Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 251 The Little Priest's Gift

The hazy moonlight found the mottled shadows of the trees. The shadows in the corner squirmed after hearing the sound and walked out.

"Teacher, it's me..."

Mary slowly moved out.

"It's so late, why do you want to see me?" Vera looked at her in surprise, "Did something happen to Yennefer?"

"No," Mary shook her head, "Yennefer fell asleep after she exploded the chaos magic..."

He paused for a second, seeming to cheer himself up:

"Teacher, I want to become stronger!"

Become stronger?

Vera looked at her apprentice inexplicably.

In the past, although Mary was very talented, her research direction was mostly in alchemy and auxiliary magic.

Warlocks are generally interested in combat magic, but she has never seen her put so much effort into it.


Vera looked at the sky.

With Mary's personality in the past, she wouldn't dare to disturb herself when she should be sleeping...

what happened?

Out of curiosity, Vera did not follow her usual temper and scolded her before letting her go back to rest.

"Da da da~"

The sorceress took two steps closer and saw the timidity and determination on Mary's baby-fat face through the moonlight.

Two contradictory emotions on the same face made Vera even more curious.

"Why do you want to become stronger?" Vera touched the apprentice's smooth and delicate face, "Aren't you always not interested in fighting?"

"Warlocks shouldn't waste time fighting each other. This is what you once told me..."

Mary's breath froze when she heard the words.

She did say this when she was young...

But now she doesn't think so.

And feel the warmth on my cheeks...

Ms. Vera did not punish her and was willing to listen to her, which also gave Mary a little more courage.

The instructor is different now from previous years, and his temper is much gentler.


Mary took a deep breath and said:

"Teacher, I don't want to hold you back anymore."

"I followed Aelin and Master Vesemir for almost two weeks, and the two battles I encountered didn't help at all..."

"The time I met the Great Griffin, after attaching simple buffing magic to them, I could only watch the two demon hunters from a distance, dodging dangerously amidst the sharp claws of the Great Griffin and the strong wind...

Recalling the scene at that time, Mary closed her eyes and paused for a second:

"Ai Lin... When Ai Lin was carried into the sky by the big gryphon, as a warlock, I couldn't find a spell that could save him..."

"There is also a floating port..."

"Vesemir and Arryn are out in search of the Wild Hunt."

"But I could only be driven into the cellar with the other maids in the tavern, shivering next to the moldy and cold oak barrels..."

"Waiting helplessly, worrying, and fearing..."

"I don't know if the next second, the one who opens the door will be a demon hunter or a monster..."

"In those short ten minutes, countless pictures flashed through my mind, each one pointing to a bad ending..."

"Even these days I often have a dream..."

"In the dream, the door of the wine cellar was blown open by cold magic, and the skeleton knight came out from behind the door, carrying the heads of Vesemir and Aylin who were still staring at death..."

"They were looking at me and asking me why I was hiding in the cellar and not saving them..."

Vera gently stroked Mary's golden hair.

The deep fear seemed to be overflowing in her eyes.

"Mentor, our future enemy is the legendary monster like the Wild Hunt..."

"I...I..." Mary looked at Vera's red eyes and was so excited that she stammered.

She took another deep breath, calmed down a little, and then said:

"I am Margarita Laux Antille, heir to the Antille family, the best graduate of Arethusa, the youngest sorceress since the academy was founded, and the only apprentice of the Scarlet Red Fox... …”


"No matter what aspect I am in, I should not be so useless and worthless and reduced to such a protected situation..."

"Teacher, help me!"

Mary looked at Vera seriously.

Vera looked at the identification in Mary's blue pupils, suddenly thought of something, chuckled, and asked:

"'Our enemy', who are we?"

"Of course Ai..." Mary replied subconsciously, but she reacted without saying a few words, her cheeks turned red and she yelled: "Teacher!"

"What's wrong with me?" Vera smiled and gently pinched Mary's delicate, soft and a little hot cheek.

"What a good girl!"

"I don't know which man will get the advantage of me in the future?"

