Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 204 The reason why wolves are wolves

All the schools of demon hunters in the world come from the Demon Hunter Cult.

The Cat School is no exception.

Although not many people know why the pioneers of the infamous and evil Cat School left the Demon Hunter Cult.

Even the head of the Cat School has forgotten the history of his school.

But Soi knows.

He had seen with his own eyes those figures who were once as young as him, helpless at the decline of the Cult, angry at Anahad's cannibalism, full of blood to regain the glory of demon hunters, and want to protect humans from rampant monsters...

So they used the domestic cat, which is closest to humans and catches rats for humans, as their emblem.

So they chose to leave the Cult and find a way to revive the demon hunters.

Shaquille, Hewitt, Zaharia, Siegfrith...

Closing his eyes, Soi can now clearly remember their cynical and fiery pupils.


They are all dead.


When Soi saw the cat emblem again on the land of the northern continent.

They were already known as "murderous demon hunters" and had found a way of survival that was completely different from the intentions of their pioneers.

Violent, radical, cruel, extreme...

The school that longed to be close to humans became the closest and farthest school from humans.

The cat's claws no longer stretched out to the rats, but scratched the human arteries in the darkness.

Watching Teresius and Guksat leave.

In the corner of his eyes, a luxurious king's dress was stained with blurry blood mud.

Soi sighed softly.

"Time is really the most unpredictable mutation!"


After the fusion of foreign lands stopped.

The stands of the arena were in chaos.

The roars of monsters and the screams of humans were accompanied by the magic tricks of various apprentices.

Not many water ghosts were killed, but many companions were injured by mistake.

Even the mature wizards fled for their lives.

The king died, and the vice-dean could not escape the accident.

Delivering this important news to their respective families is much more important than saving some unknown apprentices.

That's it.

In the stands of the arena, even the lowest-level monsters, the water ghosts, have become a big problem.

Even though their number is not large.


Such a scene is understandable.

After all, since the birth of the demon hunter, wizards are no longer needed to help humans eliminate invading monsters in their gathering places.

Most wizards will be low-level wizards who make alchemical potions or props in the future. The best ones are to help nobles remove curses.

It would be a problem if the wizards who only talk about war on paper saw the monsters with bloody mouths with their own eyes without panic.


Such chaos lasted for a long time.

Until the four demon hunters of the Wolf School appeared in the stands.

Vesemir, Hughes, Bont, and Fred ignored the chaotic wizard apprentices, dodged magic of various colors, and rushed straight to the water ghosts with bared fangs and claws.

Not long after, the blood of the water ghosts who died easily under the sword of the demon hunter calmed the wizard apprentices from their panic.

"These... these monsters don't seem so scary?"

"Even these monsters... the demon hunter can kill them... we created... um... noble wizards..."

"A few fireballs can solve it, don't lose face for our Ban Ade in front of the demon hunter..."

The chaotic morale of the wizard apprentices rose in their self-encouragement.

"The king died here, does Ban Ade still have face?"

A weak voice came from nowhere.

The high momentum suddenly waned.

They are almost all descendants of nobles, but except for the most noble ones, most of them are just servants and experimental consumables of wizards.

They don't have the courage to ridicule in front of the king like Jaynes.

The king died in Ban Ade, a rare event in a century.

Many people even doubted whether Ban Ade's tower could continue to stand in the vast Kaedwen.

Where would these people go...

Could they go to Aretusa to become witches?

"We still have Dean Heng Gedimidis, so we will be fine!" said a wizard apprentice.

"But the dean is three or four hundred years old, and he hasn't shown up yet..." another wizard apprentice retorted.

Silence fell.

After a long time...

"Let's eliminate these disgusting water ghosts first!"

The apprentice who had just escaped from the water ghosts looked at the demon hunters who were killing monsters in the distance, sighed, and ended the useless argument.


"Master Vesemir, why should we help these wizards?" Fred cut off the head of the water ghost with a sword, "They clearly look down on us."

Bont bent his middle finger on his right hand, stood beside him, and pushed Fred to the side.

"Yes, Master Vesemir, the attack by the cat school beasts on us might be related to the wizards."

The two water ghosts who were about to attack Fred suddenly lost their balance.

A flash of silver light.

