
The name of this one-eyed snake giant is quite strange.

After hearing the call in his ear, Ailin kept walking, thinking about it for a second, and hurriedly trotted out of the tent without looking back.

Since it is most likely a cutscene of the treasure chest, time is very tight.

Just after paying tribute to that Shagdarzab, he waited too long for the one-eyed snake giant to pull him out for "class".

According to past experience, there may not be many seconds left before the cutscene of the treasure chest will end.

This little time may not be enough for him to run this distance and see how those one-eyed snake giants outside are enlightening the cubs with the way of beast roar.

How can he have the time to look back and figure out which one-eyed snake giant Italiano is?

Is he worthy?



The demon hunter's footsteps are getting faster and faster.

In a blink of an eye.

He is only a few steps away from the skylight leaking from the bottom of the tent.

But just at this time

"Italiano, why are you running? Come back!" The old voice behind him was a little hurried.

The demon hunter paused, feeling something was wrong.

"This voice seems to be calling me..."

But the tent entrance was right in front of him.

He gritted his teeth and took two consecutive steps to open the animal skin door.


A roar suddenly came from the side.

The next second.

The demon hunter felt his neck tightened and flew up.

A huge one-eyed monster suddenly appeared in front of him.

It directly occupied two-thirds of the demon hunter's vision.

Ailin's eyes moved down subconsciously.

It was a very majestic one-eyed snake giant with a thick black goat beard on his chin.

There was also a pink flesh scar on his face that seemed to have grown newly, which made him even more ferocious.

At this time,

He was staring at the demon hunter angrily:

"The high priest is calling you, didn't you hear it, brat?"

"Such an important day, can't people be more careful?"

Italiano is indeed me...

Alin thought.

When he shouted the second time, he was a little suspicious.

After all, it seemed that he was the only one running in the animal skin tent at that time.

He glanced at the heavy tent door that was close to his eyeballs, felt the tight pulling feeling on the back of his neck, sighed in his heart, and was a little confused.


This is really not a cutscene!

Then where is this place?

How did he get here in the blink of an eye?


The Cyclops was still roaring.

However, in order to avoid saying something he shouldn't say, the demon hunter pretended to be dead without saying a word, hoping to get away with it.

Unexpectedly, after the one-eyed snake giant roared a few more times, he actually waved his right arm and lifted the heavy door tent.

The dazzling light suddenly shot in from outside.

At the same time.





The vast roars came one after another.

When the demon hunter got used to the dazzling light, the blue cat pupils suddenly shrank into a vertical line.

Under the towering snow-capped mountains.

Oversized cages made of thick wood were scattered all over the open green grassland. At a glance, there were two or three hundred of them.

Inside, a giant beast with silver fur roared, like the snow monster in the strange stories of the previous life.

These giant beasts are twice the height of ordinary adult snake giants.

And the pressure is strong.

The demon hunter could judge that at least the water ghost king would definitely not be able to beat this monster.

He now knew why each cub needed three or four adult one-eyed snake giants to accompany him.

The moment a cage was opened not far away, three one-eyed snake giants suddenly stepped forward and easily suppressed the "snow monster" to the ground, unable to move.

Then one of the one-eyed snake giants roared.

The eyes of the "snow monster" immediately turned red.


In the angry roar, the adult snake giant gestured with his hands, and the cub waved the dagger in his hand in confusion and excitement, and began to dissect it alive.

The bright red blood sprayed, dyeing the bodies of several one-eyed snake giants, including the cub, red.

Bloody and cruel.

The key is not just this one, hundreds of snow monsters were slaughtered at the same time with screams and roars.

A wild and wild atmosphere arose spontaneously, making Ailin gasp.

"Have you finished watching?"

A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

When the demon hunter heard it, he immediately remembered his situation from the magnificent and wild scene.

"Is it beautiful?"

Ailin didn't have time to reply.


There was a loud noise.

The demon hunter's buttocks were hit hard.


I didn't expect that after so many years, I could still be treated like this again. After a moment of stunned, the demon hunter couldn't help but screamed.


This is definitely not a cutscene!!!

Which cutscene could make a demon hunter with all his attributes over 50 so painful?

There was no doubt that this method was definitely magical or had some special skills.

