Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 253 The Destroyer of the World

"You said there was a voice calling you last night?"

Ianna held the book, glanced at Vera, and frowned:

"Then did you hear clearly what the sound was?"

Aylin pursed his lips and thought carefully for a few seconds.

Except for the constant shouting of his name, he had no impression of the timbre of those calls. It did not have the holiness and motherhood when he was unconscious in the mine.

"I don't remember..." He shook his head.

Ianna lowered her head and pondered.

After a long time, she turned her head and glanced at the statue of Meritelli, and said seriously to Aylin:

"Don't leave the sanctuary for the next few days. I will ask Lysa to give you meals."

"Is it serious?" Vera asked worriedly.

"It's not clear yet..." Yianna shook her head, "It's not necessarily a bad thing..."

Seeing that the sorceress's worried look remained unabated, Ianna thought for a moment and then reached out to touch Aylin's right hand.

Warmth and warmth spread throughout the body.

"The energy of the curse is fading normally, and as judged yesterday, most of it was weakened by an explosion."

Ianna nodded slightly and smiled kindly at Aylin:

"So don't be afraid, good boy. Maybe it's the lady calling you as you think..."


Aylin got the key.

Is the goddess calling me? Does the high priest of Meriteri need to use maybe?

Shouldn't we just pray and just ask?


Aylin organized his language and tentatively said:

"Aunt Ianna, aren't you the high priest of the goddess Meriteri?"

"Is there no way to communicate with the goddess... uh...?"

After Yianna glanced at Vera, she smiled gently:

"It might have been possible at one time."

"It is said that before humans came to this world, gods could transform into humans and walk around the world..."

"But now, both the good gods and the evil gods are interfering less and less in the world."

"Some people say this is a sign that the end of the world is coming..."

After a pause, Yianna chanted:

“The age of contempt is coming, when the leaves will fall, the buds will wither, the fruit will rot, the seeds will taste bitter, and the clear waters of the valleys will turn to solid ice.”

"White frost is coming, white light will come one after another, and the world will be annihilated in the violent storm..."

"I know..." Aylin glanced at the sorceress subconsciously, "This is the prophecy of the Elf Sage Islin..."

"Of course you have to know," Ianna gave Aelin and Vera a meaningful look, "because this prophecy is right after the prophecy of the Son of Miracle."

Ailin felt a little uncomfortable when Ianna looked at him.

However, Ianna did not expand on the prophecy of the Miracle Child.

Under Vera's gaze, she changed the topic and returned to the original topic:

"Even among the many righteous gods, Ms. Meriteri is the one who interferes least with reality..."

"For a hundred years, not only evil gods such as the Lion-Headed Spider, Omen and Lilit have been instigating believers to cause cholera in the world..."

"The gods Cliff and Freya also issued oracles to intervene in the war..."

"Only ladies..." Ianna's tone suddenly became particularly respectful.

Aelin could tell with his own eyes and ears.

This is not fanaticism, but admiration and admiration...

"Only ladies..." she repeated softly.

"For hundreds of years, the only oracle he issued was to weaken the existence of divine magic in the world."

"He asked the priests to use herbal medicine and medical skills as much as possible when treating the wounded, and spread these skills..."

"Just like when the children grow up and teach them how to survive in the world, the mother will gradually let go and let them live freely and independently..."

"Weakening divine magic means weakening the existence of gods in the world."

"He never demanded the world's faith, but instead gained the world's respect..."

"But because of this..." Ianna gave a helpless smile, "It is also difficult for the ladies' priests to talk to ladies. Even I haven't heard a lady's voice for decades..."

Ai Lin was immediately in awe when he heard this.

Think about it now.

Indeed, he had never seen the priests of the goddess preaching, as if doctors, teachers, herbalists and midwives were their true duties.

"Madam is indeed worthy of respect!" Vera also leaned against the wall and affirmed.

"But it's not just the interference of the gods in the world that has been weakened," the sorceress looked at Aylin, "the tide of chaotic magic is also weakening."

"In the past, the warlocks could easily set off turbulent waves and fires that could burn down an entire city..."

"But now..." Vera shook her head, "When many sorceresses graduate from Aretusa, they only have water control skills that can moisturize the skin..."

