Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 11 Clues to Alchemy

The formula for the killer whale potion is in hand.

Ailin's current goal is naturally alchemy level 2, and the key is how to obtain the skill.

Hunting water ghosts to open the box is one way, but he really doesn't think his luck is good, and there may not be alchemy skills in the box.

Another way is to learn.

Since the wolf school two-handed sword can be recognized and upgraded by the Demon Hunter's Notes, there is no reason why alchemy can't be.


After leaving the apprentice dormitory, Ailin went straight to the east tower.

Vesemir mentioned in the morning that there is an alchemy room on the second floor of the south tower, and there should be someone there who knows alchemy.

Kaer Morhen in 1179 is different from 1272 in the game.

Based on the extremely low survival rate of demon hunter apprentices, the huge castle is naturally not crowded.

But it is not deserted.

It may be because winter is coming and the wandering demon hunters are returning home.

On the road he had just walked, Aylin had already passed by four or five demon hunters carrying double swords.

On both sides of the avenue leading to the main castle, there were also scattered blacksmith shops, tailor shops, material stores and other stores.

If the craftsmen in the shops were not all old demon hunters with white hair and cat eyes, Aylin almost had the illusion that this was just an ordinary castle.

"So, this towering castle became dilapidated, the prosperous Wolf School was almost destroyed, and in the end only Vesemir, Geralt, Eskar and Lambert's Kaer Morhen Defense War was left..."

"Which year was it?"

Aylin couldn't help thinking.

After he had a plan for dealing with the mountain trial, Aylin couldn't help thinking about the future he deliberately avoided.

This is the bad thing about foresight.

After knowing the future, you will naturally worry about your tomorrow and the tomorrow after tomorrow.

What's more uncomfortable is that you only know the result, not the process, and you don't even know when the crisis will start.

The journey to the alchemy room was smooth.

He did not meet anyone who stopped him and asked him why he was not in the apprentice dormitory, taking a "lunch break" in pain and trembling.

None of the excuses he prepared in advance were used.

Arlin came to the tower, walked through the long corridor and stairs, and came to the alchemy room.

The wooden door of the alchemy room was closed.

"Knock knock~ knock knock~"

Arlin knocked on the door.


The one who opened the door was a girl who was older than him.

Dark red hair, beautiful appearance.

"Who are you looking for?" the girl asked.


Aren't the warlocks of the Wolf School wizards?

Although it was a little strange, Arlin asked as planned:

"Is this the Wolf School Alchemy Room? I want to learn alchemy?"

"Learn alchemy?" The girl seemed surprised. After taking a closer look at him, she replied, "This is the alchemy room, but it's private."


This was something Arlin had not thought of in advance.

The alchemy room where Vesemir asked the apprentice to treat and get "lunch" did not belong to the school.

Do wizards have so much power in Kaer Morhen?

Or even in Kaer Morhen, the relationship between wizards and demon hunters has begun to crack?

After a few seconds of hesitation, Aylin took out the illusion pendant from his collar and asked tentatively:

"Can I learn from the master here?"

"I can pay the tuition."

The girl was about to speak when a mature female voice came from the door.

"Mary? Who is coming?"

Mary turned her head and replied: "A little demon hunter who wants to pay to learn alchemy."

"Little demon hunter? Pay to learn alchemy?" The mature female voice was surprised, "Among the brainless and reckless men who can only turn in circles, there are such outliers?"

"Da Da Da"

The sound of footsteps similar to high heels approached.

The future brainless and reckless man, the little demon hunter Aylin, stood at the door awkwardly.

Equally embarrassed was Mary. She raised the corner of her mouth with difficulty and pulled out an apologetic smile.

When the footsteps stopped, a woman appeared in front of Aylin.

In the late autumn of Kaer Morhen, even the weeds on the roadside will condense white frost in the early morning to show respect for the solemn autumn.

From the woman in front of him, Arryn could not see any respect for autumn.

A thin and translucent deep V dress.

