Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 3: Chaos Pirate

The matter was quickly confirmed. Xiao Lang practiced for five days and five nights. As a result, all the chaotic spiritual energy he cultivated was divided by the acupuncture points, and there was no remaining in his body, which made him depressed for a long time.

After stopping his cultivation, he walked outside, called Mo Qingqing in, and explained the abnormality that had occurred in his body, trying to solve it with the help of Mo Qingqing's profound knowledge.

Mo Qingqing frowned slightly. A beauty is a beauty, even if she is sad, she has a lot of affection. She gave Xiao Lang a huge purple sacred stone. Xiao Lang did not refining, nor any explanation, Mo Qingqing was not at all angry, because Xiao Lang's promise had already been fulfilled, and since she had sent it out, naturally she would not ask too much.

She pondered for a long time before faintly said: "You are unheard of in this situation, and God's Domain hasn't happened to be unable to condense the divine body."

Xiao Lang was a little anxious, he couldn't condense his divine body. What about this when he went to Tianzhou?

Mo Qingqing watched Xiao Lang's eyes twinkling, and quickly comforted: "Don't worry, go to the Black Snake City, I will find a way to let you enter the city, then I will ask Grandpa to find a way for you. My grandfather is a There is always a way for the more powerful gods to break through the ancestors."

Xiao Lang nodded solemnly, only like this. Mo Qingqing saw that Xiao Lang was not in high spirits, so he went out with interest. Xiao Lang pondered for a while, but he didn't know if he should continue to cultivate. But thinking that even if you can't condense the divine body, the absorption of the chaotic aura by the energy gold beads in the acupuncture point can increase your strength?

Anyway, there was nothing wrong, Xiao Lang didn't care about that much anymore, and continued to practice. When he was tired, he would take out the Tianyu Great God and leave the God's Domain information for a brief look.

Time passed by like flowing water, there was no danger all the way under the control of Demon Qingqing, and it had been bypassed early when it encountered a large star field.

Xiao Lang continuously introduced chaotic spiritual energy into his body, and was absorbed by one thousand and eight acupoints. The energy gold beads in the acupuncture points continue to increase, but the speed is very slow. I have to say that the cultivation technique given by Mo Qingqing absorbs chaos aura quickly, and the most common technique in God's Domain is much stronger than Tianzhou.

During this time, Xiao Lang also learned a little about the general situation of God's Domain.

What they are going to now is the land of destruction, the territory of a supreme god. The leader of Xuanyuan Mountain, the leader of Tianmo Mountain, and the leader of Heishan are all in the land of destruction, and to go to the leader of Xuanyuan Mountain, you must pass by the leader of Heishan, but there is no conflict.

The **** of God's Domain was too vast, which gave Xiao Lang a headache, and he didn't know if he could reach Xuanyuan Mountain in three years. Because few people in God's Domain dare to use Feiyun Disk, unless they reach the strength of the ancestor, they are definitely looking for death.

The cities of God's Domain have teleportation formations, but teleportation requires...Purple Saint Stone!

To talk about profound stones, Xiao Lang still has a bit of him, but where did he get the purple sacred stone? Mo Qingqing didn't see much or nothing. Moreover, the warriors of the low-level domains enter the God's Domain, and they can only enter from the edge. The nearest entrance to Xiao Lang and the others was the Huoyan Mountain collar, but there were more than fifty mountain collars separated between the Huoyan Mountain collar and the Black Mountain collar.

The mountain collar over there is no more than Tianzhou's mansion. A mountain collar over there is at least dozens of times larger than Tianzhou! Xiao Lang was very suspicious at this moment, whether they can walk to Heishanling alive is a problem, let alone rushing to Xuanyuanshanling within three years...

Xiao Lang sighed slightly, no longer thinking about it, and took out a magical skill in the ring of the Tianyu Great God Space to watch. If you want to have more chances of survival, you have to work hard to increase your strength. To complain, to think wildly, depression is not the way, only positive and optimistic, hard work.

"A Thousand Chance Explosion?"

Seeing the name of the magical skill, Xiao Lang showed a hint of interest, but after a few glances, he was a little disgusted with it, because it was marked as a fifth-class magical skill! Prajna Palm is a third-class magical skill, which is obviously two-class?

