Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 109: Hold on for half a month

Xiao Lang returned to Xiao Emperor City in despair. There was a panic in the city. There were five void spaces that Xiao Lang found, all suitable for the survival of human animals. The area was not large, probably half the size of the Divine Soul Mansion.

With such a small area, it is naturally impossible to bring all the people from the west in, even if there is enough space, but what about food, water and air? There is no spiritual vein in the void space, and the spiritual energy contained in the air is extremely weak. If too many people enter, the spiritual energy will completely dissipate, and then the void space may become a dead space.

Therefore, Xiao Lang ruthlessly ordered that, unless the tribe of the Emperor of Heaven in the west, the rest were not allowed to enter the void space. The strong cannot reach the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, and basically cannot tear the space into the void space, unless they have special supernatural powers.


Of the billions of people in the west, only tens of millions can enter the void, and the rest are only waiting to die in Tianzhou.

This reality is cruel! But no one can crack it, because there are too few empty spaces suitable for human existence...

"grown ups!"

"Palace Lord!"

Walking into the Xingchen Pavilion, a group of people continued to kneel down. Xiao Lang had no mind to understand them, and walked straight to Chamu, only to see countless people kneeling outside the hall, silent.

Xiao Lang furrowed his brows, his gaze swept away and found that they were all big and small family heads in Emperor Xiao City, apparently begging Chamu to take them into the void space.

"My lord, it's the Lord Palace Lord!"

"Palace Lord, please take us along..."


When the group saw Xiao Lang, there was another cry for help, and a mournful cry. Xiao Lang closed his eyes and walked into the main hall silently, and found that Cha Mu and Wuhen Tiandi and others were sitting inside with gloomy faces.

Looking at Emperor Wuhen, Xiao Lang laughed at himself and said: "Wuhen, it seems that you are still making a mistake. Tianzhou is about to perish. How can I be the Emperor of Tianzhou?"

Wuhen and others were also bitter. Chamu walked over without talking nonsense, and went straight to the subject: "Xiao Lang, most of the people of the Western Emperor have been arranged into the void space. Those who have not reached the strength of the Emperor, there are some small and medium-sized The elites of the family are also gathering. This is the list. Who else needs to be arranged? It's best to keep it under 100,000, too much..."

Xiao Lang glanced casually and interrupted Cha Mu's words: "You arrange it, Hong Dou He'er and the others have gone?"

Chamu shook his head and said: "They said they would wait for you to come back, but Little Demon and Naive were picked up by their family members. Hmm... The knife still didn't come back, but the savage people have arranged."

"Well, in the past few days, try to arrange everyone who should be arranged to go in. Food and small beasts that are easy to breed are also arranged. The demon will be coming in one month at the latest!"

Xiao Lang confessed and walked into the backyard through the back door sadly. The atmosphere in the backyard was also solemn. Xiao Lang didn't explain too much. After spending a day with Hongdou and the others, he personally sent them to the void and explored five void spaces. People who enter the void are quiet. There are water, trees, and beasts in the five void spaces. Those who enter cut down trees to build simple wooden houses, and they all practice in retreat.

After sending Hongdou and the others in, Xiao Lang didn't immediately go back, but flew around the void, looking for a void space suitable for human existence. There are a lot of void spaces in the gaps of space, but many are lifeless, without air, water, and life.

After more than half a month, Xiao Lang finally found two empty spaces in the west and returned quickly, letting Chamu arrange more elite boys and girls to enter, leaving more fire for mankind...

Xiao Moshen and them all returned to Tianzhou, but none of the strong men returned to their families, except for Ouyang's people, who had long been arranged by Qingmuyu to search for void space, and they were stationed on the west coast.

The six demi-god powerhouses also returned, all stationed at the western seaside, ready to hold on to the last moment.

Xiao Lang handed over the matter to Chamu, and took Wuhen Tiandi and others to the western seaside, waiting for the arrival of the demon. Many scouts continued to spread the news. The demon swept the Western Wilderness, and all the primitive residents of the beasts were killed. At this moment, the demons are raging in the Qinhai to eliminate low-level sea beasts. It is estimated that the first batch of demons will arrive in Tianzhou three or four days later.

All the clansmen of the strong have been arranged into the void space, and the remaining more than one million strong people have no worries about the future, ready to fight to the last moment, if they can't hold onto it, immediately withdraw into the void space.

But a day later, a news shocked everyone!

Ouyang Cuicui found a super-large void space, the size of dozens of government domains, and could easily accommodate hundreds of millions of people! And... there are two spiritual veins inside.

Whether the spiritual vein is big, don't care about him!

The aura of heaven and earth in the void space with spiritual veins will be very abundant, so the life inside will be easier to multiply and will be more suitable for human survival.

As soon as the six major demigods heard this news, they immediately held a small meeting and quickly made a decision!

Transfer more human fierce beasts and sea beasts as soon as possible. The six of them, the more than one million strong people on the western coast, and hundreds of thousands of fierce beasts and sea beasts, will work hard for half a month!

The news spread around like snowflakes, Tianzhou almost rioted, and a large number of people rushed towards Longquan Mansion, the central prefecture closest to the void. In only half a month, whoever can reach Longquan Mansion will have the opportunity to escape.

On the other side, ordering the strong men garrisoned in the west was all miserable. It's easy to say that persisting for half a month, but maybe... the strongest who will be present in half a month will survive one-tenth of an unknown.

It's just that the order is given by the six demigods who dare to violate it? Even if they secretly escape to the void, they will be despised in the future, it would be better to die in a vigorous battle.

The younger generation of super powers such as Xiao Lang Xiao Moshen were taken extra care of. Hongmeng Venerable personally explained that such peerless geniuses could leave early.

Ouyang Xie Leng Xingeryun Zishan and the others left without hesitation. There are still many devil kings. If one is not good, it will definitely die. Xiao Lang didn't leave, because behind was the western territory. As the western overlord, he was already very guilty for not being able to take everyone away, so naturally he could not retreat at this moment. If Xiao Lang does not leave, Devil Xiao Xiao will naturally not leave!

A few days later, in the vast sea, countless demon heads emerged from the water. Obviously, the low-level sea beasts in Qinhai were almost killed, and the demon began to attack Tianzhou.


Without any hesitation, everyone, including Qing Mu Shi who had broken one hand, and the brutal **** who had lost one leg, did it. The overwhelming spirit power, the heavenly power attack, whizzed away, and enveloped the demon that rushed from the Qin Sea.

The world changes color, the wind and clouds dance!

The group of heavenly demons that just rushed up immediately fell apart, but more heavenly demons were attracted by the battle here, and countless heavenly demons landed from other places.

The **** battle has begun again, and it is estimated that the western provinces will soon become a purgatory...

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