"Ahem, how is it possible?"

"They are obviously just ordinary people."

On the beach, under the statue of the dark giant, a great battle has just ended.

The Executioner Squad, who was originally heavily armed, had already lost their helmets and armor at this time.

Not only were there only 6 people left in the team of 13, those who survived were also prisoners, trampled underfoot by Albert's men.


"Albert, what have you done?"

The leader of the executioner squad spat out blood, and looked at the depraved scholar who had been sitting on the coffin in disbelief.

They were defeated by seven ordinary people before they even got close to the real master.

But how is this possible?

He is obviously just an ordinary person, but he can use superpowers, and they are extremely terrifying.

How exactly did Albert do it?


"Hehe, is it unbelievable?"

"To be honest, I was also surprised when I first discovered that these ordinary people had awakened superpowers."

"But I soon discovered that their use of super powers is not free. Every time they use their powers, part of the source of life will disappear until it is completely carbonized."

Albert stopped eating and pointed to the hundreds of black humanoid statues behind him.

This is the price paid for ordinary people suddenly having superpowers.

"Seeing the appearance of these carbonized humanoid statues, I knew the source of their abilities."

"Before you arrived, everyone in this camp had already been parasitized by a unique archaea."

"No one but me can see the archaea for what they are."

"But I didn't expect that the real role of archaea is to allow humans to release the power of [root] at will."

"Ordinary people just don't have spiritual awakening, and it's not that they don't have spirituality. As long as they can release the power of [root], they can directly interfere with the real world. Why can't they have superpowers?"

Albert looked down on the walker team in a victorious posture.

Isn't fate strange? In the end, I, a prisoner, got everything.

The appearance of archaea is the greatest gift of fate to him.


"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Even if what you said is true, the so-called archaea that can allow humans to release the power of [root] really exist."

"But the spiritual frequency of these ordinary people is only 36. Even if their [root] is fully released, it is impossible to defeat us."

"The strength of each of us is not weaker than that of the master who has three spiritual sublimation. This gap is definitely not something that ordinary people can suddenly gain power to bridge."

The executioner squad leader's eyes fell on the gorgeous coffin under Albert. Could it be the source of all the archaea?

But why is the coffin empty now?



"What you said is right, very right, of course the strength of ordinary people cannot defeat you."

"But do you know? Don't look at these archaea that can multiply, divide, and parasitize hundreds of millions of lives indefinitely."

"But they are still essentially the same life form."

"So, it was never ordinary people who defeated you, but me, Albert."

"It was I who lent my power to the seven people in front of me through the archaea."

"Is it unbelievable? After all, we scholars cannot obtain any extraordinary power!"

"My spiritual frequency is only 36, but after I lend the power of [Root] to ordinary people, they can easily defeat you."

"Why is this?"

Albert looked at the executioners sarcastically.

These guys are in charge of scholar affairs inside Judgment Sword. It would be a joke to say that they don't know some secrets of scholars.


"You, you, you know?"

"You really have fallen, and you should have been punished on the spot before."

"Unfortunately, hateful!"

The team leader looked at Albert in horror, as if the guy standing in front of him was no longer a human being, but some terrifying monster.

"Hmph, what bullshit advanced genes, what bullshit Tianlongren legend?"

"It's not your traitor hiding in the Skull and Bones Society, who made it up to fool us."

"Playing a long line, catching big fish, placing undercover agents in evil organizations, even breeding tigers, secretly manipulating non-human organizations, isn't this what your Judgment Sword is best at!"

"Isn't the reason I was exposed and arrested this time because I was betrayed by the Skeleton Society?"

When it comes to Skull and Bones, Albert grits his teeth in hatred.

Whenever scholars try to gain extraordinary power, these guys will always appear just right.

They will always provide scholars with some weird secret methods, and let them cooperate to do some inexplicable experiments.

And then there's the outright betrayal, selling scholars to the Sword of Judgment just when they're about to "make it."

That's how Albert was tricked.

It can be said that what Albert hates the most now, except for the Judgment Sword, is those guys.

When he leaves Shengxian Island, these bastards will definitely pay the price.


"The reason why we scholars can't awaken spiritually, can't master extraordinary power."

"The root cause is that our [root] is too strong, or our [root] essence is too high."

"The weak body of human beings simply cannot provide enough nutrition to revive the [root]."

"That's why we instinctively devour and absorb any external spiritual power."

"Our roots are like ancient trees rooted in the desert, greedily thirsting for all water."

"As long as there is enough nutrition, the big tree will eventually grow, and our roots will wake up."

"At that time, we will naturally awaken extraordinary power."

"Our human identity is nothing but a chain to us, a cage in which we are imprisoned."

"Only by shedding this shell can we find our true selves."

"Our roots are different from yours, our roots are higher than yours. This only shows that we are not human beings at all."

