Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 23 Twins (Thanks to the monthly ticket from the book friend

"Did he find it?" Leto couldn't help asking.

Although the apprentice didn't speak, his footsteps were following the location pointed out by Vesemir, walking east along the river.

Obviously he found something.

"I don't know," Vesemir raised the edge of his wide-brimmed hat, his eyes always stayed on Aylin.

"After all, it is common sense that water ghosts live by the water. Even if you don't follow the traces, you can definitely find these water ghosts along the direction of the river."

Leto smiled and said, "Then do you want to make a bet? I bet Aylin found the traces..."

"No bet."

Vesemir rolled his eyes and quickly dispelled Leto's delusion.

The same mistake, the witcher master would never make twice.

Elsa was still swaying behind Aylin.

Ignoring Leto's regretful face, Vesemir walked to Aylin and asked:

"How is it, did you find it?"

"It should be east along the river."

Vesemir didn't comment, and then asked: "How did you judge it?"

Aylin pondered for a moment.

Seeing the apprentice's silence, Vesemir thought he had just guessed it intuitively.

Little did he know that there was so much useful information in Alin's field of vision that he didn't know where to start.

The moment he approached the trace, the red light that made up the paw print flew up and turned into tiny red light spots.

These light spots combined into a pair of red webbed legs with only the part below the knee.

A few seconds later, the legs moved.

The red paw fell from mid-air and stepped on the grass.

Some of the light spots were shaken off and scattered on the grass around the paw.

The main part also gathered the paw print again at the moment of landing, like an ant returning to its nest.

This operation is really like feeding food into the mouth.

Ailin bent down and pointed at the grass with red spots falling, and said:

"The droplets on these grass are the mucus from the water ghost."

After Vesemir took a look, he brushed the grass with his right hand and put it in front of his nose to sniff:

"Yes, it smells like rotten mud, it's from the water ghost."

He brushed a few grasses again.

Vesemir stood up, looked at Ailin in doubt, and asked:

"How did you see with your naked eyes that this is the mucus from the water ghost?"

I'm cheating! ... Ailin's face showed the standard Xius's ignorance, and said: "Just use your eyes to see, isn't it very simple?"

"Can't Master Vesemir do it?"

Vesemir was stunned for a moment, shook his head quickly, and said:

"Of course I can track the traces of the water ghost, but..."

"Forget it, keep talking, this is just to confirm that the water ghost passed by here, how do you determine the direction it left?"

The way the witcher master changed the subject was still so stiff.

Of course, Aylin would not hold on to it. He took advantage of the situation and said confidently:

"Knowing the distribution of these mucus, the answer is already out."

He stood up, simulated the mucus falling with his fingertips, and said to the curious Vesemir and Leto:

"The mucus fell on the grass at an angle due to the speed, forming a splashing shape."

"Because of the tilted direction and the cover of the plants, it is easy to judge."

"This water ghost is heading east along the stream."

Vesemir thought for a while after hearing this.

The direction determined by Aylin coincided with the answer in his mind.

However, the apprentice's judgment method was different from his.

Vesemir was silent for a moment and sighed: "Your judgment is correct, but now I will teach you another method, listen carefully..."

Tracing is the most important part of the knowledge that the Wolf School mentor teaches apprentices.

This is often the secret of every demon hunter and their means of making a living.

In the past, only after the end of the high mountain trial, the surviving apprentices had the opportunity to learn this knowledge.

After the spring equinox of the second year of the Alpine Trial, the school will assign apprentices to the demon hunters who come down the mountain.

Within five years, these apprentices will travel around the continent with the demon hunters until the demon hunters feel that the apprentices are ready to "graduate". Only then will the apprentices become independent and become real demon hunters.

Demon hunters of the Wolf School jokingly call this the Travel Trial.

The relationship between the demon hunter mentor and the apprentice gradually becomes closer during the travel process, as they continue to impart skills and experience, and live and die together in the commission.

Finally, a master-apprentice relationship unique to the Wolf School is achieved.

Leto was once Vesemir's traveling apprentice.

Vesemir was also the chief's traveling apprentice.

Of course, most of the master-apprentice relationships of demon hunters can be traced back to the chief.

"Vision, smell, hearing, touch... the senses of a demon hunter are not weak," Vesemir walked to the bush that Aylin had analyzed, "For example, it was not vision that made me notice this bush, but smell."

"Smell?" Aylin sniffed.

Although the herbal potion transformed his body, the smell he felt in his nose was only the freshness of grass and the faint smell of soil.

"Yes, when I walked into this area, my sense of smell warned me that something was wrong here."

Vesemir tilted his head and noticed that the apprentice's nose was moving more and more, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"It's not that the more air you inhale, the better. You have to learn to distinguish."

Vesemir stood up, pressed his index finger on the right end of the apprentice's nose, and said:

"Close your eyes and control the mutant organs here."

Aylin closed his eyes after hearing this, but he could not feel any mutant organs where Vesemir pointed.

"Abandon human cognition, you are a demon hunter, you can control your body better than you think."

As Vesemir's index finger pressed, Aylin seemed to really feel different.

The heart beat rapidly, and the blood transported energy throughout the body.

"Feel it!"

Aylin shouted in surprise.

There are really "doors" on both sides of the nose!

It's a pity.

Originally, these two doors were about to open, but because of Aylin's emotional ups and downs, they were hidden again.

But it doesn't matter.

"Ding, found a clue to the skill: [Tracking]."

"Do you want to spend 1 small experience bead to unlock the skill?"


Aylin quickly opened the character panel,

"Tracking LV1" was still on the special skill column.

Two tracking?

Aylin was a little surprised, but still spent a skill point to unlock it.

At this time.

Vesemir felt the mutant organ under his index finger, and because of his emotional ups and downs, he hid it again and comforted him:

"Don't force it. It's normal that it didn't open the first time. Just try again tomorrow, but remember that you can only try once a day."

This training was originally carried out after the high mountain trial. Ailin hadn't even completed the potion transformation of the "main meal", and the mutant organ on the side of the nose might not have been adjusted yet.

"Master Vesemir."

Ailin closed his eyes, and the short six-word address was filled with the joy of discovering a new world.

"What's wrong?" Vesemir asked in confusion.

"I... smelled it!"

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