Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 275 Hero's Dust

The weeds swayed with the night wind, and green lights lit up at the end of the protruding horizon.

One by one.

In an instant, they were as dense as the splashes of water in the waves.

The ordinary soldiers and the wounded in the carnival parade were still in a daze.

Ailin and Vesemir had squinted their eyes and saw the true face of the lights that gathered into a tide.

Weird green lanterns, skinny and shriveled bodies, a variety of weapons...

Demon spirits!

At least a thousand demon spirits tortured by pain and anger, with hatred and jealousy for the living, rushed over smelling blood.

"Is this the bigger problem you said?" Ailin tilted his head and glanced at Vesemir.

"Hiss~" The master witcher looked at this horrifying scene, took a breath, and shook his head:

"No, this is much more serious than I thought, much more..."

Don't say Ailin, a witcher who just came down the mountain.

This spectacular scene of hundreds of demons coming towards him was the first time for him.

Of course.

He didn't want to have such an experience.

The two demon hunters drew out their silver swords in tacit understanding, took out the ghost oil and applied it carefully.

At this time.

There was a commotion behind the two demon hunters.

"Ah!!! Evil ghosts!"

"Goddess Meliteli! That's a ghost coming to take my life!!!"

"Run! Run!"


The May Day revelers, who had not regained consciousness for a long time, fell into panic again when they saw the terrifying figure illuminated by the ghost lights.


The leading black-helmeted knight roared, riding his horse and hitting several panic-inducing young men with his scabbard.

"With our demon hunters and guards here, what is there to be afraid of..."

"What's more..."

The black-helmeted knight glanced in the direction of the demon hunter and the sorceress, and then roared:

"Ms. Vera, the bloody red fox, and Masters Aelin and Vesemir of the Wolf School are all here to protect Elland..."

"Master Aelin is still the May King you elected. Calm down quickly and help the wounded into the city. Don't lose face for us Ellanders!"

I don't know if it was the vicious tone of the black-helmeted knight, Vera and the title of the Wolf School Demon Hunter Master...

Or was it the fact that King Aelin and Queen Mary of May, who were of the same age and even looked younger than them, faced the terrifying monsters, causing the self-esteem of the young people to play tricks.

Or maybe it was all several factors.

Although there was still fear in the eyes of those young people and their bodies were still trembling, they actually calmed down.

Two by two, they supported a wounded person and staggered towards Elland.

"It's too dangerous here. You should go back with us." The demon hunter looked at the returning crowd and urged Mary beside him in a low voice.

The girl looked at the approaching demon spirits, her face was a little pale, but she shook her head firmly.

She knew that Ailin couldn't leave, so she didn't persuade him, just as Vera knew what would happen but didn't dissuade him.

It's impossible for the wolf school demon hunter to escape alone when facing the monsters attacking humans.

But with so many demon spirits, she wants her to be alone in the city and be frightened...

Can't do it!

"I can help you this time, I won't hold you back." The girl pleaded.

You are also dead?

Can you be reborn in more than 20 days?

Ailin was about to persuade again in a low voice.

At this time.

"The demon hunters dismount!"

"Line up!"

After arranging the wounded, the black-helmeted knight ordered loudly.

The soldiers in black armor who came with him dismounted one after another, and walked in groups of five to the front of the two demon hunters.

They held axe-shaped long weapons that flashed blue light under the firelight, and looked fearlessly at the demon spirit tide that was not far away.


In the almost synchronized sound of swords.

The guard knights wearing gray armor also drew out the long swords coated with ghost oil, and rode on horses to follow the leading knights to the other side of the demon hunting army.

The leading knight was known to Arlin, and his name was Arthur.

The two armies had a total of more than 300 soldiers, and they were all in line.

Arthur walked up to the sorceress and said respectfully: "Ms. Vera..."

The sorceress who was arranging the ceremony looked at the demon spirits that were getting closer and closer, and said expressionlessly:

"I still need some time."

Arthur was silent for a second, looked back at his comrades holding long swords, took a deep breath, and nodded vigorously:

"We will try our best to buy you time."


