Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 216 Lovebird from Mary

Aelin's precognitive dream is true!

This was the first thought that came to Vesemir's mind after hearing the wild words of the wizard Thomas Morru.

And unexpected.

When he heard "Ben Ard was the enemy of Kaer Morhen" and "The School of Winter was destroyed", Vesemir did not feel much fear or uneasiness.

He thought for a moment.


What's there to be afraid of from a Ben Ad?

In addition to wizards, their expected enemies were also the king of Kaedwen!

There are thousands of knights and soldiers...

And now.

The royal family of Ard Kalai will not unite with the wizards again.

This is all thanks to Aylin.

Vesemir turned his head and glanced at the apprentice he was most proud of.

Then he glanced at the ignorant wizard on the ground who was still laughing wildly, as if he were looking at a clown.

He believed that Aylin would be able to find a way out for the school.

What I have to do is to teach him all my skills without reservation, and then do my best to protect him and support him.

"Then why are you so anxious to seek death?"

Aelin stared indifferently at the wizard who was trembling like a maggot on the ground.

"Why not wait for the heavy snow to fall all over the Blue Mountains, and then follow Ben Ad's army to avenge your selfishness and obsession?"

"Can't you wait that much?"

When Thomas Moreu heard Aylin's words, he felt as if someone had suddenly grabbed his throat, and his manic laughter stopped immediately.

He stared at the young witcher fiercely, his eyes full of hatred.

His child once had such a pair of disgusting cat eyes.

Refute him, resist him, be hostile to him...

Obviously everything he did was for his own good!

Why doesn't he understand? Just refused to listen! Just don't cooperate!

Unreasonable and powerful anger suddenly rushed into his brain, and countless vicious curses blurted out.

"What do you know! You damn weirdos..."


Aylin took a step forward, and the toe of his right foot quickly touched Thomas Moreu's artery.

The bespectacled wizard rolled his eyes and passed out again.

The oak forest was quiet.

Vesemir didn't pay attention to Aelin's sudden move.

Thomas Moreu was obviously not as cooperative as Macao, and most of his next words were useless curses.

He merely glanced at Thomas Morew in surprise.

It was found that his breathing was steady and no scars could be seen on his neck.

"Where did you learn this technique?"

Vesemir looked at Aelin curiously.

Even he couldn't achieve such an effect with his feet.

"I figured it out myself." Aylin said casually.

In fact, it comes from the two-handed sword LV5 of the Cat School.

The Cat School, whose main business is related to humans, has an understanding of the human body's structure that is comparable to that of a senior surgeon in his previous life.

Although the focus is on murder, kidnapping and torture.

As expected of a born demon hunter... Vesemir smacked his lips and sighed:

"Your fine control of power has surpassed mine. Five years of travel and testing may only take you two years..."

"No, even one year is enough..."

Aelin shook his head: "I still have a lot to learn, Master Vesemir."

"I hope you can teach me more!"

This is not a polite statement.

There are many small techniques such as meditation that are not recognized as skills in the Demon Hunter's Notes and need to be learned from Vesemir.

There is also some knowledge about monsters, such as the weaknesses of common and uncommon monsters.

Although Aylin also has knowledge of the monster illustrations in previous games.

But the difference between games and reality is still too big.

At least a little bit.

Real-life combat is not a blood-changing game.

After being attacked by a monster, his arms and legs were broken...

A piece of meat missing here and a piece of meat missing there are very common things.

Therefore, the knowledge imparted by the experienced witcher master Vesemir is particularly important.

In fact, after the average demon hunter graduates from the travel trial, for a long period of time, measured in ten years, they will only accept commissions from monsters that their instructors taught them about and hunted during their travels.

at last.

For young witchers, another important aspect of a traveling mentor is relationships.

Just like Radek.

It was because he had heard of Vesemir's reputation and his family had cooperated with the master demon hunter that he took the initiative to increase the price and put forward the commission.

After this commission, I learned about Aylin’s strength.

Would he talk to relatives in his own family about Aylin, would he recommend Ayling?

Not surprisingly, that is almost inevitable.

The most generous rewards are the commissions from these designated demon hunters.

