Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Barbarian Tomahawk

A war knife appeared in Mietian's hand, and a spear appeared in Mieren's hand. Needless to say, they were both the emperor's divine soldiers, and the two rushed towards the knife respectively.

The sword in Miedi's hand rose, and a round blade light appeared. The blade light was actually rotating, and it was divided into two and two into four. It turned into a sky round blade light scattered in all directions and suddenly gathered towards the knife. . Each blade light can tear the space into small ripples, and the power is amazing, obviously using the heavenly attack.

The last time he was sneak attacked by Xiao Lang in Devil Emperor Mansion Mietian, he was severely injured when he met him, and he couldn't even attack. Looking at this attacking power today, the Devil Emperor and others nodded one after another, and the Great Emperor really didn't brag about it.

The attack of destroying humans was much simpler. The spear in his hand quickly rotated, and his body also rotated, and the human spear merged into an afterimage and pierced towards the knife. The space where the gun head passed was blurred, and there was a creepy scream that made people feel chilling.

If you say that destroying the land just now underestimated the enemy, now both destroying the sky and destroying the people have obviously done their best. The attack is so terrible that all the supreme heavenly emperors will be drummed in their hearts, thinking if they attack them, can they avoid it? The ending is negative!

The knife moved this time, his upward roar let out a loud roar, and the muscles on his body suddenly swelled. He changed from more than two meters to more than three meters, which was the same height as the wild god.

His black hair and beard danced wildly, his eyes wide open, and the battle axe in his hand quickly turned around, like a demon king. With the dancing of his battle axe, the space around him shook layer by layer, and his vision became blurred, and he could not see his true body with the eyes of everyone.

The people around were startled secretly, they didn't understand why the knife could possess such terrifying magical powers? In the end, everyone couldn't figure it out, and only attributed the credit to the battle axe used by the barbaric god.

"Boom boom!"

The round blade light that extinguishes the sky whizzed from all directions, from the sky to the underground. What is extremely strange is that these blade lights rushed into the fuzzy space near the knife, but only a muffled noise was heard, and then... all disappeared without a trace.


The exterminating spear followed right behind and pierced into the fuzzy space where the knife was. Then... Mie Ren vomited blood and flew out, and the long spear of the Great Emperor God Soldier in his hand was also shot out, and it was thrust into the ground heavily, and the tail of the gun vibrated, making a "buzzing" sound.

The audience was silent, and the knife stopped dancing and stood in the air. The eyes under the purple battle armor were proud of the color, like an invincible **** of war.

"how is this possible…"

Everyone was stunned, Emperor Ling, Emperor Leng, Emperor Crescent Moon, and Emperor Ye Feiyang, opened his mouth wide, his eyes full of stunned.

The knife is a warrior with armor that is difficult to produce in thousands of years. After the training of the barbarian, perhaps he learned the unique defensive power of the barbarian, and the defense is strong, which everyone can understand. But a brat, a warrior who was still in the imperial realm two years ago, can he defeat the two great emperors head-on in two years?

This doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all!

Not to mention the cultivation of barbaric gods, even if it is inherited from the ancient gods, the strength cannot be improved so fast, right?

Mietian was also dumbfounded, but he quickly reacted, looking at the battle axe in the knife hand in shock, and exclaimed: "This is definitely not the emperor's divine weapon, this is not a demigod weapon, is this... a great divine weapon? "

Yun Zishan brought back a mortal heart annihilating divine sword, and Mietian had seen it once. This savage **** battle axe faintly has an aura similar to that of the Fan Xin Mie Shen Sword. The most important thing is that if it weren't for the Tomahawk, the situation today is absolutely unexplainable.

A smile appeared at the corner of the knife's mouth, stroked the tomahawk, and said faintly: "Huh! You know the goods!"


The audience was in an uproar, the wild **** battle axe in the knife hand turned out to be a great **** soldier? But... why didn't the barbaric **** have so much power when he used it before? And since it is a great **** soldier, why doesn't the man **** himself bestow a knife?

Mietian didn’t have time to think about it so much, because the knife had already rushed towards this side. The knife had a brutal defense, and had a terrifying attack power of the Great God’s Weapon, as well as a strange confinement space. The overall strength was definitely stronger than him. One point. He has no bottom in his heart. He has not recovered from his injuries, and Mie Di and Mie Ren are also injured. If the war continues, I am afraid that there will be many changes!

It's just... he can't retreat!

Otherwise, the morale will fall, and the spread will also affect the reputation of Soul Destruction Hall. He could only send the message to the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction for the first time, and at the same time greeted Mie Di Deren to attack the knife, and ordered the Supreme Heavenly Emperor to attack, at least first kill these warriors of the barbarian race.

Kill the sky at once, and the melee has begun!

The three emperors besieged the knife, and the rest killed the barbarian warriors. The knife has a strong defense and a sharp attack, but it has a fatal weakness and is not fast!

Mietian and the others quickly discovered this, and began to fight, instead of head-to-head with the knife, they were long-range attacks enough to drag the knife. When they arrived at the back, Mietian would let Mie Dimieren attack the barbarian warrior, and he dragged the knife by himself.

The knife is not a fool.

He found that they couldn't catch up with Mietian and they stopped fighting, and rushed towards the Ling Emperor Demon Emperor and them below. Suddenly there was a great chaos below, like flying dogs. How did Ling Di dare to fight the knife? Killing the land and the people are all injured, and the great gods and soldiers will be chopped, so that they will not fall apart?

So a very funny scene appeared, the knife rushed into the army like a tiger, and the sky and the earth and the people kept following the sneak attack knife, the knife turned back to face them, and the three hurriedly evacuated. Then the knife rushed towards the emperor in front of him, and one of the emperors would definitely turn into pieces of meat...

of course!

No matter how brave the knives are, there is no way to return to the sky. The defense of the barbarian warriors is strong, but they can't cover the large numbers of people here. Pieces of warriors on the barbarian side continue to die, and the side of Mietian is also seriously injured. However, there are a million people on one side, and only a few hundred thousand on the other, and many of them have been injured long ago. The outcome is self-evident.

"People of the barbarians, all retreat!"

Half an hour later, a deep sigh sounded, and both sides of the war had ceased fighting, their eyes fixed on the old man who was slowly flying from the mountain.

The **** is finally out!

Man Shen still didn't condense a leg, and his face looked much better than Qing Mu Shi. He looked far away and didn't look at everyone. Just looking at the western sky in the distance, he sighed slightly: "Exterminate the soul, since you can kill the Lord of Mount Putuo, the Hongmeng Venerable, you don't need an old man! Killing the old man, you can achieve your rule My ambition!"


There was another uproar, although many people had vaguely guessed that Lord Putuo and Venerable Hongmeng were killed by Exterminating Soul. But this matter was said in public by the Barbarian God, which still shocked countless people.


A long laughter that pierced the sky sounded, two figures broke through the air, and their voices were still reverberating in the distance, and the figures had already reached the foot of the mountain. Everyone was stunned when they swept away, and even the eyes of the gods narrowed.

Because... the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction was followed by a person, a person with white hair and silver eyes and a strange look.

Lord Mochizuki!

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