Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 225 The Wand Belonging to Ailin

There was chaos on this north-south avenue.

From time to time, Vesemir, Aelin and Mary, who were riding horses, would see carriages dumping goods in the middle of the road.

Scattered goods can be seen everywhere on the ground, as well as the excrement of cows, horses and livestock that were frightened.

There were scattered human legs and feet, and even the whole body was pressed by these carriages.

Some people were silent, while others were wailing, shouting, and asking for help.

The other travelers and merchants all sat on the ground with pale faces, as if they were frightened by the pressure of the big gryphon.

His mouth was mumbling and he didn't know what he was talking about.

If you want to catch up with the big gryphon before it leaves, you can't go down this avenue.

Therefore, Vesemir led Aelin and Mary, riding on the grass on the right side of the road, and galloped quickly in the direction of the monster.


The howling wind passed through the ears of the three horsemen.

Noticing that Aelin and Mary looked unbearable and looked towards the avenue from time to time, Vesemir sighed in his heart, "They are still children" and comforted:

"Mary, Aylin..."

“Different people have different responsibilities.”

"What we have to do now is to kill the big griffin to prevent more people from suffering because of that beast."

After a pause, he continued:

"As for these people, we can wait until we kill the beast and notify the guards at Vengerberg before we come back to help."

"Otherwise, if we waste time here, I don't know how many more people will die ahead..."

Then he passed a peasant woman sitting in front of a basket of broken eggs, holding a child in her arms and crying.

Aylin glanced at Mary, who was frowning, and replied:

"Don't worry, Master Vesemir, we all understand the seriousness of the matter."

There are so many people on this road, I can't help them.

Doing your own thing well and killing the big griffon as soon as possible is the greatest goodwill a demon hunter can show.

Mary nodded as well.

She had gone to school in Aretusa for several years, so she naturally knew what to do and when not to do.


Hearing the screams in their ears, the three of them couldn't help but speed up again out of human compassion.

Huge "dark clouds" float overhead.

The Great Griffin seems to have a clear goal, gliding lower and lower, lower and lower.


After a soul-shaking cry that seemed to shatter gold and stone.

Like a bird of prey pouncing on food, the giant griffon suddenly spread its huge wings vertically, and its two sharp claws that were larger than a human suddenly extended downwards.

The next second.


The violent explosion made the ears of Vesemir, Aelin and Mary rumbling a hundred meters away.

The heavy dust was instantly raised and covered the body of the big griffon.

For a while.

Only the heart-rending screams of humans kept coming from the spreading smoke.

Many people in the crowd who were frightened came to their senses at this time.

While crying "Monster! Monster!", he ran away from the big griffin.

The horses under the three people were also frightened by the violent vibrations and the breath of the great griffin, and did not dare to step forward.

"It's not far, let's run straight over."

Vesemir stepped on the stirrups, turned over and dismounted, drew out his silver sword, added another layer of Quen shield to himself, and trotted towards the smoke-filled place a hundred meters away.

Aylin and Mary ignored the three frightened horses and followed closely behind.

"The main attack method of the Great Griffin is a diving attack."

"Once you select a target to attack, you will use your strong muscles and rapid speed to dive..."

"You can basically kill an ordinary armored knight with just one claw..."

"Even if we have Quen plus..."

Vesemil paused.

"Asri's Water Shield!" Mary continued.

"Yes, even with these two magic shields, it may not be able to fully absorb the diving attack of the Great Griffin."

"So, be sure to remember that you must avoid this beast's dive and try your best to prevent it from flying into the sky..."

"As for how to prevent them from going to heaven..."

Vesemil paused, looked at Aylin and said:

"The Great Griffin has feathers on its wings, but it is not weak to fire. The Igoni Seal is useless."

"But all flying monsters will be affected by Alder's Seal..."

"So once it shows any sign of flying up, just use Alder's Seal to knock it down..."

"in addition……"

Vesemir looked at Mary:

"The bodies of large monsters generally have strong spell resistance, especially for large griffins. Generally, weaker spells may not be able to knock off even a feather."

"So I hope you hide it first and then give us the magic."

Mary nodded seriously as she trotted along:

"Don't worry, Master Vesemir, I haven't learned many offensive spells."

