Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 93: Under the crotch

West Wilderness.

Mang mountains, like ancient giants entrenched, the terrain of the Western Wilderness is extremely complex, mostly mountains and gully virgin forests. There are also many fierce beasts in the Western Wilderness, and the beast king and beast king are not a few. Therefore, Tianzhou people rarely come to the Western Wilds, and even Ouyang Cuicui is unwilling to provoke the herd of animals here.

and so--

They were so surprised when everyone followed Qingmuyu over the rugged mountains, because they discovered that the Western Wilderness was so big that they had flown as far as one-third of Tianzhou, and they hadn't reached the destination.

At this moment, there are few high-level beasts in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are basically no people. I can occasionally see some small tribes mixed in the mountains, and I don't know how they survived.

"Xiliang Mountain is just ahead, all accelerating."

Qingmuyu pointed to the front and started drinking. He accidentally left one or two people along the way to meet the strong behind. His face was full of irritable colors, and it was obvious that the speed of carrying a group of five-layer human emperors was too slow, making him anxious.

The spirits of the crowd were shocked, and the seven or eight million powerful men above the fifth level flew at full strength. After flying for a full half an hour, they could see the mountain in front of them clearly.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other.

This mountain is too big, too high! You can't see the edge from the left and right, and you can't see the top from above. The whole Tianzhou is afraid that this mountain is the tallest, right?

Qingmuyu silently led everyone to fly towards the mountain, and when everyone got closer again, he found a huge gate halfway up the mountain. The door is dark, with simple patterns painted on it, which can make people feel the vicissitudes of this door.

"I am Qingmuyu, open the door!"

Qingmuyu snorted and the door slowly opened, revealing a bright passage inside. Qingmuyu took the lead to rush inside, and the warriors behind them all set up a long snake formation and filed in.

The passage is very straight and large, and it can accommodate thousands of people walking at the same time. The passage always extends forward, with illuminated night pearls and a faint halo on the top. Everyone didn't know where the passage led, so they could only fly with their heads headless.

"There are very strong restrictions on this channel..."

Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui looked at each other, and they were secretly startled. Because the restriction of this passage made both of them feel heart palpitations, they were afraid that if the restriction was opened here, everyone would not be able to get out.

After flying for a long time, Ouyang Cuicui and others in the front saw a deep exit in front. Countless people sighed, everyone flew for an incense stick at such a fast speed, how big is the diameter of this mountain?

But after everyone left the exit, they were even more shocked!

Because beyond the exit is a deep and deep gorge, the gorge is very wide, on both sides are high mountains straight into the sky, and the gloomy underneath even Ouyang Cuicui can't detect how deep it is. There is also a black poisonous mist shrouded in the lower part, making the back chill. The most important thing is that as soon as you enter this canyon, an inexplicable breath envelopes everyone, giving people a sense of horror and evil.

The sky is dim, and below is an unexplainable canyon, and the front is misty, full of evil atmosphere everywhere. This feeling made the brows of the Supreme Heavenly Emperors frowned tightly, and their hearts were heavy, and their eyes flickered in secret.

"Let's go, there will be no extraterritorial celestial demon in this canyon. Your battlefield is in the front. Be careful not to touch the poisonous fog below. It is a demon cloud created by the refining of extraterritorial celestial demon. very troublesome."

Seven or eight million human emperors immediately flew higher, carefully watching the surroundings. Qingmuyu said it was very troublesome, and perhaps for them, it was fatal.

A group of people flew forward, covering the sky and closing the moon. There was such a canyon along the way, and the evil and cold aura was even more intense.

After flying again for half an hour, everyone finally arrived at the real destination, and everyone was shocked again.

The gorge in front suddenly became extremely spacious, and there was a cyan boulder with a radius of more than 10,000 miles floating in the air. The blue stone exudes a faint light, illuminating the surroundings. Above the boulder is a square and more than ten attic palaces. At this moment, there are some warriors sitting cross-legged in the corner above the cyan boulder, and...tens of thousands of fierce beasts are standing quietly!

The auras of these fierce beasts are extremely powerful, although they have reduced their auras, but Ouyang Cuicui and others can still easily distinguish them. These fierce beasts are all over 900,000 years old, the beast king has at least more than 1,000 heads, and there are five beast kings.

"These are all ferocious beasts of the Western Wilderness?"

Ouyang Cuicui thought secretly, cast his gaze on the palace above the boulder, and saw the most magnificent palace with three characters written on it, and she was shocked.

Soul Destruction Hall!

Where is the Soul Destruction Hall that the world does not know, it turned out to be here! No wonder no one can find it so hidden.

"All go down and find a place to sit and practice. Starting tomorrow, we will enter the battlefield of demons in batches to kill the outer demons!

Qingmuyu pointed to the empty square below and shouted to everyone. Then one person flew into the palace without taking Ouyang Cuicui with them, obviously...they were not qualified to enter.

Ouyang Cuicui and the others didn't say anything. After all, their family was far from the forces like Soul Destruction Hall, Mistral Palace, and any one of them could sweep Tianzhou.

Seven or eight million people were separated quickly, each according to their own forces, and followed by their respective bigwigs into square formations to sit and rest on the spot.

Xiao Lang didn't come, so the leader of the team was naturally Devil Xiao Xiao, and all the powerhouses in the west sat quietly with Devil Xiao Xiaodi and the others.

"Wuhen, you can do the calculations, how is this time good or bad?"

Xiao Moshen asked Killing Emperor to arrange everyone, but he found Emperor Wuhen and asked. Heavenly Emperor Wuhen showed a bitter expression and shook his head: "No need to divination, this time the enemy is so powerful, with my sense of heaven, it is absolutely impossible to count..."

Last time I was in Nanban, because there were savage gods in it, Wuhen Tiandi counted many times to no avail. This time the enemy is stronger, how can it be calculated?

"Try it! Also count as Xiao Lang's good or bad luck!" Xiao Moshen said coldly, anyway, there is nothing to do, this place is not conducive to his cultivation.

Heavenly Emperor Wuhen had no choice but to take out the animal bones and other artifacts and began to divination. As a result, he calculated many times.

"Don't forget it! Let's take a rest and recover. Tomorrow, we will enter the battlefield of the demon!

Xiao Moshen waved his hand to stop the next divination of Emperor Wuhen, and ordered the powerhouses in the west to get up. Everyone in Tianzhou was here this time. There are also many strong men in the Eastern Territory, Northern Ming and Southern Barbarians, which are related to the survival of Tianzhou, so there is nothing to say. As long as you give an order, you won't hesitate to enter the battlefield of the demon to fight.

"call out!"

A graceful figure suddenly shot out from the palace in the distance, with a graceful figure in a purple skirt, graceful like a nine-day goddess descending to the earth, and a beautiful face that was very eye-catching at the center of the eyebrows. Who is it?

Yun Zishan's gaze swept away, and he immediately locked on Devil Xiao Xiao's side, and the corner of his mouth showed mockery. He looked at Devil Xiao provocatively, and a voice transmission also rang in everyone's ears: "Xiao Lang didn't come? ?"

Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Xiao Moshen raised his brows, Yun Zishan really broke through, and it seems that his breath has broken through for a long time. However, he disagreed, and said with a cold smile: "What about breaking through the heavenly emperor? If Xiao Lang comes, you are not killed by his crotch?"

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