Demon God

Chapter 194: 1 finger crushed you!

Destiny Game Third Round!

At this round of the game, the luck of many contestants gradually showed up, clear and clear.

For example, some players began to step on the reward card continuously, and went forward bravely, getting closer and closer to the other bank;

Some players stepped on the penalty card. Not only could they not advance forward, but they retreated more than ever. Finally, they were forced to return to the mobile city and left the trial of the demons, thus losing their qualifications to compete for demons.

Some players even stepped on the deportation card directly, and immediately left the field before they came back; of course, the most unlucky one was the one who stepped on the bad luck card. When he was obstinate, he was forcibly killed and wiped out.


At this point in the game, we can probably see some clues.

On the side of the Yaoxia domain, the luck of the younger generation is emerging, all of them are dusty and extraordinary. Some are 40 steps ashore, and some are only 30 steps. Even if the time is bad, the worst one is only 54 steps ashore.

The Great Wilderness followed. The children of Dahuang, although they were expelled and killed a considerable part, but their base is huge, with 7,900 people participating in this demonic trial. In the first two stages, Dahuang's daughter also fell a lot. But at this moment, in the game of destiny, there are hundreds of children in the desert who are getting closer to the other end.

One of them is far ahead. Xiao Han has also seen it. It is a member of the imperial mysterious ancient country that he encountered in the mobile city a few days ago. A prince, 'Prince Canglong', asked Xiao Han for the red lucky piece. Card, was rejected by Xiao Han. At this time, this 'Prince Canglong'. The gods were so energetic that they not only got an ancient refining method. He also stepped on 4 bonus cards in a row. He was only 28 steps away from landing! Almost dominated the competition and became the nearest contestant from the shore, standing up!

Prince Canglong is full of energy, strong blood, and indescribable power. smug.

The overall luck is in the Eastern Region under the great waste.

Among the four domains. East China is the most prosperous, it is the cradle of the birth genius and the excellent monster. At present, there are nearly 100 talented men and women from the Eastern Region. On the fate of Hongqiao, the journey is more than half. Among them, the so-called "grandson no trace" of the first genius of Dongyu was because he stepped on two reward cards. Suddenly surpassed Prince Canglong of the Great Wild, only 5 steps away from the shore!

"Huh?" Prince Cang Long looked at the eldest grandson who had surpassed him. There was a brutal murder in his eyes, and he laughed a few times, not knowing what strategies were in his heart.


"That was the first genius of Dongyu. The eldest grandson had no trace, only five steps away from the other bank! It seems that he will become the second person to set foot in the sky and enter the fourth round. He is really Hong Fuqitian Ah. Among our group of people, luck is second only to the younger leader of the Xiaxia domain, Gallon. "

"I see. The second one to pass is either Prince Canglong of the Great Wild, or the eldest grandson of the Eastern Region. The two of them are too far ahead to catch up."

"From this point of view, today, the three enchantments that can stand up in the future and stand on their own side are the Galleon from Yaoxia Realm, Prince Canglong from the great wasteland, and the eldest grandson from East Land."

"Well, basically these three people. Of course, there are other people who have good luck and combat strength and can't be underestimated."

"What about Xiao Han in the Southern Region?"

"That guy ... the extinction starlight robbed him immortally, and Supreme Master Card couldn't kill him. It was hard as a rock, but at this point, he only took 2 steps, almost at the bottom, and I was conservative and not very optimistic about him. Pass the third pass. Qi Yun is too vague to capture. Don't look at Xiao Han's limelight in the first two rounds, but it is possible to step on the bad luck card or the like in the third round and kill it directly ... "

"Well! Look, Dongyu has two more people!"


With the secret discussions of many players, two people in Dongyu went hand in hand, one after the other.

One is a man in black and the other is a man in yellow. There are 34 steps and 31 steps from the shore respectively.

"Ah! These two guys, I know these two guys. They are from the Eastern Region, are the leaders of the younger generation, and the Xeons have participated in the last demonic trials. Although they were eliminated, they did not survive. They are not yet 30 years old, so they are eligible to participate in this year's trial of Yaoxia. One is called Tang Feipeng and the other is Xuan Qi. They are not competitive and do not lose to others. In terms of experience, no one can match it. Fight! "

"Ah? Participated in the last monster trial? That 90% can enter the next round and eventually become a monster."


Fortunately, the Fortune Xia Realm, the Great Wilderness, and the East Three Realms, the other three realms, have their luck lost.

The Western Region barely managed to rank behind the Eastern Region, but currently only 18 participants remain. The one closest to the shore has 64 steps.

The southern region follows the western region. But only seven players struggled in the third-fate game.

In addition to She Xiaohan, Zhu Fatty, Mo Qingtong, Shao Yunrong, Huo Zheng, there is also the Prince Lingshan of the Lingshan Empire, and the countryside of the Poseidon Empire.

These seven people suddenly became the only Miao Miao among the 300 players who participated in the Yaoxia trial this time. The rest of the players were either expelled from the test room and eliminated, or they died.

Prince Lingshan and the countryside are now struggling and very hard. They are just a dozen steps above the fate Hongqiao. Whether it can finally resist the other bank is really unknown.

Even more dismal than the southern region is the northern region.

There are only 3 people in the entire Northern Territory! Struggling in fate Hongqiao, bitter face!


"It's so cruel ..." Xiao Han glanced around, evaluated roughly, and sighed. "More than 3,000 people entered the third level and participated in the game of destiny. Now it seems that at most, more than a thousand people pass the level. Maybe even fewer ..."


Xiao Han sighed secretly. It was the turn of Zhu Fat, who came before Xiao Han, to hit the dice of fate.

Xiao Han immediately converged, held his breath, and silently blessed his companions.

