Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 211 Mary is a good girl


The wooden door of the office was closed.

Henry Gedimidis put down the report in his hand and sighed.

Thomas Morew.

Mage and expert on genetic mutations.

Decades ago, Thomas Moreu was rescued from the clutches of a monster by a witcher.

But after he had to give his son Jeron to the demon hunter due to an accident, he went crazy.

After the sorceress awakens the ability to cast spells, her uterus is affected by magic and she loses her fertility.

Although wizards are relatively better.

However, with the long-term study of magic, their fertility will gradually lose.


After Geron, Thomas Maurue had no heirs.

In order to have descendants who could inherit his bloodline, he researched frantically and vowed to reverse the mutation process of the demon hunters.

Henry Gedimidis did not know the specific results of the research.

But when he saw Thomas Moreu again after decades, Hen Gedimidis knew that he was crazy!

Thomas Moreu's remaining goal in life is to destroy all witchers.

There are many wizards and wizards who have experienced the same thing as Ben Ader, and the Law of Accident seems to be particularly "preferred" to humans with magical powers.

Plus some nobles who suffered the same fate.

The witcher must die!

"It's a pity that the time is wrong!" Henry Gedimidis sighed again.

What Ben Ad will face next may be an unprecedented dilemma.

How can I have the energy to make new enemies?

Besides, he had no hatred for the witcher.

Just as the nominal leader of the wizard, he had to do something.


Let the wizard kill the witcher in private.

Soon, their group will become the target of everyone shouting and beating.

If you are not careful, the dilemma that the witcher is facing now may fall on the wizard.

But people who lose their minds for revenge cannot be persuaded, let alone a group of people who have lost their minds.

Even though he was the oldest and highest-ranking wizard in the world, there was nothing he could do about it.

"It's difficult!"

Henry Gedimidis sighed again.

At this moment.

"Dong dong dong~"

There was a knock on the wooden door.

Henry Gedimidis regained his expressionless expression.


The wooden door was opened.

"Dean, Jaynes's experimental records of research on 'gems' during his lifetime..."

A young wizard entered the office with a pile of books floating behind him.

Henry Gedimidis saw the appearance of the visitor and said gently:

"Valerius, your use of mental power is becoming more and more mature... Just put it on the ground... Thank you."

The book floating in mid-air slowly fell to the ground.

"They are all taught well by the dean..."

After saying the polite words, Valerius did not leave in a hurry. After hesitating for a moment, he asked hesitantly:

"Dean, is it really Jaynes who created the intersection of the celestial sphere?"

"It can't really be a demon hunter summoning the evil god, right?"

Hen Gedimidis made a joke that was not funny.

So Valerius did not laugh.

He looked at Hen Gedimidis seriously with a slightly childish face.

Henry Gedimidis shook his head helplessly when he saw this:

"I don't know either, but Jaynes is indeed the most likely target..."

"How could you not know?" Valerius said in surprise, "You are the oldest wizard, a powerful 'source of magic'!"

In his mind, the learned Hen Gedimidis was omnipotent.

"Hahaha~" Henry Gedimidis laughed, "Valerius, I am just a wizard, not a god."

"Besides, even gods cannot be omniscient and omnipotent."

“The Celestial Conjunction and gemstones have always been a research project for Jaynes.”

“I really haven’t researched this in depth, and the specific results may not be known until I examine these reports.”

Valerieu shook his head when he heard this:

"In my heart, you are much more powerful than those deceitful gods."


He bent down and bowed, and was about to leave the office without disturbing Henry Gedimidis.


The old wooden door groans.

"Dean, will Ben Ade be fine?"

Valerius suddenly turned around.

Henry Gedimidis was stunned for a moment and then said firmly:

"Yes, Valerius."

"Ban Ade will be fine."

the next day



An orange-red portal appears in Vesemir's room.

"Ai Lin, please pay attention to safety along the way!"

Hughes stood in front of the portal, reluctant to leave.


According to the plan, it’s time for the Apprentice Fighting Competition team to disband.

The travel trials after the mountain trials are all one-on-one.

An older and experienced witcher leads a young witcher.

On the one hand, this is more efficient, and young demon hunters can more effectively absorb the knowledge of hunting monsters and dealing with people.