Zhuosi turned around and slashed.

The two water ghosts were beheaded.

The smelly dark red blood spurted out instantly, and the wizard apprentice who fell to the ground in fear burst into tears and ran away rolling and crawling.

Zeus looked at the colorful transparent liquid on the ground intertwined with bright red and dark red blood with contempt, and also echoed:

"Bunter and Fred are right, they don't deserve our help at all."

More than ten meters away from them, Vesemir was expressionless and waved his long sword with both hands.

The sharp sword drew circles around him one after another.

The approaching water ghost was torn into pieces from palms, arms, to heads.

"Because we are the demon hunters of the Wolf School, and the orthodox successors of the demon hunter cult that takes saving mankind as the highest creed..."

Halfway through his words, Vesemir saw that several young demon hunters looked a little impatient.

So his tone stagnated and he sighed:

"And didn't Erin do the same?"

"He could have left with us now..."

Sure enough.

After hearing Erin's name, Zeus, Bonter and Fred looked at the demon hunters in the arena and stopped talking immediately.

He covered his head and continued to clean up the water ghosts on the stands.

Although Vesemir had expected this, he did not expect that Aylin had such a high status in the eyes of several young demon hunters.

He subconsciously glanced at the center of the arena and found that Aylin was at ease under the attacks of the "Ice King" and a large group of water ghosts. He could not help but sigh:

"Aylin's strength has become stronger again!"



With a piercing roar.

Aylin rolled to avoid the giant foot kicked by the Water Ghost King.

Then, at the moment of getting up, he bent his right index finger and quickly reached forward.

The red hot flames suddenly gushed out from Aylin's palm, igniting the six water ghosts on the side of the Water Ghost King.

Then, he turned sideways again to avoid the red webbed claws that the Water Ghost King grabbed in anger.

He bent his right index finger again and reached forward.

He ignited the four water ghosts on the other side.

The scorching flames completely burned several water ghosts into charcoal in a few seconds. They screamed and screamed, and then they died.

"Hunting Mission: Water Ghost II" has been completed.

Ailin naturally has no need to control the flame temperature of the Igni Sign. He can kill the water ghosts as quickly as possible.

As for the Water Ghost King...

The real Water Ghost King is not easy to deal with when surrounded by water ghosts.

Although it seems to have only two more magics than the counterfeit, the difficulty of solving it is a world of difference.

The Ice Spear Curse is okay.

It is just an attack magic.

With Ailin's current attributes, whether it is dodging or using the sign: Ottrop Magic Shield, it can be easily solved.

But the blue magic shield is very uncomfortable.

After breaking it once, the Water Ghost King screamed "Quack" and recovered instantly.

In addition to the constant harassment of the surrounding water ghosts, it is difficult to even add some wounds to the Water Ghost King.

Therefore, after the Quen Shield was broken twice by mistake, Ailin immediately changed his tactics.

While dodging the attack of the Water Ghost King, he quickly cleared the surrounding water ghosts.


The other three large monsters were on the main stage, and were mocked by the chief.

Otherwise, two Water Ghost Kings and two Giant Swamp Sage.

Even if the task rewards given by the Demon Hunting Notes were richer, he would have to slip away.

But now...


Listening to the screams of the monsters on the main stand, he watched from the corner of his eyes as the chief leisurely cut off a giant Swamp Sage from the tail.

Ailin only hoped that the chief would kill slowly and leave him a few monsters.

Otherwise, the main task of the Demon Hunting Notes would be stuck because the monsters were robbed by others, which would be very uncomfortable.


Ailin raised his sword and spun.

Elsa instantly drew a graceful silver arc of light.

In the arena.

The last water ghost sprayed out smelly blood and slept here forever with his companions.

The next second.

Ailin seemed to have eyes on his back.

Bend over and roll over.


A water ghost corpse on the ground was smashed into a pool of meat paste.

There are many such meat pastes in this arena.

Dark red and black.

Almost completely covered the ground.

The original yellow-brown color of the sand could not be seen at all.

After a long breath, Ailin's right foot suddenly retreated, and his upper body suddenly leaned back.


The sharp claws cut through the air and passed through Ailin's chest.

The young demon hunter could see the red blood on the webbed feet of the water ghost king's right claw.

