Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 227 Vesemir couldn’t understand, but he was shocked


In the howling wind of the griffin, Mary suddenly stood up from the bushes.

She looked at the young demon hunter hanging on the claw of the griffin in horror, swaying and looking like he might fall at any time.

Her heart was beating so fast that it instantly jumped to her throat.

She didn't understand what Erin was thinking.

The griffin was far from dying and exhausted from the injuries it suffered. Even if Erin took the opportunity to follow it into the sky, what would it be?

The sky was the domain of flying monsters, and he couldn't fly.

Could he have more experience in fighting in the air than the griffin?


Atheris's water shield and Quen's sign did not have the effect of offsetting the damage of falling...

Once...Once he fell from a high altitude, the consequences...

Thinking of this, Mary's face turned pale instantly. She didn't care about her own safety in fear and ran towards Vesemir.

"If I had known I would encounter this, I should have spent more time on gliding." Mary blamed herself.

Vesemir was also shocked when he saw this scene.

For a moment, he thought that Arryn was crazy.

Humans belong to the earth, and the great griffin belongs to the sky.

On the ground, no matter how difficult it is to deal with monsters flying in the sky, it is better than following the monsters into the sky.

However, it is different from Mary, who has always heard about it and is fighting with Arryn for the first time.

Vesemir has fought side by side with Arryn many times.

So after a short period of confusion and worry, he inexplicably looked forward to Arryn's next battle.


When the great griffin first saw the demon hunter clinging to its claws, it also tilted its head and widened its dark eagle eyes.

It was the first time it encountered such a prey that was rushing to die.

But the next second, a stinging pain came from its claws.

The startled griffin flew up to the sky, while using its other claw to pounce on Erin who was floating under it.


The wind whistled in his ears.

Everything around him was shaking violently.

Erin was suspended in the air ten meters high, holding the root of the outermost claw of the griffin's right claw tightly with his left hand, and holding Elsa tightly with his right hand.

While the griffin hadn't reacted yet, he shook his right leg and let the center of his body rise suddenly.

When half of his body was pulled up on the claw.

The azure pupils instantly enlarged and found the position between the phalanges.


Blood spurted out of Elsa's blood trough like red silk.

[Demon Hunting] Progress 91%


The cry that seemed to pierce the eardrum came from his head again.

The more violent shaking, coupled with the griffin's left claw that kept attacking, made Erin like a small boat in the stormy waves.

He could be attacked and thrown away at any time.


The young demon hunter relied on Elsa inserted in the claws to stand firmly on the griffin's area of ​​less than one square meter.

Seeing this scene.

Not only Vesemir and Mary, who were chasing the griffin on the ground, were worried.

Even the griffin, whose IQ was not very high, felt a little outrageous.

"Thanks to Brett for the cat school two-handed sword." Alin thought.

In terms of body balance, apprentices of the cat school have been trained to walk on thin ropes since childhood.

And Alin, who upgraded the cat school two-handed sword to LV5, was still as stable as a real wild cat even if he kept jumping on the rough terrain as big as a palm.

This was also the reason why he dared to catch up.

Of course.

In fact, he had to catch up.

The duration of the demon hunting state was less than half a minute.

The progress was finally almost full.

Once the griffin flies into the sky, it will definitely not be able to recharge before the demon hunting state ends.

At that time, the progress will be cleared directly and it will have to start all over again, which will be a waste of Arlin and Vesemir's efforts for so long and in danger.


If the griffin dives continuously like in the game, flies into the sky, and dives again... this kind of attack method.

Under such an attack situation, the demon hunting progress cannot be fully charged.

Even if it is upgraded two levels, it is still the same.

In addition, it is close to the city and the terrain is flat, so there is no place to hide.

Maybe they will really overturn in this place.


Ignoring the somewhat panicked shouts in his ears.

At this time, Arlin was already familiar with the rhythm of the griffin's shaking.


The sharp blade was pulled out with a lot of blood.

Standing on the trembling blood-red claws, Arlin did not choose a place, and two silver lights chopped the muscular thighs of the griffin.

[Demon Hunting] Progress 92%

[Demon Hunting] Progress 93%

Because it was done casually, each sword only increased the progress by 1%.

It made sense.

But Ailin didn't care.