"After hiding it, I will bless you with the spell."

Vesemir nodded.

In this way, he talked very fast and imparted the experience of dealing with the big griffon, while trotting forward.


They were already less than fifty meters away from the big griffon.

The three of them didn't think anything of it when the beast was flying in the air, but when it came close to him on the ground.

The strong sense of pressure made the air seem to have gelled, making it difficult to breathe.

Under the huge black shadow in the rising smoke, the three people were as small as ants.

"It should be at least ten meters high!"

Mary opened her mouth in shock.

It was the first time she saw such a big monster.

No matter from the size or the aura of magic favor...

Compared with this big griffin, the two ice kings on Kaer Morhen were like five-year-old children.

When they approached the big griffin within twenty meters, the three people stopped one after another.

"More than that, it should be thirteen meters high, and the length of its wings should be at least forty meters..."

"This is an adult big griffin, it should be thirty years old, the strongest, most dangerous, and most difficult to deal with age..."

"We have to be careful!"

Vesemir replied softly with a serious face.

From the slightly trembling black shadow in the dust, the big griffin should be buried in something.

"You hide nearby and cast magic for us." He tilted his head to look at Mary.

Mary nodded, glanced at Aylin, and hid in the grass by the roadside.

Then Vesemir tightened his sword, took a deep breath, and patted Aylin on the shoulder:

"Let's go, Aylin, remember the weakness is..."

He was halfway through his words.

Vesemir suddenly remembered that no matter what monster he hunted, Aylin never seemed to care about the monster's weakness.

It was the same with the steel sword to kill the water ghost, and the silver sword to kill the demon spirit. Even the Ice King who could cast a magic shield could not escape Aylin's sword.

So he paused, stopped and asked:

"Is your Demon Hunter's Eye useful against this kind of monster?"

Aylin was stunned for a second, and realized that Vesemir was referring to [Demon Hunting], so he replied:

"I haven't tried to hunt a big griffin, but it should be no problem!"

It doesn't matter if there is a problem.

Whether it works or not is nothing more than whether the duration of the demon hunting state is enough.

He now has two special skill points, and his physical strength is more than enough. If there is not enough time, just add some points.

"That's fine!" Vesemir breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it.

He had only killed griffins, not big griffins.

You should know that the difference in strength of large monsters can be identified by their size.

The height and wingspan of an adult big griffin are twice as large as those of an ordinary adult griffin, and its fur is much harder, making it difficult to break through.

The desire to attack of a big griffin is even stronger than that of an ordinary griffin.

For every attack of an ordinary griffin, a big griffin can attack three or four times continuously.

So Vesemir was actually a little unsure.


Since Erin's Demon Hunter's Eye can be used, he is relieved!


Thinking of the characteristic that the Demon Hunter's Eye needs to be charged, Vesemir looked at Erin solemnly:

"Don't rush to attack first, watch my movements, observe the attack posture of the big griffin, and then come over!"

"Then I will make a feint, and you seize the opportunity to use your Demon Hunter's Eye to solve this monster!"

Erin was stunned for a moment and nodded.

Demon Hunter's Eyes...

That's a really old word.

At this time.

The dust raised by the griffin dissipated.

The first thing that caught my eye was a carriage that had overturned in the middle of the road.

The two reins were still tied to the neck of the horse that the griffin was chewing.

There were many people lying around the carriage, none of them were seriously injured, but they were all stunned by the aura of the griffin's magic favor.

One of the two horses pulling the carriage had had its belly and buttocks eaten.

The buttocks of the other horse had been eaten almost to pieces.

When the meat of this horse was eaten, it would definitely be the turn of these humans lying on the ground.

"I'm on it!"

Vesemir no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, and without waiting for Aylin's reply, he rushed towards the griffin that was eating with his long sword tilted.


Feeling someone approaching, the griffin suddenly raised its eagle beak that was still dripping with sticky blood, tilted its head and glared at the human rushing over.

The remains of the black stallion fell to the ground.

The next moment.

Seeing the long sword flashing with a sharp cold light, it seemed to recall some bad memories.

The great griffin, which was interrupted from eating, cried out to Vesemir in anger.


