Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 159 Death of Cat

No words, no conversation.

Aylin and Brett, who are both demon hunters, seem to have a blood feud and use all means to kill each other.

In the dim room, the swords clashed fiercely and sparks flew out.

In the flickering dark room, Brett gradually sketched out the appearance of his opponent in his mind, and gradually realized that something was wrong.

It's normal to be short in height, but that flash of childlike face and clear blue cat eyes...

The "senior demon hunter of the Wolf School" in front of him seemed very young, very young.

It's a demon hunter who has just passed the trial.

But how is this possible... Brett shook his head slightly and leaned back to avoid the sweeping silver sword.

Such proficient and pure swordsmanship and superb seals would be impossible to achieve without twenty or thirty years of experience.

Even the legendary Wolf School, the orthodoxy of the Witcher Order, cannot achieve this step.

Not to mention such strength, speed and dexterity...

No matter how talented a demon hunter is, there is a limit to how much mutated organs can grow to improve physical fitness.

It is impossible for a demon hunter who has just passed the trial to have such physical fitness.


Silver light cut through the air and struck diagonally towards his head.

The cat school witcher sneered.

"Clumsy Wolf School swordsmanship!" he thought to himself.

He could feel that the opponent was already restraining the instinct that Treis called "awkward spinning."

"It's a pity that since it is called instinct, how can it really be controlled?"

With a fierce look in his eyes, Brett stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the power quickly ejected from his wrist and was transferred to the long sword.


Clang! Clang!

The cold light flashed three times in a row, causing the enemy to open the empty door.

Good opportunity...Brett shouted in his heart, holding the handle of the sword tightly with both hands.


The sharp blade pierced the air and stabbed directly into the chest leather armor that was left wide open due to the continuous and rapid slashing.


There was another explosion.

The broken golden light of Quen's shield illuminated the childish face of the enemy.

"With such a young appearance, he is very suitable for assassination!"

Looking at the face that flashed away with the light, an inexplicable idea popped into Brett's mind.


Immediately afterwards, huge and abundant power struck from the tip of the long sword, and it was difficult to stop the momentum and interrupted his reverie.

It seemed that the next moment, Brett would be like the first time, and could only do a backward jump to dodge, and was forced to distance himself.

Then he watched helplessly as the Wolf sent the demon hunters to add another layer of Quen shield to themselves.

In the end, in this cycle, the demon hunters of the Cat School were exhausted to death due to their poor physique, or they waited for support from other companions.

But is it really that simple?

The muscles in his arms trembled slightly to release their strength, and Brett clung to the wall the moment before the shock wave arrived, avoiding the impact of Quinn's shield exploding.

Follow closely.

Take advantage of the opportunity for the witchers of the Wolf School to use the Seal of Quen in the future.

Brett stepped forward quickly in two steps. He held the sword in both hands, and the wrist of his back hand shook slightly.

The light force made the long sword that struck the enemy's right shoulder feint like an antelope hanging its horns.


The Wolf School demon hunter on the opposite side followed the direction of the long sword and swung his silver sword. He was deceived by the false sword and swung it directly towards Kong.

The entire body's center of gravity was therefore unbalanced at this moment.

"There were no exclamations or screams?" Brett felt a little regretful.

This is his most proud skill. Based on the swordsmanship of the Cat School, he created this move after confronting at least ten skilled knights head-on.

The sudden target change at the tip of the long sword will leave the enemy with no time to react.

Often a moment of confusion is enough to determine life or death.

It appears to be just a simple shake of the wrist.

But it not only requires strength that is far beyond ordinary people, a dexterous wrist to control the sudden change of direction of the sword, but also a keen perception that can determine the enemy's figure in a low-light environment.

This is his ultimate understanding of the killing swordsmanship of the Cat School, and it is a skill that even Treis, the great master of the Cat School, once praised.

Those old-fashioned demon hunters of the Wolf School who only know how to hunt stupid monsters will not understand...

The pleasure of dancing on the tip of a knife when people are fighting.

It was more exciting and more enjoyable than spending a night in the most expensive pink tavern on Rose Street in the Royal City of Adelaide.

The only flaw of this sword is the attenuation of power caused by sudden changes in direction. The force of the sword's thrust is only one-sixth of that of an ordinary straight thrust.


