Demon Development System

Chapter 308: Knowledge is the best medicine

After mixing for so long, Li Zheng has also stayed in many hotels, but this is the first time he has been treated for a single room.

Although the group training center is not more luxurious than the hotel, it is better at being refined and clean. At least you don’t need to check the sheets for any strange hair residues.

According to the schedule, Li Zheng's first class is at 3 in the afternoon. At this time, he can do some activities in the pool or basketball court, or stay in the room to study.

I still need to think about it, of course I stayed in the room to study.

To be precise, this time should be called "Lesson Preparation".

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect Li Zheng to have today.

8 class hours can fill their brains.

The "New Generation of Aerospace Engineering" he is responsible for is actually the main content of liquid fuel rockets, hydrogen oxygen or methane, and more specific, it is Huang Er.

Although he still couldn't say "No one knows Huang Er better than me" at this time, at least now in this training center, he knows it best.

But this does not mean that he can explain clearly.

It is a very important ability to condense and express the acquired knowledge in an easy-to-understand way, and it is Feynman's favorite learning method.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the students' foundation and maintain the depth of the course at an appropriate scale, so as not to make them feel that the course is mentally retarded, nor to make them unable to understand.

In short, it is to make ordinary science and engineering graduates sound very cool rhythm.

This is still a bit difficult to grasp.

Fortunately, Li Zheng is not as troubled as Hu Chunmei.

No matter how much the relationship is entrusted, the master's threshold is also set here, and there is always no enchantment of Liu Xin's level among students.

In the process of organizing the courseware, Li Zheng also inevitably shared his imagination.

In fact, most contemporary scientific research leaders insist on teaching, and maybe one day they will stand in the university classroom to nourish the hungry little boys like Teacher Yang Zhenhua.

But you have to practice in advance to get a good reputation.

As a result, Li Zheng opened up the teaching materials for teachers, lectures and even talk shows. After learning for an hour, he spent a lot of time reorganizing courseware and teaching plans. He thought he had reached the average level of university teaching before he stopped.

Seeing that lunch time was approaching, in order to stagger the peak of the students' meals, he took the notebook and left the room.

Almost when he went out, a similar handsome guy next door came out with his notebook in the same posture.

Seeing handsome, always appreciate each other for a while.

Considering that this is a residential area for training teachers, Li Zheng still subconsciously nodded and said: "Good teacher."

Shuaibi was taken aback, lifted his glasses and asked, "You... are you also a teacher?"

"Oh by the way, I am also a teacher." Li Zheng then reacted, "Then how should I say hello?"

The man held his glasses and looked up and down again: "I am Du Songtao, from the Fourth Courtyard."

"Hello, Teacher Du." Li Zheng stepped forward and shook hands. "Li Zheng, the First Hospital."

"Oh, I see." The man shook his hand and nodded vigorously. "With Li Zheng who has integrated a new simulation system with the 11th Institute."

"Tiny work, tiny."

"It's not small, it's very important, and it's also very important to our Fourth Hospital. I saw the system and the level is quite high." Du Songtao stubbornly said, "You go to the restaurant, and talk while walking?"

"Say while walking."

Talking all the way, Li Zheng gradually realized that Du Songtao is also a big brother.

Although he looks very young, he is already the deputy chief designer of the "Knowledge No. 1 Planetary Probe", but he has not experienced much sadness and frustration. After graduating from Stanford, the Fourth Academy directly sent him to The vice president designed a super-senior position, and he dug a corner under NASA's nose.

Of course, it can also be said that people return to their homeland.

During the chat, Li Zheng learned that the exploration satellite had already been designed and produced, and he could set off and complete the Mars survey mission at any time.

However, due to its weight of up to five tons and the carrying length of the ground fire track, only the Yellow River 2 is likely to complete this task.

In fact, "Knowledge No. 1" is also designed to match the body shape of Yellow River No. 2, just like a piece of clothes that just fits well.

Hearing this, Li Zheng was inexplicably ashamed.

"Sorry, Teacher Du..." Li Zheng lowered his head, the meal was not fragrant anymore.

"It's up to you, how long have you been here." Du Songtao shook his chopsticks and smiled. "Besides, you can't apologize. There are three major projects behind us, the moon landing, the astronomical telescope, and Space station, we have to get on them before we can make it on the agenda."

The more he said the crime, Li Zheng couldn't stand it.

"Teacher Du, if Huang Er succeeds in August, when will Kuzhi 1 launch?"

