Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 303 Dad’s favorite child

The chief was silent for a moment and glanced at the map.

Arryn noticed that his gaze paused at the southern border of Temeria.

But it was only in the blink of an eye that the chief looked away again and shook his head:

"It's not yet time. The only place suitable for the development of the Wolf School now is Kaer Morhen."

Then, without waiting for Aylin to continue asking, he ended the topic and said:

"That's all about the transfer of the school. I will send a letter to Elland to explain, and I will also arrange for demon hunters to go there and eliminate the monsters."

"Although we cannot move the school there, we can maintain cooperation and leave a distance, which is more beneficial to the relationship between the two parties."

Aylin nodded upon hearing this.

He felt that the chief's arrangement might be the result that Duke Mason really wanted.

Otherwise, if they really sincerely invite a force like the Wolf School to join, they will not send out the invitation in such an informal way by using a demon hunter to spread the word.

Just a pity.

If they move, with Elland standing in front of them, the Wolf School will at least have a few more years to develop before Duke Mason dies.

During these few years of stability, various skills extracted from the demon hunting notes were popularized in the demon hunting corps, and then they hunted everywhere to refine the essence of monsters or purifying spirits to improve the attributes of the members.

Maybe it won't be long before the Wolf School no longer has to live in the cracks and act based on people's faces.

But think about it, although the chief's analysis is a bit extreme for some reason, it is not wrong.

Judging from the lifespan of a witcher, human promises are indeed untrustworthy.

After all, Duke Mason is old, and it is still unknown how long he can live.

Once he dies too early - before the school has time to take root - all the preferential treatment is likely to be in vain.

And after the move, even with the support of Duke Mason, it is estimated that it will be difficult to avoid political strife and friction.

In addition, the school is too close to a crowded place, so it is difficult to hide the rapid increase in the strength of the demon hunting army.

I can only say there are pros and cons.


The main reason why Aylin compromised was because of one thing...

Soy is the leader of the Wolf School.

How the school develops in the future is not decided by Aylin.

It's already great, even a little flattering, to be able to tell him the reasons for the denial one by one like this.

Think so.

There was another voice lingering in the witcher's mind for a long time: "Do you want to be the chief?"

"Are you planning to go down the mountain again this year?" The chief gently interrupted Aylin's inexplicable reverie.

"No!" Looking at the slightly tired face of the chief, he hurriedly said with a guilty conscience, "In the next six months, I plan to devote myself to improving the strength of the demon hunting corps..."

"That's fine," the chief nodded. "The establishment of the Demon Hunting Corps is indeed very effective in improving the strength of the school. It is worth spending more time on it."

Seeing that all the things that needed to be discussed were said, Aylin finished school for a few more words before preparing to say goodbye and leave.

But before leaving, he suddenly remembered one more thing.

"By the way, Chief, the two wizards that Ms. Vera brought back in the past two months..."

"Makao said whatever he asked and was very cooperative," the chief shook his head, "but Thomas Moreu has always been stubborn and has a tough mouth. It's not easy to ask him what you want to find."


Or should we just kill Thomas Moreu?

Since the memory of the witcher will be refreshed after killing the witcher, the wizard should also be able to do so.

I just don’t know if I can reveal the location of the laboratory where he completed the second mutation...

The witcher pondered in his mind and asked:

"Where are they?"

The chief was silent for a while, not sure why, as if he was hesitating.

After several seconds, he looked at Ailin's face and persuaded:

"You should not interfere in such matters as interrogations."

"Vera has a lot of experience in this area, and she has contacted a master interrogator. The results should be available soon."

The chief didn't seem to want him to get involved in the interrogation.

But since Vera had already made arrangements, Aylin didn't insist anymore.

Before leaving, he glanced at the old map on the long table again out of curiosity.

On the map, at the southern border of Temeria, there is a place called Dodurak with a distinctive note...

It was written in an almost indistinguishable scrawl.

After leaving the chief's residence, the demon hunter recognized the meaning of the note in his mind——

The Cave of Ten Thousand Demons!