"Tutor!" Mary's face turned redder.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore!" Vera rubbed Mary's golden hair.

"What about fighting?" Mary asked tentatively.

"I will teach you. You have almost learned alchemy and auxiliary magic!"

Mary suddenly beamed, her big eyes curved into crescent moons.

She once again truly felt that Vera's temper was countless times better than before.

I just don't know why she changed so much.

Is it Aylin?

Or did he reconcile with the leader of the Wolf School after coming to Kaer Morhen?

"What are you thinking about?" Vera frowned.

Mary's mental power is very high, and she can already detect the intrusion of external spirits.

So out of respect, she hadn't read Mary's thoughts for a long time.

But at this moment, Vera looked at Mary's reverie expression, and suddenly felt the urge to read her mind.


Mary was startled and immediately cleared her mind of all the unwanted thoughts.

Vera squinted her eyes and carefully looked at Mary's expression, which made Mary break into a cold sweat.

"Since it's nothing, why are you waiting here?"

"Aren't you going to teach me combat spells?" Mary was stunned.

Vera rolled her eyes, looked at her apprentice like a fool, and sighed:

"This time?"

"Are you sure?"

Mary was stunned for a second, then remembered that it was still late at night, and her cheeks suddenly turned red again.

She apologized to Vera profusely, and after making an appointment for class tomorrow, she hurriedly ran to her own residence.

Seeing Mary's back disappear into the darkness, Vera didn't know what she thought of, and her thin lips curved slightly.

other side.

Under the guidance of Nannick and Lysa, Aylin came to the sanctuary again.

This place, which is closest to the goddess Meriteri, doesn't seem to have anything magical on the surface.

Not only did it not emit soft holy light, but because the goddess abided by the precepts of frugality, there were not even candles that would be lit in other temples at night.

It was pitch black.

But I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Along the way from Yianna's residence, the evening wind blowing in our face seemed to be gradually weakening.

When we arrived at the sanctuary, the wind stopped immediately.

And even Aylin could feel that the temperature near the sanctuary was much warmer than in other parts of the temple.

It's a bit of a mysterious phenomenon, but not much.

It doesn’t quite fit the name of Meliteli Religion, the religion with the largest number of believers in the northern continent.

But during the day, although he couldn't communicate with the goddess, he also experienced the magic of the priest.

It is different from the original work, which is more of a background board and basically only shows herbal medicine and medical skills that ordinary people can learn.

In reality, the Meritelli Cult really has divine power and magic.

Aylin still remembers the three vaguely holy figures in Ianna's pure white eyes.

"I don't know what magic spells Meriteri's priests know?" he thought curiously.

"Master Aylin, we are here..."

Nannik's voice interrupted Aylin's thoughts.

"Priest Nannik, just call me by my name Aylin..." The demon hunter thanked him humbly, "Thank you guys for helping me show the way. The Meriteli Temple is so big, it's really easy to get lost..."

"Okay, you can just call me Nanni." Nanni smiled gently:

"You are the warriors who exorcise evil spirits from the ladies' children, and it is my honor to lead the way for you."

"But the temple is indeed quite large. This is the land given to the Meritelli Cult by the first Duke of Elland. The Duke's wife and daughter are the lady's most loyal believers..."

After a brief chat about the history of the temple, Nannick planned to leave:

"It's getting late, so let's leave first. According to the high priest's instructions, we will bring you breakfast tomorrow morning..."

Aylin nodded: "Sorry to trouble you!"

Before he finished speaking, Aylin suddenly thought of what Ianna had just said and asked:

"That's right, Nannick."

"Do you know what the high priest said about my plans for the next few days?"

"I'm not sure," Nannick shook his head, "but it should be good for you."

"Okay." Aylin shook his head helplessly, "The high priest really likes to show off..."

Nannick smiled and didn't care about Aylin's words:

"Ai Lin, do you still have any questions? If there is nothing else, we will leave first."


Before Aelin could answer, Lysa suddenly spoke up.