A frenzy flashed in Albert's eyes, and he felt that he had finally found the meaning of living.

However, facing his remarks, the captain of the executioner squad showed disdain.


"Idiots, you are clearly human beings, but you insist on turning yourself into a monster."

"Obviously the status of human beings is a kind of protection for you, but you insist on treating it as a kind of shackle."

"Isn't it good to live a peaceful life without pursuing extraordinary power?"

"Hmph, when you dream of pursuing extraordinary power, your roots have already been polluted by those external forces."

"Your so-called pursuit of self, taking off human identity, is so ridiculous and pathetic."

"Being able to possess wisdom and live as an intelligent life is already your greatest blessing."

"I've seen a lot of guys like you. Only death is your best destination."

"The death I'm talking about is the kind that wipes you out completely."

"Let's die together!"

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the leader of the Executioner Squad. In the next moment, billions of red lights burst out from his body, and he blew himself up.


"Damn it, Judgment Sword really is a bunch of lunatics."

The reason why Albert didn't kill this guy was because he planned to parasitize it with archaea to achieve control.

In fact, don't look at him now consciously discovering the truth, but many questions in his heart are still unanswered.

For example, why would the Skeleton Society fabricate rumors about Draconians and higher genes?

For example, how were their scholars born? When did it first appear?

Regarding all this, Judgment Sword must know the answer.

Although Albert had long heard that the people of Judgment Sword were a group of lunatics, he hadn't really seen it until now.

This group of guys had already prepared a way to kill all the enemies and die together.

But it's not enough to kill yourself.


Wherever the red light passed, everything was silent.

Whether it was the hundreds of carbonized human statues standing or the tall body of the dark giant, there was no damage at all.

It can even be said that wherever the red light passes, even the dust in the air is not disturbed.

But compared to the innocence of non-living bodies, the lives within 30 kilometers around can be regarded as suffering from a catastrophe.

Where the red light passes, all spirituality is completely annihilated, and all life is completely dissolved.

Obviously, the self-destruct method prepared by the firing squad was aimed at the scholar and the monster that the scholar turned into after his physical death.


"What it is?"

The moment the red light burst out, a blood rose appeared in the sky.

Within a radius of 200 kilometers, all life sensed that terrifying catastrophe.

Fortunately, the range of red light only exists within 30 kilometers. Otherwise, the number of unlucky people who died due to this wave of self-exposure would definitely be a large number.

"I X, what happened in that direction?"

"Is it so lively today?"

"Hey, that direction seems to be the human gathering place where the dark giant is."

"Could it be that the executioners fought against the fallen scholars? Are the two sides so powerful?"

Although it was 400 kilometers away, Chen Qi still felt the terrifying destruction with his powerful induction.

He is now very grateful that he didn't wander around where humans gather. The place that seems to be the safest is now very likely to be full of landmines.

If you are unlucky and step on it, you will peel off your skin if you don't die.

As expected, his decision was correct, so he should pick the persimmon softly. It is safest to deal with such mindless creatures as orcs.


The bloody rose only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared.

When some curious people rushed to the scene of the incident, they couldn't even sense the slightest radiation.

This self-explosion is really safe, efficient and clean.

"Is this the Executioner Squad?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Stupid, don't take things indiscriminately, if you get into trouble, you will be in trouble."

After the self-explosion, the corpses of the executioner team had completely melted away, and only the tin cans discarded on the beach could prove that they had ever appeared.

But those tin cans were also shattered into parts. Obviously, the executioner's equipment also had a self-destruct system.

Are there really fools and daring among the spectators who want to catch a leak?

This is really ignorance and fearlessness.

Fortunately, because the Executioner Squad was searching for fallen scholars, many spectators around had dealt with them.

At this time, many spectators had already guessed the truth. Under their persuasion, those greedy guys immediately left the rags where they were, and ran away in fright.

From this we can see the terrifying reputation of the Judgment Sword.


"The Executioner Squad died with the fallen scholar Albert?"

That bloody rose was too eye-catching, and the damage it caused was too terrifying.

Not to mention other life forms, there are as many as 10 human beings who were affected and died.

If the humans in that camp hadn't been dead long ago, the damage caused by this wave of self-detonation would only be greater.

In just one day, the news reached Colonel Velos.

After hearing the news, he was stunned.

But what followed was a burst of relief.

It's great to die together, at least it won't cause trouble for everyone.

Shengxian Island is so weird, but if there are less unexpected factors, this is everyone's luck.

Since the communication equipment of the Haiyuan has been repaired, the candidates have resumed contact with each other through the jade talisman.

So the news that the Executioner Squad and the Degenerate Scholar died together quickly reached Chen Qi.

After hearing the news, Chen Qi became more motivated to pick up orcs.

