Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 165 Even if he is the king of a country!


A branch of the Blue Mountains of Kaedwen.


The sound of the clash of armor echoed in the nameless wilderness.

Three knights in steel armor sat on majestic and powerful horses, letting the horses walk slowly on the gentle slopes of the mountains on the paths trodden by travelers.

Golden horse clothes, shiny armor, and a black unicorn cape with a yellow background.

It was obvious that this was a group of Kaedweni's king's bodyguards.

Spring has just begun, and the weeds in the Kaedwen Mountains have already begun to grow wildly.

The tender grass was so juicy that even the well-trained horses of the king's personal guards couldn't help but quietly lower their heads to eat a few mouthfuls of grass while pacing forward.

A young knight sat on a horse, looking around at the same mountainous scenery. He couldn't help but look back at the knight at the head of the queue and asked:

"Captain Elide, what are we looking for?"

The knight named Captain Elide did not look back:

"Knight Weed, didn't you hear the king's warrant delivered by the herald this morning?"

"Search for any anomalies in the area of ​​responsibility."

The young knight named Weide scratched his helmet and said doubtfully:

"But here, everything except weeds is just weeds. Where does the strangeness come from..."

Before the young knight could finish complaining, Elide tightened the reins suddenly, and the well-trained chestnut horse stopped almost instantly.


The white horse behind the maroon horse stumbled sideways in order to dodge, almost throwing the young knight off him and falling onto the weeds half a man's height by the roadside.

"Remember it, Knight Weed!"

"Once you join the glorious king's bodyguard, you are no longer the heir to the noble earl."

"You are now just a knight of the king's personal guard, just a soldier."

"And what a soldier has to do is to shut up and obey the orders of his superior, the 'Captain Elide' in front of you. Do you understand?"

Some embarrassed young knights quickly stabilized their horses and shouted loudly:

"Yes! Captain Elide!"

"very good!"

Elide glared at the young knight again, then tightened the reins, turned the horse's head, and continued to search forward.


The heavy sound of horse hooves gradually faded away.


There was a gentle sound of grass and trees rubbing against each other.

From the weeds that the young knight of the king's personal guard had almost fallen into, a figure suddenly stood up cautiously.

Light yellow leather armor, two long swords, one steel and one silver, and the unique way of carrying the sword...


This person is none other than Aylin, the demon hunter of the Wolf School.

After parting ways with the witchers of the Wolf School in the Orchard, Aylin went straight to the ruins of the castle.

Then, using the magic vision of the wolf emblem, he rode a "carrot" to track the scattered black magic dots until he met the first team of the king's personal guards.

If Aylin's perception hadn't been improved, he would have seen the conspicuous armor from a long distance away.

He almost ran into the three knights.

After standing up from the grass, Aylin patted the leather armor on his chest, looking shocked, and let out a sigh of relief.

What a risk! What a risk!

It was so close to being exposed.

Looking at the blurry figure hidden by the trees, Ai Lin's heart still felt a little up and down.

"Is this the fourth wave of knights already?"

Aylin looked at the slowly moving black magic dot not far away with a solemn expression.

If these magic points really point to the couple entrusted by the red-haired elf...

"The abnormality that the king's bodyguards are looking for - that is, what King Haxo is looking for, is indeed consistent with my goal."

he thought.

And it seemed that the king's personal guards were just a hair away from locking their target.


There isn't much time left for him!

Aylin sighed, reconnected with the wolf emblem with his mind, and once again followed the direction of the black magic dot.

When he met the first group of king's guards, he asked "Carrot" to go back to the hotel by himself, so now he can only walk on foot.

Although it is a little slower, the advantage is that it is very hidden and you can hide in the grass at any time like just now.

Perhaps because of the mobilization of large groups of people, wolves, bears, ghouls and other creatures with keen senses were driven away.

Except for the dangerous encounters with four waves of the king's personal guards, his journey was exceptionally smooth.


Every time he encounters these knights wearing black unicorn capes with a yellow background, Aylin's worries always get a little heavier.