He felt like his butt was going to split open. This was the pain of the Green Grass Trial.

The demon hunter felt that if there was another blow, he might pass out.

What was even worse was...

Ailin tried to struggle, but his body was held in place as if it was imprisoned by steel and could not move at all.

This one-eyed snake giant is very strong, very strong!


"Okay, Itali," the old voice suddenly remembered and stopped the one-eyed snake giant known as "Itali", "It's normal for children to be playful, bring them here quickly, don't waste time."

"Okay, big sacrifice." Hearing this, Itali let go and put Ailin down.

He looked at the swaying and unsteady demon hunter and cursed in a low voice:

"Stop pretending. The big festival is in front of me and I have no effort at all."

"I'm not pretending at all!" Aylin yelled in his heart when he heard this.

However, in order not to be discovered, he could only endure the pain and stand up, pretending to be nonchalant, and follow Etali's footsteps.


He was relieved that he didn't need to take a second blow.

at the same time.

He is still thinking...

Itali...Italiano...these two names sound very similar...

"Is it possible that his current image in the eyes of the one-eyed snake giant is the child of the surprisingly powerful one-eyed snake giant in front of him?" Aylin speculated in his heart, "And who is Italiano? Was he killed by him? What was the identity of that one-eyed ghost spirit during his lifetime?”

"in addition……"

"Since 'I' also came to class with those cubs, why weren't I allowed out?"

"Where are they taking me again?"

Countless questions were rising and dying in his mind.

"Dong dong dong~"

The old one-eyed snake giant known as Daisai walked in the front, followed by Itali.

The witcher has to hurry and hurry to catch up.

Not a moment.

A group of three people walked to another exit of the huge animal tent, but this exit did not lead to the green grass and sunny outdoors, but to a cave.

Very large cave.

But before he could take a closer look, his eyes were suddenly attracted to the center of the cave.

Under the flickering light of the torches on both sides.

A gleaming gold mine breathes in the huge cage, reflecting the hazy golden light.

Only after getting closer did the witcher discover it.

Where is this breathing gold mine? This is clearly some kind of giant beast with golden hair.

Although the color and color of the hair vary greatly, the body size is very huge in comparison, almost a small mountain.

But the thick limbs, the sturdy back and waist...

If you look closely, it's clearly the appearance of a "snow monster" outside the tent.

"Go and stand next to Kano Kingmon. If you are naughty again, be careful with your soft scales after it's over!"

Itali pushed the witcher's back gently, letting him stand at the feet of the giant beast.

The majestic pressure suddenly became clearer.

The essence of this coercion is simply not weaker than the dragon head at the door of the Wolf School's master conference room, and it is even more powerful in terms of quantity.

The strong sense of crisis made him want to escape involuntarily.

"This King Kano is definitely not a monster that I can deal with!" Aylin suddenly became self-aware.

However, he still held back the strong fear of running away and stopped.

It’s not that he’s afraid of the “soft scales” Itali calls being beaten…

But he could see huge benefits from it.

No need to think carefully.

The beast's roar method enlightened by King Kano is definitely quite different from those "snow monsters" outside that may be called Kano.

I just don’t know…

In this place that seems to be reality and seems to be an illusion, can we get this benefit?

"Very good! Just keep it like this!" After Daji opened the cage, he glanced at the demon hunter who was trying to calm down and praised, "It's not easy for Itali to hunt this Kano King. After he got separated from his tribe, I spent a whole month drinking snow water and eating frozen meat in the majestic mountains..."

"In the end, I almost couldn't come back..."

Aylin subconsciously glanced at the huge scar on Itali's face.


No matter how powerful the cyclops giant is, the head that holds the brain is a fatal position.

This scar is very dangerous.

Itali noticed Aylin's gaze and tilted his head as if he was a little uncomfortable. He avoided the scar on his face and walked to the cage. He snorted coldly and said harshly:

"King Kano is not difficult to deal with either. If he hadn't hidden in the white snow and attacked suddenly, I could have captured him alive with one hand..."

At this time.

Itali seemed to have thought of something.

After a pause, he looked at Aylin again and warned fiercely:

"Don't imitate me!"

"After getting separated from the tribesmen you are hunting with, you are not allowed to hunt for prey on your own!"

