Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 143 The Smell of the Cook

Judging from the traces of this ruins, it has been abandoned for at least five years.

"Master Vesemir, when was the last time you came here?" Aelin couldn't help but asked curiously.

Vesemir was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then hesitated:

"It seems like fifteen years ago."


Fifteen years ago, you did a few tasks for others, but you dare to just come to their door and ask for a meal without saying anything?

Is this what a master witcher looks like?

Besides, fifteen years ago doesn’t count as a few years ago, right?

According to this era, the average life span of nobles is less than fifty.

In fifteen years, even if this castle is still there, Viscount Hudson may not be here either.

Hughes, Bunt, and Fred also looked a little weird, and it was obvious that what they were thinking in their hearts was similar to Aylin's.

"Let's go back to Baiguoyuan."

Vesemir frowned, feeling a little depressed.

He didn't notice the strange expression on the young demon hunter's face. He pulled the reins, turned the horse's head and rode towards the town.

Several young demon hunters looked at each other and followed silently.

What kind of person is Viscount Hudson? He hasn't seen him for fifteen years, and he can still bring Vesemir to such a low level?

Aylin was a little curious.

The noble castles in the Witcher world are similar to the medieval castles in previous lives, and are basically built on a certain hill.

Under the hills is a small town with a small number of people but complete internal organs.

There are various shops such as taverns, inns, and blacksmith shops.

The same is true for Baiguoyuan.

Coming down from the hills, several demon hunters came to the inn.

Maybe the hotel is in a remote location and hasn't received any news from Ad Kalai, or maybe every business in a rural hotel is very important.

After seeing Aylin and others carrying two swords and strange cat eyes, the hotel owner just frowned.

After a few warnings, on the grounds that all five horses needed feed, each person received an extra 30 copper coins, for a total of six orens and fifty coppers for five people.

This is the cost of accommodation for a week, plus food per day.

At this price, you can only stay in the cheapest hotel in Ban Ade, and you can only stay there for two days.

When Vesemir was not in high spirits, the few young demon hunters were not in the mood to laugh or play, and they all took a rest after whispering for a few words.

After returning to the room, Aylin was even more satisfied with the hotel.

Not only was the room very clean and there was no peculiar smell, the mattress even smelled of sunlight after I fell asleep. It must have been exposed to the sun this morning.

Looking at the wooden beams on the roof, Aylin had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"Who is that elf? Why was he caught?"

"Will she say that it was fate that led her to find me? Is it a mystery, or is it true?"

"Do I really want to look for the human couple like the needle in the haystack as the Riddler said?"

"Completing the commission will give me what I want most, but what exactly is it that I want most?"

To win over the elves? Destroy Ban Ade Academy? Or... kill the "big stomach king"?

Recalling the strange red-haired elf he met in the morning, Aylin's mind was a mess as he was lying on the bed.


Ai Lin sighed faintly, knowing that he had been seen through by a stranger.

When considering the entrustment reward, he was already destined to find that couple.

Even if he didn't know the identity of the elf, he didn't know whether the elf would repay him with the reward he wanted.

"The Riddler is so annoying!" he gritted his teeth.

The next day.

Before the rooster crows, Aylin automatically wakes up from his meditation.

This is a little trick that Vesemir taught witchers on the road.

Turn off two-thirds of the witcher's senses and let yourself fall into a semi-conscious sleep.

Although meditation does not restore energy as well as falling asleep normally.

But when encountering danger, he can wake up at any time and quickly switch his body to a tense state.

It's a pity that this is just a little trick to use the witcher's senses, not a skill, and cannot be activated on the panel.

Not like in the game.

After a meditation, a bottle of strong wine is consumed, and the magic potion and sword oil on the body are completely restored.

But it is very suitable for resting in the wild.

Therefore, Vesemir's request to Arryn and the others is that they must meditate instead of sleeping whenever they are not in Kaer Morhen.

The method of inspection is also very simple...


With the sound of three doors opening, three demon hunters, also wearing wallets, walked out from behind the door.

"It seems that Bunt and Fred didn't use meditation today." Vesemir nodded.

He didn't even knock on their door, and went straight downstairs with Aylin and Hughes.


It is impossible to keep track of time accurately without using meditation.

Bunt and Fred both failed.

Aelin and Hughes who complete the meditation goal can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner served by Vesemir.

Bunt and Fred were left to figure out how to get meals on their own.

This reward is still very tempting to several young demon hunters, including Aylin.

after all,

More than half of the money they earned from hunting water ghosts along the way was spent on the hotels along the way and the maintenance of their weapons and armor.

This was another reason why Aelin didn't want to live in Ban Ard if possible.

No money!

"Erin, after breakfast, do you want to go see what commissions there are in the village?" Xiu Si came over and put his arm around his shoulders and asked.

Ailin was about to refuse because he was looking for the couple in the red-haired elf's commission.

But then he thought, there are so many villages near Ban Ade, how many human couples are there in each village?

It would be too late to find them one by one in more than ten days.

"Since the elf is deliberately mysterious, I must be able to contact the couple with my identity." Ailin thought.

Then he changed his mind and accepted Xiu Si's invitation.

What identity can Ailin have? He is nothing more than a demon hunter.

Demon hunters have to accept monster commissions.

The logic is perfect and impeccable.

When he walked downstairs, there were already many people sitting on the first floor of the hotel.

Obviously there were many more people staying there than last night, and they seemed to be locals of Baiguoyuan.

"Boss, what breakfast do you have here!"

The boss who was still cold yesterday came over and greeted: "There is hot stew, black bread and fried eggs, 8 copper coins per portion."

"Give me three servings!" Vesemir said casually, and then took out more than 30 copper coins and put them in the boss's hand, "No need to change."

The boss's face was completely full of smiles, and he turned his head and shouted:

"Mary, three servings of breakfast!"


The voice of a mature woman came from the inner room separated by a curtain.

That should be the kitchen of the hotel.

Except for the fried eggs, stew and black bread do not need to be prepared.

Breakfast was soon served on the table of the three people.


The slightly hot stew took a mouthful, and the delicious combination of vegetables and gravy immediately wrapped the tongue.

So delicious!

Alin's eyes lit up immediately, and regardless of the temperature of the soup, he finished it in three or two mouthfuls and was about to have another bowl.


Alin looked in the direction of the sound.

Vesemir frowned, holding the plate, looked at the inner room of the inn, and took another bite in doubt.

"Isn't this the taste of Hudson's cook?"

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Extra chapter for the leader "Soda 0" (2/10).

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