Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 113: Undersea Palace

Qingmuyu's eyes were shining, and he immediately said, "Tell me more about the situation in the submarine palace, Xiao Lang! This is very important. If it is determined that it is the graveyard of Emperor Tianma, I can take you with you. All the treasures in it belong to you !"

Xiao Lang recalled and explained in detail what he had seen in the Undersea God Mansion. Qingmuyu's eyes brightened as he listened. When he heard that the octopus couldn't even push the main hall door, his body trembled with excitement.

"call out!"

After listening to Xiao Lang's words, Qingmuyu's body suddenly disappeared, but after a while he came out again, very excited and said: "Go, Xiao Lang! Take me to that underwater palace immediately!"

"Go now?"

Xiao Lang blinked. Xiao Qingyi, Mushangui and the others are still here, and He Miao hasn't dealt with the matter. The journey from here to Shenhunhai is a long one, and it is not possible to come back in ten and a half months.

Qingmuyu said solemnly: "Well, you can talk to your aunt and the others. They can stay here or follow Mushangui back. You can come back soon if you are assured of me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Lang and Qingmuyu walked towards the side hall, and explained casually to everyone, but everyone didn't say anything. After all, it is honor to go with Qingmuyu to do business. The average emperor even Mushan ghost does not have this qualification. Moreover, it was safe to be with Qingmuyu, but Xiao Lang was supposed to accompany Hongdou and Liuya on sightseeing, but no one was seen all the way, which made Hongdou a little depressed.

After discussion, everyone decided to go back to Tianzhou. Xiao Lang was not in the Mishen Palace and they were boring, and there were many ghosts in Xingmu Mountain in the Shenjiao Palace. Xiao Lang was worried, and asked everyone to follow Mu Shangui to the Shen Kai Mansion first, and then pick him up when he came back. Yun Zishan had done hostage-taking things before, and he knew that Xiao Qingyi, Hongdou and others were his weaknesses. After having suffered a loss, Xiao Lang would not want to be stupid again.

As for He Miao, Xiao Lang didn't know what to do now, and could only wait to talk about it after returning from the Shenfu. After the explanation was completed, Qingmuyu immediately led Xiao Lang out of the side hall. As soon as he stepped outside, Qingmuyu grabbed Xiao Lang with one hand, and then... disappeared out of thin air!

"This...Aoki-sama, what supernatural powers are you?"

Xiao Lang felt the darkness in front of him, and then instantly appeared above the sky of Bei Ming, and there was still a city below, but the very strange thing was that the people below couldn't detect the two people in the air.

"Hehe, this is called teleport. The principle is similar to that of flying through the void, but it is more advanced. This requires the soul to reach a very high level to cultivate!"

Qingmuyu explained, and teleported away again with Xiao Lang. The speed and distance of his teleportation were very terrifying, and within half an hour, he had actually reached the sea of ​​ice and snow...

Xiao Lang's eyes were dark and bright for a while, and the scene in front of him was constantly changing, but there was a huge wave in his heart. This teleportation speed was too fast? Who can catch up with the green wood jade at such a speed? If Aomu Yu fights with people, I'm afraid that others don't know how they died. Such supernatural powers are simply incredible, this supernatural power has reached the point of supernatural skill in Xiao Lang's heart. Originally, he thought that the sudden disappearance of the green wood jade was too fast, but he did not expect that it was not the same thing...

"Where is the Undersea God House?"

Qing Muyu paused and asked Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang pointed to Dongfang and said, "The Sea of ​​Souls!"

Qingmuyu said with concern: "Would you like to take a break, your soul is not strong, so continuous teleportation will make you feel mentally exhausted!"

Why is Xiao Lang mentally exhausted? He is so dizzy, but he still shook his head and said, "Telete a distance, I can hold on!"

Teleporting all the way, Xiao Lang was shocked all the way. When he felt extremely exhausted, Qingmuyu stopped but had already arrived at Yuxianfu in Tianzhou. This was a territory in the northeast of Tianzhou, and Qingmuyu was only Teleported for an hour.

And if Xiao Lang knew that Qingmuyu had only half the speed and distance of his teleport because of his consideration, he would be so scared that his heart would jump out.

After resting for a long time, the two set off again, and arrived at the Soul Sea after an hour!

Xiao Lang didn't know where he was going now, so he could only stop and look at the map to find the location of Longqi Island and Black Shadow Road. The Divine Soul Sea is too big, and he is not sure where the submarine palace is. He has to find Black Eagle Island and Longqi Island first.

Qingmuyu was not familiar with these two islands. After Xiao Lang determined the approximate location, he immediately teleported away, preparing to search for a nearby place.

The teleportation was very fast. After an hour, the two arrived in the middle of the Soul Sea. The distance of the green wood jade teleportation began to shorten, searching the island all the way, and finally found the Black Eagle Island at night.

It was noon when the two of them set off, just one afternoon. They arrived at the Black Eagle Island in the east from Qingcheng Mountain in the far north, which gave Xiao Lang a dreaming feeling. It also made him tired enough, he talked to Qingmuyu, and the two decided to rest on this Black Hawk Island for a night, and they will begin to search for the gods tomorrow.

"call out!"

Qingmuyu did not teleport Xiao Lang into the city. Instead, he restrained his aura and flew towards the island. Xiao Lang was confused in his mind and didn't care, but when he was at the gate of the city, the guards outside wanted to collect the magic Shi, saw Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly shrink, and then all thumped and knelt down.

"See Palace Lord! See Lord!"

A respectful shout awakened Xiao Lang, and Qingmuyu's brows wrinkled slightly, and Xiao Lang patted his head to think. It seems that Black Hawk Island originally belonged to the Blackscale Mansion? Heilin Mansion was taken over by himself, and it seems that Black Eagle Island has also been incorporated.

It is estimated that his portrait has been spread throughout the families of the Soul Mansion, and it is no wonder that these guards will recognize him. Of course, the most important thing is that his gray hair and the combat skills of cultivating the devil are so easy to recognize. Fortunately, there was no iron boat staying outside the island. Xiao Lang immediately waved his hand and said, "Get all up, my whereabouts must not be revealed!"

The guards immediately bowed their heads to respond, Xiao Lang and Qingmuyu floated into the island and entered a restaurant. Although the **** had been confessed, the owner of the island soon came to see him alone.

This island owner is a strong human emperor, a child of a large family in the Soul Mansion, seeing Xiao Lang extremely diligent, he asked for warmth, and he insisted on arranging one of his beautiful concubines to sleep in Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang kicked him out, gave a few words, and went into the room to rest.

He thought of being chased and killed by the island owner on Black Hawk Island, but now enjoying such treatment, he can't help but feel the cruelty of this world again. If he doesn't have strong strength, if he doesn't take down the Blackscale Mansion, he is afraid that he will still be chased by people who know Blackhawk Island at this moment, right?

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