Demon God

Chapter 375: Point!

This middle-aged man in Tsing Yi told Xiao Han the story about 'eggs'.

Hearing Xiao Han is like a thunderous thunder! Soul shock! Can't do it myself!

Obviously, Xiao Han is also an important link in this story!

Middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, already identified!

In this story, the egg eventually got into the heart of a ‘looking kid’. The creatures in the egg are still gestating. Sooner or later, one day, they will hatch out of invincible monsters that dominate the world! And this 'looking at the young man' is naturally Xiao Han.

Unexpectedly, this middle-aged man in Tsing Yi is very clear about Xiao Han's situation. A candlelight!

"Monster boss? Isn't that monster boss ..." Xiao Han was so confused ... "Monster ... **** god? Faith in countless planes and in the hearts of countless demons? That is to say, the existence of a powerful demon god, he will abandon his flesh, The soul penetrates into the egg of one of the most powerful monsters in the universe. The soul of the demon **** is fused with the egg of this monster, and it is strong, and the existence that will be born is invincible! Devour the starry sky and cover the sky with your hands, The slaughter of immortals is like a chicken and a dog ... "

Xiao Han couldn't help shivering.

Li Li fear!

Suddenly, Xiao Han's mind flashed ...

"Oh ... hahaha ... the strength of the deity is restored to less than one hundred thousandth, but you are extremely embarrassed ... hahahaha ... after all, your body is too weak to make the deity play too strong The energy of the deity has not been refined, so ... hahaha ... see you next time ... Terran Youth, work hard, hope, next time ... your body can be more than now Be stronger. In this way, you can make the deity play a stronger role ... ha ha ha ha ha ... hope, you don't let the deity down ... ha ha ha ha ha ... "

This is the word of the evil creature who robs Xiao Han.

If Xiao Han didn't guess wrong, the Xeon's evil creature should be ... the demon god.

Is to abandon the body. The demon leader who incorporated the soul into the egg of the colossal monster.

"It hasn't been cultivated yet?" Xiao Han couldn't help nodding. "I see! The soul of the demon **** has not yet perfectly integrated with the egg of that cosmic starry sky giant! It is not the time when it hatched!"

"Now my body is equal to the house where the demon **** lives. When its soul fits perfectly with the egg of the monster. All of a sudden, it can capture my body and directly take the shape of a monster. Appear, conquer the world. In short, no matter what, as long as the demon **** succeeds, then I must die. "

"Brother! Ask the young man a way of life!" Xiao Han trembled.

"Hmm ..." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi looked up in the blue sky, and he was silent.

"Brother, the situation is extremely dangerous!" Until now, Xiao Han no longer hid and vomited. "The monster leader has not yet perfectly integrated with the egg of the cosmic beast. But once it succeeds, the world is destroyed. No one can stop it in the heavens and the world. It will sweep the world and will not There are opponents. Brother and younger brother are looking forward to saving themselves, but they are also saving the world! Do not let the eggs hatch! "

"Uncle, what are you going to do now?" The little boy also looked at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

After a dozen breaths. The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi looked back at Xiao Han. "Eggs cannot be destroyed. The egg contains the energy to destroy the world, forcibly destroy the egg. The consequences are unthinkable. I am afraid that the universe and the universe will be destroyed and returned to chaos. Now, the energy of the seal on the surface of the egg shell is already very weak , And the surface of the eggshell is riddled with holes ... "

"There are two ways to stop this catastrophe." Finally, the expression of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was serious and cold.

"Brother, which two ways?" Xiao Han held his breath.

"First, let those highly capable hunters find the boy, then kill the boy, carefully remove the eggs from his heart, and then place more seals on the eggshells, freezing the eggshells. Conceive, hide the eggs, suppress them, and let the monsters not find them. "The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled.

"This!" Xiao Han felt cold.

"Kill me? Cut my heart apart? Then dug out the demon eggs and then made countless seals to control the incubation speed of the demon eggs?"

"Kill me?" Xiao Han narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi. "This person's origin is unknown, and his words are amazing. If you know the origin of the demon, he may be a fairy in the legend. He came to me. Did he ... kill me?"

Xiao Han tried his best to control his emotions. "Brother, what is the second way?"

"The second way is ..." A middle-aged man in Tsing Yi suddenly looked at Xiao Han with a playful look. "If that boy can defeat the evil creatures in that egg, then all the problems will be solved."

"Victory ..." Hearing, Xiao Han's throat was choked!

See you! That's a demon god! Even more terrifying than Qunxian! I don't know how many immortals have been slaughtered. In one thought, you can control the birth and death of the plane ... how to defeat it?

I dare not imagine!

What's more, the demon egg fused in Xiao Han's own heart, in fact, already belongs to Xiao Han's body. In other words, is it necessary for Xiao Han to fight his own heart?

