Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 202: Haxo is dead?

This water ghost king is so weak!

An idea flashed through Aelin's mind.

at the same time.

The Water Ghost King gave a heavy hammer blow with his right claw, like a hill coming down from top to bottom, slamming into Aylin's head.

After a quick glance, the demon hunter saw an Alder sign blowing down the surrounding water ghost, and then took two steps to the side.


The fist with red flippers drew a line of red light and rubbed his body as it hit the ground.

A large crater was instantly created in the yellow-brown sandy ground of the arena, and the soil splashed out and shot into the distance.

Aylin murmured in a low voice.

"Is this water ghost king so weak?"

Although his strength was not as strong as this monster, which weighed at least three or four tons, he could clearly see every attack of the Water Ghost King.

So it was easy to dodge, not as difficult as imagined.


Before the smoke and dust that was smashed hit the ground, the sound of howling wind came from the right again.

Aylin turned around, brushed his thick blue arm to dodge, and then slashed down cleanly.

The sharp silver sword is like a silver lightning.

Following the skin, muscles, nerves... and after a slight delay at the bones, directly split the Water Ghost King's forearm into two.

The bright red blood, with its unique fragrance, spurted out from the disconnected veins and arteries.


Dust was kicked up by heavy arms.


The severe pain of the broken arm caused the Water Ghost King to scream miserably.

at the same time.

Aelin glanced down.

The red and blue webbed claws of the Water Ghost King twitched and struggled in the smoke for two times before returning to calm.

This water ghost king is indeed very weak!

Not only did he not use the Ice Spear spell from a distance, he didn't even put on the blue magic shield similar to Quen's seal.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for Aylin to break off his arm.

"Is it disdain?"

"Or does it not have the ability to cast magic?"

Think of the so-called "confluence of the heavens and the earth"...


This water ghost king was raised by someone.

While thinking, Aylin bent his middle finger on his right hand and waved to the right.

The group of water ghosts that rushed forward in awe were pushed away by the translucent shock wave for an unknown number of times.

Compared to the Water Ghost King whose limbs were severed by a sword, Aylin even had to control his strength when using the Alder Seal to push away these water ghosts.

[Hunting Mission: Water Ghost II (Kill Water Ghost 496/500)]

[Task reward: unknown]

In fact, he doesn’t know whether the celestial sphere will converge after the completion of “Hunting Mission: Water Ghost II”.


Aelin glanced sideways.

Hughes and Bunter had just turned into mist and penetrated the iron fence, and Fred had not left.

For the safety of our companions, it is better to avoid these water ghosts for the time being.

At this moment, there were bursts of exclamations from the audience.

"What did I see?"

"That wolf school demon hunter actually cut off the monster's arm!"

Although many timid and cautious wizards left due to emergencies.


There are always some brave people, seeing that the "celestial sphere interaction" has not affected them, they come back and continue to watch this rare scene.

"The heavens and the earth are converging? Aren't you going to run?"

"Why are you running? Not all monsters are in the arena. It's rare to see monsters and freaks killing each other..."

"And what about the intersection of the celestial and celestial spheres? That's something only found in history books!"

"Look at the king...this is clearly a premeditated assassination..."

"You mean..."

"Shh~ I understand everything..."

The brave wizard's apprentice saw the battle in the main stand.

Ai Lin, who had been paying attention, naturally saw it.

When he was luring away the water ghost and the water ghost king for the young demon hunter of the Wolf School, part of his attention was also on Soy and the king.

He watched as Haxo was protected in the center by his bodyguards.

Watching a demon hunter from the Cat School disguised as a bodyguard secretly stabbing the leader of the Wolf School was discovered...

Although the man looked very similar, Aylin, who had reached LV5 with two-handed swords of the Cat School, could tell the number of ways he used the sword at a glance.

at last.

Aylin looked at the chief as if he was really helping the king catch the assassin.

In order not to affect the king, he suppressed the demon hunter of the cat school and fought away from Haxor.

Only the bodyguard armor on the assassin and the king's bodyguards along the way intentionally or unintentionally did not help each other, vaguely hinting at their identities.

And who are the true enemies of the king.


Another Alder pushed away the group of water ghosts.

Aylin held a sword flower and circled the Water Ghost King who was losing his mind because of his broken arm.