After nimbly dodging the left claw of the griffin, he continued to trim the griffin's claws in this way.

[Demon Hunting] Progress 94%

[Demon Hunting] Progress 96%


[Demon Hunting] Progress 98%


The griffin roared angrily.

It didn't know why the ants on its claws were so difficult to catch?

It didn't know why it was so obsessed with the dead skin on its claws that would soon recover?


It shouldn't care about these minor wounds.

Just like a lion doesn't care which hair the lice on its body is next to.

It just ignores him and flies high.

It doesn't even need to do anything, the prey will be frozen to death by the biting cold wind.

For so many years, it has done this when facing prey with hard shells or difficult to deal with.

But now...

The big griffin dared not delay any longer.

The inexplicable fear that came from nowhere stretched out its cold hands to pinch its heart, and it screamed heartbreakingly.

The beast's instinct and the favor of magic kept warning it.


The big griffin stopped flying upwards.

It suddenly lowered its eagle head and frantically flapped its wings towards the ground.

Rushing to the ground at a high speed.

He wanted to smash this strange and terrifying monster in his claws to the ground!

This place was already a hundred meters high, and it fell at full speed and hit the ground.

The big griffin would be slightly injured, but Ailin would definitely die.


In the air, a silver light flashed.


[Demon Hunting] Progress 100%

The whistling wind stopped!

In the almost still time, Aylin looked at the grass that was rapidly enlarged in front of him.

And Mary, who was stopped by Vesemir on the grass, was like a little madman, crying tears of fear, and shouting "Aylin! Aylin!..." crazily.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Aylin retracted his gaze.

Blood-red footprints and sword marks floated in the sky.

He stepped lightly on the claws of the griffin and flew into the air.

He turned around in a circle according to his body's instinct without thinking.

The silver sword blade happened to hit the right leg of the griffin heavily.

"This is a huge wound that can increase the progress of demon hunting by 20%..."

A boring thought flashed through Aylin's mind.

The force of the chop pushed him away from the griffin and fell to the ground.

The distance between the two was getting farther and farther, and it seemed that they could not meet again.

But the next moment.

The sudden pain was transmitted to the brain of the great griffin, and its body twitched instinctively.

The wings shook.

As the wind direction changed, the broad back of the great griffin suddenly appeared in front of Ailin.

He stepped down lightly.

He stepped on the bloody footprint in the middle of the wings.


One step, two steps, three steps...

Following the bloody footprint, after more than ten steps, the eagle head of the great griffin appeared.

Ailin took a deep breath.

He stepped on the right foot, turned around twice, and chopped down!

Spinning and slashing!

The sword has not fallen yet.


The great griffin seemed to suddenly feel something, raised its head and cried tragically.

Immediately afterwards.


Silver light flashed.

The head and head separated in an instant.

Scarlet blood splashed in the air, as if it was raining blood.


[Monster "Great Griffin" is defeated! 】

[Reward calculation: ...]

After exiting the demon hunting state, Aylin ignored the system prompt in his mind, grabbed the bloody head of the griffin with one hand, and glanced at the ground below.

The ground quickly enlarged in front of his eyes.

At this speed, even with the griffin under him, he would definitely die.

However, Aylin was not afraid of this and activated [Demon Hunting] again.

Then he looked at Vesemir who had been chasing the griffin on the ground and shouted:

"Alder Seal!"

"Alder Seal!"

Then, the mental power quickly affected the demon hunter master to operate all the magic power in the mutant organ.

Then he bent the middle finger of his right hand and pointed it in the direction of the griffin.


The air between the two people quickly twisted.

The next second.

The speed of the griffin's fall suddenly stagnated.


Before it could roll over due to uneven force, it slammed into the ground.


The huge sound was deafening.

Large clumps of yellow-brown dust were smashed off the ground and blown away.

Outsiders could not see the scene inside clearly.



Before the smoke dissipated, anxious shouts quickly approached the crash site.

Vesemir watched Mary rushing into the smoke without stopping her.

He saw clearly that when the big griffin was flying in the air, it was chopped off by Erin as if by some strange coincidence.

So Mary would not be in any danger if she rushed in at this time.

As for whether Erin himself was injured...

Vesemir shook his head in amazement:

"Alder... It's really amazing that he could think of this."