"Even if we can find the couple entrusted by the red-haired elf..."

"But with so many elite knights blocking the road, how can I safely send these two people out of Kaedwen from the layers of siege by the king's personal guards?"

The young demon hunter was thinking, and after following the black magic point to avoid an oak tree as thick as two people's arms, he suddenly froze on the spot.

A huge valley blocked his way.

Black element points just flew into it across the sky.


It seems... it seems like a good place to hide someone.

Aelin thought.

He looked at the black spots gradually extending out of his sight and sighed:

"It's a pity that the guiding role of the black magic point ends here."

after all.

He had no wings and could not fly along the black magic dot in front of him.

Just when Aylin was a little troubled, his ears moved slightly.


The faint sound of horse hooves came from the valley.

Alin followed the sound and saw three king’s guards riding in from the valley entrance on his right.

They passed through several wooden fences and entered a large camp with tents and many black spots moving constantly.

“Is this the temporary camp of the king’s guards?”

After concentrating and looking carefully, the young demon hunter suddenly felt a little tricky.

Have the human couple that the red-haired elf is looking for been caught?

Or have they not been caught, and these guards just happened to find a valley for easy camping?


They should not have found it yet!

He remembered the team of king’s guards who almost caught him before.

“‘Search for all abnormalities in the area...’ I remember that the captain said so.”

Alin murmured, his eyes slowly brightened.


If they really found it, how could they need to send people out to look for it again?

Of course.

Another possibility is that Alin came at the right time.

Just when he found this valley, Haxor’s guards found the target that the king was looking for.

But is it really such a coincidence?

Thinking of this, Ailin lowered his head, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.


Not long after the knights entered the camp, another team of the king's guards rode out of the camp, and the black spots in the camp were moving as usual.

"It should be a shift change."

The young demon hunter thought.

So it's right!

The guards of King Kaedwen must not have found the target yet, otherwise why would they change shifts?

Ailin breathed a sigh of relief and was immediately excited.

"As long as I find the target first and take the human couple out..."

"Take them out..."

He lowered his head and looked at the camp.

Because the distance was too far, he could only see some small black spots, but after a rough count, there were at least two or three hundred.

Ailin was silent for a long time and asked himself.

Who gave him the courage to say the two words "as long as" with a thick face?


A clearing in the woods near Ban Ade.


Guksat's brain was scrambled by waves of information, and he could no longer think normally.

The king exterminated the demon hunters, his own school was ruined, and the leader persecuted important combat forces...

He could only hold the oilcloth of the caravan and stare blankly at the bald man.

"What do you mean?"

The bald man did not give a direct explanation, but instead, as if he was giving a lecture to an apprentice, he said in a gentle and persuasive manner:

"When you know that the king's goal is to exterminate wolves and cats at the same time, and you can't compete, as a leader, you don't have many choices."

"Fight, escape, and surrender, there are only these three."

"If it were you, my apprentice, which one would you choose?"

Guksat's mind was turning over and over.

Before he could come up with a conclusion, the bald man continued:

"Resistance is impossible, because of the long-term war with the elves, Haxor's defense is the most strict among the kings."

"Wizards, personal guards and guards, add up to more than a hundred people."

"Now is the moment when the king is most sensitive and vigilant. There are only more than a dozen demon hunters in the Cat School. We may not even be able to get close."

"What about leaving?" Guksat asked, "We are not like other schools. We have stone castles that cannot be moved. We have caravans. There are no countries we can't go to."

"Really?" The bald man asked back, "Can we really go to any country?"

Guksat was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously said: "Isn't it?"

The bald man shook his head and said, "The Cat School is a school of demon hunters that accepts murder commissions. From bandit suppression, wanted arrests to assassinations, we have been rooted in Kaedwen for hundreds of years. All our employers are in Kaedwen. If we leave here, what will we eat?"

"Besides, have you forgotten what I just said?"

"What..." Guxat paused, and suddenly the thought "all demon hunter schools will eventually perish" appeared in his mind. He said in horror:

"There are more than one king who wants to exterminate demon hunters!"

