Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 249: Yennefer's Talent

Is it really a dying struggle?

Vera stared at Ianna.

The evil god is also a god.

Gods need faith, and they rely on the number of believers to establish their strength. This is the consensus of the wizarding world.

And Melitari is the god with the most believers in the whole world.

How powerful must this evil god be to not only not be suppressed in his sanctuary, but also to suddenly knock Ailin unconscious?

Where does an evil god get so many believers?

"Don't worry, it's just that the mark of the evil god on Ailin sensed the threat and instinctively resisted."

Seeing that Vera still had worries on her face.

Ianna patted her hands, smiled and looked at Ailin who was a little doubtful, and explained:

"This is a good thing. This outbreak almost consumed 90% of the power projected by the evil god."

"Now it doesn't take seven days, probably... um..." Ianna estimated, "three days... three days are enough."

This is a good thing... Ailin thought.

He didn't think it was a big problem. He was about to die, so he couldn't allow others to fight back in the dying?

Moreover, although the force just now forced him to "turn his head" in the space of consciousness, Ailin felt that he was able to resist that force.

But before he could speak.

"It's still seven days!" Vera worriedly held Ailin's hand tightly, with cold sweat on her palms, "Just in case, it's better to stay in the sanctuary for seven days."

"Of course, no problem, Ailin can stay here with Mammy as long as he wants."

Ianna reached out and gently ruffled the witcher's hair, took his hand and whispered:

"Let's go, the others must be waiting anxiously."

Ailin nodded and looked at the sorceress.

The woman in the gray skirt frowned slightly, and her pursed red lips seemed to contain an indelible sorrow.

"Don't worry, Ms. Vera, nothing will happen." Ailin whispered.

The sorceress nodded and said nothing more.


The Temple of Meliteli has a large restaurant that can accommodate more than a thousand people.

From high-ranking temple officials like Ianna to servants in the temple, everyone eats in this large restaurant.

When Aylin, Vera and Ianna arrived, Vesemir and the others were already gathered at the door of the restaurant.

From a distance, they saw a little monster wrapped in a black robe.

"By the way, Ms. Vera." Aylin tilted his head to look at the sorceress.

The sorceress asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I rescued... uh... adopted a little girl. After dinner, can you help me test whether she has magical talent?"

Aylin scratched his head and told the sorceress about the process of adopting Yennefer.

"What a good boy!"

Hearing that he rescued Yennefer from an alcoholic father, Ianna touched his head again with relief.

Seeing the wrinkled and calloused old man's hands rubbing over him, he wanted to hide.

But the 48 points of strength plus the 42 points of agility seemed to be non-existent at this moment.

Ailin tilted his head as if he was leaning towards Ianna's hand.

"Ianna, stop bullying him..." Vera spoke.

Ianna, who had messed up the witcher's hair again, smiled and gently rubbed it several times before withdrawing her hand.

Vera shook her head helplessly and looked at the little guy covered with black cloth at the door of the restaurant.

That ordinary black cloth seemed nothing in front of her

"Spinal deformity, flesh and bone hyperplasia..."

"It does look like it has been eroded by chaos magic for a long time, but..." Vera tilted her head to look at Ailin and gave him a shot of prevention, "These characteristics may just be deformities, and have nothing to do with chaos magic..."

After a pause of one second, Vera added:

"And this possibility is the greatest."

Ailin nodded after hearing Vera's words.

Even if the little monster is called Yennefer, it is indeed possible that he has lost his magic talent.

After all, this world is quite different from the novels and games in the previous life.


For Ailin, whether Yennefer has talent or not, it doesn't matter.

When he rescued the little monster, he didn't know her identity.

Ailin just couldn't bear it, and he had the ability, that's all.


The demon hunter shook his head and said:

"It's okay, just test it. I didn't think I could make a profit when I adopted her."

"I just hope she can support herself."

The sorceress looked at Ianna proudly.

"What a good child!" Ianna looked at the demon hunter with more gentle and loving eyes, and whispered:

"Don't worry, even if the talent is not measured, the lady's temple is willing to accept her."

"If she is pious and talented, she can also become a priest like Lisa."

"Lady Meliteli is the mother of all things, and she will not treat her children differently because of appearance and disability."


