Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 138 Even if the price is the apprentice's life

Everyone who was still a little casual immediately became serious when they heard this.

"The Wolf School and the Cat School, as two schools of demon hunters in the same country, this is not the first time that they have participated in a competition organized by the king."

"Although the specific projects change every time, the general types are inseparable from three categories..."

"Monster hunting, sword fighting and melee combat."

Vesemil paused and then said:

"Hunting monsters is very simple. The school that kills the most monsters when an hourglass is used wins."

"Generally, the monsters prepared by the king are water ghosts. There are monsters like ghouls, but most of them are water ghosts."

“This competition has been the one our school has won the most times in the past.”

"As for sword fighting..."

Aylin noticed that Vesemir's face turned dark at this moment, and knew that compared to sword fighting, the Wolf School probably lost more often.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

Although I have never encountered the Cat School in reality.

However, in the game, the combat characteristics of this school are derived from elves. The swordsmanship is agile and fast, and the flexibility is very strong.

Often during their apprenticeship, demon hunters of the Cat School begin to practice walking the tightrope with their eyes closed.

However, the main reason why Vesemir's complexion darkened was probably because the Cat School usually spent far more time wielding steel swords than silver swords.

"If the characteristic of Wolf School swordsmanship is rotation, use rotation to gain maximum power and break through the defense of monsters."

"Then the characteristic of Cat School swordsmanship is that it is fast. It abandons all factors that affect speed and focuses on stabbing."

Hughes grasped the key point and asked doubtfully:

"Focus on speed? How do demon hunters of the cat school break through the defenses of monsters?"

Vesemir's face turned even darker when he heard this, and he said word by word:

"The scum of the Cat School rarely accept commissions to kill monsters, but more often they accept jobs that violate the precepts of demon hunters, such as murder and assassination."

"The negative impact of their actions hangs over our heads like a dark cloud, tarnishing our reputation."


It was rare for Hughes to see Vesemir's angry look and he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

However, after the master demon hunter adjusted his mood, he still looked at the four of them seriously and reminded:

"Although it is despicable to extend a cat's claws to the same kind of people, the swordsmanship of those cat cubs cannot be underestimated, especially to restrain us demon hunters of the wolf school."

As he spoke, Vesemir took off his leather armor, pulled on the white lining, pointed to a narrow scar on his chest, and warned:

"This scar was left to me thirty years ago by a demon hunter from the Cat School who pretended to be a bandit."

"I almost died."

"Ah!" Several young demon hunters looked at the wound and exclaimed.

Being so close to the heart, it was obviously stabbed to kill Vesemir.

"Don't he know that you are also a demon hunter?" Hughes couldn't understand.

As demon hunters, shouldn't we all support and help each other?

Why are they still fighting each other with swords to the point of fighting each other for their lives?

"Of course he knows!"

Vesemir suppressed a growl.

"With two swords on his back, cotton armor and strange eyes, how could he not know."

"At that time, I was following the carriage of a caravan. While rushing on the road, I received a commission to protect the caravan from monsters along the way."

"On the way, the demon hunter suddenly jumped out of the grass on the side. His swift steel sword was like lightning. He killed three or four guards in the blink of an eye and left this scar on me."

"If the witcher's keen sense hadn't reminded me..."


Vesemir took a deep breath, as if to let out the frustration in his heart.

It can be seen that even though thirty years have passed since the robbery, Vesemir still has not forgotten it.

Instead, he became increasingly resentful as time went by.

He agrees with the Wolf School's concepts of neutrality and glory, and especially can't stand the despicable elements and insidious villains among these demon hunters.

"Then what?" Fred asked.

Vesemir glanced at him and then said:

"Then I used the Igni Seal to light his clothes, and I also saw his cat eyes."

"It was just that he was too seriously injured at the time and he escaped."

Vesemir shook his head helplessly, and then turned the topic back to the fighting competition.

"The swordsmanship of the Wolf School was not originally created to kill the same kind, so it has many flaws in the eyes of the Cat School."

"In past apprentice competitions, we mostly lost in this event. Many demon hunters from the Wolf School even died under the swords of the same kind."


Vesemir looked at the four apprentices seriously and said loudly and forcefully:

"Show no mercy."

"The backbone of the Cat School is a group of psychopaths, lunatics or sadists, and they also choose young wanderers with violent tendencies as their apprentices."

"So don't show mercy. If you show mercy, you will lose and die."

"Don't be stubborn if you can't beat someone. Just admit defeat when it's time to give up. Life is the most important thing."

Hughes, Fred and Bunter looked at each other.

Bunt couldn't help but said: "But isn't this competition related to the school's funding for next year?"

"The Wolf School does not need to exchange the blood of apprentices for money." Vesemir shook his head firmly, and then looked at Aylin.

"Aelin, you too. Life comes first, you know?"

Aylin didn't have time to respond.

The three young witchers were unhappy.

"Master Vesemir, how could Aelin fail to defeat him?"

"Yes! Yes!"

Vesemir didn't respond to them, and stared directly at Aelin with his dark golden cat eyes.

Although Aylin didn't think he would lose, this was Vesemir's concern for him, and there was no need to argue verbally.

So I agreed.

"Okay, Master Vesemir."

Vesemir nodded with satisfaction, turned his head to look at the other young demon hunters, and scolded:

"Of course I know that there is no problem with Aylin's strength, but in actual combat, can he win if he is strong?"

"Have you forgotten what a witcher relies on to hunt monsters?"

"No master demon hunter is more powerful than the Cyclops, but the Cyclops is just the lowest level of large monster."

The three young demon hunters were confused. They seemed to know something, but they seemed to understand nothing.

After considering Vesemir's words, Aylin's expression gradually became serious:

"Master Vesemir, are you saying that the Cat School will do whatever it takes to win the fighting competition just like we hunt monsters?"

Although his attributes have improved, they are still not up to the average level of a master demon hunter.

The elemental affinity is not enough to require a silver sword to break the defense.

So in this dangerous world, Aylin will still die, maybe even easily.

Just like the "white wolf" Geralt was killed by a pitchfork.

"I don't know," Vesemir sighed, "I only know that compared to the Wolf School, the despicable villains of the Cat School must care more about the king's patronage."

"Even if the cost is their apprentice's life!"

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