"If it's the most ideal situation..." Du Songtao rubbed his chin, "it should be yesterday, the ground fire is closer, but if you are afraid of failure, considering politics, face, etc., it should be pushed to the November festival. after that."

"Um..." Li Zheng was speechless.

"It's none of your business." Du Songtao pushed Li Zheng and said with a smile, "Look at Space, you can't wait for more failures than successes. The explosive rocket is about to get together. What's the matter? Say, we are too concerned about face and can't let go of our hands and feet. If the fourth courtyard finds me and cannot show a super project like Huang Er, maybe I will go to Space too."

"Space found you?" Li Zheng asked in surprise.

"They are looking for anyone." Du Songtao waved his hand and smiled. "When I left, a SpaceI and a Netflex were like stale old women. They looked for everyone."

When Li Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but stare, showing the eyes of Xuelun.

【Du Songtao】

【Study Value: 2768】

He is indeed a big man... he is not bragging.

Being able to possess the academic ability close to Shen Tinglan in his early thirties can only be described as extraordinary.

"Disrespect and disrespect..." Li Zheng asked dryly, "Then...Has NASA ever found you?"

"NASA... after all, his name is there, so he can't find people personally, and it's inconvenient for Chinese people to get in." Du Songtao chewed on a meal and gestured, "That's it, I was made difficult when I left. I can't go to Magnesium. To be honest, I still miss the four girlfriends over there... Wait, five..."

Li Zheng was surprised: "Stanford has many girls?"

"No, no...The girls here just forget it." Du Songtao touched the phone on the table and said, "There is Tinder, don't ask for help."

"What is that?"

"Um... the American version of Momo."

"What is Momo?"

"Ah, this..." Du Songtao looked at Li Zheng with some entanglement, "I'm sorry...I look at your appearance and think we are the same people..."

Li Zheng nodded repeatedly: "We are the same people."

"No, we're not talking about the same way..." Du Songtao put away the phone and smiled, "but I don't use Momo much anymore. Sometimes I find that forcing calls is good. Knowledge is the best aphrodisiac. ."

Li Zheng stared: "It's a metaphor! Although it's a bit rough, I was really excited when I was studying."

"Um... let's talk about something else." Du Songtao asked casually, "How is Huang Er's progress?"

"The new engine No. 5 is about to be tested."

"How do you think the success rate is?"

"Ninety-five percent of the normal environmental parameters will succeed. If we use the set of extreme parameters we calculated, 70%."

"It's not optimistic..." Du Songtao frowned, "If nothing is adjusted and you launch again intact, what is the success rate?"


"Sure enough, I still need to improve, and Qiuzhi No.1 can't accept this success rate." Du Songtao patted Li Zheng and said, "Do you know the Vulcan engine? The one from the ESA, not the one from Magnesium."

"I have read before that the earlier hydrogen-oxygen engines had a lot of accidents in the beginning."

"Yes, it's the Vulcan No. 2." Du Songtao said seriously, "The work on our side has been handed over anyway. When I was okay, I turned over the information again. I always felt that the Huang Er accident was related to Vulcan. This opinion has been raised, and I don’t know if the Sixth Institute has studied it carefully."

"There was a meeting... I seem to have heard them mention..." Li Zheng frowned, "but it's hidden, not too deep."

"Maybe it's inconvenient." Du Songtao smiled mysteriously, "Spy, technology stealing or something, you still can't reach this level."

"Um..." Li Zheng was speechless again.

"Hahaha, just kidding." Du Songtao laughed again, "Okay, don't think about it. The sixth institute should have studied it. The test run on No. 5 will be successful. You quickly assemble the new yellow two and test it. After the satellite has been distributed, we are still pointing to this window period to send inquiries."

"Received!" Li Zheng started eating.

Du Songtao helplessly shook his head again.

I thought I was chatting with young people very much, but this handsome is really blind.

"Let’s go first, take a nap, and then go to class." Du Songtao stood up and said, "Take a good look at whether there is anyone who desires knowledge aphrodisiac in this issue of the young eagle."

"Yes, Teacher Du." Li Zheng nodded repeatedly, "Yin Hang, very eager for knowledge, and said that he wanted to impress the trainer."

"That's what I said..." Du Songtao was embarrassed, "I still want to keep a good reputation in the system."

"But he really desires knowledge."

"Understood...Then I will focus on..."

Du Songtao shook his head and quickly slipped away, thinking only about how to avoid Li Zheng in the future.

However, Li Zheng watched him leave with admiration eyes, only the word "God of Fire" echoed in his mind.


At three in the afternoon, it was Li Zheng's turn to attend class.

Just happened to bump Du Songtao out.

