Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 20 Before my father's father (thanks to the monthly ticket from book friend

Chapter 20 Before My Father’s Father (Thanks to book friend “aka_” for his monthly ticket)

"Um... Aelin, are you done?" Vesemir was a little afraid to confirm.

Leto was so shocked that he was speechless, but upon hearing Vesemir's tone, he squinted his eyes and thought:

"You don't know either, why were you so noisy just now?"

Aylin adjusted his mentality and said, "Yes, I'm fine."

Leto couldn't help but patted Vesemir on the shoulder and asked:

"Damn... what's going on with the mushroom soup? Are you confused by reading pornographic books? Do you dare to cut corners in the apprentice's mushroom soup?"

"You'd better keep your mouth clean. It's Ms. Vera who cooks the mushroom soup." Vesemir still valued the friendship between companions and couldn't help but remind Leto.

"Vera? Which Vera?"

"Vera of Toussaint, the bloody red fox..."

"Holy he the chief's old friend?" Leto was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised. "The chief finally understands the difficulties of a school without official wizards?"

Before he finished his question, Leto asked with great interest: "How did he kidnap the sorceress? Do you know any news?"

"I don't know, let me remind you..."

Vesemir glanced at Aylin, who pretended not to hear anything, and reminded him again:

"Aylin is now learning alchemy from Ms. Vera... we see each other every day..."

Leto's face immediately darkened.

He believed that apprentices would not talk nonsense, but most sorceresses could read minds.

If Vera reads what he just said...

Leto's face turned darker after his brain was running at high speed.

"Vesemir, why didn't you remind me just now?" Leto scolded angrily.

"Are you sure I didn't remind you?" Vesemir's face was full of benevolence and justice.


A slap on the forehead.

Leto asked without giving up: "What is the magic of fame for our most respected Ms. Vera?"

"Vera's body transformation technique is also known as the leech transformation spell. It is said that... the leeches transformed by the demon hunters are of extremely high medicinal value..."

"Can I ask for mercy from the chief?"

"If the chief knew what you just said, he might not necessarily help you..."

The amber cat eyes trembled in his eyes, Leto kept pacing back and forth in front of everyone, and then suddenly stopped after a moment.

"What's wrong? You've figured out a way." Vesemir asked curiously, "Actually, you don't have to worry. Even for the chief's sake, Ms. Vera won't kill you no matter what she says."

"There are many ways to be crueler than death, and Ms. Vera is the one who is the best at it." Leto rolled his eyes and said, "I plan to hide outside."

"Don't you plan to spend the winter in Kaer Morhen this year?"

"What do you think? Let's go quickly. You don't want to take your apprentice to catch water ghosts..."

Leto urged Vesemir frantically.

Vesemir had no choice but to bid farewell to his apprentices hastily, then called Aelin and walked out of the castle.

"Ms. Vera...isn't that cruel?"

On the way down the mountain, Aylin couldn't help but ask.

"Are you kidding me, Bloody..."


Hearing Aelin's doubts, Leto couldn't help but explain to the ignorant apprentice what the bloody red fox was.

He was quickly stopped by Vesemir.

Leto could only smile apologetically, then shut up and walked in front of the three of them.

Vesemir withdrew his gaze, carefully considered the words, and then explained to Aylin:

"Leto has no brains. He didn't mean to offend the lady..."

These words were not so much a conversation with Aelin, but rather that Vesemir was apologizing on behalf of Leto to a certain sorceress who might have seen this scene.

After finishing a long paragraph of Vesemir's version of "Leto's Indictment", Vesemir seemed to feel a little guilty and tried to persuade him:

"Ai Lin, please show some respect to Ms. Vera. She comes from an era older than when I was born. At that time, my grandfather's grandfather was not even born yet..."

Ailin looked strange when he heard this.

He wondered if Ms. Vera really knew about today's conversations, would she punish Leto or Vesemir.

Master Demon Hunter, age is a taboo for women!

"...Ms. Vera's methods were occasionally a little extreme, but it was a chaotic era. Regardless of good or evil, everyone treated their enemies in the same way."

"As far as I know, Ms. Vera has never bullied anyone, so you don't have to be afraid."

Because Ms. Vera never bullied the weak, he didn't have to be afraid. Aelin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Vesemir is really good at talking.

It's really hard for the master witcher to say that he is weak so politely.

"Shh! We're here!"

Leto, who was at the front of the team, suddenly stopped and turned around to remind.

"The first lesson in hunting monsters is tracking." Vesemir looked seriously, pointed under him and said softly, "Use your keen senses as a demon hunter to find these water ghosts."

【bite! Found a main mission: tracking (finding the water ghost group 0/1)]

[Task reward: Tracking LV1]

There is finally movement in the ghost system.

Heaven is indeed outside the castle of Kaer Morhen.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Aylin looked down.

The ground in late autumn was covered with broken yellow leaves, which were distributed irregularly.

Aylin didn't find any difference at first glance.

If it was Leto who pointed out the traces, Arryn might suspect that he was teasing him, but not Vesemir. He was serious about teaching his apprentices.

So Aylin calmed down and tried to observe from different angles.

Since Vesemir and the system have determined that it is a group of water ghosts.

It is definitely correct to start from the characteristics of water ghosts.

After Aylin raised his head to observe the direction of the sun, he walked to the place opposite to the sun.

Where Vesemir just pointed out, there is indeed a small area that is shiny.

It's the reflection of liquid, it must have been left by the water ghost.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you would be able to find clues on the first hunt." Vesemir nodded with satisfaction, "Go on, find them, and then solve them."

After hearing this, Aylin nodded seriously.

"Kacha ~ Kacha ~"

The autumn leaves are yellow and dry, making a tiny crunching sound when stepped on.

Arryn walked at the front of the three-man team, Vesemir stood back and observed, and Leto absentmindedly sat at the bottom.

As the air became moister, a small stream soon appeared in front of Aylin.

"Quaa la~ Gua la~"

Ai Lin quietly leaned down and followed the sound.

There were about eight water ghosts playing on the grass beside the stream.

"It's easy to judge the strength of a water ghost..." Vesemir reminded him softly.

"Look at the size." Aylin continued.

"That's right, so these are not weak, they are much stronger than the ones you killed yesterday." Vesemir said.

"It's really not easy to find so many and so weak water ghosts." Leto interjected, looking very resentful.

Vesemir ignored Leto.

He looked at Aylin and asked softly: "How many do you want?"

His tone was as casual as asking how much bread he wanted for dinner.

Aylin did not reply immediately. He placed an appraisal on the nearest and strongest water ghost.

[Name: Water Ghost]

[Level: LV6]

[Attributes: Strength 13, Agility 11, Constitution 23, Perception 8, Mystery 1]

It's only LV6, so it's a difficulty level I can handle.

Aylin's eyes shone slightly, and he turned to Vesemir and said:

"I want them all!"

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