Turning back two steps, pulling away.

"After fighting for so long, it's my turn!"

Ailin looked at the trembling and panting water ghost king, twisted his wrist, and made a sword flower to shake off the dirty blood on the sword.

Then he skillfully took out a bottle of ghoul oil from the reagent bag and quickly put a layer of red gauze on Elsa.


Demon hunting!

Ailin took two steps forward while avoiding the body of the water ghost.

The mental power invaded the magic favor force field of the Water Ghost King at the same time.


The weak prey suddenly rushed over, causing the Water Ghost King to roar in anger.


After all the attributes climbed to the thirtyth step, it became particularly easy to deal with the Water Ghost King one-on-one.


A silver light suddenly slashed the arm of the Water Ghost King that was slapping his head.


The fluorescent blue magic shield was instantly shattered.

[Demon Hunting] Progress 6%.

This is strength.

Strength allows him to split the magic shield of the Water Ghost King with one sword.


The roar covered up the sound of the wind roaring from behind.

But it was instantly captured by Ai Lin's keen hearing.

While avoiding the claw attack with a short body.

Aylin flipped his hands and wrists.

The silver blade flashed a dangerous reddish light, and instantly stabbed into the sky from his armpit.


Before the water ghost king's new blue shield could spread to his arms, it was pierced by Elsa.

Scarlet warm blood fell on Aelin's neck.

This is perception and agility.

Perception allows him to clearly capture every move of the monster.

His agility allows him to easily dodge incoming attacks while seeing his movements clearly.

As for physical fitness...

It runs throughout, allowing Aelin's witcher body to perfectly support these three attributes.

It also allows Aylin to take more injuries and recover faster.

[Demon Hunting] Progress is 51%.

With a sword smeared with ghoul oil, the progress of hunting demons suddenly increased by 45%.


With Aylin's current strength, he could definitely kill the Water Ghost King even without using Demon Hunt.

Just too slow!

He has to split the shield, and he has to quickly cause damage to the monster and bleed it before the Water Ghost King opens the next shield.

Really want to deal with monsters this way.

Until then.

The chief must have eliminated all the other monsters long ago.


The Water Ghost King, who was slightly injured after being slashed with a knife, was furious.

It didn't expect that such a small prey would actually hurt it, and actually dare to hurt it.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Like a madman, the Water Ghost King stepped on the ground suddenly and continuously, trying to trample the bold little prey into a pulp.



The fleshy mud composed of dead water ghosts was continuously trampled.

The brown dust was blown away by the wild airflow.

For a moment.

Smoke and dust enveloped the entire arena.

So that outsiders can't see the scene inside at all.

"Is that witcher dead?"

In the stands where almost all the water ghosts had been wiped out, a wizard apprentice asked subconsciously.

No one answered.

And then the next moment.


The blue shield exposed on the surface of the Water Ghost King suddenly shattered into fluorescent blue light dust.

Immediately afterwards, the Water Ghost King looked frightened.

The demon hunter holding the long sword suddenly jumped out of the smoke and lightly stepped on the wall that the Water Ghost King had grabbed at random.

The figure, as light as a leaf, floated just above the monster's head.


Turn around, spin around.

All the people in the stands who were paying attention to the battle at this moment saw a pair of blue cat eyes.

It was as if he was glanced at by this pair of strange blue indifferent cat eyes at this moment.

This glance.

As cold as the snow on the Blue Mountains.

The chill touches the soul, and the breath of death blows on the neck.

The next second.


Dark red light suddenly flashed across the monster's neck.

Thin blood lines appeared on the flesh and blood, splitting the head and body into two in an instant.


At this moment, the audience seemed to remember how to breathe at the same time and took a breath of the cold air of early spring.

at the same time,

After the demon hunt was over, Aylin landed lightly on the ground.

Just when he was thinking about whether to use flash to teleport to the main stand.




Three large monsters suddenly fell six meters in front of him.

Aylin subconsciously followed the sound, and his blue cat eyes suddenly widened.

That...those three monsters all lost their arms.

The two giant swamp fairies even lost a large part of their tails.

"What does this mean?"

Aylin raised his head in confusion and looked at the leader of the Wolf School.

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