"Yin Hang..." Du Songtao looked at Li Zheng desperately, "Are you sure it's the name?"

"Yes, sailing."

"But he... is a man."

"What's wrong, it's all men here, how nice."

"Forget it..." Du Songtao rubbed his forehead and walked away. "I'm going to swim, they are all very tired. You should give the aphrodisiac knowledge."

Li Zheng seriously patted his notebook: "I have enough preparations, it's steady."


When Li Zheng stepped into the large lecture hall, the students inevitably whispered.

Some people feel that Li Zheng is too young, while others popularize Li Zheng's past for them.

When the bell rang, Li Zheng finished the courseware, restrained the tension in full view, and said as smoothly as possible.

""The New Generation of Aerospace Engineering", according to the requirements of the college, I will speak very basic and condensed. Students who think they know well about liquid rockets can rest and sleep."

When he said this, he felt very refreshed. After holding back what the teacher said for many years, he still said it by himself.

However, this sentence did not achieve the expected effect, and even many people who were sleeping on their stomachs suddenly straightened up.

Li Zheng had to supplement in order to give them a better rest.

"We have a small exam at the end, but rest assured, I will explain directly when we talk about the test site. Just take notes. Sleeping students please rest assured. Take a look at other people's notes before the exam and you will definitely pass."

Li Zheng originally thought that this would allow students who want to rest to sleep at ease.

However, he was greeted with applause and applause.

"Why haven't I met such a teacher in university!"

"Mr. Li, we promise to listen carefully."

At the same time, many people opened their blank notebooks and looked very excited.

Seeing that they didn't plan to take a good rest, Li Zheng shook his head and talked about the course schedule.

"Basic knowledge and exam content, I will finish it in the most condensed way in the first two classes."

"In the next 6 class hours, I will reproduce the 6 problems in the development of Huang Er, and give you ten minutes to briefly discuss the plan."

"Later, I will announce the realistic solution and explain the key points."

"I will do my best to lead everyone to simulate a complete project experience in the shortest time."

"What you get in this process is not only knowledge, but also the work experience left by your predecessors."

"I personally hope to explore and improve together with everyone."

"Of course, these will not be test sites. If the military training is too exhausting, you can sleep on the table at any time."

"But it's best not to be absent. I'm not responsible for attendance, and it will be difficult for administrative teachers if there are too few people in the classroom."

"Then now..." Li Zheng looked around and nodded, "Shall we start?"

At this moment, Li Zheng was surprised to find that every pair of eyes echoed with him.

Let you sleep, why is it so cheap!

But it's right to think about it, who can sit here, who is not the academic bully who has been struggling?

Du Songtao is right, as long as the aphrodisiac is shown, Xueba will also be arrogant.

Li Zheng took the opportunity to press the projection operator, and a multiple-choice question appeared on the screen.

"Okay, then the first thing, who invented the world's first successful rocket?"

"A: Zhuge Liang"

"B: SpongeBob SquarePants Episode 34"

Having said that, everyone's laughter has covered Li Zheng's volume.

"C: Fighting the Landlords"

"D: Stalin"

"If you understand, please tell me the answer."

Many people answered B and C, with some serious D in between.

"Okay, just to refresh everyone." Li Zheng smiled and turned the page. "The earliest rocket can be traced back to 969. The Northern Song Dynasty officers Yue Yifang and Feng Jisheng used the principle of the sky monkey to make the first gunpowder. The powered weapon-rocket. This is the test site. Just remember 969. As long as you can imagine it properly, this number is pretty easy to remember..."

In the sparse laughter, most people really remembered their notes.

In front of the back door of the classroom, the administrative teacher watched this scene silently, wiped his eyes, and then took pictures frantically.

This little comrade in the first hospital was born for teaching.

Much more serious than the Du Shi sent by the Fourth Academy.

It must be written into the summary report.

She didn't know that behind this one-hour course...

It was Li Zheng's one-hour multidisciplinary preparation.

Even "How to Make Baby Concentrate" is used.

With Li Zheng's full explanation, time flies by.

With 10 minutes left before get out of class, he finished the plan.

This is embarrassing.

He hasn't prepared for the second class yet.

"I'm sorry..." Li Zheng lowered his head heavily, "The first time I gave a lecture, I didn't control the tempo...or let's end the get out of class early..."

"Speaking a little longer, Teacher Li." Yin Hang took the lead and shouted.

"One more paragraph!"


"I know, I know." Li Zheng scratched his head and opened his notebook. "I also prepared a few Soviet jokes to save the cold spot..."

"Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev went out by train."