I am planning to find an opportunity to solve it.


In the corner of his eye.

A wizard in black robes and a pointed hat walked out from behind the main stand and walked to Haxo's side.

After saying a few words to the king, Aelin felt the eyes of the wizard and the king glance towards him at the same time.

Follow closely.

The strange wizard with the pointed top held the pendant on his chest and turned his mouth up and down.

The knights surrounding the king moved quietly, seemingly making way for a passage.

The direction of the passage is exactly Soy, who is fighting a demon hunter from the Cat School without knowing it.

not good!

His goal is chief!

Under anxiety.

Aelin's brain was working rapidly.

After taking two steps back, he quickly pointed the index finger of his right hand at the incoming water ghost.

The scalding heat rises from near the heart, flows through the right hand, and then turns into a blazing line of fire and spurts out.

Instantly set the three water ghosts in front of him on fire.

Immediately afterwards.

The next second,

Bend the middle finger of your left hand and push forward suddenly.

The water ghost screamed "Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

The power of telekinesis, which is finely controlled by mental power, blows the fire instantly.

The flames quickly spread from the burning water ghost to the four or five water ghosts behind him.

For a while.

No water ghost afraid of flames dared to approach this corner between the Water Ghost King and Aylin.


The powerful flames he controlled were not enough to kill these tenacious monsters, so he did not have to worry about completing the "Hunting Mission: Water Ghost II" and adding variables.

As for the Water Ghost King who lost half his arm and was close to going crazy.

It will be difficult to kill him if you get close to him.

But without his powerful right arm, it was extremely easy for Aylin to dodge.

After gaining a moment, he opened the Demon Hunting Notes with his mind.

【bite! Do you want to use Celestial Spheres Convergence - Water Ghost (cooling time 30 days)? 】

A thought came to mind.

A huge door with exquisite emerald green and elf-style suddenly appeared in front of you.


On the translucent door that was originally just a shadow, there was actually a black spherical gem inlaid on the left side of the door that seemed to be real.

Isn't this the fragment of the Gate of Ad Ghaith that Shadia gave before?

After this fragment gave the two skills of Space Control and Blink, it was never completely absorbed.

After so many days, Ailin almost forgot about it.

I didn't expect to meet again at this place.

Looking towards the gem, it was as if he was looking into a black hole, and he felt as if his mental energy had been drawn out.

He was so frightened that he immediately averted his gaze.

At this moment, a lot of questions appeared in his mind...


Now is not the time to dwell on this fragment.

Aelin glanced in the direction of the young demon hunter.

Fred had devaporized and was just shy of getting through the iron fence.


He hesitated no more.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he quickly transferred the shadow of the door that was suspected to be the "Ad Geis Gate" to the main stand.

After confirming his thoughts, a red to black banner appeared in front of him.

【warn! warn! warn】

[The fluctuation of the intersection of the celestial sphere is detected! Fluctuations at the intersection of the celestial sphere detected! 】

Behind the banner in sight.

The wizard wearing a pointed hat was still moving his mouth slightly and had not finished reciting the spell.

When Aylin saw this, he said fiercely in his heart:

"Like the celestial sphere meeting, huh?"

"Do you still like the Water Ghost King?"

"Here's a real guy for you!"

The next second.

A deep black sphere appeared in the center of his sight.

The wizard with the pointed hat was chanting the incantation intently, his body trembled violently, and his face instantly turned pale.


A large mouthful of blood was spat out from his mouth

Sprayed directly on Haxo's face.

The king of Kaedwen changed his expression and was about to curse.


Translucent ripples spread outward from the black sphere.

When touching the earth...


There was an explosion.

I don’t know if it’s the earth shaking the space, or the space resonating with the earth.

Violent force like a volcanic eruption suddenly surged out from the ground, violently throwing the creatures standing on the ground into the air.

In the arena.

In addition to Aylin relying on experience to stabilize his body.

Both the broken-armed Water Ghost King and the Water Ghost suddenly flew into the air and then fell hard to the ground.


The arena appears to be magically fortified.

After a hazy magical glow appeared, the main body of the building did not collapse, but many fine cracks opened on the walls and ground.

But the crowd in the stands were not so lucky.

Although there were buildings under his feet to cushion the shock, it was still inevitable that he would fall down due to the violent vibrations, and his head would be bruised and bloody.