Zhu Fatzi was 64 steps away from the shore. He took a deep breath. He uttered a few words in his mouth, and then let out a mental swing. Hit the dice of fate.

Hit a point.

The fat man on Zhu Fat's face froze a bit, and stepped forward with disappointment. However, just after he set foot, white light burst out and a reward card jumped out!

Reward 20 steps directly!

Zhu Fatzi's face changed suddenly, and he jumped into 20 steps joyously!

At the 20th step, Chu Fatty arrived. Stepping on a reward card again rewards him with 20 steps!

Everything is as unreal as a dream!

Although it is said that after these 20 steps, Zhu Fatzi's adverse weather ended abruptly and he no longer stepped on the reward card, but he was only 23 steps away from the shore!

This makes. Zhu Fatzi leapt to become the first person to transport air in the Southern Region. He surpassed Prince Prince Canglong, who was 28 steps from the shore.

Prince Canglong looked at Zhu Fatzi with a sullen expression on his face. All faintly roared the roar of the ancient monsters;

Changsun Wuchen also glanced back at the fat man Zhu.

"Fat man, good job!" Xiao Han growled.

Zhu Fatzi was so dumbfounded that he looked at the sky. Looking at Xiao Han again, his throat was choked. Speechless.


After Zhu Fatty, Xiao Han's turn.

Because in the first two rounds, Xiao Han was in the limelight, resisting the calamity, and killing the pride of the sky, so when Xiao Han hit the dice of fate, the entire audience's attention was concentrated. Throw on Xiao Han.

"Isn't Lao Tzu going to hit a 1 point again?" Xiao Han took a moment's sip, and then he lifted his spirits, and directly separated out a wave of mental fluctuations, slamming into the dice of fate.

See you! This time, Xiao Han happened to hit a ‘3’ point. Three steps can be taken.

"Yeah, compared to the first two rounds, there has been a little improvement ..." Xiao Han comforted himself a little, then walked away.


The genius men and women over Yaoxia Realm all stared at Xiao Han with murderous eyes, screaming in their mouths ... "Bad card! Bad card! Bad card!"

They hoped that Xiao Han stepped on the bad luck card and was killed directly.

When Xiao Han took the third step.

The entire Hongqiao is surging!

And there was a buzzing divine sound.

"Have you stepped on the card again?" Xiao Han chuckled in his heart.

next moment……

"Boom ~~~~~~"

An orange glow soared into the sky!

An orange card floats up and down, releasing misty orange light, runes intertwined.

Accompanying it is a thick voice ...

"Dear contestants, you get a" Meeting Card on the Narrow Road. "You need to fight against opponents arranged in the underworld. The winner is king and the loser is pirate. If you win, you will directly deprive the loser of luck; Conversely, if you lose, luck will be swallowed up by the other side too. If you meet on the narrow road, the brave is king! Your opponent is ... the contestant on Hongqiao No. 598! "


"Well?" Xiao Han was stifled slightly.

Suddenly, the Hongqiao at the foot of Xiao Han rose up gradually, corresponding to it, another Hongqiao, also slowly rising.

"Meet on a narrow road! Contestants of Hongqiao No. 1511 and Contestants of Hongqiao No. 598! The loser's luck is taken away by the other party!" The heavy voice sounded again.

This narrow encounter card only appeared twice in the first two rounds, and two confrontations took place, in which the winner devoured the number of steps the loser made on Hongqiao, which is the so-called luck.

The two Hongqiao bridges face each other in the air, one at each station.

Xiao Han glanced over, standing on Hongqiao No. 598, a man from the wilderness!

This person is close to three meters in height, has a special constitution, and is full of blood. His eyes are filled with unimaginable murderous power. His iron suit is shining. The terrible sound brought a strong sense of wildness, and the ferocious atmosphere pervaded the wild, terrifying. In addition, there are 32 pentagram real holes in his body, telling the world that he is not just a strong flesh shell, but he has reached 4 segments!

The Dahuang man glared at Xiao Han proudly. "Meeting on the narrow road ... Okay! People in the Four Realms, you draw the meeting card on the narrow road. The opponent in the underworld is actually me. So ... in other words, you may be a strong enemy of my Akin in destiny! Now ahead of time If you encounter it, as long as you kill you and devour your luck, then my Akin's future will be smooth and unfavorable! Fight! Let your life and blood be the stepping stones for my Akin's rise! "

At this time, the voice of coldness and indifference sounded. "Participants of Hongqiao No. 598, currently taking 32 steps; Participants No. 1511, currently taking 5 steps, meet the brave on the narrow side to win, the two face off, and the winner eats each other's progress! Let's go!"

"Who ..." Xiao Han suddenly smiled. "I advise you, just let it go. Otherwise, you will be miserable ... Step 32? Not bad. Swallow your luck, I will reach 37. Step by step, and gradually approached the other side. It turned out that my luck was not smooth sailing, but that I had to go through all kinds of calamities, grind, and even kill all the way, to grab the robbers ... Well, it turned out to be so, well, I understand ! "

"Boom ~~~~~~~"

Two Hongqiaos collided in the void ~ ~ Runes linger, the treasures shine, and a podium appears.

Xiao Han and Ajin, the wild man, stood on the platform.

"Four Realms, you are in the limelight, but ... you killed those guys in the monster field in the second level, and no one saw how you did it. About, you should have an offensive treasure Right? But anyway, after crushing you, my Akin will rise to fame among the various races in the Dahuang. Killing you, my Ajin rises, unstoppable! "The Dahuang man smiled and looked at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han slowly raised a finger. "Don't understand what this means?"

"Huh?" Akin froze.

"A finger crushed you!" Xiao Han smiled indifferently.



...... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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