Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 157 Uninvited Guests

Deep in the castle ruins.


Clear footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

Following the direction of the enrichment of black magic points, Ayling brought Vesemir to the place where the ten spirits were hunted again.

The dim light shone through the dry vines.

The broken crystal lamp in the middle of the dance floor, the gray carpet, and the dusty portraits on both sides can vaguely see the former glory of this place.

This is a banquet hall, at least it used to be.


The young demon hunter's surprised and doubtful cry broke the tranquility here.

He widened his eyes and focused his sight on the east side of the dance floor.

In the center of the two paintings, dense black magic points penetrated from the carved gray walls, as if there was a black magic point generator in the wall.

What exactly is this black magic?

So weird and gloomy.


Aren't the magic elements that make up the wizard world only earth, air, water, and fire?

Aylin pondered uneasily.

He originally thought that this was just some kind of magical remnant similar to necromancy, but he didn't expect that these black magic elements seemed to have a source in this castle.

At the same time, he didn't know if it was an illusion.

The closer he got to the wall, the more he felt a biting cold, which was corroding his body.

But when he felt it carefully, it was vague, and the temperature around him didn't drop.

"What's wrong?"

In Vesemir's vision, the young demon hunter was staring at just an ordinary wall.

However, Aylin's abnormality still made him raise his right hand, hold the hilt of the sword in the air, and be alert.

"Master Vesemir, the black magic points I just told you about came from behind this wall!"


Vesemir quickly approached with his sword in hand, staring at the wall, looking up and down.

For more than ten seconds.

He sighed, looked at Ailin with envy, shook his head, and said with some disappointment:

"Ordinary demon hunters cannot feel magic... I... can't see anything."

"Look around, since the abnormality appears in the wall, there must be a secret room here."

Ailin nodded slightly and looked around.

Many people have misunderstandings about the secret room in the noble castle.

They think that the more sophisticated and complex the mechanism of the secret room is, the better the concealment is, and the less likely it is to be discovered.

In fact, it is not.

The principle of the secret room is to be secret.

As long as no one knows, no one thinks there is a secret room in the room.

Even if it is just covered with a carpet, it is a qualified secret room.

On the contrary.

As long as someone knows the location of the secret room, no matter how complicated the mechanism is, it can't stop those who are interested from thinking about it.

Therefore, Ailin only turned on the two tracking skills for three minutes and found the location of the secret room mechanism.

It was the nail behind the two paintings.

Looking at the traces of human fingerprints on the nail, Aylin and Vesemir looked at each other and pressed it at the same time.


The heavy friction sound between the boulders sounded.

The dance floor in front of the wall slowly sank, and a bottomless downward staircase appeared.




The two demon hunters looked at the dark passage that seemed to lead directly to the abyss, looked at each other, drank the cat's eye potion almost at the same time, and then cast the Quen seal on themselves.

Then they raised their right hands, drew out the silver sword that flashed with a cold light, and evenly applied the ghost oil on the sword.

Demon hunters do not fight unprepared battles.

Everything is ready.

Vesemir stared at the whites of his eyes that had become pure black due to the erosion of the potion, nodded slightly to Aylin, and walked into the passage of the secret room first.

Aylin followed closely behind.


The passage was so quiet that I could hear my own breathing and heartbeat.

In such a narrow passage that can only accommodate one person, it would be a nightmare if I encountered a ghost-like monster.

But fortunately, there was no ghost-like monster.

Go down the stairs and up the steps.

Under the magic vision, the black magic in the short and narrow passage has turned from a stream into a river.

As he went deeper into the passage, Aylin felt colder and colder.

It was not that the temperature around him was dropping, but that the body was naturally weak and cold after losing too much blood.

"Aylin! Use the Ottrop Seal!" Vesemir also stopped suddenly at this time, turned around and shouted loudly.

"There are monsters sucking our vitality!"

There are monsters?

Sucking vitality?

Aylin's face suddenly changed, and he quickly circulated the magic in his body, crossing his hands and quickly forming the Ottrop Seal.

This is a seal specifically used to resist magic.

A lavender transparent spherical protective shield was generated from the soles of his feet and closed above his head almost at the same time.

