"Cosimo Malaspina and Alzu are both respected masters who have made outstanding achievements in hybridization, mutation and genetic modification."

"But the wizards of their line are isolated from the world. After creating the demon hunters, they either hide away to study or die from the creatures they summoned and modified, and gradually disappear from the world..."

"Ban Ade has very little knowledge about hybridization, mutation and genetic modification, and it is not systematic."

"So many wizards here have some not-so-good curiosity and desire for the demon hunter, the pinnacle of mutation and genetic modification."

Robin deliberately chose remote and sparsely populated places to walk, while explaining to them what they need to pay attention to in this academy

The faces of several young demon hunters are not very good.

It's more than curiosity!

No matter how old or young, almost every wizard looks at them as if they want to skin them.

No one wants to be stared at by such a look of slaughtering lambs or experimental mice.

Vesemir looked normal, as if he had expected it.

Some wizards with ill intentions pointed and glared at them when they approached.

That's right...

Vesemir once said that he had received a commission here.

"Stay away from Ban Ade, demon hunters are not welcome there."

This was what Vesemir warned them when he first taught them how to deal with water ghost materials.

But they didn't expect that they had to take the initiative to walk into this uncomfortable place for their own school just a few months after saying this.

Alin tilted his head to look.

At that time, Hughes still had many aspirations for wizards, but now.

"I hate this place!"

He frowned and kept muttering.

After walking with Robin for about ten minutes, they reached their destination.

"This is the arena, where you will compete tomorrow!" Robin pointed behind him.

Alin looked over.

This is a place that looks like the ancient Roman arena.

But it looks much smaller, and it should only accommodate one or two hundred spectators at most.

Led by Robin to walk in.

The main stage of the arena has been set up with a very large velvet seat and a sunshade.

Behind the main stage hangs a shield-shaped, huge yellow-bottomed black unicorn flag.

There are also several luxurious iron-clad oak chairs on both sides of the seats.

"Tomorrow, Hackso will definitely sit in the middle, but I don't know which seat the chief will be assigned to?"

Ailin pondered in his heart.

After walking in, Robin adjusted his glasses with his ring finger and continued to introduce to several demon hunters:

"This was originally the place where students took practical magic classes in the academy, and occasionally held some magic competitions with rewards."

"It is considered a place where male wizard apprentices who are too energetic can vent their energy in the academy."

"But for tomorrow's competition, it has been out of use for a month, so..."

"So even those male wizard apprentices who don't covet our bodies don't have a good impression of us, right?" Ailin continued.

Robin shrugged:

"You guessed right."

"But tomorrow is the competition, these people will not do too much, at most they will just play some pranks."

"And they treat you and the demon hunters of the Cat School equally."

"But among the people you mentioned earlier, there may be a few crazy people who don't care so much about the rules."

"Of course..."

"After all, tomorrow's competition is held by the king. The probability of such a situation is very small, but we have to be on guard."

Several demon hunters nodded at the same time, indicating that they had written down the news.

"Hunting monsters, sword fighting and melee."

"Tomorrow's competition items are the same as before, and the monsters hunted are also water ghosts. The only difference is the order..."

"The sword fighting, which should have been the second event in the past, was placed in the first event."

Robin paused.

"What a good plan!"

Vesemir sneered.

Combined with the news Robin revealed to them just now, the scum of the Cat School obviously wanted to use the advantage of age and experience to seriously injure or even kill his apprentices in the sword fighting.

In this way, the second competition will be won without a fight.

They have already cheated, and they still have to do these little tricks. It's really shameful!

Hearing this, Erin knew that Robin was worried about them, and comforted him:

"Don't worry, we are sure."

Seeing this, Robin stopped trying to dissuade them.

Seeing Erin and the others finish looking at the venue, he led the way and turned to the gate:

"Your place is nearby..."

"In fact, if you just came to see me, you don't have to live outside at all. The academy will arrange accommodation for you..."

"I would rather live outside." Fred muttered.

Thinking of being stared at by so many people with bad intentions for more than ten days, he got goose bumps all over his body.