The wooden door closes.

Suoyi's eyes stayed on the pattern of the door for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Da da da~"

Amid lazy footsteps, a woman in a fiery red robe walked out of the inner room.

"Your child is very ambitious, just like you before." Suoyi did not look back. He patted the large and heavy black oak high-backed chair next to him. "The burning desire in his pupils almost overflowed, Zangdu Can’t hide it…”

"He wants my current position..."

"That's your child too." The woman rolled her eyes and sat on the wicker chair where Aylin had been sitting. "And with his ability, he is more than enough to sit on your broken chair."

Hearing this, Suoyi froze for a moment and turned his head helplessly to look at the woman:

"You are still so merciless."

"But it's not even close," Soy paused, staring down at the high-backed chair that was a bit old because it was too old, "He still needs help..."

"Clean the seat, add armrests, stabilize the legs, and preferably embroider some patterns and carve some textures to show glory and majesty..."

"In this way, he can sit firmly and for a long time."

"Then help him." The woman said softly, "Our miracle son needs this chair."

"I will." The man nodded.

After a long silence, looking at the sudden wrinkles on the man's face that had disappeared for a month, the woman was about to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

The child he had watched grow up betrayed him, wanted to destroy everything about him, and then died in front of him while he stood idly by.


She didn't dare to put herself in Ianna's shoes and imagine how painful it would be for her to treat her like this.

Fortunately Ianna didn't.

But Ianna... was dying too.

At this time.


"Wei, I'm a little tired," the man sighed longly and looked out the window covered by heavy dark clouds. "After our children are seated safely, let's go back to Toussaint together."

"Henrietta left me a vineyard in the Sansreto Valley, very close to our former home."

"It has produced grapes that can produce such quality wines as Everose, Fiorano, Pomino, and your favorite, East of the East."

“We can plant grapevines in spring, prune branches and buds in summer, harvest in autumn, and then drink our own wine in front of a crackling fireplace in winter… "

"Soy..." The woman couldn't help shouting softly.

But the man seemed not to hear, or was still immersed in some memories and fantasies, and continued to speak:

"To this day, I still remember the little tips my father taught me. Don't water too much. It should be based on the weather..."

"Your father, Viscount Ivan, often boasts that as long as he can manage a vineyard well, he can manage a country..."

"Soy..." The woman's voice became a little louder.

"By the way, you can also use magic. We will definitely be able to brew a more fragrant wine than our father brewed. We may be able to win the prize at the Toussaint Brewing Competition in the spring..."

"Soy!" The woman walked up to the man and raised her voice again.

The man suddenly stopped speaking.

He was stunned for a moment, and then his gray eyes focused on the woman's face.

"Sorry!" he said, "I was distracted."

"Do you regret taking this road?" the woman asked.

The man was silent.

He stared blankly at everything in the room, thinking back to the places he had fought from the beginning to now, the monsters he had killed, the people he had saved...

The right hand holding the back of the chair tightly squeezed the dark body of the chair, and the veins on the back of the hand loomed.

"I don't know... Vera... I don't know..."

"The path to glory that I long to embark on seems to have never existed."

"Hundreds of years ago, humans were killed by monsters. A few hundred years later, humans were killed by their own kind..."

"Everything seems to have changed, but it seems to have stayed the same."

"Whether there are demon hunters or not, humans will always die. Death at the hands of monsters may be considered an honor, but what is death at the hands of the same kind?"

"The people who were rescued from the claws and fangs of the monster ended up killing far more of their kind than any large monster, even the powerful dragon...far from..."

"Then what's the point of the existence of witchers?"

The man looked at the woman longingly, as if he wanted to find an answer from her mouth.

He wanted to know that everything he had done by abandoning his loved ones and living in the open was meaningful.

But the woman couldn't give him an answer, and she wasn't willing to deal with him.

In other words, she knew that the man already had the answer in his heart.

