Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Return favor

"Grandpa, hurry up and save Big Brother, if Big Brother dies, he won't be naive!"

"Master, don't you want to take action? Falling Leaf Heavenly Emperor, you dare to hurt my brother, I swear by Mu Xiaodao that you will level your Fallen Mansion one day!"

Ouyang's childish and urgent cry and the knife's violent roar sounded, the old madman of the Ouyang family and Mu Shangui looked at each other, and finally Ouyang Cuicui gave an order: "Everyone is obedient, fly across the void to the Fallen Mansion, and attack the Fallen Mansion with all his strength!"

"The people of God Armor Mansion obeyed their orders and sent them to Luoye Mansion and razed the old man to the ground!"

Mu Shangui's roar also sounded, and the people of Ouyang's family tore the space one after another, preparing to fly across the void. The people from the Shenjia Mansion also rushed to the south. Mushangui and the old lunatic didn't make a joke. When Larch dared to grab Xiao Lang, they dared to destroy the Luoye Mansion.

"The Shura Palace clansmen obey orders and all go to Fallen Leaf Mansion!"

The Master of the Star Palace also burst into tears, and the members of the Demon Family moved, but Emperor Xian and Emperor Leng had already flown to the south for the first time. But the figure of the distant Fallen Leaf Heavenly Emperor did not stay a bit, and his footsteps were extremely determined.

For the treasure of the Great Sword Shadow, to take the last step, to embark on the road of the Great. Because of Xiao Lang, Tianzhou, which was already under turbulent tide, had a vague tendency to break out.

Thirty years ago, a super war broke out in Tianzhou. All ten major families participated in the war, attacking the second-ranked super family at the time, the first family Mingjia in northern Tianzhou. The end is that the Ming family was wiped out in ashes. The Ming Emperor who was originally ranked second died, and the Heavenly Emperor and the strong in all the northern Tianzhou provinces were almost extinct. The God Armor family only ranked second at that time, and then Emperor Leng broke through and once again made up the top ten families.

This time, Larch wanted to swallow the treasure alone. Because of the relationship between Xiao Lang and Ouyang’s childish knives, the Ouyang family and the Shenjia family were immediately combined. If Luoye Tiandi continues to go his own way, it is estimated that the entire southeastern government will be wiped out and killed. The warrior counts in the tens of millions.


At this moment, there was an ear-piercing scream from the sky. The sound was very loud and could be heard by warriors in tens of thousands of cities nearby. Countless people were so scared that their bodies were trembling constantly, and they looked into the air with their big eyes, thinking that an extraterritorial demon was coming to attack.

The people near Blackscale City were also shocked. Even the people of Ouyang's family stopped flying across the void, and the Heavenly Emperor Falling Leaf, who could only see a fuzzy figure in the distance, also stopped.

At this moment, everyone's bodies were frozen, and all eyes were involuntarily looking towards the sky.

No one can fly in the high altitude of Tianzhou, even the Supreme Heavenly Emperor would not dare to fly thousands of miles above the sky, and at this moment, the screaming sound came from above the sky?

The faces of a group of Supreme Heavenly Emperor experts such as Ouyang Cui Cuimu are solemn, while more warriors are puzzled. What can make such a terrifying sound from thousands of miles above the sky? The voice alone can make everyone frightened. Is it really the legendary extraterritorial demon?

"call out!"

A black spot quickly floated down from the high sky, unexpectedly faster than the speed of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, the dignified color on the faces of the old madman Mu Shangui and others became stronger. The rest of the emperor martial artist all breathed a sigh of relief, but the confusion on their faces became stronger.

"Huh? It turned out to be a black flag? Why did a flag fall above the sky? And the aura of this flag is so powerful, it's definitely not weaker than the Supreme Warrior!"

Xiao Lang's mind was not voluntarily attracted by the black flag. At this moment, Larch did not continue to grasp his neck, but only held his shoulders. He still hugged Dongfang Hongdou tightly in his arms, and the red bean was still sleeping. Among.

"Liu Ye Tiandi didn't even run away? Whose is this black flag? Confused?"

Xiao Lang saw that the power of the larch body had stopped working, his eyes fixed on the banner, his eyes were all respectful, and there was a big "fan" on the banner, which made Xiao Lang even more suspicious. Uncertain, who is the owner of this banner? Could it be that his strength is much stronger than that of the Fallen Emperor? Did he dare not continue to escape?


The **** flag flew down quickly and was heavily inserted on the ground. The flag was very large, the pole was tens of meters long, and the flag flag was tens of meters long and ten meters wide. The big word "fascinated" above is like a ghost that deceives the soul, and it feels like the soul will be sucked in at a glance.

"call out!"

The old madman shot down, and all the people who secretly transmitted the sound to Ouyang's family flew down, standing silently, and Emperor Leng and Emperor Xian also flew down. The beautiful Pegasus chariot of the Lord of the Stars landed slowly, and everyone was silent. Standing near the banner respectfully, waiting in silence.

what's the situation?

Such a weird situation scared the people in Blackscale City. Is there a strong man in this world who can make old madmen so respectful? Who is the owner of this banner? The strength of the old lunatic and the strength of Mushan Ghost Larix are extremely high. Only the last step is to reach the strength of the emperor and sweep the world to rule Tianzhou.

Since this person is so strong, why not unify Tianzhou?

Countless doubts came to everyone's mind!

And just after a figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, Xiao Lang's mind burst with a "boom"!

A tall man stood proudly in mid-air. This man was wearing white armor. There was not a single hair on his head. It turned out to be a big shiny bald head!

There are many bald heads in Tianzhou wearing white armor, but this bald head Xiao Lang has a fate. The most important thing is...this bald head seems to owe him a favor?

"Junior, the Mishen Palace owes you a favor. You can go to Qingcheng Mountain when you need help! The Mishen Palace is on the top of Qingcheng Mountain. We can meet any of your requirements. Of only have one chance!"

He recalled the words of the bald man outside the Qing Emperor's tomb, and Xiao Lang's eyes immediately lit up. At that time, he thought he had encountered a madman. After all, he had never heard of the Miscellaneous Palace, nor was it on the map of Tianzhou like Qingcheng Mountain.

Now these are not problems. The point is the strength of this man. It seems that everyone is very afraid of this man? Including the old lunatic, Mushangui, and Larch!

"See your lord!"

All the Supreme Heavenly Emperors bowed at the same time, and Larch also put down Xiao Lang and bowed to salute. This scene scared the people nearby even more, and they knelt down and saluted.

The bald-headed man in Bai Jia didn't say a word, he didn't move his head, he looked extremely domineering and arrogant.

After the crowd saluted, the old madman and Mu Shangui looked at each other, and then said once again: "My lord is here suddenly, is there something important?"

"Something trivial!"

The bald man said lightly, and then his gaze shot to the south, and finally locked on Xiao Lang. A smile appeared on his staid face, and he said calmly, "Little friend, we meet again!"


The audience was in an uproar, the bull's eyes of the old madman were about to fall out, and the larch was shocked, not daring to suffocate, and then his face suddenly turned blue.

"Meet your lord!" Xiao Lang did not dare to slack off, and bowed to this person with Dongfang Hongdou.

"Hehe, I'm here to pay your favor!"

The bald man in white armor smiled faintly, his gaze suddenly became sharp, glanced at all the Supreme Heavenly Emperors in the audience, and proudly said: "The Lost God Palace has no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of Tianzhou. It just owes this little friend a favor. This little friend for ten years, anyone who dares to hurt this little friend within ten years is the enemy of our maze!"

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