Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 105: Prepare to escape

There are not many demon in front, but there are three high-level demon and hundreds of intermediate-level demon. Seven of the eleven hunting squad members were fighting the Demon King that day, and the remaining five were clearing out the senior and intermediate demon.

There are no brown scales on the outside of the heavenly devil's body. The skin is as brilliance as humans but it is brown. There is no hair on the whole body, and the eyes have no pupils but they are dark golden. The dark black hole above is constantly glowing with dark golden light. It's palpitating.

The battle situation was very tragic, and the Heavenly Demon King alone had the upper hand against seven strong men. If it were not for the strong defense to withstand the main attack, there would have been casualties at this moment.

Yun Zishan is playing against a high-level demon, his body is constantly floating in the air like a butterfly, and he shoots a clear breeze in his hand as a wind blade, each time it can cause a deep crack in the body of the high-level demon, but it will be **** in a moment...

"Sure enough, I barely reached the strength of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. This attack strength is probably about the same as Grandpa Mu!"

Xiao Lang was secretly shocked, Yun Zishan's cultivation speed was too terrifying, how long was this? Give her a few more years? He had an impulse to attack him directly and refine her with the remnant soul of the evil lord.

But he didn't do this stupid thing, not to mention that there are three great emperors next to the Soul Destroying Palace, even if he kills Yun Zishan, he can't get out of this battlefield, right? Aoki Yu explained several times to prevent him from making trouble.

The low-level heavenly demons and the intermediate-level heavenly demons were eliminated very quickly, and the three high-level heavenly demons were also going to die, but the situation was still not optimistic. Because the demon lord's body flickered constantly that day, the sharp claws in his hand pierced into Mangod's body, and at the same time a dark golden light shot out from his eyes, Manhe's body was instantly knocked out, his chest was bloody, and he didn't know if he could survive. …

Without the strong defensive Man He to withstand, the rest of the strong flew around and attacked. Their defense is far from that of Man He, and if they are hit by the Demon King, they will definitely die.

The Heavenly Devil King was attacked by several great emperors for several rounds, but only suffered minor injuries. A lot of black and smelly blood appeared on his body, and his eyes were full of hostility. The evil and cold atmosphere around him made the distance. Xiao Lang felt suffocated.

"What are those half-god powerhouses doing? Why don't they come out to kill the Heavenly Demon King?"

Mu Shangui and Ouyang Cuicui were puzzled, because the demigod powerhouse had never appeared before, let alone appeared on the battlefield of the devil, they didn't know what the **** they were doing?

"The Demon King's body is so powerful this day, but with his **, he can achieve such a powerful force, defense and speed!"

Xiao Lang was secretly shocked at the Sky Demon King, and was full of emotion when he saw that the Sky Demon King turned into an afterimage and was fighting with the hunting team. This extraterritorial demon soul attack is actually not terrible, because when he is about to shoot a soul attack, the third eye will light up, and the warrior can avoid it in advance. The terrible thing about the celestial demon outside the territory is the power of the ****, relying on the physical ability to resist the attack of the emperor.

"Well, it's not right!"

Xiao Lang suddenly slapped his head and exclaimed!

He thought of a question—the Heavenly Demon combat skills he cultivated seemed to be cultivating physical bodies? Mainly rely on the strong force to increase power and speed defense? Isn't this similar to the demon?

Demon combat skills? Extraterrestrial demon?

Are there demons? Is there any relationship between the two? Also, the souls of the cultivators must be powerful, and the souls of the aliens...seem to be very powerful too?

Is it a coincidence or a hidden story?

Xiao Lang didn't know, he didn't have time to think about it. Because he exclaimed and attracted the attention of the other side, Yun Zishan ordered: "Ouyang Cui Cui Mu Shan ghost Xiao Lang, can't you help?"

Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui were lurking in the first place. They didn't want to go and die. At this moment, Xiao Lang shouted in exclamation and had no choice but to rush forward.