On the other hand, it is to avoid trouble.

Five armored, sword-wielding demon hunters who are skilled in swordsmanship are too powerful an armed force for any village or town.

To avoid trouble and for the safety of the village.

It is generally impossible to put so many witchers into the village at once, and the local nobles along the way do not welcome groups of witchers.

With bad luck, you might even be kicked out and "escorted" out of the country by the military or city guards.

The reason why Vesemir was able to take Aelin and the others smoothly this time was naturally because Haxo had already given the pass in advance.

We have also notified the cities along the way.

But now, even Haxor is dead.

We must keep a low profile, and let the blame that was finally placed on Ban Ad's head be tightened to avoid affecting them.


After returning to Kaer Morhen through the portal, they did not stay in the Ancient Sea Fortress this year.

The chief will arrange other demon hunters for them to conduct formal travel trials.

" I have to leave through the portal?"

Fred glanced at the rotating orange light, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"There are no pursuers now, maybe...maybe we don't need the portal..."

"We are in no hurry to go back!"

"Yes!" Bunt's face didn't look good either. "Actually, we can also ride back. It won't take long."

They were also very reluctant to leave Aelin, but avoiding leaving through the portal was the most important thing at the moment.

Although I only tried it once in the Old Spearhead Cave to return to Kaer Morhen, it was... really unforgettable.


Vesemir righteously refused.

"Why?" Fred's face turned pale and he wanted to struggle one last time.

"Just have fun!" Vesemir rolled his eyes.

"The other demon hunters have already gone down the mountain at this time. Those waiting for you in Kaer Morhen are all master demon hunters who are over a hundred years old!"

"Are you sure you want them to wait for you for ten days and a half?"


That is naturally uncertain...


Although the option of returning home through the portal was unavoidable, Bunt and Fred cheered up at the same time when they heard that the trial instructor was the master witcher.

Traveling through the trials is crucial.

The strength of the demon hunters after the trial is not only related to their attitude, but also closely related to their mentor.

You don't need to think about it to know that there is a huge difference between five years of learning from an ordinary demon hunter and five years of learning from a master demon hunter.

At least.

If you study with the master demon hunter.

In the past five years, there will definitely be a chance to meet the master witcher hunting a large monster.

Even think a little better.

In five years, they might become master witchers like Aylin.

This is an opportunity that is almost unavailable to learn from ordinary demon hunters.

There is no hope of chasing Aylin, but everyone is a self-respecting person.

Who wants to keep holding back?


Fred and Bunt stopped complaining, wiped their faces, and walked into the portal resolutely as if they were heading to the execution ground.

Hughes followed.

The sorceress looked at this scene with some amusement.


A snap of the fingers.

Two bottles of Green Sigh appeared in the sorceress's hand, and she handed them to Aylin.

"This is too precious! Ms. Vera! I can't have it!"

Aylin quickly refused.

I didn't know the value of this potion before but could still accept it shamelessly.

Now that everyone knows it, it is naturally impossible to accept it.

The sorceress advised: "Take it! This is to replenish the two bottles you used!"

Aylin shook his head and declined, saying: "This is too precious, I..."

"Don't worry," the sorceress smiled and glanced at Soy and Vesemir, "Your mentor will pay for the bottle that Bunt used, and the chief will pay for the bottle given to Sadia."

Soy and Vesemir looked at each other with wry smiles on their lips, but they did not deny it.

Bont was injured because Vesemir failed to fulfill his responsibility as a team leader.

The bottle of Sadia is to win allies for the school, so naturally the chief or the school's account will be settled.

Reasonable and well-founded.

Aylin was stunned for a moment when he heard this, feeling the weight of Elsa on his back, and subconsciously glanced at Vesemir:

"Where did Master Vesemir get the money?"

"He even..."

He hasn't even redeemed his first wife yet...

Aylin reacted to the last sentence but did not say it out loud.

But Vesemir also guessed what he wanted to say, and shouted angrily:

"You don't have to worry about it, kid. I have been a master demon hunter for many years and I have plenty of money..."

"His credit account..." the sorceress revealed the truth with a smile, "my account!"

Vesemir was about to glare at the sorceress, but before he glanced over, he realized that it was a bloody red fox and quickly retracted it.