He rode back.

When passing by Vesemir and Arlin, Arthur's figure paused.

But in the end, he said nothing and returned to the front of the guards.

The strange green light of the demon spirit was getting closer and closer, and it was only about 800 meters away from everyone.

"Check the sword oil!" Arthur glanced at his comrades around him.

Under the firelight, everyone's swords were flashing with a faint blue glow.

Arthur nodded solemnly to the black-helmeted knight not far away, clamped his feet on the warhorse under him, raised the faint blue long sword, and shouted:

"Guards! Charge!"

The next moment.


A black warhorse whistled, like a flash of lightning, and rushed towards the monsters with bared fangs and claws.

The remaining knights followed closely behind, pulling the reins and rolling up a lot of smoke and dust.

The earth trembled under the horses' hooves.

Arthur watched the green tide getting closer and closer.

Haven't run very far yet.

He heard the mournful neighing of horses and the sound of heavy objects falling to the right.

Night is not a human time.

Although there were many torches and bonfires burning nearby because of the celebration procession, those ugly demon spirits also carried lanterns.

But it still cannot offset the negative impact of the night.

Pitfalls, gravel, silt...

The terrain outside Elland City is not smooth.

No qualified cavalry general would choose to launch a charge at such a time and in such terrain.


Behind them are their homes, their relatives, the lord they swore allegiance to, and countless unknown people who trusted Elland to join the carnival.


Elland was dead, wounded and scarred.

They have no choice.

"Da da da~"

The sound of horse hooves resounded.

The horse's heavy breathing came from his crotch.

Arthur's heartbeat became faster and faster with this gasp.

The faceless sword-carrying demon spirit is approaching!

The gray cloak looked particularly weird and terrifying under the green lantern.


Arthur took a breath and glanced at the blue glow reflected by the moonlight on the sword.

He didn't know if the young demon hunter's ghost oil would be useful.

But it doesn’t matter.

The way of chivalry is guarding.

Now it takes time to protect him, so he will pay for it with his life!


With a roar that was about to burst out of his veins, the knight pulled the reins to the right.

The cavalry's arrows turned eastward against the tide of demon spirits thanks to their exquisite horse-control skills.


The sound of boiling water vaporizing violently.

There was a flash of blue cold light, and the blade of Arthur's long sword continuously passed through more than ten demon spirits on the edge of the demon spirit wave.

These dozen demon spirits were almost visible to the naked eye, and their stature had shrunk by three points.

The next second.


The faint blue light flashed one after another.

Amidst the towering screams, each demon spirit ignited clusters of strange green sparks, vaporized and disappeared into the air.

"it works!"

Arthur, who had always been calm and cautious, almost screamed when he saw this scene.

The knights behind him also cheered loudly, and their morale was greatly boosted.

The demon spirits can teleport away, but it takes time.

The swords of the three knights passed by, and a demon spirit was destroyed.

This doesn't even take a second.

Those clumsy monsters who only kill according to the instinct of hatred and jealousy have no time to react.

And even if the other demon spirits that survived reacted or escaped accidentally.

Virtual teleportation also has a limit distance, and they simply cannot catch up with these speeding knights.

Of course, he didn't laugh at the people of the past in his heart. He didn't think of this method of cavalry to destroy ghost creatures.

If there is no ghost oil.

Even though they all hold silver weapons used by the demon-hunting army.

It also needs to be chopped at least twenty or thirty times.

Three swords and twenty or thirty swords are completely different situations after the accumulation of time.

At least when it takes twenty or thirty swords to kill a demon spirit, it is difficult to guarantee that every charging knight can hit the same target.

Over time.

After the other demon spirits behind the target have changed their positions, the fight is simply in vain.

Tell the truth.

Before there was ghost oil, even Duke Mason's hugely expensive demon-hunting army could only dare to deal with a ghost if there were at least five people.

Even so.

If one person is not careful or a soldier makes a mistake, heavy casualties may result.

So most of the time, demon hunters are the best choice to deal with demon spirits.