Otherwise, Aylin would have to go from village to village reading the bulletin boards and accepting commissions like he did before.

Deduct the bounty of two copper coins from the client.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you everything I know and know without reservation."

"This is my promise!"

Vesemir took off his black wide-brimmed hat and looked at Aylin seriously.

Aylin was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Vesemir was suddenly so serious at this moment.

Feeling warm in his heart, Aylin smiled and nodded vigorously:

"Then just wait to be hollowed out, Master Vesemir!"

"I wish I could!" Vesemir also smiled.

Macao, who was lying next to Thomas Moreu, felt his scalp numb when he saw the scene of his mentor and brother Gong.

Ben Ard is about to destroy Kaer Morhen, how can you laugh?

Even if you don’t believe what that madman said, you shouldn’t be so relaxed!

Do you think that just a few dozen demon hunters can stop the wizards' devastating magic?

However, Macao only dared to think about it in his heart and did not dare to disturb them with words at all, for fear that the "Blue Death" would do the same to him.

It wasn't until the two demon hunters turned their attention that he quickly defended:

"What Thomas Moreu said is not true. The original plan of the college may have... uh... the intention of that plan..."

"However, Ben Ade's wizards who hate witchers are actually only a small part. Most of them are like me... who are friendly to witchers..."

Macao gave the two demon hunters a flattering look.

Seeing their thoughtful looks, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"After the celestial sphere convergence occurs, solving the trouble caused by the death of the king is the next main goal of the academy."

"Extreme people like Thomas Moreu are not in the mainstream. Dean Henry Gedimidis has always been alone, has no relatives, and no children. He has no malicious attitude towards the demon hunter, so this year there will definitely not be any Be an enemy of your school of thought..."

It won’t happen this year, so it will happen next year?

Aelin and Vesemir looked at each other and understood.

However, this was already expected. Aylin had never thought about getting through the crisis without fighting.

Wolf, cat, griffon, bear...

The death of witchers is worldwide, and it certainly cannot be solved easily.

He just needs a buffer to give Kaer Morhen time to develop.

Heart extract, potions, sword oil, skills, rituals...

The potential of Demon Hunter Notes has only been tapped into a very small part.

Time is on their side.

Of course, they didn't fully believe what Macao said, it was just a reference.

But none of that matters now.

How to deal with these two wizards is the most difficult thing at the moment.

Vesemir pinched his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Aylin with a headache:

"What do you think? What do you think should be done with these two wizards?"

After hearing this, Aylin felt a little headache looking at the two wizards on the ground.

After pondering for two seconds under Macao's pleading eyes.

He raised his head and opened his mouth to speak.


Aylin felt something. Under Macao's fearful eyes, he kicked with his right foot and sent him to sleep.

Before Vesemir could ask, he raised his right hand.

A crystal bird suddenly flew down from the sky and landed on the index finger of his right hand.

At this time.

Radek and Bogdan also prepared the camp.

"Master Vesemir, Aelin, the campfire and tent are ready. Do you want to prepare dinner?"

Radek shouted.

"Coming!" Vesemir shouted in response, looking down at the two wizards:

"There is no need to rush to think about how to deal with these two people. We have one night to think about it."

“The love letters from Mary are the most important.”

As he spoke, he patted Aylin's shoulder and smiled ambiguously.

"This is not a love letter!"

Aelin argued.

Mary is only fifteen years old, not yet an adult!

You crooked old man, do you know what you are talking about?

"Okay, okay!" Vesemir laughed loudly, "If you say no, it's not."

Then, before Aylin could quibble, he ruffled Aylin's hair vigorously, then turned around and walked towards the bonfire.

"You watch first, I'll help Radek and Bogdan prepare dinner..."

Looking at the retreating figure of Master Demon Hunter, Aylin shook his head helplessly and withdrew his gaze.

But since the two wizards were not here for them, there really was no need to make a decision in such a hurry.

So Ailin raised the teaser bird with his right hand, letting its crystal beak rest on his forehead.

The next second.

Mary's charming voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"My dear leader of the Wolf Alliance..."

