Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 283 A Commission from Oren

"Ai Lin..."

Mary, who was squatting on the street and retching, suddenly exclaimed.

The witcher, thinking something unexpected had happened, walked over quickly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

The girl covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face. She grabbed his sleeve with her left hand and raised her right hand tremblingly.

When the witcher followed the direction of her index finger and looked over, his whole body trembled and he froze in place.

Among the dim ruins, a person was half buried in the red bricks.

An elderly woman with gray hair.

Not so long ago.

He spent an oren to buy a rose from her because of the words "such a beautiful girl deserves any gorgeous flowers" and her kind smile.

The old man also gave Mary a pink carnation and wished her "a good match, good health and happiness."

The witcher tilted his head subconsciously.

The pink carnation was pinned to the girl's chest, but it can no longer be found.

But the red rose was still stuck in Mary's hair. Although there were some indentations and dust, it still bloomed steadily in the girl's hair.

Gorgeous and charming.

"This Oren was money well spent."

An inappropriate idea suddenly popped into the witcher's mind.

"She is Grandma Hua..." Arthur walked over and whispered softly as if he was afraid of disturbing the soul of the deceased. "She is the best flower grower in the entire Elland, and the best at picking out flower buns. Of course she is also a seller. The flowers are the most expensive..."

"I remember she also has a grandson..."

The middle-aged knight's tone suddenly stopped.

The witcher followed his gaze.

About three or four meters away from Granny Hua, on the edge of the collapsed wall, a small round hand covered with dust was exposed.


Mary also saw this scene, burst into tears, and threw herself into Aylin's arms.

The witcher was silent and patted her back gently, and her chest quickly became wet.

The middle-aged knight sighed.

Granny Hua was friendly and smiling all day long, which is the memory of many people in Elland.

The best memory in life.

After a while, Mary seemed to remember that Aylin and she were not the only ones here. She wiped the tears on her face, blushed, and left the witcher's arms in a panic.

But obviously.

At the moment when the smell of burnt and blood filled the air, no one was in the mood to laugh.

The fragrance of citrus wafted from his arms, and the demon hunter swayed forward, planning to remove the heavy objects from Granny Hua and the child, and find an opportunity to bury them properly.

Anyway, it was a chance encounter.

At this moment.

His eyes were suddenly flashed by a silver light.

"Da da da~"

The witcher walked over.

Not far from Granny Hua's body, a flower basket was covered by rubble. The gray linen that originally covered the flower basket slipped out and was stained with dark red blood.

Beautiful flowers of various colors are scattered around the flower baskets.

The flames of the torch swayed, and silver spots shone among the flowers.

Under the gaze of everyone, the witcher knelt down, carefully dusted off the flowers, and placed them in the basket.

One flower, two flowers, three flowers...

When he picked up the fourth one, Aylin was suddenly startled, and then picked up a silver Oren.

There is only this Oren on the ground.

Under the keen perception of the demon hunter, Oren was filled with his and Vera's aura.

This is what he paid for the flowers.

After a few seconds of silence, Aylin carefully turned over the flower basket.

"Ding ding ding~"

Amidst the crisp sound of metal collision, the witcher discovered that there was a small cloth bag inside.

Oren and copper coins were placed inside, and none of them spilled out of the small cloth bag, not even the flower basket.

"Is this a coincidence?" Aelin thought.

He stood up and walked to Arthur with a flower basket:

"Can you please find someone to return this flower basket to Granny Hua's relatives?"

"There's still a lot of money in it..."

After Arthur subconsciously took the flower basket, he glanced at Mary, whose head was lowered and her eyes were red from crying. He hesitated for a few seconds and whispered:

"Grandma Hua has no relatives anymore."

"Her son died in the Falga Rebellion, and the bride died from the Black Death spread by Vizima..."


Arthur glanced at the gray little hand again, handed the flower basket back, shook his head, and sighed quietly.

Nothing more was said.


The middle-aged knight obviously underestimated the perception of a sorceress. Mary, who heard everything, suppressed her voice and sobbed again.

Aylin was startled, and his eyes slowly moved from the flower basket in his right hand to Oren in his left hand.

"Is this an entrusted bounty given in advance?" He muttered a few times, "It seems a bit too little..."

Then looking at the devastated Elland, light flashed in his blue pupils.


"I'll accept this commission!"

