Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 7: Mushan ghost? roll!

There was a chill in the Xiaodi City, and the Soul Army and the warriors of each family gathered in Soul City, bringing the number of warriors in the city to 100,000.

The news has been confirmed, Feiyang Mansion's army is about to arrive at Xiaodi City, Chamu Dongfangbai and others have also left the City Lord Mansion, more than 100,000 people all stood on the wall of the West City Gate, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The city was quiet, Dongfang Bai and the others showed no fear on their faces, but were slightly excited. They have encountered many battles in their lives, but they have never experienced such a high-level battle. It is also an honor to die in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven.

"call out!"

A black shadow appeared in the western sky, and the military city of Feiyang Mansion lined up, flying in full momentum. Although there was a shield over the city wall, everyone still felt suffocated.

There are three heavenly emperors, and no less than ten thousand peaks! Not to mention killing them, this army is not a problem even if it destroys a big mansion with a heavenly emperor!

There was a bitter meaning on Cha Mu's face, and his wife and the people of the Cha family had sent it away, and he had nothing to worry about. He is not afraid of death, nor regrets coming to Tianzhou. Xiao Lang once said very clearly that coming to Tianzhou is an opportunity for them, and it is very likely that they will die sooner...

"Everyone is in place, close the shield, and listen to my order to start the war freely. The people of the Soul Palace would rather die than surrender!"

Chamu drank loudly, and the shield in the city was immediately closed. The opponent has a strong emperor, and the shield naturally cannot protect them. Anyway, it's all death, not as vigorous as death!

As soon as the shield opened, the powerful pressure of the enemy coming in the air even suffocated everyone, but everyone's faces were solemn, and profound energy and soul power surrounded them and were ready to attack.

One hundred thousand meters, fifty thousand meters, ten thousand meters!

Just when Chamu was about to order an attack, the warrior on the opposite side stopped, and the eagle-eyed emperor flew a few meters forward and began to drink: "Take Su in Xiabaili, be ordered to do it, please come out. see!"

"Baili Tiandi!"

Cha Mu flew up outside the city wall, his eyes fixed on Baili Tu Su and he began to drink: "Palace Master Xiao is not there. Cha Mu is the deputy head of the Soul Mansion in Xia Mu. You openly slaughtered the people of my Soul Mansion in the Soul Mansion. You have committed the crime. A terrible felony! Quickly retreat, otherwise, after the return of Palace Master Xiao, Tu'er and the whole clan will be inevitably taken. Who knows who the Palace Master Xiao is in Tianzhou? If you violate my Divine Soul Palace, even if it is far away!"

The Chamu strength is not strong, and it has broken through some during this period, and it is still only the kingdom of kings! But at this moment, facing the three heavenly emperors and the ten thousand emperor peak, not only did not fear, but intimidated each other, this courage and pride made the morale of all the warriors in the soul house.

"So daring, since you dare to threaten this emperor?"

Baili Tu Su yelled coldly, and said indifferently: "Baili was ordered by Emperor Yun. Today, he was forced to do it. If Palace Lord Xiao returns in the future, he must avenge the emperor and let him let him go! Kill!"

The last word "kill" was slurped, Baili Tu Su's body suddenly became murderous, and the 10,000 emperor powerhouses roared out from behind, each hand condensed colorful soul power, countless soul power attacks will be released.

"and many more!"

Cha Mu suddenly burst into drink again, making Baili Tu Su startled, and immediately waved his hand to stop everyone from releasing their soul power. He said coldly: "Chamu boy, what else do you want to say?"

Cha Mu glanced at the person behind him, and a trace of death was revealed in his eyes: "Emperor Baili, I know exactly what Yun Feiyang is going to do! He and Xiao Lang have an enemy and want to avenge Xiao Lang! Killing me, Xiao Lang is sure I will be furious! So please kill me, or take me to Feiyang Mansion and let these innocent people in the city go!"

"Sorry, the order we received is to slaughter everyone in the Soul Palace!"