The woman can only hold him with strong self-blame, wrap her arms around him, try to warm her boy, her man, her child's father with her body temperature, and then whisper softly, like a mother humming a lullaby:

"It's okay, you still have us."

"When everything is over, we will go back to Toussaint together, grow grapes, make wine, and participate in competitions..."


"Let's go home together!"

Castle hall.

"What? Haxo was raised by the chief?" Aylin opened his mouth in surprise, and crumbs of bread fell all over the table.

After coming out of the chief's residence, Aylin became more and more strange as he thought about it.

Although Soi only asked him if he wanted to be chief at first, he never mentioned it again.

But throughout the conversation, both his appearance and his mental state were as decadent as if he were a different person.

Considering that Vesemir's mental state this morning was not quite right either.

Aylin, who felt that there must be a connection between the two, went downstairs and saw the master witcher having breakfast in the castle hall. He immediately went over to him, but he did not expect to get such a shocking answer.

"Shh~" Vesemir quickly scolded, "Quickly, keep your voice down!"

Aylin looked around. They were the only two people in the entire castle hall, so there was nothing to keep quiet about.

But he was here to hear the gossip after all, so he didn't utter a word to refute.

"It can't be said that he was raised," Vesemir seemed to think it was inappropriate and changed his words. "To be precise, the chief rescued Haxor and his mother, and then helped them consolidate their position as king..."

Aylin suddenly felt sad as he listened to Vesemir Barabara explaining the bond between the chief and Haxor.

No wonder the chief is in such a bad mood.

Recalling the relationship between Ciri and Geralt in the original novel and game, they were both teachers and fathers.

Thinking about it, Chief Soy, who had no children at the time, was helping to hunt the country's monsters and looking for help. He might have raised Haxo as his own child.

Convert it.

It's like Ciri betrayed Geralt and wanted to kill not only Geralt himself, but also Vesemir, Eskar and Lambert who were close to him...

But in the end, Geralt watched Ciri die in front of him, as if he would not save her...

Damn it!

How can Haxo, that fat pig, be compared to Ciri!

Bah bah bah!

After vomiting out the inappropriate metaphors and possible dirty things in his mind, Aylin directly cursed out loud:

"Haxo is such a beast!"

Vesemir also spit on the ground and agreed:

"Yes! They are even worse than the scum of the Cat School!"


More despicable than the Cat School, this is indeed the filthiest thing Vesemir can say.

In fact, there is a saying in the world of witchers that death is a big deal, but an ungrateful piece of trash is obviously not worthy of such a saying.

Therefore, Aelin and Vesemir cursed happily all morning in the castle hall, and they stopped when they were about to have lunch, their mouths were dry.

Vesemir scolded until his face turned red and he was in high spirits.


The reason why Vesemir was in a low mood in the morning was because he saw the chief's decadent look.

And judging from Vesemir's sincere reaction to Chief Soy just now, he simply praised him to the heavens.

Maybe for him.

Compared with his biological parents, Chief Soy, the demon hunter who taught him swordsmanship, seals, and hunting skills without reservation, and set an example with his noble character and personality, inspiring him to embark on the road to glory, was the one he truly recognized in his heart. 's father.

This made Aelin a little envious of Vesemir and Haxor.

Vesemir talks about a "father" who is as powerful as a saint, has noble moral character, is skilled in skills, has a high social status, has a good temper and is very patient. Who wouldn't want to have a "father"?

What a pity.

He was abandoned in his past life and this one.

And although Vesemir is also very good, Aelin was thirty years old after all when he traveled through time.

Although he also respects Vesemir's character, he is more like a loyal elder brother to his peers rather than an elder.

after all.

Although he was a little envious, he didn't have to recognize his father. He was already past that age.

But then again.

Why did Chief Soy leave the "godson" in front of him who admired him so much without nurturing him, and insisted on asking him if he wanted to be chief?

Thinking of this, Aylin looked at Vesemir with some pity and his brows were dancing. He was still scolding Haxor and praising the chief in various words. Vesemir looked at him and thought:

"It seems that you are not 'Dad's' favorite child either..."

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