Demon Hunter and His Hut

Chapter 523 Choice and Right and Wrong (2 in 1)

"I know I shouldn't kill him, please give me another chance."

Higuchi Chika didn't answer, but stared at Ai Shimizu's eyes.

"Is it you or it who killed that man?"

Ai Shiami's expression changed slightly, but at this time, Rimu Qianxia took a few steps back and slowly opened the huge suitcase.

A pale head rolled out of the box. It was a plump middle-aged man with no blood on his face. Besides, there was not much blood in the box.

This man is the blood in his body, which has been let out, or...

Roger lowered his head and saw the empty abdominal cavity, which was completely hollowed out from the bottom of the crotch to the throat.

The man's face was still filled with horror before he died, and Roger could almost imagine the horrific scene he faced.

I couldn't help shivering, some activities in the extraordinary world were really dangerous.

Obviously, when this man was doing some kind of activity, his lower body was swallowed by the monster in Shui Ai's body, and then he emptied his internal organs.

He was sucked dry of the blood from his whole body, and there was almost no smell of blood that was too strong in the room.

"Do you still want to explain?"

Higurashi Qianxia looked at the shallow water love.

"If you killed him..." Ritui Qianxia sighed, a hint of hesitation flashed on her face, and then she shook her head.

"Sorry for the shallow water, I have to re-examine your body."

Hearing Higuchi Chika's words, Ai Shamizu couldn't help but take a step back.

"It's not my fault, this man is a beast, who knows what kind of messy drugs he used before looking for me, he almost bit off my ear!"

Shallow love voice hastily.

"do not talk."

Higurashi Qianxia interrupted Ai Shimizu, "I need to re-examine your body in other ways."

As she said that, she reached out and grabbed the shallow water love.


Sun Twilight Qianxia's grab was an empty one, and Shuishui Ai exited four or five meters away in a strange way. That speed was simply beyond what a normal woman could do.

"Why? Why did you find this corpse!"

She couldn't help roaring, "Can't you just go downstairs and leave here?"

"I have suffered for nearly a hundred years. Even if I accidentally kill a person, what can I do?"

She pointed at the man in the suitcase and yelled, "Do you know? Do you know how many actresses he has coerced into the company?"

Shallow loves to stretch out a finger.

"10, 100?" She shook her head.

"Every one."

"After being persecuted and devastated by him, some people accidentally fell from the building, some went crazy and were admitted to a mental hospital, and there were people like me who used their bodies as bargaining chips to try their best to get a life today!"

"If I had the same power as you, I would definitely kill all the beasts as disgusting as him!"

Roger couldn't help sighing, this shallow water love was too hostile, but it wasn't necessarily her reason, it was her experience, it was the anger accumulated in her heart that made her what she is now.


Her bodies receded from each other again, and this time she jumped directly onto the roof, her fingers and soles of her feet pressed against the wall, like a spider ready to kill its prey.

"Don't touch me, no one is allowed to touch me!"

A worm-like blood appeared on Shami Shui Ai's face, she roared loudly, and stared at Higuchi Qianxia and Roger with hatred.

"You are all the same, you all want to hurt me!"

Roger frowned and glanced at Rigaku Qianxia, ​​"Didn't you cut off the monster in her body?"

"How can she still?" Roger asked strangely.

Higuchi Qianxia stepped forward to block Roger, the suitcase fell on the ground, and the short knife that was originally in the box was already in her hand.

Chisha shook her head.

"She lied to me, she didn't want me to kill the monster in her body at all."

Grasp the knife in your hand.

"That thing has become one with her,

What crawled out of her body just now was the filth that she had accumulated in her body for so many years. "


Twilight Qianxia nodded.

"There is nothing in the world for nothing. This is a curse. If she wants to stay young forever, she needs to absorb the essence of men almost every day."

"These things have been accumulated in the body for a long time and cannot be resolved. Over time, they have deteriorated and become the most filthy things."

"If she wants to completely change her body from a human to a monster, she must expel the filth that belongs to her body."

While talking about the sunset, Qianxia walked forward, "And this is the real reason she asked me to come here."

"This man's death was not an accident."

"It was a premeditated hunt!"

"Miss Shallow, am I right?"