"It was driving and the train stopped suddenly. Stalin stuck his head out of the window and roared: "Shoot the train driver! "

"But the car still didn't move."

"Then Khrushchev said: "Recover the reputation of the train driver! "

"The car still doesn't move."

"Brezhnev said: "Comrades, it is better to close the curtains, sit in your seats and shake your body to make the train still move forward. "

"Ha...Ha..." Li Zheng looked up expectantly.

It's cold.

Obviously, I have been talking about knowledge and talking so enthusiastically before.

As a result, as soon as you tell a joke seriously, it is cold.

"Ah... Teacher Li... this is not appropriate..."

"Let's talk about spaceflight."

"You can talk about anything, this is too dangerous, Teacher Li."

Li Zheng thought about it carefully, and the students made sense.

"Then...I thought of one." Li Zheng raised his hand and said, "A friend of mine subjectively evaluated the TOP5 super rockets, do you want to hear this?"

"miss you!"

"That's it!"

"OK." Li Zheng rolled up his sleeves. "My friend is a rocket fan. Her schoolbag is a rocket, her water bottle is a rocket, and her pencil case is also a rocket..."

For some reason, the atmosphere gradually turned sour again.

Fortunately, the topic soon returned to the rocket itself, especially when it came to Saturn V, everyone was very excited.

When get out of class was over in two minutes, Li Zheng finished in time.

"I know, everyone is a master degree from a prestigious school, and the content is too shallow, so I will give you a chance to sleep."

"In order to make up for the students who want to learn something new, I will organize a study group here every night from 8 to 10 o'clock."

"The real **** reappears. We will discuss and tackle tough problems together for Huang Er's entire process from project establishment to launch."

"It will involve deeper engineering, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, mechanics, ballistics and other related content."

"I wouldn't prepare the study group class so interestingly. It's all about pen calculations. It should be more boring than university courses."

"Whoever has the strength and interest then, welcome to this classroom."

"Thank you all for giving me a very good teaching experience."

"get out of class is over."

Many students stood up immediately, and some even applauded.

"Zhengshen is awesome..."

"As said on the Internet, everything is terrible."

"This is probably a genius..."

"Is the friend he's talking about Jingshen?"

"It must be... I'll find you a photo..."

"!!! Damn this class is not good anymore!"

On Li Zheng's side, he ran into the administrative teacher as soon as he left the classroom.

"Mr. Li, I was listening all the way. It was wonderful." The administrative teacher straightened his hair and nodded without hesitation. "From my point of view, it is even more exciting than what the returned doctors said."

"It's far worse, it's just some superficial content."

"No, no, easy to understand, everyone can listen with gusto." The administrative teacher said and showed off his mobile phone, "Let's add a friend, you send me the evening class time and instructions, and I will make an announcement in the training group. "

"That would be great." Li Zheng quickly swept away.

"Going to eat?" The administrative teacher smiled shyly, "before they go to the restaurant."


at the same time.

Lin Yujing and Shen Tinglan also ate in the restaurant.

Chen Hongbing had just finished his meal, so he took the initiative to come over.

"Someone from the academy just called and praised Li Zheng for a long time." Chen Hongbing smiled, "This kid really fooled him. There are two things."

"So amazing?" Shen Tinglan was quite surprised by the result.

Lin Yujing was very calm, stirring up the meal and said, "According to his personality, he probably has to learn the talk show and early education."

"Really." Chen Hongbing said distressed. "The little Yang who is in charge of training also asked me about Li Zheng's age and family... I don't feel very simple."

Bah la.

It was the sound of a spoon across the stainless steel.

"Are you telling the truth?" Shen Tinglan asked.

"To be honest, tell her that Li Zheng is actually only 18 years old and has not graduated from high school." Chen Hongbing shook his head, "I can feel that she is quite disappointed..."

"Haha..." Shen Tinglan concealed his face, "I thought that only those who were engaged in technology here would like Li Zheng, but I didn't expect that it would support the scene even if it was released."

"So, I regret it a little bit. Is it enough for other hospitals or groups to watch?" Chen Hongbing nodded seriously at Lin Yujing, "You have to keep an eye on it too!"

"..." Lin Yujing lowered her head, too lazy to care about him.

"It happens to be there," Chen Hongbing urged, "Quitely make a video and see what this kid is doing."

"Don't fight." Lin Yujing just bowed her head to eat, "What is love for?"

"Um...that's right..." Chen Hongbing looked like someone came over, "it's not good if it's too tight...we are smart if we are quiet."

"I... I went to Chen Wei to eat."

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