Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 236 Big Griffin, give me some more!

Can't see the king?

Vesemir and Arryn who came over looked at each other.

What happened?

Is your king dead too?

However, Arryn saw that although the expression on Trick's face was not very good, there was no grief or anger, and it didn't seem like the king had died.

So he didn't ask this impolite question, and looked at Trick expressionlessly, waiting for the next words.

After hesitating for a few seconds, noticing that Mary also came over, Trick gritted his teeth and whispered:

"Don't tell anyone..."

So mysterious?

The three looked at each other and nodded, and Trick continued:

"Originally, His Majesty Oliver wanted to refuse your audience with the excuse of being unwell."

"But it was actually because of the Dark Sun Curse..."

"Your Majesty is a little afraid of this curse, and the big eater of Kaedwen died that day, so..."

Got it.

Afraid that we would bring him bad luck.

But apart from Vesemir's words to dissuade the war, Arryn and Mary were not so enthusiastic about meeting the king.

They only cared about the bounty of the great griffin and whether the big head could be sold for a good price.

But on this point, the King of Aedirn was quite kind.

"This is a deposit slip from Vivaldi Bank, with two thousand orens in it," Trick took out a leather slip and handed it to Vesemir, "This is His Majesty Oliver's thank you for helping us solve the bounty of the great griffin..."

"As for the head of the great griffin..."

"Your Majesty didn't say he wanted to buy it, it should be based on reasons like the Dark Sun Curse..."

"But wasn't this monster hunted in your Aedirn?" Mary was a little unconvinced.

Trick smiled flatteringly and said:

"His Majesty Oliver has never liked this kind of bloody things."

"Of course..."

"It should also be because you all came from Ban Ade."

Trick paused and continued:

"However, I am very interested in this. I wonder if you can sell this griffin head to me?"

"Oh, how much are you willing to pay?" Vesemir asked with interest.

Trick raised four fingers without hesitation:

"Four thousand, I am willing to pay four thousand orens!"

Vesemir, who was originally planning to raise the price, suddenly paused and looked at Trick meaningfully.

No matter how good the quality of the griffin head is, it is worth a little more than three thousand orens at most.

As the deputy leader of the King's Knights, Trick could not have been unaware of this.


Vesemir glanced at Mary.

Since entering the door, Trick's eyes have been drifting towards Mary, and he also quietly told them secret things about the king's attitude...

"Tell me, what do you want?" Vesemir, who didn't want to guess, asked directly, "The head of the great griffin is far from worth four thousand."

His intention was seen through, and Trick was not embarrassed. After laughing twice, he said:

"As expected of Master Vesemir, you can't hide anything from you..."

Then he smiled, looked at Mary, and said in a humble manner:

"Ms. Margarita, can you help me ask Ms. Vera for a bottle of potion?"

Mary was not surprised at all.

It seems that she has experienced many such things.

She raised her head and looked at Arlin proudly, thinking:

"No matter how much Ms. Vera values ​​you and cares about you, what's wrong with it?"

"Outside, I am still the spokesperson for the lady! No one can take it away!"

Then she remembered that Trick was both the inn and the king's little secret, and she asked softly:

"What kind of potion do you want?"

There's a chance!

Trick's eyes lit up, and he said quickly:

"Verdant Sigh!"

"I'm willing to pay 20,000 orens for a bottle..."

In fact, like the head of the great griffin, 20,000 orens far exceeds the actual value of "Magic Potion: Verdant Sigh". At least the current market price is about 15,000 orens.

But the key is that there is no market for it!

Every year, Vera sells less than ten bottles of "Verdant Sigh", and most of them are bought by kings, dukes and other nobles in various countries.


Because he is a human hero written into history books, no noble dares to use power to coerce him.

Some of their families can't even see an empty bottle.

When Mary heard Trick's request, her body suddenly froze, and her arrogant arrogance was gone.

She doesn't have "Verdant Sigh" now, but someone does!

Some people even used this precious magic potion as water...

Thinking of this.

Mary's face flushed with embarrassment and jealousy.

"Ahem~" Vesemir saw Mary's embarrassment, coughed lightly, and asked, "I think you are still quite young. It's too early to think about prolonging your life now!"

"It's not me..." Trick smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's my father."