Hughes and Bont also nodded in agreement.

Robin smiled when he heard this, and without saying anything more, he took them out of the arena.


Ban Ade Academy has a long history.

It is the oldest magic school in the northern continent. You can see pointed dark green towers covered with ivy everywhere.

According to Robin,

Each tower in the academy has its own name.

It is usually named after a wizard who has made outstanding contributions in his field.

But some towers are named by the academy to commemorate some legendary wizards who have passed away.

For example.


Although he is not a wizard from the academy, and may have never been here.

But Ben Ade still has a tower named after him - Alzu Tower.

To commemorate the contribution of the demon hunters he created to the human beings' foothold in the north.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

The tower where the demon hunters were arranged to stay was the Alzu Tower.

Of course.

This tower is indeed very close to the venue where they will compete tomorrow, about a three-minute walk away.

"Always remember your identity as the creator!"

Walking under the Alzu Tower, Vesemir suddenly said softly with an expressionless face.


Ailin was stunned for a moment.

"This is what a wizard said when I came here last time."

"The location is at the door of this tower..."

"Then what?" Ailin asked curiously.

Vesemir raised his lips and said:

"Then I rushed forward two steps and punched the wizard in the stomach, knocking out his breakfast and lunch..."

"Weak wizards always like to mock in secret..."

"What's funny is that they claim to be the creators of the witcher, but they can't even block the fists of their own creations."

"What happened next?"

Robin came over as if he was not a wizard.

"Nothing happened later..." Vesemir shook his head, "Ban Ade asked me for something, and it was the wizard who was mean, what could happen later?"

"Ban Ade Academy neither punished me nor the wizard."

"Just like nothing happened, a normal commission, and then the commission ended, I took the bounty and left..."

During the chat, Robin brought a few people to the second floor of the tower:

"This is your room, the witcher of the cat school is also here, but on the third floor..."

As he said.

Robin was about to push open the door and take Alin and the others in to take a look.

The wooden door just opened slightly.


The school badges on several demon hunters buzzed at the same time.

Ailin immediately pulled Robin back.

The magic power in his body flowed, and his thumb and index finger were slightly bent, drawing a triangle in front of him.

A spherical light golden shield immediately surrounded the two people.


There was an explosion in the room.

The next second.

A gust of wind blew from the door, and green smoke suddenly surged out like a tide.

After the smoke dissipated, Robin observed carefully for a few seconds before patting Ailin on the shoulder:

"It's okay, it's diarrhea, a little trick of mischief."

"Just don't inhale this green mist."

"But Ailin..."

Robin looked at the light golden magic shield that completely protected him, and said in surprise:

"What kind of seal is this?"

"Why have I never seen it before."

Ailin took back Quinn, and before he could answer.

"This is the Quinn seal!" Vesemir's surprised voice came.

"Quinn?" Robin scratched his head and glanced at Hughes and Fred, who were flashing a faint yellow light from time to time. "Isn't the Quen sign the same as theirs?"

Although Ron was once an apprentice of the Wolf School.

But he had been staying in Kaer Morhen and didn't really know the advanced uses of several signs of the Wolf School.

But he was not interested in it, so after mumbling, he didn't really want an answer.

Although Hughes, Bont and Fred were also very curious, they didn't really feel anything about it because the level of the sign was too weak.

After all.

Ailin has always been very strong.

And isn't it normal for a genius demon hunter like Erin to do things that ordinary demon hunters can't do?

But Vesemir is not.

He is very familiar with the stage of Erin's Quen sign, so he was shocked that his dark golden cat pupils were wide open.

Although Erin had used Quen when hunting water ghosts and ghouls a few days ago.

But in normal form.

It is difficult to see the proficiency of Quen's sign.

In addition, those water ghosts and ghouls didn't even hit once.

Although Vesemir felt that the color of Aylin's Quen shield seemed a little darker, he didn't care much.

But today...

Vesemir looked at the light golden shield covering Aylin and Robin.

Somewhat unbelievable.