"Oh ..." Tsing Yi middle-aged man smiled. "The first method is effective, but it is not very appropriate. Little brother, if you think about it, even if the young man is killed, the egg in his heart is dug out and resealed, it is difficult to guarantee that the egg will not Lost again, right? Besides, the egg is half-broken, it is not complete, it is useless to seal it again, it can only delay the hatching speed of the evil spirits in the egg, but it cannot be sealed forever. For millions of years, millions of years, in short, one day, evil spirits in eggs will be born. "

"Hey ..." the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi sighed. "Perhaps many hunters will choose to find this boy, kill it first, and then dig out the eggs first. But this is a cure for the symptoms."

"Little brother, I think your elder brother, instead of delaying for a while, let the young man fight with the evil spirit in the egg." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi frowned slightly. "Of course, the young man can defeat the evil spirit in the egg ... this ... the possibility is very small. But once he succeeds. Once and for all, little brother, are you right?"

"Yes ..." Xiao Han was not a fool. This seems like an understatement between the two, and it's a matter of conversation. Already related to Xiao Han's life and death!

Life and death are at stake!

Life is hanging!

Obviously, if you choose the first response plan, then Xiao Han will surely die!

The "hunter" in the mouth of this middle-aged man in Tsing Yi is about a fairy-like arrogance!

If it were chased down by a group of immortals, it would be difficult for Xiao Han to die!

Therefore, the second option mentioned by this middle-aged man in Tsing Yi. Let Xiao Han defeat the evil spirits in the egg. Xiao Han almost did not want to, but nodded.

"Oh ..." Tsing Yi middle-aged man looked at Xiao Han calmly. "Little brother, do you think the second method is more appropriate? It seems that we coincided ... ha ha ha ha ..."

And then. Unexpectedly, a greater sense of helplessness drowned Xiao Han like a tide.

"Oh ~~~~~" Suddenly, Xiao Han laughed at himself, and the whole person sat down suddenly. "Conquer the evil spirit in that egg ... Oh ... Yes, I do have a strong self-confidence. I have experienced too many deaths to survive. Repeated fights. Repeated counterattacks. My spirit has been beaten. It was sharpened sharply. Even in the face of the demon Tata Lord, in the face of treacherous Yan Lang, who was tightly protected, and even in the face of the strongest demon tribe, the Great Emperor, I never gave up ... ... but ... to defeat the evil spirit in that egg ... "

That is the demon god!

That's the god!

Want to defeat the gods?

At the time of the demon city, the demon **** possessed Xiao Han for a short time, because Xiao Han's physical strength could not bear the full energy of the demon god. Therefore, after the demon God robbed Xiao Han, he could only exert less than one hundred thousandth of his energy. Even so, it was like strangling an ant, strangling a demon emperor ...

Xiao Han is the one who has seen the almost invincible power. He will realize his smallness.

"Why, little brother, it looks like you are very frustrated?" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi looked at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was silent.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ~~~~" Suddenly, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi laughed, and then he stared at Xiao Han. "Little brother, big brother, I ask you a question."

"Well?" Xiao Han looked up slightly.

"Little brother, in the story, the demon egg finally got into the heart of a teenager. Do you say that teenager will regret it?" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi said seriously, he said word by word. "If there is another chance, if the boy was able to choose, you said, would he reject this demon egg?"

This! !! !! !!

boom! !! !! !!

Xiao Han's head exploded!

Regret it?

Once again, will you choose a demon egg?

The middle-aged questioning of this middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was like a thunder, and shocked Xiao Han. Thoroughly, it's awe-inspiring!

The next moment, the decadence and helplessness in Xiao Han's eyes disappeared and replaced with a sense of perseverance and indifference, a relief.

"Thank you for mentioning me!" Xiao Han suddenly smiled freely. Also caught in memories. "Brother, thinking that year, the young man was just a living target that was lingering and dying. He would be bullied all day long, and he would die sooner or later. Oh ... if he doesn't get that demon egg, until now? Dead bones are cold! And, live targets He died, and he threw it at random into the barren mountains. He didn't even have a tomb ... ha ha ha ha ... He got the demon eggs, although he had laid a huge hidden danger, but he relied on the demon eggs and got a lot of opportunities. Until now, he can be regarded as exulting It's also been beautiful! If there is another chance ... he will choose, accept the devil! "

"Ha ha ha ha! Understand! Little brother fully understand!" Xiao Han fisted, his pupils, full of fighting spirit, "This life is also picked up! Now I have to fight once, why not? Come on !!! Kill! The evil spirit in the egg is the god! The **** of the demon tribe, but what fear is Xiao Han? Against the sky! Who said that Xiao Han must not be against the sky? God will destroy me, and I will kill God! !!!!!! "

"Hahahahaha ~~~~~~" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi also laughed, and seemed very gratified in his expression, "Little brother, it really has bones! Hahaha! People must have bones to do it. Pouch, let's die early, right? Hahahaha! "

At this point, Xiao Han's state of mind had already undergone metamorphosis, with a kind of dead wood. The renewed taste and the personal spirit of the individual have changed dramatically.