The most terrifying thing is the panic caused by a sudden natural disaster...

"What's going on?!!"


"Protect your majesty quickly! Protect your majesty quickly!"

The crowd in the ordinary stands crowded and ran towards the exit after the earthquake session.

Many people were trampled and injured as a result.

Soy and Teresus stopped fighting.

After all, both of them are the top demon hunters in the world, so this little shock can't do anything to them!

Teresus' eyes were glued to Soy.

Soy glanced at Jaynes thoughtfully, then glanced at Aylin in the arena.

The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

The guards in the main stand shouted to protect the king.

But amidst the screams of the Big Stomach King, one by one fell onto Haxo's fat body due to violent vibrations, making the king's screams even louder.

It was their limit to prevent the unsheathed sword from poking a hole in the king's body.

As for Jaynes, who was very close to Haxor and the guards.

He could only look at his face with a pale face as the sword was swung wildly, making bloody wounds on his body one after another.

The scream was louder than Haxor for a moment.

It was his limit to avoid the unsheathed sword cutting a big gash on his neck as his spell was backfired.

It wasn't really an earthquake after all.

It lasted only half a minute before it gradually stopped.


Before the king's guards could get up from their beloved king.

Lying on the ground, feeling half dead, Haxo opened his eyes, his pupils dilated instantly, and his whole body trembled.

"Monster... Monster!"

"Protect the king!"

He shouted.

Haxo tried his best to move the guards off him, and tried to run to the main stand.

But he lost his balance.

He fell to the ground in a mess, rolling three or four meters like a ball.


It was this messy move that saved him.

His guards had no time to think about what their king was going crazy about.

"Gua La!"

The painful roar was deafening.

It sounded above their heads.

When they looked up after hearing the sound, they saw a huge black shadow pressing down on them.

"Ba Ji!"

They were crushed into meat patties one after another.

Blood mixed with flesh splashed on Jaynes' face.

He was unaware of it, staring at the monster in front of him, muttering in astonishment:

"The sky... the spheres meet! The sky and spheres meet! This is the sky and spheres meet!"



"That damned king got away!"

Seeing Haxor fleeing in the dust, Arlin felt very sorry.

To be honest.

In this situation, it would be best if the king of Kaedwen could die.

No one in this world knows Arlin's secret.

Vesemir, Soi, Vera, and perhaps Hughes, Bonte, and Fred, these people may be able to guess a little, but not much.

And except Soi, they are all people that Arlin can trust completely.

Even Soi,

Not only does he agree with Arlin in terms of position, but his character is also trustworthy, so Arlin is not worried.

If Haxor dies here.

The blame belongs to the Ban Ade School of Wizards, and of course to the Cat School disguised as assassins.

But it can't be the upright Wolf School.

At least on the surface.

Not to mention that the crisis of Kaer Morhen was directly resolved.

At least the most threatening enemy was dead.

Ban Ade School will definitely have to argue with the royal family and nobles of Kaedwen for a long time.

The Wolf School can get a lot of time for development.

"Why didn't Hackso die?"

While feeling sorry again in his heart, Aylin rushed forward two steps and waved Elsa mercilessly.

A sharp silver light flashed.

The water ghost king fell to the ground due to the earthquake, and was a little dizzy.

Without a scream, the head was separated from the body.

The bright red blood dyed the sand dark red, and the fragrant smell filled the surroundings.

What a pity.

At this time, no one noticed this scene at all.

Everyone was either screaming, or stunned, or at a loss...

For a while.

Chaos was the tone of the entire arena.

Until a certain moment.

Haxo suddenly struggled to get up, looking at the monster close at hand with fear on his face, retreating again and again, shouting in panic:

"Grandmaster, kill that monster!"

"Kill that monster!"

However, the voice of King Kaedwen did not call Soi, but awakened the Water Ghost King from the dizziness of the intersection of the celestial spheres.


In the roar, the scarlet eyes stared at Haxo who made the sound.

The king's words were stuck in his throat in an instant.

This scene.

It also made the entire arena quiet in an instant.

Watching the two "kings" look at each other affectionately, Ailin held his breath, and the frequency of his heartbeat instantly accelerated.

"Kill him, Water Ghost King!"

"Kill him quickly!"

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