So what?

Humans are such fragile creatures, and the weight of a sword alone can kill them.

This Wolf School witcher is dead!

"Hey hey hey~"

Weird and cruel laughter sounded.

Brett's eyes showed a cruel and fierce light, and the corners of his mouth raised an exaggerated arc.

The sharp sword floated for a moment before stabbing straight into the heart of the wolf-sect demon hunter.

Brett looked at the darkness in front of him, his heart filled with uncontrollable excitement.

He knew that at the end of his sight was the blurry face of the Wolf School demon hunter.

In his mind, he automatically filled in a series of negative expressions such as confusion, panic, fear, etc. on the faces of those who died under his sword in the past.

However, the next moment.

A pair of blue, indifferent cat eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness.

The gaze that fell on Brett was as cold as the pure white snow outside the caravan in winter.

Damn it!

What's going on?

Brett suddenly felt chills all over his body and his hairs stood on end. The sudden and inexplicable sense of crisis made his teeth tremble and his scalp numb.

However, this strange scene did not slow down the long sword from stabbing at the target.

Even though the wolf school demon hunter had tried his best to dodge sideways, the sharp sword tip still pierced the leather armor, pierced the flesh and blood, and stabbed...



"How is that possible!"

Brett yelled in disbelief.

His unique move, his sharp sword actually... stopped after piercing the flesh.

It's like a dull blade stabbing into cowhide...

"How is that possible!"

Brett panicked and tried to correct the direction of the sword.

However, due to the enemy's sideways movement, the long sword slid across the flesh and leather armor, making a gash, and then stabbed straight towards the ceiling of the room.

The next moment.

Brett is horrified to discover...

The wolf school demon hunter with strange blue cat eyes suddenly disappeared!

His arm resisted the momentum of the long sword swinging in the air, trying to withdraw the blade.

His head turned hard to the left, trying to find the figure that suddenly disappeared in front of him.


Brett suddenly felt a lightness in his head, a strong smell of rust poured into his nose, and his eyes began to rotate slowly unconsciously.


At a certain moment, I saw the pair of ice blue indifferent cat eyes again.

Found it!

he thought.

He tried to control his hands, control his sword, but found nothing.

Ever since, he understood everything.

"Maybe the God of Death has such beautiful eyes."

That was the last thought in his mind.

The next moment.

Brett, a demon hunter of the Cat School who once created techniques that even surprised the great masters of the Cat School, fell into an eternal sleep.


Put Elsa back into the scabbard.

The smell of rust in the air is as strong as the nose.

After taking a dose of water ghost's heart essence with his mind to relieve the fatigue of the demon hunter, Aylin felt an inexplicable nausea in his stomach.

This was the first time since he came to this world that he killed someone, and he killed his own kind.

But he didn't regret it, he only regretted not using "Demon Hunting" earlier.

after all.

If he had been careless and not worried about the safety of Hughes, Bunter, and Fred, and used Demon Hunt for a quick victory, he would most likely have died in this battle!

Aylin lowered his head and subconsciously touched the finger-long break on the leather armor.

He could feel that the injury on his chest was not serious, about one centimeter, and the depth was only about one centimeter.

But this was definitely the closest Aylin came to death. If the force of that sword had been that much stronger, and if he didn't have the ten points of elemental affinity to help Aylin block the long sword.

Even if he was not in the demon-hunting state, his cold and ruthless emotional state prevented him from panicking due to a temporary defeat.

If he couldn't help but turn around and dodge, the sword would pierce directly into his heart.

"The swordsmanship of the Cat School witchers is really terrifying!"

Aylin subconsciously glanced at the headless corpse on the ground.

Even though their physical abilities were about the same, the fierce and fierce sword attacks from the Cat School were really hard to withstand.

Compared with the two-handed sword of the Wolf School, Aylin truly experienced the dexterity and changeability of swordsmanship.

"I wonder how Hughes and the others are doing now?"

"If all the enemies you encounter are like this cat school demon hunter..."

Aylin's heart suddenly sank when he thought of this. He casually added a Quen shield to himself, drew out his steel sword, and jumped onto the window sill.

The street outside the hotel was deserted.

However, in the long dark street, the snoring sounds of the villagers sleeping soundly disappeared completely, leaving only the curses and roars in the hotel, and the moans of gold and iron that kept echoing.