"The half-elves brought back by Ms. Vera have all been settled."

"In the first few days, they were still timid. Within a few days, the whole of Kaer Morhen was running around."

"Chirping, like a group of little ducks..."

"This is the first time Kaer Morhen has been so lively since the ice and snow melted in the Blue Mountains and you left."


"This excitement can't last long..."

"Xius, Bunt and Fred, who have been playing with them since they came back, went down the mountain with some master demon hunters yesterday."

"Ms. Vera said that in a few days, after she and the chief have discussed how the water ghost's heart essence should be integrated into the 'choice' trial, your bearded deputy captain Aristo will start Train them."


"Speaking of which!"

"The fierce Aristo won't let me enter the training ground for the 'Decision' trial!"

"You must know that I am the chief warlock of the Wolf Alliance Legion, and he is just an ordinary deputy commander!"

"When you come back, you must help me teach him a lesson!"

"Well... there's no need to teach him too harshly. After all, Aristo is usually quite responsible."

"Under his strict training, your reserve members learned very quickly whether it was swordsmanship or seals."

"Of course, you can't teach her a lesson too lightly, otherwise my sorceress Mary and the chief warlock of the Alliance of Wolves will lose all face."

Hearing this, Aylin smiled.

The image of an angry Mary with horns on her forehead appeared in her mind.

It can't be too heavy and it can't be too light. This is not a good lesson.

Ailin felt a little funny.

Shaking his head, he continued to listen.

"At least let him call me Ms. Mary instead of Mary. This makes me lose face in front of the reserve members~"


Mary's true purpose was revealed, and Aelin couldn't help but laugh.

"And I'm doing much better than him!"

"Under my guidance, all your reserve members have learned corpse-eating creature oil, killer whale, and cat's eye. Krall even started practicing the ice spear spell!"

"You know, even Aristo hasn't learned it yet!"

"I'm awesome, Aylin!"

That's truly remarkable.

thought the young witcher.

Logically speaking, there are so many things for them to learn for half a year.

It's only been two months.

As expected of Principal Aretuza in the original work, he is truly gifted in teaching.

After thinking about it, Aylin opened the Demon Hunting Notes with his mind and brought up the panel of the legion members.


Each member society's recipe includes carnivore oil, killer whale, and cat's eye.

What a pleasant surprise.

It wasn't just Krall who had learned the Ice Spear spell.

Erni and another legionnaire named Peta also learned the Ice Spear Charm.

Sure enough, inviting Mary to be his Legion Warlock was the most correct decision.

We have to find a way to win over Mary, and we can't let her jump to Aretussa... Aylin thought to himself and continued to listen.

"Aristo actually hinted to me several times that he wanted me to teach him, but I just pretended not to understand."

"Unless he calls me Lady Mary!"

"Otherwise, never think about me teaching him..."

After secretly saying bad things about Aristo, Mary talked about the current situation of half-elf life.

She said how naughty a half-elf named Adolfe was.

A man named Xilio is so introverted.

Why is the youngest half-elf child named Maya crying and asking for her mother every day...

Whether it was Adolphe, Helio or Maya, it was the first time for Aelin to hear the names of all the half-elves.

He's not really interested in the lives of these half-elves.

But listen, listen.

In a daze, he had the strange feeling that his husband was working outside and was listening to his wife talk on the phone.

"Although I can't enter the training ground for the trial of choice, I can still enter the apprentice dormitory because I need to prepare the water ghost's heart essence and other trial potions."

"So don't worry, I will take good care of them."

"Finally, you must pay attention to safety outside!"

"When Ms. Vera told me about your experience, she almost scared me to tears several times..."

Hearing this, Aylin burst out laughing.

With Mary's character, she was definitely not close, she must have been crying!

My heart felt warm.

The feeling of being cared for is like soaking in hot water of 38 degrees Celsius, making the whole person feel lazy and warm.

Involuntarily, he looked up to the north.

The gorgeous sunset, like silk and satin, gold and red, stretches from west to east.

Looking at this beautiful scenery, Aylin sighed softly.

to be honest.

This moment.

He missed Kaer Morhen a little.

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