Sure enough, you still have to be kind.


A few days passed in a flash of time, and the tasks of the candidates were not going well.

No matter whether it was the information of Changshou Village or the three little girls, no one could find them.

If we talk about the former, that's all. After all, everyone is very cautious about the strategy of the laboratory.

So far, only 4 laboratories have been swept away.

Except for harvesting some messy things, it can be said that there is no gain.

Compared with the small number of people in the Raiders Lab, the number of candidates searching for the three little girls was much larger.

Among the candidates, not only those who appeared on the Haiyuan before, but also those who were responsible for rescuing ordinary people on the spot.

After all, those three little girls are closely related to the true disciples.

Isn't this a good opportunity to hug your thigh?

But what is extremely strange is that they searched all the human gathering places, but still did not find the three little girls.

In this way, either the three little girls were already dead.

Either it got lost in the depths of the jungle.

According to the definite news from senior sister Caroline, the three little girls must still be alive, let everyone continue to search.

Of course, the above matters have nothing to do with Chen Qi.

He was just brushing the orcs in his spare time, just paying attention to them at will.

In the past few days, he has collected another 3000 points.

It was bad luck for the orcs to meet him.

Of course, Chen Qi used the 3000 points to draw a lottery.

Although he didn't get any particularly valuable knowledge, it barely increased his spirituality by two points.

In this way, Chen Qi will be able to awaken spiritually for the second time as long as he works hard for another 10 days and a half month.

Chen Qi even chose the psychic thing for the next time.

It was the two sunflower seeds in his hand.


The psychic thing required for the second sublimation of the spiritual sublimation secret method of the Tianwu School of Magic requires a plant.

Chen Qi's two sunflower seeds with a life index as high as 10 points can just come in handy.

In fact, if Shengxian Island was not too weird, Chen Qi really wanted to find a more powerful ancient tree to psychic.

For example, the sacred tree in Feng Xuejie's mouth that gave birth to Cao Huan Dan.

And it was precisely because he knew of the existence of that sacred tree that Chen Qi dared not use the plants of Shengxian Island for psychic communication.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, it's better to be cautious.


The pleasant monster spawning activities continued like this, perhaps because the blood moon night caused too much loss, and the orcs Chen Qi encountered were not too powerful.

Even though the situation is very good, Chen Qi still dare not take it lightly.

He has always carried out his policy of pinching the soft persimmons.

As long as the orcs cannot be killed with one blow, try to walk around them as much as possible.

As Chen Qi optimized and adjusted his spells, his spells became more and more powerful.

Recently, it has been rare to encounter orcs who can carry him without dying.

However, if you walk too much at night, you will see ghosts in the end.

How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river?

Just today, after Chen Qi hit a big sword, the huge frog over 100 meters tall in front of him survived.


"Ahem, Brother Frog. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Can I say it's all a misunderstanding?"

"I thought you were an orc, but I really didn't expect you to be a human!"

Chen Qi, holding a big sword, looked at the middle-aged man who was glaring at him with embarrassment.

But it's really not my fault.

Who would have thought that there were humans parasitic on orcs?

When the big frog stuck out its tongue just now, it really scared Chen Qi.

He thought this was a sign of the other party's death, after all, half of his head was cut off by himself.

But I never expected that there is a human being growing on the tongue, which is too curious.

Chen Qi really didn't expect that this big frog was not an orc. After all, the blood aura on it was so strong, and Chen Qi had killed so many orcs, it was impossible for him not to be able to tell.

But the reality is so weird, he seems to have met a [Reformer].

Chen Qi knew the term "reform people" from other candidates.

There are similar projects in many abandoned laboratories.

But it seems that there was no success at all, and no finished product survived.

However, today, Chen Qi actually won the grand prize.


"Sorry, misunderstanding?"

"Hehe, do you want to just expose the matter so lightly?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"If an apology is useful, why should we practice so hard?"

"How about I eat you in my stomach and say sorry to you again, what do you think?"

Li Yuanxiao stared at Chen Qi viciously with eyes full of anger, his eyes almost burst into flames.

The weather is so nice today, he is lazily lying on the boulder to bask in the sun.

In the end, he never expected that his head was almost chopped off after just taking a nap.

Fortunately, his real body has always been on the tongue, otherwise he would definitely be killed by the guy in front of him.

Sorry, misunderstanding?

If this thing works, how many people will he have to apologize to?

It's really unlucky, he has always been the only one who plots against others, but today he was bullied to the top.

If you don't peel off the cramp in front of this bastard, it's hard to solve the hatred in his heart.

"Gudu, Gudu!"

The cut off half of the big frog's head continued to emit blood bubbles. What was extremely strange was that these blood bubbles condensed together and turned into a mass of colloidal substance.

The frog with only half of its head left just like that.

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