The bald man sighed and whispered:

"Guxat, it's not just the king?"

"The whole world is against demon hunters."

"So if we flee to other countries, the Cat School will also be destroyed, right?" Guxat asked.

Then he gradually calmed down.

It was meaningless for Teresius to use these words to scare him.

Of the three choices, two have been eliminated.

Teresius's choice is obvious.

Guxat sighed and asked weakly: "So you chose to surrender?"

The bald man did not answer directly, but changed the subject and said:

"I knew there was a problem with the commission last night, but it doesn't matter."

"In terms of strength, it is not a problem for you and Totti to hold back a master of the Wolf School. You can leave at any time if you want."

"Even if you can't leave due to an accident, as long as you don't kill, according to the principles of the Wolf School Demon Hunters, they will not kill you even if they have the upper hand."

"As for the others..."

"Fredica is a pervert. He is too extreme in his actions and is the source of most of the troubles of the school."

"Ben-Hur and Bindu killed many guards in the Royal City of Ade Kalai. Although they were released later because of the Wolf School and the fighting competition, they must die if Haxo wants to accept the school."

"As for Brett..."

The bald man sighed.

"He is focused on improving his swordsmanship and strength. He is a talented person. It's just a pity that he offended the knights and nobles the most."

Guksat understood the bald man's words and said in a somewhat complicated way:

"So as the leader of the school, you gave up on them all?"

Silence fell.

After a few seconds, the bald man sighed and said:

"Yeah, I gave them all up."

"I have made arrangements. For the future of the school, even if there was no accident last night, they will die sooner or later."

"Theresius, the king promised you..."

"No, he didn't, Guksat." The bald man looked complicated, "He didn't, I just received a hint."

"You can't be so strong that people are afraid to take action, you have to be weak enough to make people feel reassured."

After taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see Guksat's expression, and said

"Wild cats want to become house cats..."

"The only thing you can do is wash away the stinky smell on your body, cut off the sharp claws, and expose your furry belly for others to play with, right?"

Guksat was speechless, with complex emotions flowing in his eyes.

Silence fell again.

After a while.

Maybe he wanted to change the topic, or maybe he was really curious, the bald man suddenly asked:

"By the way, although Brett and Fredika are destined to end, their strength cannot be underestimated. How were they killed last night?"

"You didn't stop the Master Demon Hunter of the Wolf School?"

Guksat gently touched the smooth oil cloth and shook his head: "I don't know either. Toti and I have been blocking a master demon hunter."

"When I left, I only had time to save Ben-Hur and Bindu..."

Guksat said, suddenly remembered something, frowned and said:

"Ai Lin..."

"What?" The bald man was stunned for a moment.

"Do you know a wolf school demon hunter named Aylin... No... he can behead Brett, he should be a master demon hunter..."

The bald man lowered his head in silence after hearing this. After thinking for a while, he shook his head:

"There is no master demon hunter named Aelin of the Wolf School."

"Why do you think it was this guy who killed Brett and Fredika?"

"It was when we heard the demon hunters of the Wolf School shouting this name that Totty and I realized something was wrong and left."

The bald man heard the words, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"I will tell this name to the king's men..."

"Theresius!" Guksat suddenly interrupted, "Brett, Fredika, Ben-Hur and Bindu, I don't care about their lives."

"I've always been on your side..."

The bald man was startled for a moment, his heart warmed, and he smiled happily.


"You don't even have a promise that may expire at any time, so you must be sure..."

"When a wild cat wants to become a house cat, it will be caressed by hands after it leaks out of its belly?"

"What if we are greeted by cruel boots or sharp blades?"

The bald man put away his smile and looked solemn.

After looking at Guksat for two seconds, he showed his blood-red gums and smiled nervously:

"Then he will know how terrifying the combination of a desperate wild cat and the skills he relies on to survive in this world is."

"even if……"

"He was protected by hundreds of people."

"Even if he is the king of a country!"

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