After all, the value of any soldier in the demon-hunting army is many times more expensive than the entrusted bounty.

Arthur glanced behind him at the demon spirit that was attracted by a charge, and he suddenly became more confident.

"Turn around!" He raised his sword and roared happily.

After the knights made a semicircle and faced the tide of demons and monsters again...


With a sharp shout, the waves of the living and the dead collided again.

There were bright green sparks.

other side.

Sarah, an officer of the demon-hunting army wearing black armor, narrowed her eyes.

Although he also saw the fireworks weaved by the robe in the distance, there was not much joy deep in his heart.

"Too many!"

Sarah sighed feebly.

Maybe Arthur was too close to see, but he could see it.

The blooming green flames were simply inconspicuous among the hundreds of lights.

He couldn't even completely attract that large group of demon spirits.

Most of the demon spirits were still moving towards them steadily at a slightly slower speed...


Sara looked back at the brightly lit city.

It should have been steadily drifting towards Elland, who had the strongest breath of blood and life.


Although the soldiers from both armies responsible for maintaining order in the city contributed their ghost oil.

However, due to their scarcity, the knights of the Guards only carry two bottles of ghost oil.

Once the ghost oil is exhausted.

They can only rely on the lives of the Guards Knights to attract and delay.

What's more, war horses are not tireless dead creatures, and the knights of the Guards may be in danger even if the ghost oil is exhausted.


"How much longer?"

Looking into the distance, under the green light, the cavalry seemed to be getting slower and slower.

Sarah's heart was burning with anxiety.

But he suppressed this emotion and did not even turn his head in the direction of the sorceress Vera.

She was afraid that her sight would affect the speed of her arrangement of the ceremony.

He couldn't even order the team to go forward and attack those demon spirits.

Because it will only cost Pao Ze his life and waste the time he gained.

Only they are all dead or completely useless.

Only the demon hunting army can top it.

Use their lives to buy the last glimmer of life for Elland.

At this moment.

There was a sudden commotion among the demon hunting army in front of them.

Sara quickly looked in the direction of the demon spirit, and saw that thousands of bright lights were still glowing with fire.

"It's not Arthur's fault." He was certain in his mind.

That is?

Sarah looked in the direction of the commotion of the demon-hunting army.

Two figures carrying two swords on their backs were leading two horses, walking step by step into the darkness. Under the turbulent green waves, they were as small as gravel.

What do those two witchers want to do?

Before this thought disappeared from her mind, Sara slapped her forehead.

I was really stunned.

What else can a witcher do, of course, except... except... eliminate demons?

Sarah was startled.

Are they... are they crazy?

As an officer in the demon-hunting army responsible for exorcisms in Elland, he naturally has a lot of interactions with demon hunters.

There are even very few witcher masters from all schools combined.

He also had the experience of destroying monsters with one or two people.


Sara was well aware of the strength divisions of the master demon hunters. At least among the thousands of monsters in front of him, none of the master demon hunters he knew in the past would dare to fight against them.

This is why Arthur didn't even say hello to them just now.

On the one hand, there are too many demon spirits, and no normal person would agree to such a request. Arthur is unwilling to humiliate himself.

As for the other side…

The bounty of two to three thousand orens is a lot.

But that's not why these human heroes were forced to waste their lives here.

Master witchers can use this life to save more people.

Especially the young demon hunter named Aylin, who created such magical formulas as ghost oil and ghoul oil, and was known as the Blue Death...


On the way here, after knowing what kind of disaster Elland would face from the mouth of High Priest Ianna...

He and Arthur quietly discussed the decision.


Sarah looked at the figure carrying the two swords and opened her mouth.

But at this moment.

There were faint noises and cries from Elland behind him, and the faces of his master, wife, children, and robes emerged in his mind, but he couldn't say anything to let them leave words to save themselves.

It was as if as soon as these words were spoken, everything in his mind would turn into fuel for that hateful green flame.


He could only look at the demon hunter, who mounted the black horse without hesitation and turned into two specks of dust under a thousand lights as he galloped.

Nothing was said...

Nothing... was done...

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