"Warlocks are far less powerful than they used to be!"

After sighing with emotion, Vera looked at Aylin and said pointedly:

"Due to the influence of chaotic magic, the number of monsters is not as large as before, and it will continue to decrease..."

"However, some warlocks believe that the magic power of chaos will decrease precisely because the number of monsters is small..."

The witcher's eyebrows moved when he heard this, thoughtfully.

"Absurd!" Ianna sneered.

"It's indeed ridiculous," Vera nodded, "but this trend of thought has been very popular in Ban A'de in recent years, especially among those wizard apprentices who failed to graduate because of their playfulness..."

"I only found out about this trend of thought after Tisaya mentioned it to me after I went to Aretusa a few days ago..."

Aylin's expression suddenly became serious.

If it can be called a trend of thought, it must be spread among more than just sorcerer apprentices.

So in the eyes of some wizards, witchers who hunt monsters for humans are blocking their way?

All right……

It is a good thing that another reason why all the schools of witchers are being targeted at the same time in this era has been found...

Aylin smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Okay," Ianna looked out the window, "It's late, let's not talk about this anymore."

"All in all, as long as you stay here with peace of mind, nothing will happen to you."


She put down the thick book in her arms.

This is an ancient parchment book.

I don’t know if it is too old and has gone through the wear and tear of time.

There is no name on the gray rough cover.

Seeing Aylin's eyes fixed on the parchment, Ianna smiled kindly:

"I told you yesterday that you will be very busy these days."

"This is it?" the demon hunter asked doubtfully.

"Ritual Science," Ianna opened the parchment to the first page, "Vera told me that if you are interested in this science, please ask me to teach you."

Aelin glanced at the sorceress standing beside him.

Vera introduced: "Ianna is not only the high priest of Meriteli Temple, but also the strongest ritualist on the northern continent..."

"Every year, even nobles from Nilfgaard come to ask her to break the curse..."

When Ianna heard the sorceress's boast, instead of being humble, she smiled happily.

But Ailin felt a little numb at this time.

He wanted to learn rituals in Kaer Morhen just to unlock "Ritual: Flesh Giant". In fact, he didn't have much interest in rituals itself.

Vera didn't notice Aylin's expression and continued:

"I have only scratched the surface in ritual studies. I am more interested in summoning and space. Many specific rituals are not suitable for you to learn."

"But the rituals Yianna performs are different. They can lift curses, block foreign enemies, weaken monsters, and treat injuries..."

"It's all something you demon hunters can use."

"And..." Vera stared seriously into Aylin's eyes and warned:

"Rituals are different from potions..."

"Most of the magic potion formulas created by accident are due to extraordinary talents..."

"But a certain ritual that I learned inexplicably is very likely to lead to an ominous whisper from an evil god..."

Aylin, who was stared directly at by the sorceress, tilted her head guiltily.

Although "Ritual: Flesh Giant" comes from the Demon Hunter's Notes, it is also very powerful.

But neither the appearance nor the effect can be called normal.


Lift curses, block foreign enemies, weaken monsters, heal injuries...

To be honest, Ailin was really moved after hearing this and changed his mind.

After all, although ritual skills can be upgraded with experience, they do not give specific rituals, they just make it easier to use the rituals.

And the rituals with the above effects, even if they are of no use to you, can still be taught to other demon hunters of the Wolf School to increase their strength and reduce their mortality rate.

The only problem is...

"After I learn these rituals, can I teach them to other demon hunters?"

Aelin looked at Ianna.

"Good boy, of course you can," Ianna said with a smile, "To be more precise, I wish I could..."

"Even the people who created these rituals will be very happy if they can be learned and used by human heroes!"

"But..." Ianna looked meaningfully into the demon hunter's blue eyes, "You only have seven days, how many rituals can you bring back?"

Hear this.

Aylin and Vera subconsciously looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Two chalks, one draws the outer circle to symbolize the spread of pollution, and the other draws the inner triangle to stabilize the inner substance..."

"Sprinkle the strong wine between the circle and the triangle, and place the two leaves of mistletoe at the east ends of the triangle, and the leaves of bailey at the west end..."