Vesemir waved his hand to interrupt Aylin:

"No need, what's yours is yours."

"Take it, human life is much more important than money."

"If it weren't for your bottle of medicine, Hughes would at least be disabled because of my negligence."

"In that case I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"So this is a lesson, my lesson!"

"The school will pay for half of it!" Soy also said.

Ailin stopped being pretentious when he saw this.


Two bottles of Green Sigh were put into the potion bag.

The sorceress nodded with satisfaction, rubbed Aylin's head gently, and said:

"In this case, we will go back."

"If you have any questions, please contact me through the messenger bird!"

Feeling the warmth on his head, Aylin suddenly felt reluctant to give up.

"Be safe along the way."

"Remember, your life is more important than anything else!"

After saying that, the sorceress glanced at Soi and walked into the portal.

Soy followed.

When passing by Aylin.

The right hand that was already close to the top of his head, as if wanting to touch his head like a sorceress, paused, and then gently patted Aylin's shoulder.

"You did a good job this time!" Soy praised with a smile.

"Don't worry about anything else. No matter what happens, I...the school will always be your backing!"

Ailin saw the soft smile on the chief's face, and his heart felt warm, as if he was soaking in a hot spring.


Aelin nodded vigorously.

Soy smiled when he saw this and was about to enter the portal.

Suddenly he seemed to remember something and turned his head to look at Aylin:

"Contact Mary more often..."

"She's a good girl!"


Aylin didn't wait to figure out the meaning of this sentence.

The chief smiled and walked into the portal.


The portal disappears.

The bedroom suddenly became quiet.

"Have the other witchers left?"

Radek held the bowl and looked at Vesemir in surprise.

It's not that he thought it was rude for several young demon hunters to leave without saying goodbye...

Of course, there is indeed a point in this regard.

After all, he had a pleasant chat with several young demon hunters yesterday.

The key is...

In the morning, he also met the demon hunter named Fred.

It's not even noon yet, why did you leave?

"Well, they have other things to do and will go back first." Aylin said expressionlessly.

Hughes, Bont and Fred left through Vera's portal. In order to avoid being informed by Ben Ad's wizard that the sorceress was coming, they naturally could not tell the two apprentices.

Radek and Bogdan looked at each other and said nothing.

This is obviously perfunctory, so why bother with it.

After all, they are indeed unfamiliar with it, and they are not curious enough about this issue to need to know.

"After this lunch, we will set off." Vesemir took out a roll of parchment and spread it on the table.

This is a hand drawn map.

Perhaps because Kaer Morhen was too close to Ben Ad, this was the first time Aelin saw Vesemir take out this map.

Old and detailed.

This was Aylin's first impression of this map.

From the gaps on the edge of the parchment, it is obvious that this map has been weathered, and it must have been at least thirty or forty years since it was drawn.

However, it can be seen that Vesemir protected it very well. The cities, landforms, and even common monsters on the parchment are all marked.

"Our destination is Elland, your goal is Cui Dam, we don't seem to be on the way..."

Vesemir looked at Radek.


Radek shook his head and pointed his finger across the Blue Mountains, across the Pontar River at the border of Kaedwen and Aedirn, and pointed at Vangerburg, the capital of Aedirn.

"I..." He glanced at Bogdan, "We plan to go here, just take a slight detour."

Vesemir looked at the direction he was pointing:

"There aren't many detours, but isn't the territory of the Kamale family located in Tridam?"

"What are you doing in the capital of Aedirn?"

Radek said: "Well... I have a very close aunt who is married to a court baron in Vengerberg."

"I haven't seen her for a long time, so I'm going to go to her place to get away from the limelight."

Vesemir frowned and looked up at Radek.

He didn't know if a female member of the Kamal family had married into Vengerberg.


Let’s not talk about whether it is appropriate in terms of status for the earl family to marry a daughter to a court baron.

Kaedwin and Aedirn have been at war for more than ten years, and their married women are married to the enemy's country...

Something is wrong!

Radek looked calm.

Vesemir lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then agreed.

Kamal seems to be the only family that hangs his portrait in the banquet hall.

The relationship with this major customer is worth maintaining.


Vesemir nodded slightly.

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