Ten minutes later.

Aylin and Mary were cleaning up the bodies of Granny Hua and her grandchildren from the rubble, trying to ensure that the bodies were lifted out of the rubble intact.

After Elland settles down, there will definitely be a duke or someone from the temple who will be responsible for burying them and letting the souls of the tragic deaths rest in peace.

"Da da da~"

The sound of horse hooves sounded from beside everyone.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Arthur arranged for the knight who had sent the battle report to Duke Mason to come back on horseback.

As soon as the knight got off his horse, he whispered in Arthur's ear:

"The bandits who took advantage of the situation have all been eliminated. The Duke asked us to send the guests back first, and then go to Elland Market Square to clean up the ruins and the remains of the dead..."

The middle-aged knight nodded, glanced at Vesemir, and was about to speak.

"Let's help clean up together. This kind of thing has happened, so don't be too polite..." Vesemir interrupted.

Then he seemed to remember that there were more than two demon hunters standing here.

He glanced at Vera carefully.

"Mary and I will go together..." the sorceress said concisely.

The middle-aged knight didn't say anything. After looking at everyone gratefully, he mounted his horse and headed towards the Elland Market Square.

Waiting for the place.

Aylin found that there were already many guards and priests from the Meliteli Temple here, dealing with the dead, injured and ruins.

After asking Arthur and Sarah for instructions, the knights of the guard and the soldiers of the demon-hunting army went to help.

Seeing this, Aylin and his party joined in silently.

The two witchers were strong enough to carry the remains of the building.

The sorceresses have all learned the magic healing spell, a new spell of the earth element type.

If the injury is serious, Vera will snap her fingers and take out the valuable potion.

But it's not free.

Duke Mason had already given orders to Arthur after learning that the witcher and sorceress had joined.

As long as the injury was recognized by the temple's priests and pharmacists, the Duke would reimburse him from his own inner treasury for every bottle of potion that Vera took out.


Except for potions like Green Sigh.

that's all.

I was busy for several hours, until the full moon gradually set in the west, and a glimmer of morning light appeared on the horizon.

Aylin and his party just returned to the temple and were sent back by Arthur and Sara.

It’s not that they don’t know the way.

Aelin and Mary were indeed unfamiliar, but Vesemir and Vera were both so old and must have been to this city countless times, so how could they not know their way around.

This is what Arthur and Sarah insisted on doing, even though their faces were covered with big dark circles and the whites of their eyes were bloodshot.

"Please have a good rest today," Arthur said, standing at the door of the Meliteli Temple. "Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, after all the complicated affairs caused by the May Festival in Elland have been dealt with, Lord Mason will definitely summon him. Everyone..."

"Don't worry, we will stay in Elland for a while." Vesemir said.

Although he had already compiled the documents about the Wild Hunt in the temple to the final stage, it would still take a few days.

Arthur nodded.

Then he glanced at Sara, and with more than two hundred knights and demon hunters behind him, he bowed neatly to the demon hunters and sorceresses.

And I don’t know if it’s intentional or not.

The direction everyone bowed seemed to be facing Aylin, even though he was actually standing on the outside at the moment.

Except for Mary, who felt a little uncomfortable, the four of them were not modest and accepted the gift steadily.


Arthur and Sarah glanced at Aylin again, nodded to them, and then led the army away along the mountain road.

Watching their backs gradually disappear into the morning light, Aylin suddenly heard Vera ask with concern:

"Has the evil god's gaze disappeared?"

"I don't know," Aylin shook his head, "But it probably hasn't happened yet..."

After all, nothing happened after the monster wave was dealt with.

Not only were the fragments of the Gate of Ad Ges as usual, but the link to the mirage in his mind was also motionless.

"What should we do?" Vera asked worriedly, "Ianna should still be in Duke Mason's castle at this time. She probably won't have much time in the past few days..."

The sorceress was right.

They, the Demon Hunter Army, and the Knight Guards all came back because they had done everything they could.


There is definitely still a shortage of people to clean up the rubble and change dressings for the injured.

But after all, they are not from Ellander, so it is impossible for them to do all the menial jobs.

After the situation stabilized, they were naturally allowed to go back to rest.

But the priests, herbalists, and doctors at the Meliteli Temple are different. Their work has actually just begun.

On the one hand, there are many injured people who need manpower to accompany them and treat them.