"Even if she has no talent, we will teach her herbs, medicine and midwifery. As long as she is willing to work hard, she will not worry about not having enough food."

Ailin was happy to hear Ianna's words.

In this way, even if the little monster can't measure the talent, there is a good way out.

"Thank you, Aunt Ianna!" Ailin said gratefully.

"No need to thank me," Ianna smiled gently, "Good deeds deserve to be recognized, and the weak need to be supported."

"This is what a lady's servant should do."


At dinner time, there were a lot of people outside the restaurant.

There were not only the temple priests and other staff, but also many noble ladies in luxurious clothes, and children being taught by several middle-aged women.

Seeing the high priest of the Temple of Meliteli, many people came over to say "good afternoon" and then quietly speculated about the identities of Vera and Ailin.

"Why is there a demon hunter with the high priest?"

"Is the woman in the gray robe also a priestess of the goddess? She is so beautiful!"

"Why does the demon hunter look so young? Is he out for the trial with the handsome demon hunter uncle standing at the door just now?"

"It should be. Look, the badges on their chests are the same."

"He is so cute. I wish the baby in my belly could grow up like this!"

"Yes! Yes! Especially those blue cat eyes... Wow... It's clearer than the sea..."

"I really hope my baby can grow up to be a little knight like this and protect me..."

"Look at it more now. Maybe after it is born, the baby will grow up like this..."

"Ah? Can it be like this? What's the explanation?"

"Listen to me..."


The topics of the ladies and expectant mothers around them became more and more outrageous, and their eyes on the young demon hunter became more and more fiery.


Even the clergy who had finished lunch in the temple joined in inexplicable ways.

The corners of Alin's mouth twitched slightly.

If Ianna hadn't been next to him, it's possible that these bored women would really come over and stare at him.

"Okay, okay, stop gathering here." Ianna noticed Aylin's predicament and drove him away with a bit of amusement, "You're going to scare my guests away."


Noticing Aylin's blushing face, there was a good-natured laugh around.

After that, the pregnant ladies around became even bolder.

Some came over to stare at Aylin's face carefully...

Some asked Ianna to look at good-looking children more often, and whether the baby she gave birth to would also be good-looking...

Some were even bold enough to ask Aylin directly if he would accept the commission and was willing to pay to stare at him...

It was a bit outrageous...

But to be honest, the price of this commission was driven up in a few seconds, which made the wealthy Aylin a little tempted.

If it weren't for Nenneke and Lysa at the door of the restaurant who noticed something unusual at this time, they ran over and drove away the group of women who were watching the fun.

Perhaps Aylin would really have agreed.

There is no way, they gave too much!

"High priest, after all, they are guests, why don't you take care of it!" After Nenneke drove them away, he complained to Ianna in a blaming manner.

"Hahaha, I took care of it..." Ianna laughed.

Nenneke rolled her eyes delicately. With her understanding of the high priest, she knew what was going on without asking.

She smiled apologetically to Aylin:

"Sorry, the high priest likes to joke, but he is still a good person and has no malice."

At this time.

Aylin, who was dizzy by the various scents of the woman just now, realized that the high priest's words...

It seemed to stop, but it was actually adding fuel to the fire.

There was a bit of bad taste in it.

But after all, he just saved Aylin's life, what could he say?

He could only smile bitterly and shook his head, indicating that Nenneke was nothing.

"It has nothing to do with me, Aylin is too popular!" Ianna defended.

The words were good words.

But for some reason, Aylin always felt that the high priest's eyes were meaningful.

But what he didn't notice was.

Since just now, the smile on Vera's lips has never disappeared.


After meeting with Vesemir and his group, the sorceress and Ianna both took a second look at the little monster.

The somewhat sensitive Yennefer shrank timidly behind Vesemir.

After a brief introduction, Ianna took them into the temple's restaurant.

Dinner was steaming chicken and mushroom stew and soft croissant butter bread.

Although it was slightly worse than what Mary made at the Orchard Inn, it tasted pretty good.

Several people sat at a long table in the corner.

At first, the atmosphere was a little strange because there were strangers at the table, but gradually it became warm.

The priests of the goddess Meliteli seemed to have a unique affinity, which made it easy for people without bad intentions to let down their potential vigilance.