"When Aedirn was declining in the past, he often led troops to the battlefield and left a body of hidden injuries."

"Now my limbs and bones hurt everywhere, and I am in great pain every day..."

"I heard that the potion of Verdant Sigh can treat this kind of hidden injury, but unfortunately I can't find a channel..."

Trick looked at Mary respectfully and pleaded sincerely:

"Please, Ms. Margarita."

"As long as you can help me get a bottle of potion, the Quinn family will always remember your kindness..."

Being stared at like this, Mary was so embarrassed that she dug out a magic tower on the ground with her toes.

But we still don’t know Ai Lin’s attitude. It doesn’t matter whether she refuses or not.

"Ding ding~"

The sound of bottles and jars clattering together attracted everyone's attention.

Aylin took out a bottle of emerald green potion from the potion bag and said:

"This is the sigh of the green."

Trick was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Mary who didn't know when she lowered her head.

Shouldn't the one who can draw out the green sigh be Vera's apprentice?

How could he be a witcher?

He looked at the potion in Aylin's hand with some suspicion.

Is this really a sigh of greenness?

Seeing this scene, Vesemir sighed and explained:

"Aelin also studied alchemy with Ms. Vera for a long time..."

Trick glanced at the young witcher in surprise, then looked at Mary.

In desperation, the young sorceress could only nod her head and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito:

"This potion is the sigh of green!"

At this time, Trick came to his senses and reached for the potion with excitement on his face, but was stopped by Vesemir.

"Feel sorry!"

Trick slapped his forehead, said modestly, and quickly took out two more deposit receipts from his pocket.

It seems that it has been prepared for a long time.

"These two are also deposit certificates from Vivaldi Bank, one is 4,000, the other is 20,000..."

Vesemir then lowered his arms.

After receiving the potion, Trick carefully checked it according to the collected information.

Then he didn’t know if he had identified it, so he nodded with confidence:

"It's the sigh of green, yes!"

Of course you can’t go wrong!

Vesemir thought to himself that he and the school spent a lot of money to buy this from Ms. Vera.

He saw with his own eyes the bloody red fox giving the potion to Aylin.

Until now.

Vesemir still owes Vera a large debt.

Looking at the three large deposit certificates in Aylin's hand, Vesemir sighed with envy in his heart, and then helped:

"This green sigh was given to Aylin by Ms. Vera to save her life before going down the mountain."

"If you hadn't bought the potion for your father, I wouldn't have sold it to you like this!"

Vesemir knew that Aelin must not have bought the potion just for money.

And this premium really cannot offset the favor.

After hearing this, Trick put away his smile, looked at Aylin seriously, and promised:

"Master Aylin, the Quinn family will always remember your kindness!"


He took out a shield-shaped steel badge from his pocket.

"This is the emblem of the Quinn family and a symbol of our friendship. Please accept it."

Aylin took the heavy badge and glanced at it.

This shield-shaped badge is engraved with a sword surrounded by fleurs-de-lis.

Seeing Aylin accept the badge, Trick smiled gently. After carefully putting the potion away, he impatiently planned to leave.


Trick was about to close the door when he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Aylin seriously:

"I should have left you at Vengerberg for a few more days to show your kindness as a landlord..."

"But from the perspective of a friend, if there is nothing urgent to do here, I suggest you leave Vengerburg as soon as possible!"

Perhaps worried that they would not believe it, Trick gritted his teeth and explained softly:

"War is coming!"


The door is closed.

Vesemir glanced out the window.

The bright moon hangs high.

It's late at night.

"Get some rest early," Vesemir sighed, "We will leave Vengerberg tomorrow!"

They originally planned to stay here for a few more days.

However, the deputy captain of the King's Knights of Aden persuaded them to leave, and they must not have a good end if they stay.

The witcher who listens to advice will live longer.

Aylin nodded and said:

"You guys go to rest first and refine this potion before I go to sleep."

Vesemir nodded.

Then he returned to the room with the little monster who had been beating Hatcher and couldn't even open his eyes and his brother Royce.

Although Royce is Aylin's son of destiny, the little monster was also bought by Aylin.

But it was always Vesemir who took care of the two children.


The room door was closed.

"You should go and rest too." Aylin said when he saw that Mary had not returned to the room and was looking at him longingly.

"This potion requires a special material. Now that you have learned it, there are no extra materials for you to practice."