On the other hand, there is the disposal of the corpse.

People who die tragically like tonight can easily turn into demon spirits due to the intense emotions before death.

There were so many corpses, enough for them to stay up all night for several days, and they might not even be able to return to the temple.

Like now.

They all stood at the entrance of Meliteli Temple for a while, and no one else came back.

As the high priest of the temple, Ianna will only be busier. After all, she is the most powerful priest, physician and herbalist in the Meriteli Temple.

Not only do they have to do the work of priests, doctors, and herbalists, but they also have to discuss with the Elland nobles the subsequent effects of the May Festival and how to deal with these effects.

"It's okay." The demon hunter shook his head.

In terms of the evil god's gaze, there was actually nothing Ianna could do.

"I'll go to the sanctuary to have a look later. Maybe I can solve this problem." He continued.

Vera could only nod, and then walked towards their residence with Mary, who was somewhat reluctant to leave.

Vesemir followed him for a while. When they needed to separate, he patted his shoulder and said, "You did a good job tonight. Don't be anxious. There will always be a way..."


Also left.

"Da da da~"

Footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Although I haven't been here for nearly half a month, there is a corridor and a mottled ancient icon.

In these short few days, there will naturally be no major changes in the sanctuary.

Even because the Meriteli Temple is hidden in the Mahakam Mountains, not only the icon has not changed much, but the attacks of the Wild Hunt have not affected the temple complex.


Vera once snapped her fingers and summoned the magic materials that occupied most of the icon room. When he left the icon room, they were naturally collected by the sorceress with another snap of her fingers.

On the marble floor, some traces of ritual formations can still be seen vaguely.


The witcher sat back in his usual spot and let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the familiar three holy statues of a girl, a pregnant woman, and an old woman in front of me, all that flashed through my mind was the hell-like scene on earth just now.

He took out the Oren from his inner chest pocket, held it between his thumb and index finger and rubbed it.

A somewhat offensive question suddenly popped into the witcher's mind.

"Is it true that the goddess Meriteri doesn't want the world to rely on the power of gods, as Ianna said?"


"He just can't, just can't really interfere in the human world?"

Otherwise, the attack of the Wild Hunt and the emergence of the demon spirit tide are obviously not disasters that Elland can bear, nor are they even disasters caused by humans themselves.

Why didn't He take action?

If Aylin hadn't been here and had the ghost spirit oil, it was hard to say what would have happened to Elland, who had just suffered a heavy blow, when he encountered so many demon spirits.

At least the prestige of the Meriteli Temple in the Northern Kingdom will definitely be greatly reduced.


Even now, the witcher does not feel that tonight's incident will not have a negative impact on Meriteri's followers in Elland.

Does He really not care about human beliefs?

But if he really doesn't care, why does He exist?

What exactly are the gods in the world of witchers?

He thought for a moment.

But of course I can’t figure out these questions just by relying on my own imagination.

The three holy statues of the goddess were also motionless, looking at everything in the holy statue room with a kind look on their face, and seemed to have no intention of answering him.


The witcher smiled bitterly and shook his head, no longer obsessed with these somewhat offensive thoughts.

With a thought, I opened the demon hunting notebook.

[Inventory: One-eyed ghost spirit's purification spirit*3, experience beads*45, one-eyed ghost spirit's treasure chest*18, demon spirit's purification spirit*630, monster spirit's treasure box*18...]

Rubbing Oren's thumbs, seeing the exaggeratedly rich trophies from the expedition immediately calmed down his somewhat depressed mood.

Whether the "curse of the evil god" can be lifted here, and whether it can be lifted today, is actually still unknown.

Coming to the sanctuary at this time is more about avoiding other people, using purifying spirits, and opening treasure chests.

Aylin thought for a few seconds, and then used the demon spirit's purifying spirit one by one. It happened that the fifth one lost its effectiveness.

The perception attribute increases by two points.

But this is not surprising, because he has already used the purifying spirits of sixteen demon spirits.

The heart essence of water ghosts and ghouls also reached the limit at 20 parts. He used an extra part of the purifying spirit just for testing, which was a bit of luck.

Unfortunately, only twenty copies can be used.

After using the demon spirit's purifying spirit, the demon hunter took a deep breath and set his sights on the first item in the inventory...

【bite! Whether to use the purifying spirit of the one-eyed ghost spirit]

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