On the fiery red silk fabric, gold thread and pearls outlined a complex pattern.

Finally, add the flowing dark red long hair.

When he saw her for the first time, Arryn thought it was a hot summer.

Sexy outfit, coupled with a delicate face like a porcelain doll.

Obviously, this is not a wizard, but a sorceress.

Arryn vaguely realized that he seemed to have come to the wrong place.

But since he was here...

"Can I learn alchemy from you?" He asked again with gritted teeth, and then took off the magic pendant and put it in the palm of his hand, "I can use this magic pendant to pay the tuition."

The sorceress was stunned when she saw Arryn.

Then he looked at the pendant in Aylin's hand with a complicated expression and asked, "Do you know the name of this necklace?"

"Vera's Illusion Pendant?"

The sorceress nodded and said:

"This pendant is called this name, and..."

"I am Vera."

Aylin: (⊙_⊙)


! ! !


An uncontrollable laugh came from the side.


The girl Mary apologized awkwardly and ran into the house.

Aylin pulled back the pendant in extreme embarrassment and prepared to leave.

The sorceress suddenly said at this time: "But you can."

Alin subconsciously asked: "What can you do?"

"Didn't you ask me if I could teach you alchemy?" The sorceress Vera repeated, "I said yes."

Then, the sorceress turned and walked into the house.

Alin hurriedly followed.


As soon as his back foot entered the house, the wooden door closed by itself.

"Is this magic?" Alin sighed in his heart.

Entering the alchemy room.

Alin found that although this was a place for alchemy, there was no peculiar smell in the room.

Instead, he smelled a faint scent of orange mixed with cardamom as soon as he entered the door.

Fluffy red carpets and colorful oil paintings.

Lace curtains decorated the cold stone windowsill.

Except for the lack of a bed, this place is more like a bedroom than an alchemy room.

There are only four alchemy tables leaning against the wall, stubbornly proving the orthodox nature of the room.

Mary sat in front of one of the alchemy tables, grinding something with a mortar.

Seeing Alin come in, she smiled and gestured, lowered her head and continued grinding.

"Come sit here." Vera pointed to the seat next to her.

Alin sat down a little stiffly, still holding the pendant in his hand, not knowing where to put it.

"Where to put this pendant?" he asked.

"This is your thing, why ask me?" Vera was a little confused, but then reacted, "I will teach you alchemy, free of charge."

"Then what do you want?" Alin asked.

Of course he was happy to keep the pendant,

but free ones are the most expensive.

Alin didn't think he was so charming that he could invite a strange female sorceress to teach him for free.

"Just answer me a question." Vera raised her slender white index finger, "Why do you want to learn alchemy?"

"What's the price?" Alin thought.

Because he didn't know if the female sorceress in front of him could read his mind, after considering for a moment, Alin chose to tell the truth.

"I want to make a potion to pass the mountain trial."

"You are still an apprentice?" Mary exclaimed.

The girl had been eavesdropping openly.

Ailin nodded.

Mary's surprise was not surprising.

Monsterology, swordsmanship, signs, body adaptation potions...

The period from the Green Grass Trial to the Mountain Trial may be the busiest time in the lives of most demon hunters.

If it weren't for the essence, he would still be lying in the apprentice dormitory at this moment, and he would have no time to run around.

But what made him a little suspicious was that the sorceress still had that expressionless look.

There was no surprise, no further questions, it seemed that she approved of this answer, and it seemed that she didn't care about his answer at all.


Vera snapped her fingers.

A black book slowly flew over from the alchemy table next to Mary.

After gently landing on Ailin's desk, it opened to the first page.

Regardless of Ailin's surprise, Vera went straight to the class.

"Since we are going to make potions, let's start with the most basic book, Alchemy and Potions."

"Potions, as the name suggests, are a kind of potion that contains magic power..."


"Ding, a clue to the skill: [Alchemy] is found."

"Do you want to spend 10,000 small experience beads to unlock the skill?"


Alin: (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻

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