"Fire the Nostriker vines on the east side and blow the smoke to the west..."

“Oczynie zanizczeń…”

The difficult language is spoken with a special accent.


A bottle of ghoul oil placed in the ritual array suddenly faded from its dark red color after a pure white light flashed, turning into the golden color of raw dog oil.

The Bailey sand leaves at the apex of the triangle on the west side of the magic circle instantly turned black.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the black color is actually the color of the extreme red color mixed with the green of the Bailey sand leaves.

"Another success?"

After Yianna looked at the ghoul oil that had been reduced to dog oil in surprise, she stared in shock at Aelin's movements to clean up the mess of the ceremony.

What was even more difficult for her to accept was not just this.

Even when she first learned the ritual, it would have taken her a full day to learn the purification ritual.

She still remembers clearly that when she first arranged the purification ceremony, she made two mistakes before succeeding.

At this point, the previous high priest praised her for her excellent talent.

This purification ritual was the third ritual she taught in the morning.

"Vera, did you really not teach Aylin these three rituals before?"

Ianna looked at the sorceress suspiciously.

The sorceress was not angry when she heard the question. Instead, she was filled with pride and showed off cheerfully:

"If this makes you feel better, just think that I have taught you in advance..."

Upon hearing this, Ianna glanced at the proud Vera, and then looked at the demon hunter's back in ecstasy.

He opened his mouth, wanting to refute.

For a moment I didn't know what to say.

When Vera asked her to teach rituals, she did mention that Aelin learned things very quickly.

But is it fast?

A genius learns something in a day, but it only takes you a morning to learn three things...

Yianna felt that her teaching was more like helping him remember...

Feeling the burning gaze on his back, Aylin packed up the materials in a muffled voice.

He knew there was something unusual about his behavior.

But he only has seven days. How much he can bring back depends on how much he can learn...

Moreover, there are only Ianna and Vera here, both of whom are trustworthy, so that doesn’t mean the high priest will be hollowed out.

With a thought, Aylin, who had his back to the two of them, opened the Demon Hunting Notes.

[Name: Purification Ceremony]

[Type: Magic Ritual]

[Requirement: Ritual Studies LV1]

[Materials: Chalk*2, Liquor*1, Mistletoe*2, Nostrike Vine*1, Baileys Leaf*1]

[Function: Purify toxins or diseases in a single target.

When purifying alcohol and hallucinogens, the ritual difficulty level is LV1;

When purifying poison and weapon oil, the ritual difficulty level is LV2;

When purifying a serious disease, ritual difficulty level 7]

[Note: Will the ritual that is applied to the creature be used to restore sword oil? You are such a little genius! 】

The purification ritual is a very useful ritual.

Its function may not be of much use to demon hunters with high poison resistance, but it can give ordinary demon hunters another way to make money.

But for Aylin.

What's more important is a function he accidentally discovered today - restoring sword oil.

In other words, it is to restore those potions whose raw materials are not complicated.

The liquid base is often the largest volume and mass component of a potion formula.

With this ritual, the weight of a witcher's saddle bag can be greatly optimized.

[Name: Magic Message]

[Type: Magic Ritual]

[Requirement: Ritual Studies LV1]

[Materials: glass*1, fifth element*1, mercury solution*1 (optional material: perfect gem*1)]

[Function: Record a message of up to five minutes on a gemstone or glass engraved with a magic mark. If the ritual is performed using a perfect gem, the apparition that speaks the message becomes as real as the person. 】

[Note: Holographic projection from another world? 】

This is the first ritual taught by Ianna, and it is also the simplest ritual with the smallest side effects among the rituals she has learned.

What are the side effects you ask?

That must be a waste of money.

Glass is okay, although it is very expensive at this time, but broken glass is not worth much.

Magic Words does not have high requirements for the quality of glass.

But the fifth element and mercury solution are different.

A portion of the fifth element is two hundred orens, and a portion of mercury solution is four hundred orens.

If a perfect gem were used instead of glass to cast the spell, the cost would increase by at least three thousand orens.


In this ceremony, both glass and gemstones are carriers and can be reused.

But a ceremony would cost at least seven hundred oren, which was really too extravagant.

But the magic message is not the most expensive among the rituals learned today...

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