The chill that Ailin felt suddenly decreased, but it still existed.

He looked at the black magic points that were blocked outside by the Ottrop seal and were constantly bounced off by the shield, and thought:

"Is the vitality absorbed really because of the magic used by the monster?"


Vesemir, who was wearing a dark purple transparent protective shield in front, quickened his pace with a solemn expression.

Soon he saw a door blocking the passage.

Ailin felt that the corresponding position behind the door was behind the two paintings.


The wooden door was kicked open.

The menacing Master Demon Hunter was about to rush in, but suddenly froze on the spot when he saw the scene inside the wooden door.

Under cat's eye vision, there is only one shelf in this secret room and nothing else.

"Since there is nothing, what is sucking our vitality?" The master demon hunter wondered in his heart.

He stretched his right hand out of the purple protective shield of the Otrop Seal.

The biting chill is still there.


A soft cry.

Looking through the gap in the door and seeing the scene in the secret room, Aylin was a little surprised.

This...isn't this a ring of elements?

Magic elements kept emerging from a point in the void within the secret room.

The shape then spreads out like a comet with a long tail.

The point in the void is the core of the comet, and the long black tail directly penetrates Vesemir and Aylin, reaching into the distance.

It's like there's something there that's attracting these unknown elements.

Looking at this astonishing scene, Aylin's two blue cat eyes widened in surprise.

The link between the world.

Magical elements keep popping up.

Except for the black color and the different distribution of elemental points, the scene here is almost identical to the Ring of Elements near Kaer Morhen.

Aylin subconsciously opened the Demon Hunting Notes.

[Whether to use Celestial Sphere Intersection - Water Ghost (cooling time 30 days)? 】

All right.

I forgot that the celestial sphere had already cooled down a long time ago.

No wonder the unknown element here has not diminished.

Since leaving Kaermohan, Aylin has been on the road, so Aylin naturally has no time to find a suitable place to use the celestial sphere to rendezvous.

"However, can this black magic point reduce the cooling time of the celestial sphere intersection?" Aylin thought to himself.

Vesemir turned his head when he heard the young witcher's surprised voice.

Ailin's shocked expression told him that there was something strange in this secret room, so he scratched his head and turned around to take another look.

Still nothing.

"Aelin, what's wrong? What did you see?" Vesemir patted Aelin on the shoulder.

Aylin came back to his senses from the spectacle of the Ring of Dark Elements, looked at the "comet" composed of unknown elements, and said with some excitement:

"Master Vesemir, I think I know where to find that couple!"

Vesemir looked back at the empty chamber.

Even though he knew that the scene Aylin saw was different from his own, he couldn't help but tilted his head and said in confusion:


After telling Vesemir about the scene in the secret room, Vesemir also agreed with Aelin's idea of ​​searching along the black magic point that the "comet tail" dissipated.

After all, there are no other clues in the empty secret room.

The only remaining doubt in such a large castle is the origin of this "Ring of Elements".

This is the only doubt, and naturally the only clue.


The two witchers left the chamber.

After burying more than thirty corpses in a small garden overgrown with weeds in the castle, they rode away.

Night is unfriendly to humans, especially in the wild.

The low-light environment, coupled with wolves, bears, dogs, wandering ghouls and demon spirits, means that even a demon hunter would not choose to travel at night.

This is disrespect for your own life.

Therefore, after emerging from the ruins of the castle, the two demon hunters returned directly to the inn.

"Is that true? There is really no way to identify Master Hudson's remains?"

Bob, who was sitting at the dining table, leaned forward and asked.

There was an uncontrollable look of sadness on both his and Mary's faces.

According to the agreement made before the two demon hunters returned, Vesemir did not tell the two ordinary people that the Viscount's family might have escaped, or Bowen's speculation about the conspiracy of the nobles, wizards and kings.

This irrelevant information will only cause trouble for the two of them.

The witcher has completed his mission, and all his friends from the past have rested in peace.

That's all they need to know.

Vesemir shook his head, patted the two of them on the shoulders, and comforted:

"I buried them all in the garden behind the castle. Viscount Hudson is such a family-loving person, and he must also want to stay with his family more."