What material is so special?

Mary was a little curious, so she didn't leave.

Seeing that the young sorceress was in high spirits, she had no intention of taking a rest now.

In desperation, Aylin could only let her watch from the side and continue to refine the swamp witch's decoction formula.

It wasn't that he didn't want Mary to see the process of refining the decoction.

But getting enough sleep is very important for a warlock.

You must know that the element of chaos is a very violent force.

Without a good mental state, not only the success rate of spell casting is greatly reduced, but it may even cause severe damage to the warlock's body.


Although warlocks can also meditate, this is completely different from the meditation of demon hunters.

Their meditation is a way to exercise the spirit, and it cannot replace sleep.

However, since Mary insisted, Ailin had no choice but to make the potion as soon as possible.

Although this was his first time making a decoction, the refining requirement of the swamp witch decoction itself was only alchemy level 3.

With Ailin's current level of alchemy level 4, it was more than enough.


In terms of the processing of materials, decoction is very similar to sword oil.

Both use magic power to activate the hidden magic nodes in the plant materials, and then put them into the crucible.

When he officially entered the process of refining the potion, Ailin was focused and no longer paid attention to Mary around him.

Set up the pot, light the fire, pour in the dwarven liquor...

The cypress stem fruit with the magic node activated was melted into the dwarven liquor under the stimulation of chaos magic and high temperature.


The temperature is rising.

Orange bubbles keep coming out of the crucible.

Finally, after half an hour, it completely shrank into an orange, fist-sized jelly-like colloid.

"Is it done?" Mary looked at the inexplicably cute colloid in the crucible.

Although it is a bit magical that the dwarven liquor and cypress stem fruit have changed into this...

But there is nothing special about the refining method or materials!

"Not yet," Aylin shook his head, "Next, the most difficult part..."

While watching the fire under the crucible, he took out a crystal bottle from the reagent bag.

Mary looked at the contents of the crystal bottle and asked in confusion:

"What is this?"

The ellipsoidal red colloid in the crystal bottle wrapped the green colloid, and it was also slightly enlarging and shrinking, like a living thing breathing.

It made Mary look a little creepy, and she subconsciously moved away a little.

After hesitating for two seconds, Ailin said:

"Swamp witch mutation inducer..."

"Mutation inducer?" Mary frowned, "What is mutation inducer?"

As Ailin poured the swamp witch mutation inducer in the glass bottle into the crucible, he explained:

"As the name suggests, it is a substance that induces mutation..."

"Only a small number of monsters can produce this substance."

Mary had never heard of this substance, either from books or from Ms. Vera.

However, seeing that Ailin was concentrating on making the potion, she did not ask again, but observed carefully.


The wolf emblem was buzzing in a low voice.

Under Ailin's precise magic control, the red and green swamp witch mutation inducer quietly opened a hole.

Then, like swallowing food, he swallowed the orange-yellow colloid in the crucible into the green core in small mouthfuls.

This technique of using magic to stimulate mutation inducers is very difficult.

It cannot be too strong, otherwise it will damage the vitality of the inducer.

It can't be too weak to make the two fully merge.

After a while.

A layer of sweat appeared on Ailin's forehead.

But soon.

The swamp witch's mutation inducer completely swallowed the orange colloid, and the whole body became blood red and transparent.

But the magical thing is that after swallowing the inducer the size of an adult's fist, the volume did not increase at all.

It was still about 50 ml in a crystal bottle.

Ailin let out a long breath and bottled the colloid.

"Bang bang~"

A slight impact sound came faintly from the crystal.

Mary on the side was sure now.

This blood-red thing is actually a living thing! ! !

The curious eyes made Ailin feel stressed.

Especially when it was late, he hadn't completely thought about (made up) the story of discovering the mutation inducer.


Before Mary could speak, Ailin pretended to be exhausted and said:

"It's late, go to bed first."

"If you have any questions, we can talk about it tomorrow morning..."

Mary looked at Ailin and could only nod helplessly.



The door was gently closed.

Ailin returned to his room and immediately became energetic.

He couldn't wait to open the Demon Hunting Notes with his mind.

[Ding! Do you want to use the Great Griffin's Heart Essence*1? ]

"Great Griffin!"

"Let me see how powerful your heart is!"

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