Apparently, the strange noise in the hotel still woke up the people in Baiguoyuan.

Aylin sighed inwardly, climbed out of the window sill, and walked to the thatched herringbone roof.

This is just a small hotel in a rural town. There are only six rooms on the second floor. The demon hunters of the Wolf School live in five rooms, including Aylin and Vesemir.

"Damn it, you're not a demon hunter apprentice at all. Who are you?"

"Are you kidding me just now? How long has it been? How come your swordsmanship has improved so quickly?"

Along the thatched roof, Aylin had just reached the window of Hughes' room when angry and panicked curses came from the house.

"It seems that Hughes is fine." He looked out the window.


Amidst the sound of swords clashing, the demon hunter of the Cat School cursed loudly.

However, Hughes did not speak. Instead, he slashed with his sword to show his answer.

The person who had the upper hand in the dim room was not the demon hunter of the Cat School, but Hughes.

When Aylin saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses.

That's right.

Quen's Seal LV2, Wolf School Two-Handed Sword LV3, Cat's Eye Potion, plus swordsmanship, the Cat School hunter has just "graduated" about ten years at most.

It's surprising that Hughes will lose.

"Unconsciously, the little kid following me seemed to be taking matters into his own hands."

"But compared to the one named Brett, this demon hunter from the Cat School is really weak."

Aylin sighed in his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he is very lucky!

Judging from the situation of the battle, the demon hunter of the Cat School will die under Hughes's sword in at most five minutes.

However, the situation at Bunt and Fred is still unclear, and there is no movement at all from Vesemir.

Aylin didn't even think about it for a moment and was not ready to wait for Hughes to deal with the enemy by himself, so he jumped in directly from the window.


The handle of the steel sword struck the nameless cat sect demon hunter on the back of the head at lightning speed.


Hughes was stunned for a moment. After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, the strange green cat eyes, whose whites were darkened by the cat's eye potion, suddenly became round with joy.

He knew that the reason why he was able to suppress and beat that strange man in black must be because he was "watched by the eyes of the demon hunter".

Otherwise, how could his swordsmanship improve so quickly during battles.

"Ai Lin, these people are all..."

With no time to exchange greetings, Aylin raised his hand to interrupt Hughes and quickly arranged the task.

"It's me. I'll go next door to find Fred. You can go directly to help Bunt. After solving the trouble, wait for us in Fred's room."

Hughes nodded seriously, followed Aylin, and was about to leave the room.

Aylin suddenly turned his head and said seriously:

"Xius! Do you still remember what Master Vesemir said? Don't be soft-hearted, just treat these enemies as water ghosts."

Hughes was stunned for a moment, subconsciously glanced at the man in black who was unconscious on the ground, and nodded vigorously.


The two demon hunters from the Wolf School walked to Fred's window.

Hughes continued to move forward, and Aylin looked over carefully.


After the light yellow light flashed, there was a soft cracking sound.

The man in black was staggered by the shock wave of Quen's shield shattering, and then rushed forward again.


Fred's opponent was even weaker than Hughes's.

Because the LV2 Quen shield also has the ability to repel, but it is very weak, just a slight push with your hand.

And considering Fred's mystery of only seven points, in real circumstances, the force of the shield shattering would be even lighter.

If it weren't for the two-handed swords of the wolf school facing the swordsmanship of the demon hunters of the cat school, Fred would have won long ago.

But looking at the movements of this fake demon hunter's long sword, each sword is aimed at non-lethal places such as the arms, shoulders, thighs and waist.

"Is it possible that there are differences among these cat schools?"

"Is this demon hunter the one who is better at the wolf school?"

As Aylin thought about it, he did not hesitate in his hand movements.

He kicked off the window sill with his right foot and landed directly behind the demon hunter of the Cat School, without using the hilt of the steel sword.

He punched him directly in the back of the head.


The cat-sect witcher fell to the ground and fell into a peaceful sleep.

The teammates rescued by Aylin add one.

"Fred, let's go, let's go next door to meet with Hughes and Bunter..."

Aylin raised his head and was about to arrange for Fred to go with him to find Bunt.


Hughes's roaring screams came from the window.

Ailin's heart suddenly sank.

Something happened to Hughes and Bunter!

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