"Otherwise, I will break your legs!"

"Got it?"

Aylin was stunned for a moment when he was stared at by a fierce one eye.

He also didn't expect that as an orphan for two generations, the first time he felt his father's love would be from a one-eyed monster.

Although the object of father's love is not actually him.

The heart that was tense because of the current dangerous situation felt inexplicably relaxed.

"I understand." Aylin said his first words in this "world".

Itali was startled when he heard this.

"Hahaha~" Daji laughed loudly, "It's good to be sensible, it's good to be sensible..."

"Is this called sensible?" The demon hunter was puzzled, "How naughty was Italiano before?"

"Hmph!" Itali, who came back to his senses because of Daji's words, snorted unconsciously.

But the cold snort was only halfway out of the nasal cavity, and it stopped for some reason.

He looked at Aylin unnaturally again:

"Remember what I taught you yesterday, otherwise... otherwise... you better be careful..."

Teach me something?

The demon hunter was stunned when he heard this.

What did he teach me?

But when he looked up in confusion, Itali had already bowed and tilted his head to look at the high priest, and said respectfully:

"Please start, high priest."

The high priest narrowed his single eye, nodded with a smile, and then opened his mouth:


This inconspicuous shout came out.

The golden-haired monster called King Kano not only woke up from his deep sleep instantly.

The hair even changed from bright gold to blood-red in an instant.


The roar that made the whole cave shake was deafening.

The already huge pressure, at this moment, was like the towering Blue Mountains, pressing down on the demon hunter.

It made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Hold on!" Itali yelled at the demon hunter, "Do as I taught you yesterday!"


What did you teach Italiano yesterday? How do I know?

But at this time, even if he wanted to ask, he couldn't, regardless of his identity.

Under the heavy pressure, the veins on the demon hunter's forehead twisted like silkworms.

He clenched his teeth and couldn't even open his mouth.

He could only watch Itali roar, his whole body glowing red, and he jumped high to the same level as the monster's head.


Compared with the huge Kano King, he swung out a small fist that was like a one-year-old child hitting an adult male elephant.


It was this seemingly overconfident fist that produced a series of explosions in the air after it was swung out.

Even at the moment when it was about to hit the head of the giant beast, a blood-red fist that was magnified ten times appeared faintly.

The demon hunters who saw this scene couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The next moment.

The bloody fist hit the head of King Kano.

There was a loud "bang".

The skin on the face of King Kano, who had just woken up, was like a lake with ripples in an instant.

Turbid bloody saliva spurted out from the sharp teeth.

The huge King Kano was knocked to the ground.

The ferocious beast face, which was twice as tall as Erin, smashed directly within two steps in front of him.


The ground shook violently.

"Now, Italiano, hurry!" Itali and the high priest urged anxiously at the same time.

The demon hunter was at a loss at this time.

What is hurry?

What should I do?

He felt that something was going to happen.


The demon hunter suddenly thought of what the one-eyed snake giant cubs outside the tent did.

With an idea, he was about to take out Elsa to dissect King Kano and get away with it.

But he didn't expect that this grip would be empty.

It wasn't that Ailin didn't hold the sword, but that he suddenly lost control of his body at this moment, as if he was frozen.

At this time.

King Kano's eyelids trembled, and he seemed to be waking up from a coma.

The restless pressure stagnated the air.

"What should I do?"

Although he had never encountered life-threatening situations when unpacking, he really felt that he was helpless and his life was hanging by a thread at this moment.


Suddenly a sigh sounded from his mind.

Ailin was stunned.

Then he saw his own hands, as if they were in some liquid, reaching into King Kano's forehead.

"Praise Shagdarzab, the god of roar, hunting and taming..."

He shouted devoutly in a strange, immature and vicissitudes of life, as if with a hint of nostalgia.


King Kano widened his ferocious and frightened beast eyes.

The next second.

The hot stream like molten magma rushed into the demon hunter's body from his palm like a flood.

Consciousness was instantly on the verge of limit.

Before he fainted.

He saw himself in the eyes of King Kano.

A one-eyed snake giant looking at himself with pity.

He saw him raise his head and look at Itali and the priest.

Missing, sad, heavy and guilty.

"Who are you?" he asked.


Everything went dark.

He fainted.

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