Perhaps because of Lysa's presence, Nenneke deliberately turned the topic to Ban Ade's apprentice fighting competition.

Vesemir and Aylin also tacitly described the scene when the celestial spheres met.

Hackso's death was indeed tragic. Although his body was still there, it was unrecognizable.

There was no need to exaggerate. It would be very satisfying to tell the truth.

Although the goddess's priests were neutral, no one would have a good impression of a cruel and tyrannical tyrant.

Besides, the witnesses were still around.

Lysa, who became very smooth-talking because of Hackso's death, was able to warm up the atmosphere gently at first, but she lowered her head as she listened.

Perhaps she thought of something, and her tears dripped on the table.

The others at the table tacitly ignored her and let her vent her grief.

Even the young Royce wanted to speak with a puzzled look on his face, but his sister quietly covered his mouth.

"After leaving Ban Ade, did you have a smooth journey?"

Vera looked at Lysa with pity and changed the subject.

"Mentor, the three of us joined forces and killed a big griffin..."

Mary cooperated and told the story of hunting monsters, especially the legend of Aelin's bravery and flying into the sky with the great gryphon.


This caused Nannick and Ianna to marvel, and also made Vera look worried.

After this look was noticed by Mary, who had been paying attention to her mentor, she shuddered subconsciously and quickly moved the topic to the war atmosphere in Vengerberg.

"Really, there's going to be another war..." Ianna sighed.

Nannick's face didn't look good either.

Seeing this, Aylin suddenly thought of the Wild Hunt.


"Speaking of war, we encountered the Wild Hunt at the Floating Port," Aelin glanced at Vesemir, "Sister Ianna, are there any files about the Wild Hunt in the temple?"

"Wild Hunt?" Ianna looked at the young demon hunter doubtfully, "Isn't that an elven legend?"

It seems there is no more...

Aelin sighed inwardly.

He didn't expect the Meriteri Cult to launch a holy war against Ain El.

After all, humans now dominate the world, and the Wild Hunt, which shows no threat, is just some kind of monster.

But the Meritelli Cult has a long history after all, and may have some records and methods to fight against the Wild Hunt.

It's a pity that even Meriteri's high priest seems to have no idea about this.

But that's right.

Although Ianna is the high priest, she is probably not half as old as Vesemir.

Even Vesemir didn't know about this, so how could Ianna know?

Although a little disappointed.

He still told the story of how the Wild Hunt appeared in the floating harbor.


Because I am not familiar with several priests of Meriteri, I will not talk about Ain El for the time being.

With the additions of Vesemir and Mary, the story of the floating port was completed.

Ianna glanced at Vera in surprise and said:

"The Wild Hunt actually exists in this world. I always thought it was a bedtime story..."

Vera received the sight and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know anything about the Wild Hunt.

"But I don't know, it doesn't mean there are no records in the temple..."

Under Aylin's renewed expectant gaze, Ianna lowered her head and pondered for a few seconds, then looked at Nannick and Lysa:

"Nannik, take Lysa to the old library to check in the next few days to see if there are any files related to the Wild Hunt..."

When he heard that he was going to trouble Nannick and Lysa, Aylin suddenly felt a little embarrassed:

"This... this is too troublesome for the two priests..."

"How about I go? I just finished cleaning the sanctuary today, and I don't have any plans for the remaining days..."

"Who told you that there is nothing planned next?" Ianna smiled gently and interrupted Aylin.

"Huh?" The demon hunter was confused.

"You will be very fulfilled in the next few days..." Ianna smiled meaningfully, her eyes narrowed into a thin line.

I still haven’t figured out Ianna’s smile clearly.

Nannick suddenly spoke:

"Nothing is troublesome. Wild hunting caused the lady to lose many children, and some of the lady's other children lost their beloved relatives..."

"It is our duty to share the worries of ladies..."

Lysa didn't speak, but she nodded solemnly to Aelin.

"Do what you have to do, and we will help organize the files." Vesemir stood up and put away the tableware, planning to sort the files overnight.

"No rush."

Ianna smiled and stopped Vesemir and Mary, who were following enthusiastically, and then looked at the little monster shrouded in black cloth:

"Before checking the files, we still have something to do..."

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