Xiao Lang didn't move, but sent a thought to the heavenly demon group behind him, letting the group of heavenly demon to withstand the attack of the heavenly demon king, so that everyone could better cooperate in the killing.

Extraterrestrial demon is the great enemy of mankind, Xiao Lang didn't want to be sloppy at this moment. After the Heavenly Demon rushed up, he immediately took out the Ruthless Sword and released a ruthless sword aura, and quickly gathered sentiment and prepared to attack. He was a little excited inwardly, if the Devil King was finally attacked and seriously injured, he wondered if he could be domesticated? If it can be domesticated, it will be developed...



After a short while, Xiao Lang's excitement fell to the bottom in an instant. That day the Demon King wailed twice, and all the domesticated demons had rebelled! The body's breath became evil again, "bluffing" shouted and attacked the powerful hunting team.

And Xiao Lang's ruthless sword aura was also shot into the air. I didn't know what magical powers the Demon King used that day, and he was able to avoid the lock of the ruthless sword aura. As a result, the ruthless sword energy locked on the messenger on the opposite side, forcing the messenger to fly around and avoid...

"Xiao Lang, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Lang, do you want to kill us?"

"Xiao Lang, have you rebelled?"

Countless anger sounded, because Xiao Lang's group of heavenly demons rebelled, and there was an instant chaos in the field. The strong men on the side of the angel destroyer and the Yunzishan Barbarian God glared at Xiao Lang while hurriedly avoiding the attack of the heavenly demon, and their eyes were still murderous.

Xiao Lang was also dumbfounded. He didn't know why the demon he had domesticated would rebel? It's just that at this moment, he has no choice but to continuously release sentiment and ruthless sword energy to kill the demon.


As Xiao Lang’s Celestial Demon Legion joined, the Celestial Demon King’s strength increased greatly. The Celestial Demon King’s body continued to turn into afterimages and attacked everywhere. The strong man on Mount Putuo and the people in the Lost God Palace were immediately injured and had no choice but to fight. Retreat aside.

"Devil, you immediately flee to the south! Let's withstand it first!"

Fortunately, the Celestial Demon King did not chase Xiao Lang, he has been chasing and killing the members of the hunting squad. Xiao Lang and Ouyang Cuimu Mountain Ghost retreated while fighting, and his heart was also furious.

Finally, the domesticated Demon Legion all rebelled, and many people in the hunting team were injured. The hope of hunting the Demon King also failed...

Soon the large army fled the neighborhood, and Xiao Lang also angrily killed countless demon. This time he no longer domesticated the heavenly demon, and directly killed the heavenly demon, letting Meier swallow it all.

Everyone fled with their backs to the direction where the Heavenly Demon King appeared. The hunter squad had never appeared, and they didn't know whether they escaped or died in the end. Everyone also knew that Xiao Lang was in a bad mood and began to march silently to kill the demons, often killing all the demons wherever they passed by.

In half a month, the number of demons killed by the crowd reached a million, and the grass vine swallowed millions of the corpses of the demons without any reaction. Xiao Lang's mood became heavier.

After everyone sent it out, Xiao Lang learned from Qingmuyu that Manhe and a great emperor of the Mishen Palace were killed in battle, and the rest were wounded, and the messenger of the land was seriously injured, and his heart sank to the bottom.

And after three days, a roar made the hearts of all the warriors tremble: "Everyone is ready to escape. There are nearly a hundred heavenly devil kings in the battlefield of heavenly devil, and the battlefield is likely to be blasted! Once broken! , The demon can fly freely out of the Western Wilderness and sweep across Tianzhou. If we can’t stand it anymore, please everyone with their tribesmen to find the void and escape for their lives and keep the fire..."



[Author's digression]: There are only three chapters today, I am going to go out and be happy...

After today, the old demon will stand!

Time wasted, suddenly like a dream!

Ready to go out to pay homage to my dying youth!

Friends, the rest of the world is yours...

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