!"

Outside a small city, Xiao Lang was secretly excited when he saw the name on the city from a distance. There was no sign of anyone tracking it for half a month, which made people feel relieved, and getting closer and closer to the God Armor Mansion also made him very excited.

He stood outside the city, thinking of the burly boy who liked to smile like a giant, with a knowing smile on his face. Thinking of the floating and dusty Mu Xiaoyao, who is like a nine-day goddess who does not eat the fireworks in the world, the corners of his mouth subconsciously bend an arc, and his face suddenly becomes awe-inspiring.

"If you can really come to my house within five years and have the courage to propose a marriage, I will carefully consider marrying you, your second house!"

Thinking of Mu Xiaoyao's clear-spirited words, Xiao Lang smiled more happily. For this peerless and alluring woman, he didn't have much love and pursuit, but pure appreciation. Moreover, she despised herself back then, causing him to feel a strong sense of humiliation, and now the wind has blown away.

But if there is a chance to see this woman, Xiao Lang will definitely retaliate with teasing, such as pretending to propose marriage? See her reaction? How to say, she made this promise herself, didn't she?

"Hey, Mu Xiaoyao, my little brother is here!"

Hehe laughed a few times, Xiao Lang ran away again, looking for a no man's land, tearing the space and flying across the void and flew south.

Constantly flying across the void, Xiao Lang was able to cross dozens of mansions every time. Of course, he didn't dare to fly too far. He was not proficient in flying across the void. It is always good to be careful.

Five days later!

Xiao Lang finally stood outside the city of God Armor Mansion. He looked at the three big characters "Shenwei City" above the city with excitement on his face. He checked the map, but he felt helpless.

The God Armor Mansion is very large. At this moment, he flew to the west of the God Armor Mansion. If he wants to go to the God Armor City with his speed, it will take a month or two. It might only take a few days to ride the Supreme Chariot, but he didn't dare to take risks, and finally... he chose to continue flying across the void.

It's just that he was very unlucky, and he flew across the void for a certain distance, and actually flew to a mansion next to God Armor Mansion. Turning around again, it ended up flying through the void several times, but it was getting farther and farther away from God Armor City...

"Next time I meet Mrs. Yan, ask her to learn how to fly through the void?"

Xiao Lang thought secretly, but immediately shook his head and murmured: "She said she could not help but kill me when she saw me? That's still gone! If you don't see me, it's not right. How can you say that if you have a relationship, you will always be responsible. Although... Yes, I didn't even taste it!"

Woman's heart, needle on the seabed!

Xiao Lang didn't know what Mrs. Yan thought in his heart. In addition, she was a high emperor. If Xiao Lang found it by himself, he would give her a feeling of wanting to eat soft food. He would also eliminate the need to look for Mrs. Yan for a short time. idea.

He secretly decided that if he could reach the Emperor of Heaven one day in strength, he would definitely go to Mrs. Yan to settle the matter, and why he had to give her an explanation.

No longer thought about Xiao Lang continuing to fly across the void. When he tore through the cracks in the space, and after looking outside to make sure that there was no one, he immediately flashed, and after exploring nearby, he immediately became ecstatic.

Because...he actually flew directly to the vicinity of the Shenjia Mansion, and saw from a distance above a majestic giant city, three dragons flying and phoenix dancing in large characters "God Armor City".

Into town?

Xiao Lang hesitated for a moment, and finally dashed towards the city resolutely. His brother was the first son of the city. If he died here, Xiao Lang would admit it.

After handing in some magic stones, Xiao Lang entered the city smoothly. There is a Supreme Heavenly Emperor Xiao Lang in the God Armor family who has heard of it, so he is a little brazen, not worried that Suifeng Tiandi and others dare to come to the city to do something.

The God Armor City is very large, and there are many strong people inside, and it is very lively. Xiao Lang's mood was extremely agitated, and he ran towards the square to find the City Lord's Mansion.

He quickly found the square, but instead of going to the City Lord's Mansion, he entered an exceptionally luxurious inn next to the square.

After opening the room and hiring a waiter, Xiao Lang put out a pile of profound stones and smiled gently: "Inquire about some news and how much you can get, depending on how much you know!"

"My son, please tell me, I know everything here, and I can't stop talking!" The waiter was full of flattering smiles. This kind of hawker is their favorite. You can get the black stone with just a little bit of news. This is a pie in the world.

Xiao Lang nodded and asked straightforwardly: "Is Mr. Mu Xiaodao the number one son of the God Armor Mansion?"

The waiter immediately replied: "Yes, Young Master Dao is an armored warrior that is hard to come out for thousands of years. He left the customs again two months ago and reached the peak of the kings. He was directly appointed by the Palace Master as the Young Palace Master!"

"The peak of kings? Young Palace Master!"

Xiao Lang grinned. The knife cultivation speed is so fast. He naturally knows that the young master of the big family like the knife will never refine profound stones in his cultivation, even if it is a small amount. Being able to rise to the peak of the kings in such an event, the **** armor warrior really deserves its reputation. Also became the Young Palace Lord? Xiao Lang was even more happy for the knife, more excited than his own strength improvement.

When he was in a good mood, Xiao Lang was naturally generous, and he threw out a handful of profound stones, and almost knelt the waiter with excitement. Xiao Lang continued to ask: "My son came from a long way, just wanting to pay a visit to Lord Dao. I don't know how to visit him?"


The waiter showed a touch of astonishment, and said with some regret: "My son, haven't you been inquiring about the news? Recently, in a valley in the north, many ancient tombs have been found out, and countless people have obtained valuable treasures in them. The Emperor Xian deliberately once again An exotic treasure trade fair was held. Young Master Sword and Miss Little Demon, as well as countless young masters in the mansion, went to Xiandi City half a month ago. I guess they won't be able to return within a few months!"


Xiao Lang's expression suddenly became wonderful. He hurried across thousands of rivers and mountains to the God Armor Mansion, but he was completely empty? He didn't dare to go into the city all the way, where to find out the news, this luck is against the sky...

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