The violent shock of the elements made the wolf head badges on the chests of the two demon hunters buzz.

Vesemir's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he quickly rolled over and hid in the grass on the left side of the road.

The next second.


The invisible strong wind came from the mouth of the great griffin and suddenly rushed towards the original direction of Vesemir.

A large layer of the ground was scraped off instantly.

Fortunately, the dizzy people were lying near the carriage, and the others were a little far away, so the shock and pressure they received were not serious, so they all fled in all directions, and no one was injured.

After dodging this attack, Vesemir did not retreat but advanced, seizing the weakness of the great griffin as a flying monster, which was inconvenient to move on the ground.

Circling around its body, constantly harassing the griffin.

Gradually leading it away from the crowded avenue to the grass on the side of the road.

"This griffin is really powerful!"

Quietly following behind the griffin, Ailin stepped on it with some palpitations, and the pit at least half a meter deep was blown away by the strong wind.

If Vesemir hadn't chosen to roll in time just now.

Even though the wind didn't cause him any harm because of Quinn and Aserri's water shield.

With Vesemir's weight, he would definitely be blown into the sky.

Even if the shield is not broken, the attack rhythm will definitely be disrupted...

That's when.

But I don’t know what the Great Griffin will do to the floating Vesemir.


"We can't wait to figure out the attack rhythm of the Great Griffin before taking action!"

"Under such high-intensity dodge, Vesemir will definitely not be able to hold on for long..."

Ailin had an idea.

Demon hunt!

After the skill was activated, the young demon hunter's slightly excited mood suddenly became calm.

This moment.

The remaining time of all the buffing spells Mary cast on him was clear in his mind.

Take two quick steps, and your mental power invades the great griffon's magical aura of care.

The unique feeling of killing the Water Ghost King with Vesemir for the first time in the cave came again.


Perhaps due to the improvement in attributes and the increased familiarity with Vesemir.

This feeling is more unique and more convenient.

It's like...

The sword he holds is not Elsa, but a peerless sword named Vesemir.

The enraged great griffin, with its two talons that were almost one meter high, stepped rapidly towards Vesemir.

Move sideways, roll, pounce forward, turn around, swing your sword...

Aelin thought so.

Vesemir moved sideways, rolled, jumped forward, turned around, and swung his sword almost simultaneously...

There was a flash of silver light.

Before Vesemir left Vergen, a fine silver sword he took on credit from Hog struck the black claw of the great griffon.

It was like hitting hard steel, shooting out sparks.

No defense breach!

[Demon Hunting] Progress 2%

Too little!

Aylin, who was indifferent in the state of hunting monsters, instantly calculated the frequency of this kind of attack.

For LV3 demon hunters, the mere 150 seconds of demon hunting state is definitely not enough.


If upgrading to a level only adds 50 seconds, even if he adds the two special skill points left for Blink, it won't be enough.


This time, Vesemir cannot accumulate all the demon hunting progress like he did by killing the Water Ghost King.

He must take action!

In the state of hunting monsters.

Aylin was concentrating on it, influencing Vesemir to dodge the attack of the Great Griffin, while carefully memorizing the attack movements and rhythm of the Great Griffin, thinking about how to deal with this monster.

"Aelin, Master Vesemir looks very dangerous. How about we escape now...retreat!"

"I have tools that can hold the big gryphon for a while..."

Mary followed quietly.

After using all the buffing skills, she didn't know what else to do.

The novelty of encountering a monster he had only seen in books and the excitement of adventure completely disappeared as Vesemir darted from left to right and dodged in panic.

All that was left was worries about Vesemir and Aylin, who was eager to join the battle.


When Mary's voice came over with the fragrance of orange.

Aylin's mental power that invaded the Great Griffin's magical aura of care subconsciously fluctuated and spread to Mary's body.

At this time.

Following the body's inexplicable instinct, Aylin gave Mary an appraisal.

The next moment.

Even in the demon hunting state, Aylin, whose mood swings were extremely low, couldn't help but be stunned for a few seconds.

He discovered...

Except for a damn good sword named Vesemir.

He now seems to have a top-notch wand that is rare in the world.

A wand called Margarita Laux Antille!

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