Of course, he also knew how to use the advanced "active shield", but it took him twenty years to learn it...

It took another three years to go from the irregular eggshell with pits to the standard regular sphere in front of him.

What about Aylin?

He didn't even become a formal demon hunter for half a month!


Really outrageous!

Aylin felt Vesemir's gaze, but he didn't intend to hide it.

The few people present were trustworthy.


Compared with his other abnormalities, the rapid improvement of skills was nothing.

So he naturally retracted his right hand, and after the spherical light golden shield disappeared, he took two steps forward.


After the wooden door was pushed open.

The green smoke in the room had disappeared.

But the gray linen bedding and walls were stained with a light green.

Alin made another Ottrop magic shield sign and walked cautiously to the window sill.

Under a big tree not far away, stood several short masked wizard apprentices wearing black robes.

After being discovered, they did not escape immediately.

He mouthed a curse similar to "freak, inhuman monster", made an arrogant gesture of cutting his throat, and then ran away quickly.

"This is the prank I told you." Robin came from behind and patted Aylin on the shoulder.

"The diarrhea spell won't cause much damage, but once you are hit, you will have diarrhea immediately without the spell, which will embarrass you..."

Aylin heard this.

I feel like this spell is a bit like a prank spell in a magic school movie from a previous life.

However, watching the characters in the story being pranked and being teased for no reason are two different experiences.

If a few demon hunters really fall into the trap.

It didn't take much to imagine that such indecent and dramatic news could spread throughout the streets of Ben Ard, and even throughout Kaedwen, in less than a day.

“What an unpleasant city!”

Aelin thought.

"Don't worry about them. You won't be able to catch up if you chase them now, and you might even get into real trouble. I'll take you to other rooms to see them!"

With that said, Robin pulled Aylin towards the door.

Other rooms also have some crude magic traps.

They are all the same as the diarrhea technique. They are not fatal but can be embarrassing.

However, although these magic traps are very hidden, they cannot escape the eyes of Vesemir and Aylin.

Especially Aylin.

As long as it's a magic item.

Aylin used the magic vision of the wolf emblem to clearly see all the locations containing magic in several rooms with just one sweep.

He even found several props that were hidden so secretly that even Vesemir had not discovered them.

With Aylin's LV4 alchemy skills, he could easily identify it.

These are magical items used for surveillance.

Just like a camera, the picture can be transmitted to a crystal ball or other receiving end props.

This prop is very expensive.

Those mischievous apprentices certainly couldn't afford it, and there was no need.

Most likely left by wizards interested in the living legacy of Cosimo Malaspina and Arzu.

So Robin was right.

It's really because he chased after him in a moment of anger that his combat power was dispersed, so he might really be in big trouble.


The props that could be used again were put away by Aylin.

Other useless or scattered magic props with hidden dangers were thrown at the door of the tower.

On other people's territory, several demon hunters did not intend to get to the bottom of it.

Directly use the Igoni seal to burn them all with flames.

Finally, Aylin used the wolf emblem to visually check several times before returning to the room.

"This floor is all yours, you can take your pick."

“As for where to eat…”

Vesemir interrupted Robin and said:

"No, we're not going to eat here."

Robin knew their situation, nodded, and said no more.

He lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds. After no information was missed, he looked seriously at several demon hunters, especially Aylin, and asked:

"There are so many things to explain, is there anything else you want to know?"

"If not, I won't disturb you in preparing for tomorrow's game."

"Thank you, Robin," Vesemir said forcefully, "The Wolf School will never forget your help today!"

"Aelin is my best friend."

Robin adjusted his glasses, shook his head and said:

"Besides, I also grew up in Kaer Morhen, and the chief and other witchers were very kind to me."

"How could you know this kind of news and still sit idly by?"

Then Robin chatted for a few more words, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Several demon hunters took him to the door of Alzu Tower before stopping.

Robin had just taken two steps out of the tower when he suddenly thought of something. He turned back and leaned against Aylin's ear, whispering:

"Ai Lin, you must win!"

"If you win, I will give you another book..."

"Your favorite kind!"

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