Although the weapon in his hand is short, the imposing manner of Rigaku Qianxia is not weak at all.

She looked up at the shallow water love, her black and white eyes reflected her mood at this time.

"I don't blame you for deceiving me."



Shallow Ai's hands pressed hard on the wall to create two shallow pits. Roger noticed the fluctuation of breath around Shallow Ai, but there was something he couldn't understand about this part.

That energy is somewhat similar to Rigaku Qianxia's spiritual power, but it is mixed with some other things. It seems that this is the biggest difference between the Eastern and Western worlds.

"The demon power has been generated, how many people have you killed?"

Higurashi Qianxia's lips pursed slightly.

"Murder?" Shui Ai shook her head.

"What qualifies those things that are dead to be called people?"

Ka Ka Ka!

There was a twisting sound from the bones of her body, the joints were reversed, the belly was arched upward, the neck was stretched extremely long, and the snow-white skin also turned blue-gray, with the characteristic scale texture of reptiles on it.

Slowly, a white snake head covered with mucus protruded from the skirt.

The snake's head was obviously not yet formed. It was bald and had no scales. There were only two sunken holes where the eyes should have been, and the holes were covered with a layer of albuginea.

The thing opened its mouth, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

Shallow Ai shook his head as he looked at Roger and Higurashi Qianxia.

Her imagination is very strange now, it seems that the head on the neck is used to observe the environment, and the growth out of the thigh is her body, which is used to launch attacks.

The body is in the shape of a reverse arch, and the spine seems to have completely disappeared. Using both hands and feet, it moves quickly on the wall.

The space in the room is huge, the vertical distance from the ceiling to the ground is more than six meters, and Shallow Water Ai is moving quickly, as if looking for the best angle to attack.

"How long have you been like this?"

Higurashi Qianxia asked softly.

"You know, I've never been so comfortable, I can easily kill the men who have tormented me without thinking about the consequences."

"I'm so sorry, why didn't it become like this sooner."

The corners of Shallow Ai's mouth were split open, but her plump lips now looked like the mouth of a beast who chose someone to devour.

"You're not human anymore."

"Is that important?"

The snake head under Shallow Ai suddenly opened its mouth, and a transparent mucus spurted out.


The blade trembled slightly, and the force of the thing spit out from the snake's mouth was surprisingly strong, followed by a harsh sizzling sound from the blade, and at the same time a stench penetrated into the nasal cavity.

"Do you like it? My good sister."

"These are all essences."

Shallow Ai's body swept past quickly, and in an instant, she jumped from one corner of the ceiling to the other, her beautiful face became extremely hideous, and a piercing shriek emanated from her mouth.

"No one can understand my pain!"

While speaking, she had already crossed the sunset and Qianxia from the top of her head, fell from mid-air, and rushed towards Roger!

"Men should be damned!"

The snake head swung at Roger.

Before the attack could approach, a special fishy smell rushed towards him, Roger's face changed wildly, how could he dare to take the attack of Shallow Water Love, turned his body to the side and hid behind the sofa.

The three of them had come to the outside hall at this time, and there were a lot of debris around, but it was convenient for Roger to dodge.

Although as long as Roger was serious, he could beat Shallow Water Love with a casual punch, but without any thought, he gave up the idea.

"Your opponent is me!"

A green luster appeared on Higashi Qianxia's dagger, and the light was like water and mist, instantly expelling the mucus sticking to the dagger.

Immediately after that, the sword glow skyrocketed, and Sunset Qianxia was already in front of Roger.

Swish swish!

With three quick cuts, like layers of waves, Roger noticed that Sun Twilight Qianxia was very delicate in mobilizing the energy in his body, which was completely different from what he had experienced in the Western world.

Whether it is a warlock or a bloodline hunter, after awakening the bloodline in their body, they will obtain the corresponding attribute energy, but in general, their use of this energy is very rough.

It's not that they don't want to increase the control of the body's energy, but it's all determined by the most fundamental energy properties.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't.

Comparatively speaking, the use of Ritui Qianxia is much more delicate.

Roger suddenly became interested. To be honest, most of the battles he experienced in the West were not beautiful at all.

There is almost no skill competition, and it is finally implemented on the collision of strength.