"Black Flame Palm? It's also a fifth-class magic skill?"

"Storm Spear Technique? Or the fifth-class magical skill?"

"Long Xiang Gong, sixth-class magical skill?"

Xiao Lang took out the other three magic skills again, and they were all a little less interested. Why are they all so low-level? He glanced at "Black Flame Palm" and "Storm Spear Technique" and found that it was not suitable for him to practice. As for the sixth-class magical skill of Long Xiang Gong, he was even less interested in looking at it.

Thinking that Wuhen has a spear in his hand? Xiao Lang, the demon **** Xiao, is also the way of heaven of fire? He quickly summoned the two of them and threw the two magic skills to them respectively.


Wuhen swept up and became excited, thinking that the five temples had been moved by Xiao Lang to the Celestial Demon space, he suddenly realized, he laughed: "My lord, this is the magical skill of the Great Candle Yin. Last time she said If there is a chance, I will get it. I didn't expect you to change your hands and throw it to me! With this storm spear method, combined with my World Destroying Spear, the attack power is at least twice as powerful!"

Devil Xiao took the black flame palm and looked at it for a moment, without saying anything, and went straight back to the room to practice, Leng Ruo Bingchuan's face was slightly excited.

Xiao Lang didn't understand the value of magical skills. The most valuable thing in God's Domain was not magical weapons, but magical skills. Many warriors take refuge in various families for magical skills, and this magical skill is single-xing and cannot be copied, let alone copied or imitated. If the five great gods of Tianyu were not dead, they would definitely not be able to throw their magic skills to Xiao Lang.

Not to mention the third-class magical skills in God's Domain, even the six-seventh-class magical skills are very popular. Xiao Lang didn't know the blessing in the blessing, and he still couldn't see the sixth-class magical skills...

After the two of them left, Xiao Lang took out a few great **** soldiers in the space ring, hesitating whether to give the devil **** a hand? It's not that Xiao Lang is stingy, it's just that these divine soldiers are all of the xing divine soldiers, and it is estimated that Xiao Devil God will not look down upon them.

And Xiao Lang himself didn't care about these divine soldiers. He didn't fully refine all the Heart Destruction Divine Swords because he didn't use this divine sword smoothly. It didn't cooperate with his own sentiment and had no augmentation effect.

Putting away the magic weapon, Xiao Lang began to practice "Thousand Chance Explosion" boringly. This thing is suitable for him. The key point of Thousand Chance Explosion is the word explosion. The general principle is to compress the energy and suddenly when confronting the enemy. Explode, double the power.

"This Thousand Opportunity Explosion doesn't seem to conflict with the Prajna Palm? The Prajna Palm can increase my combat power by five times. If it is combined with the Thousand Opportunity Explosion, although it cannot reach ten times, there should be seven or eightfolds, right?"

Xiao Lang thought of a little, and he secretly got a little excitement and immediately retreats and began to comprehend. This Thousand Chance Burst is far less complicated than Prajna Palm. It took Xiao Lang more than ten days to make it a bit smaller, but unfortunately he didn't have the opportunity to experiment.

Because this was in the Flying Cloud Disk, I used energy to explode the Flying Cloud Disk. The Feiyun Disk is gone, I'm afraid it will be impossible for a few people to fly to God's Domain within ten or eight years...

"Xiao Lang, an enemy will come out immediately!"

Just when Xiao Lang was about to continue his enlightenment, a sound transmission sounded in his ear and awakened him. There was a sudden cold light in his eyes, and how powerful and dangerous an enemy could be encountered in the chaotic space?

Mo Qingqing said, all the people shot into the hall for the first time and swept outside. After the sweep, everyone's complexion changed!

Three flying cloud disks appeared in front, and the triangular formation of the city flew quickly toward this side. And there were two flying cloud disks catching up behind them. Obviously, this group of people had been prepared long ago and deliberately blocked it. There are many barren planets around, the kind with no signs of life.

"Oh, I met Chaos Pirates! Huh... When Father took me through here, no pirates appeared?"

Mo Qingqing also turned pale, and she knew that falling into the hands of these pirates would definitely be worse than death. A group of Supreme Heavenly Emperor and Xian Emperor and their faces also became solemn, and they all focused on Xiao Lang.

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