She looked at Nannick pleadingly and said:

"Sister Nannick, I still have something to say to Aylin..."

Nannick glanced at Lysa, pondered for a few seconds, and then looked at Aylin.

After seeing the demon hunter nodding in agreement, she warned:

"It can't be too late to affect the guests' rest."

"No, just a few words." Lesa assured with a smile.


Nannick nodded, bowed to Aylin again, and left.

Although Lysa is not a stranger to Aylin, this is indeed the second time they meet her today.

So after Nannick left.

The atmosphere before the sanctuary was slightly awkward.

"What do you want to talk about?" After watching Nannick leave, Aylin looked at the familiar stranger with a smile, "If you want to express your gratitude, there is actually no need..."

"After all, Haxor died under the convergence of the celestial spheres and the curse of the dark sun. It has nothing to do with us."

Lesa didn't speak when she heard this.

After watching Nannick walk into the garden in front of the sanctuary, he turned back and shook his head:

"Of course I am grateful, but it is not because of Haxo, but for the life-saving grace in the mine..."

"I'm sorry," Lesa was a little embarrassed at this time, "I was so overwhelmed by hatred at that time..."

"Not only from the beginning to the end, I didn't say thank you to you for saving my life..."

"After you broke my attempt to become a demon hunter, I even secretly hated you for many days..."


Lysa bowed deeply to Aylin: "I'm really sorry!"

Aylin was frightened by the girl's sudden move. After being stunned for a second, he quickly helped her up gently:

"Not so much... not so much..."

"I never blamed you..."

"Although I have no right to talk about understanding because I have not had the same experience, if I were you, it would be difficult not to be swayed by the hatred in my heart."

"Thank you... Thank you..." Lysa's voice was a little choked, but after taking a few deep breaths, she still held back her tears.

"Yes, hatred even made me not say goodbye to my brothers," Lysa was a little sad, "I don't know if I will have the chance to see them again in the future..."

Ailin was silent after hearing this.

Lysa's loss was obviously not because of the distance, but because there were too few apprentices who could survive to become witchers in the past.

Lysa also realized this and apologized quickly:

"Sorry, I'm not targeting wolves..."

"It's okay!" Arlin interrupted Lysa, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he comforted her:

"Shadia said that her children are all children of miracles, so they should all be able to pass the school's witcher trials."

"I hope so." Lysa nodded and forced a smile.


She didn't believe what Shadia's miracle child said, just to avoid embarrassing him.

"You have really changed a lot!" Ailin looked at Lisa carefully and said with emotion, "It seems that the Temple of Meliteli is really suitable for you."

The rebellious girl who didn't obey anyone in her memory is really different from the quiet and sweet little priest who always considers the feelings of others.

And this transformation took only one month.

"People always change."

The little priest smiled sweetly.

For the first time, she smiled in front of him with two cute canines.

"But the people in the temple are really nice to me..."

"High Priest Ianna has no airs. He gave me two candies when we first met..."

"Nenneke is the same. He patiently answers every question I ask. When he is free, he will also guide my homework..."

"And other people in the temple..."

"Except when my parents were still alive, this month here is the happiest time I have ever had."

"That's good..." Ailin, who was infected by the little priest, smiled gently.

But then he thought of something, and looked at the garden where Nenneke disappeared, and asked:

"Since Nenneke is so good to you, why do you seem to avoid her when talking to me?"

When Lisa heard this, her expression suddenly became serious.

She carefully looked around again and whispered:

"It is precisely because Nenneke is so good to me that I have to avoid her..."



Aelin was a little curious.

But before he asked, Lisa reached into her lapel, took out a folded paper, and handed it to him.

The demon hunter took it and looked at it carefully.

From the color under the candlelight, it was obvious that this was an expensive chiffon paper.

The paper itself was very expensive, and this kind of chiffon paper was only affordable by the great nobles.

"Hua La~"

At the little priest's eye signal, Aelin gently spread out the paper.

On the paper were names written in aristocratic cursive.

The first name was:

"Donato Rogrides..."

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