But at this time, Ritsu Qianxia had obviously spent a lot of energy and energy because of the previous events, and the overall strength had dropped very sharply.

But in the face of the attack of shallow water love, it can still stabilize the situation.

Offense and retreat defense.

Every step is just right, the monster in Shallow Ai's body was originally not aggressive, but it has been bred in her body for too long.

Those filthy things, coupled with the tormented soul of Shallow Love and the evil thoughts simmering in their hearts, have become the nourishment for the nurture of medicine.

It was then completely released after a kill.

Having cut off the last part of her being a human being, the shallow water love at this time is already a complete demon.

The battle on the scene was fierce, but Roger was still in the mood to think about other issues. The power of Sun Twilight Qianxia was naturally insignificant in his eyes.

But her delicate use of energy and brilliant swordsmanship was an eye-opener for Roger.

He had a hunch that this trip to the sunrise would definitely bring earth-shaking changes to him.

Although Shallow Ai is full of energy, her attack is obviously without any pattern, and she is soon seized by the opportunity of Rigoku Qianxia.

Originally thought it was just a simple treatment, so Higachi Qianxia didn't bring her usual knife, and it was naturally very limited if the weapon could not be attacked in the hand.

Faced with the fleeting opportunity, Sunset Qianxia no longer hesitated, and in an instant, she rushed in front of Shallow Water Love.

She mobilized every trace of energy in it, the knife light flashed, and she could only hear the harsh sound of breaking wind!


There was no exaggerated energy form, but every stab that Sunset Qianxia stabbed drew a vague image in mid-air.

After one blow, her body quickly retreated, and at the place where she attacked just now, the hideous snake's head was cut off, leaving only the skeleton of Bai Sensen!

Precise and fast!

Higurashi Qianxia swayed slightly, and Roger stepped forward to support her arm.

"How about it?"

Qian Shui Ai let out a shrill scream, and at this moment, the snake's head, which was cut to white bones, moved again, and the blood-soaked head smashed into Ritui Qianxia.

"Be careful!"

Roger held Higisa Chika and moved forward at the same time.

"Don't touch her, her blood is poisonous!" Ritui Qianxia reminded loudly.

Roger's body stood in front of Higuchi Qianxia, ​​and at the same time he opened his palm, the lustre of the Igni seal was fleeting, and the flame spurted instantly wrapped the snake's head.


Qian Shui Ai screamed and stepped back, the snake's head wrapped in flames was charred black, Rigoku Qianxia gritted her teeth, and crossed Roger's hand and dropped the knife!


The twisted thing was chopped off by her Qigan, and the shallow water love fell out under the impact of the force.

The robes on his body had become tattered in the battle just now, and only a few scattered strips of cloth were left hanging on his body.

Her body was twisted, and the place where she was cut off by Sunset Qianxia was a mess. Roger turned his head away, unable to bear to look directly.

"I knew this day would come..."

After the snake's head was cut off, Ai Shimizu's body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After removing the possessed monster, she regained some sanity.

But at this time she was no longer human.

Higurashi Qianxia didn't speak, she threw the dagger in her hand and walked to Shallow Ai.

The woman lying on the ground raised her head, "Come on, give me a treat!"

She shouted with all her strength, her words filled with last despair.

Roger stood aside. He opened his mouth but said nothing in the end. After entering the 4th order, what is powerful is not only the strength of the body, but also the all-round changes from the spirit and character.

If today he had met the shallow water love alone, he didn't know what choice he would make in the end.

Maybe he'd swing his sword and chop off Shallow Ai's head, maybe he'd put away his weapon as if nothing had happened.

Witcher code dictates that they should raise their weapons at monsters.

But it would be too boring if a person did everything in accordance with one rule.

Because there is no absolute right choice in this world.


Higuchi Qianxia did not hesitate to stab the dagger into the eyebrows of Shui Shui Ai, with precise restraint, the same as before.

Shami Shui Ai's body trembled wildly, the vertical pupils in her pupils slowly disappeared, and her eyes lost focus when they looked into the air.

Tears flowed from it involuntarily.

"This life is too long."

She let out her last breath.


"very nice."

Higurashi Qianxia pulled back her dagger and stood up silently. Roger couldn't see the expression on her face, only heard a slightly low voice.

"Do you think I did something wrong?"

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