Mary wiped the tears from her eyes, gently hugged Bob's arm, nodded gently, and said:

"Yes, Viscount Hudson loves his home the most."

"Unlike other nobles, I have never heard rumors about him and other women."

"I go out occasionally, and when I come back, I always go to see the young lady and madam..."

"The master is a kind man, and the wife and young lady are also kind-hearted..."

"What a wonderful family...what a wonderful family..."

Mary's tears, which had already stopped, became harder to suppress the more she looked back on the past. In the end, it was only after Vesemir and Bob comforted her for a while that she calmed down her turbulent emotions.

Aylin looked at this scene and thought:

"If two servants can remember ten years, this Viscount Hudson is really a rare and good nobleman."

"It's just that, why did such a nobleman suffer such a tragedy?"

"Sorry, you have been busy all day and haven't eaten yet. I'm going to bring the stew to you."

After recovering from her sadness, Mary hurried to the kitchen, and soon brought a large pot of stew, which must have been prepared early.

The rich aroma of meat whets your appetite.

Bob followed suit and took a basket of fluffy butter bread from the kitchen.

"Come, come, try my new stew." Mary called.

Vesemir smelled the aroma and said in surprise: "Is this the beef and tomato stew that Viscount Hudson made at that time?"

Beef was not a cheap edible meat at that time. Just one piece in this pot would cost at least twenty orens.

Counting this basket of butter bread and the spices in the pot, it would cost at least fifty orens.

Bob and Mary might not be able to earn so much even if they opened the inn for two months.

Mary nodded, with a smile in the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, and said:

"A family in the town just lost a cow, so I asked Bob to buy some meat."

"Eat it while it's hot, and see how much difference there is between the beef and tomato stew I made and that made by Lady Reina."

Vesemir looked at the food on the table, which was not rich but definitely carefully prepared, and he was hesitant to speak.

However, under the sincere smiles of Bob and Vera, he finally said nothing. After greeting Arlin, he lowered his head and enjoyed the food silently.

After taking a sip of the slightly hot stew, Ailin's eyes suddenly brightened.

The perfect temperature brought out the aroma of beef and the slightly sour taste of tomatoes. The soup was mellow and delicious, making people salivate.

Before he could think, he had already finished a bowl of stew.

Ailin then realized why Vesemir was obsessed with the smell of the Viscount's cook.

About half an hour after the two demon hunters finished dinner, Hughes, Bont and Fred came back with the stench of water ghosts.

"Alin, the water ghosts under this mountain are not as good as those in Kaer Morhen. They don't know to hide when they see demon hunters..."

"Yes, the three of us killed fifteen water ghosts in total this day..."

"Huh? What smells so good?"

"Go and clean it up, and then come to eat," Vesemir said expressionlessly.

Several young demon hunters were a little timid when they saw Vesemir's stern look, and went to clean themselves obediently.

Ailin smiled when he saw the three little men cowering.

Thinking of the water ghosts they hunted today, he suddenly realized that it had been a long time since he had upgraded the skills for Hughes and the others.

So he opened the legion interface with his mind.

[Legion name: Wolf Alliance]

[Level: Level 3]

[Record: 1740/5000]

[Record points: 967]

The record points were almost full of 1000 points.

Ailin moved his mind and spent 300 record points to upgrade the three people's Alder Seals to LV2.

Then he spent another 500 to upgrade Hughes's Wolf School two-handed sword to LV3.

His current goal is to upgrade Bont and Fred's Wolf School two-handed swords to LV3 before the Apprentice Fighting Competition.

In this way, with Quinn, Igni and Alder Seals at LV2, plus the Demon Hunter's two-handed sword at LV3, even if the Demon Hunter sent by the Cat School is strong, he will not lose.

After closing the panel, Ailin turned his head and discussed tomorrow's plan with Vesemir.

At the same time.

The nightfall of the Hundred Fruits Garden welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

They wore black night clothes, covered their faces, and stood in twos and threes on the hillside outside the town.

A moment later, a figure in the same clothes looked around and walked out of the town cautiously.

One of the men in black walked out and asked coldly:

"Are all the targets here?"

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