He used Alder's telekinetic waves to slow down the big griffin with all his strength, and he also had Aserri's water shield and Quen.

As long as Erin was not pressed under him, he would not be seriously injured.

Of course.

He was also a little worried.


Sometimes, there are places.

What a boy needs is a hug from a fragrant girl, not the care of an equally dirty uncle.

Vesemir curled his lips and looked at the gradually dissipating smoke in front of him. A picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

"How did he judge the reaction of the griffin?"

Vesemir frowned and thought.

He saw it clearly from below.

When Arlin chopped the griffin's right leg, it was obviously pushed away by the reaction force.

The next step should be that both of them fell to the ground.

He was so scared that cold sweat broke out instantly, and Mary was almost scared to faint.

But the big griffon fluttered and forced its neck to the sword of Aylin.

This operation...

Vesemir couldn't understand, but he was shocked.

And the more I think about it, the more I feel it has endless charm and benefits a lot.


He murmured and asked himself again.

The reason for ignoring defense is that the Demon Hunter's Eyes can see the direction of magic power.

But before making a slash, you can predict the monster's trajectory after being hurt...

Is this swordsmanship? magic? prophecy? Or is it another use of the Demon Hunter's Eye?

At this time.

The dim smoke gradually dissipated.

Next to the huge headless body of the Great Griffin.

The young demon hunter, carrying two swords on his back, was holding on to a head that was half a man's height. He had a shocked face and was helplessly hugged tightly by a girl with long hair.

"Tsk tsk~"

Watching this scene with his arms folded, Vesemir smacked his lips, smiled and sighed:

"It's great to be young!"

[Destroy the monster "Big Griffin" Lv84! 】

[Reward settlement: Defeat the enemy, basic rating D, leapfrog kill +3-C, decapitation deterrence +3-B]

[Final rating: B]

[Trophy obtained: Great Griffin's Heart Essence*1, Experience Beads*9, Great Griffin's Treasure Chest*4]

【bite! Hunting mission: Great Griffin I (kill Great Griffin 0/5) has been activated. Do you want to accept it? 】

The familiar school bell rang in his mind, and he held his wet head in his right hand.

The tip of my nose was filled with the fragrance of orange and the warmth through the leather armor.

Due to the thrilling dance on the tip of the knife and the joy of successfully hunting the monster, the pounding heart suddenly calmed down under the fragrance and temperature.

"Can we all receive such treatment when the rewards are settled in the future?"

A strange idea suddenly appeared in Ailin's mind, and he took over the task.

Mary took a step back.

Those big watery eyes are really watery this time.

Two dirty tears flowed down her fair face.

Some are funny and some are cute.

" dare you do this?" Mary cried and shouted fiercely, puffing out her cheeks, "You were almost dead, do you understand?"

"I...amn't I not dead?"

Aylin tilted his head, feeling somewhat guilty for no reason.


Although he did take a little risk this time, the danger was still within his control.

"You still said that!!!"

"Okay, okay, don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore!"

Feeling that Mary was so angry that she was about to bite him, Aylin immediately surrendered.

"Next... don't take such a risk next time. If there is an accident, I..." Mary noticed something was wrong, paused, and changed her words, "Ms. Vera must be so sad!"

Aylin also has emotional intelligence.

Of course I won't explain it forcefully at this time.

"I understand," he smiled and nodded, "Thank you for caring about me so much."

"Who cares about you!" Mary's body suddenly froze, and with a blushing face, she retracted her hands holding the witcher in panic, "I am here to teach you a lesson for Ms. Vera!"

"Okay, okay~"

Aylin smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"You are teaching me a lesson for Ms. Vera, don't worry, I will pay attention to it in the future!"

Don't know why.

When Mary heard Aylin admit her statement, she felt a little uncomfortable.


Just when she was about to say a few more words, a middle-aged man walked up the avenue not far away and attracted their attention.

After the man approached, he looked hesitantly in Aylin's direction, and finally walked towards Vesemir.

"Did you kill this monster?"

After Vesemir looked at the middle-aged man, he did not answer directly, but asked:

"You are?"

The middle-aged man discovered that he had not reported his name.

"Sorry," he smiled apologetically and said:

"My name is Dieter, Dieter from Toussaint..."

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