The mood is as bright as the sun, and there are no clouds!

"Brother, ask younger brother. How to defeat the demon in that eggshell!" Amazingly, Xiao Han stood up and bowed deeply to the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, with a very respectful attitude.

"Um ~~~~~~" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled slightly. "Little brother, you're welcome ... um. By the way, what did you use when you peeled the fish for my brother?"

"Well?" Xiao Han suffocated. "Brother, brother uses a knife."

"Um ... knife. The knives can peel fish scales and cut monsters and remove monsters. The knives can also protect themselves." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled. "Can the sword cut off rivers, rivers and waterfalls?"

"This ..." Xiao Han licked his lips. "Brother, ordinary knives cannot cut the waterfall, but the knives can."

"Well ... can the sword cut off nothingness?" Tsing Yi middle-aged man asked repeatedly.

"The knife can't, the knife can." Xiao Han nodded.

"Sword intention? If the sky is ruthless, the sword ruthless." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi also stood up. "Little brother, what about your knife?"

"The knife is here ..." Xiao Han's mind moved slightly, in all directions. The air fluctuates, creating zigzag-shaped ripples, cutting the air and rattling.

"Little brother, what's the use of your knife, your knife?" Middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, staring at Xiao Han.

"Cut the demon, get rid of the demon, cut off the demon, cut off nothingness. Cut off the negative emotions." Xiao Han responded.

"Okay, ok, kill the outer demon, the inner demon, the heart demon. Cut the negative emotions, cut all nothingness ..." The man in Tsing Yi nodded with satisfaction. "Is the evil spirit in that egg also a demon?"


Xiao Han's brain is blank!

A touch of Ming Wu poured into Xiao Han's mind!

"Brother! The younger brother seems to understand a little ... Sword intention ... Sword intention ..." Xiao Han was completely intoxicated. "Brother, do you mean, before the incubation of the demon egg, use the sword to directly kill the spirit of the demon god? Yes ... Before the demon **** hatched, it had no form ... it only had soul ... to defeat it and destroy it It can only kill its soul. Today, the demon egg and my heart are integrated into one. If I go to destroy the demon egg, it is tantamount to destroying my heart. An accidentally, the egg is broken. The only thing that can be defeated is The method of the demon **** is ... to kill its soul! Use the sword! "

"The soul of the demon god, to me ... is my demon! Yes, it is the demon!"

"Yes! Sword intention, sword intention, can kill the demon, and kill the negative emotions. Of course, to kill the demon, you can't rely on external forces, you can only rely on myself ..."

"Now, my sword-making, in the mature period, it seems that I can't kill the soul of the demon **** with one stroke. I ... I must stick to the path of understanding sword-making."

Dadaoyi's sword intention is not the end of the road.

In addition to Dacheng's sword intention, there is ...

Intention to the sword means sword, spirit, spirit, sword, war, mind, and gestation, reaching the peak, cutting through the door of the almost vanity of the sword world, leading to the blessing of ancient sword souls, and killing immortals.

"Brother, what is the gate of the sword world?" Xiao Han asked suddenly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ~~~~~~~~~" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi did not answer Xiao Han, but laughed, suddenly, his whole body glowed with a fairy and ethereal atmosphere, his right hand gently Catch, the child 'Xiaochen' turned into a duster. The next moment, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, wearing a feather coat, holding dust on his hands, his body was full of fairy air, and the whole man exuded a breath beyond nine days. He looked at Xiao Han and nodded. "The gate of the sword world ... that's a spiritual world. Hahaha ... Xiao Han, I hope you don't let me down. There is only one way to kill the demon **** ... is to kill its soul. Now, the demon **** lives in you Only you have the chance to kill its soul ~ ~ Do it for yourself. "

With a wave of dust, space is upside down, time and space are reversed, and the man has disappeared!

At the same time, Xiao Han's heart was hot, and the round golden ball refined in the heart turned out to be shining. This round golden ball was originally a mutilated treasure, but now it seems to have been repaired and sprayed out one after another.

Not long after, in the vicinity of Xiao Han's heart, 10,000 ancient arrays were laid down, circulating endlessly, and in the heart, the evil spirit leaked out of the demon egg shielded a strict reality!

When ignorant, Xiao Han's eyes bloomed and he found that the valley, the small farmhouse, the green mountains and green water, all disappeared ...

He was standing on a path of stale grass, brownish-yellow, and enchanting like smoke!



...... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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