Baili Tu Su shook his head and said indifferently, he waved his hand again, ready to let everyone behind him do it. But his hand just lifted but stopped in the air, his eyes suddenly shrank, his eyes locked in Xiao Dicheng.


The light in Xiaodi City was shining, and a huge teleportation array lit up. If it was a critical moment, there would definitely not be ordinary warriors teleporting over. That's why Baili Tusu stopped because he was afraid that Xiao Lang was back!

Cha Mu and the others were in a great shock. After all, no one wanted to die. All eyes were locked on the huge teleportation formation in the middle of the city. Dongfang Bai looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief. That teleportation array is connected to Shenjiao Mansion.

Mushangui is here!

The light of the teleportation array weakened, and an old man dressed in sackcloth and barefoot and shaved head quickly flew into the sky. He looked at the confronting two sides and he was relieved, luckily he arrived in time.

The expressions of the ten thousand people behind Baili Tu Su suddenly became complicated. Mushan Ghost was the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. If he did it, they would all stay here.

However, Baili Tusu and the other two emperors were extremely weird, without any fear on their faces, but sneered.

Mu Shan Gui flew up in the air and said to Baili Tu Su: "The Soul Mansion and the old man have some ties. Give the old man a face. Go back!"

Mu Shangui's words were very polite, and speaking like this in his capacity, it was obvious that Yun Fei was very worried about the forces behind him.

Ten Thousand Sovereign Peak also breathed a sigh of relief, Mu Shangui would be the last if he did not do anything. But Baili Tusu sneered, and looked at Mushan ghost proudly: "Palace Master Mu, are you sure you want to keep Emperor Xiaocheng? Do you know that you are declaring war with the war dynasty! What Emperor Yun said anything People who dare to interfere will be the enemy of the war dynasty!"

"War Dynasty..."

Chamu Dongfangbai and others heard these three words in their hearts. They were once citizens of the war dynasty, but unfortunately they are now on the road of opposition.

All eyes looked at Mu Shan Gui, waiting for his decision, but Mu Shan Gui became a little angry. He looked at Baili Tu Su with cold eyes and said, "Do you dare to threaten the old man? Believe it or not that old man crushed your egg? "

The Supreme Heavenly Emperor has the dignity and arrogance of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, but Mu Shangui is still very skillful in speaking under the anger, and did not say that he declared war with the war dynasty, but only aimed at Baili Tusu.

"Hahaha! Don't believe it! Mushangui gave you a hundred courage, would you dare to try to kill me?" Baili Tusu laughed even more arrogantly, and even provoke.

Mu Shangui suddenly became angry, his body was full of vigor, and an iron rod with a mysterious pattern suddenly appeared, and the surrounding space solidified at that instant.

The Supreme God Soldier, Mushan Ghost has brightened his sword!

"call out!"

Mushangui hasn't started yet, Baili suddenly did it first. A black shadow shot out from his hand like lightning. At the same time, he locked Mushangui's voice transmission: "Mushangui look at this token, I don't want you to Mu Get out of my family immediately! This Xiaodi City must be turned into rubble today!"

Mu Shangui stretched out his hand and grabbed the shadow, and found that it was a token. Just as his gaze locked on that token, the scene before him suddenly changed. He found that he had come into the void, and there was a dark figure above the void facing him, and a deep shout that made his heart tremble sounded in his heart: "Mushan Ghost? Get out! Otherwise, the entire God Armor Mansion People...dead!"

The scene in front of him quickly disappeared. Mu Shangui looked at the three big characters of dragon and phoenix dancing on the token, and suddenly shook his head bitterly. He looked at Chamu and said three words: "I'm sorry!"

Mu Shan Gui floated away, he didn't want to help Xiao Dicheng, but he couldn't help. Because the aura of the black shadow just now made him feel extremely dangerous, and the three big characters on the token made him afraid of fighting.

"Soul Destruction Hall!"

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