Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 309 Let’s live together

Golden-haired giant beast?

Ailin was stunned for a moment.

Where did the golden-haired giant beast come from just now?

What does it have to do with him...


Ailin had an idea.

At the end of the "cutscene" that combined eight golden treasure chests the night before, the image of "King Kano" with long golden hair, like the snow monster in the legend of the previous life, jumped out of his mind.

He looked at Arestor, who rarely showed a cautious and eager look, and carefully asked a few questions about the appearance of the golden-haired giant beast when it appeared.

Although Arestor was a little surprised why Ailin asked this question when he released his skills.

But after recalling for a few seconds, he still described the illusions he saw in the beast roar one by one.

Sure enough.

As soon as Arestor described a few words, Ailin was sure that the golden-haired giant beast he saw was the King Kano.

Listening to Arestor's increasingly intense and excited description, the demon hunter's mind seemed to be overwhelmed.

The attributes were enhanced, King Kano's illusion appeared when releasing the battle cry, and the five senses that seemed to be real in the "cutscene"...

"Where did the red light take me the night before yesterday?"

Alin looked down at his hands covered with sword calluses.

It was his hands that reached into King Kano's head uncontrollably and absorbed the heat flow as hot as molten magma.

Was it really my own hands that reached in that day?

Could it be that the tribe of the one-eyed snake giant was not extinct due to the disaster?

It just happened that day that I replaced "Italiano" in some way and accepted the inheritance ceremony of the Way of Beast Roar?

Could it be such a coincidence?


[Praise to Shagdarzab, the God of Roar, Hunting and Taming...]

The strange, immature and vicissitudes of life voice in my mind not long ago was stirring.

If that voice was not Italiano, who else could it be?

"That golden-haired beast is the most beautiful monster I have ever seen in my life. It is wild, powerful, and oppressive..." Arestor excitedly described the surprise of meeting King Kano for the first time, and suddenly found that Ailin's face seemed a little strange, "... Uh... Ailin, are you okay?"

"Why do you look so ugly?"

"It's okay..." Ailin was interrupted by Arestor's voice and came back to his senses, "It's just that I consumed a lot of energy just now..."

Aristo nodded when he heard it.

It is normal for a move that can make him confused and be defeated in one blow to consume a lot of energy.

However, he is not going to ask what the move is unless Ailin brings it up himself. After all, their current relationship is actually a little awkward.

Of course.

Although he is curious, he actually doesn't pay much attention to the move that defeated him. He only cares about the golden-haired beast now.

"The name of the golden-haired beast is King Kano. It should... It should be a king beast called the Kano beast group..."

Thinking of Arestor's question, Ailin recalled the slaughtered beast he saw outside the tent and speculated.

King Kano...

Giant beasts...

Aristo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked quickly:

"Where can I find King Kano?"

"What preparations do I need to make to hunt these monsters?"

"Sorry, Master Aristo," Aylin shook his head, "Those monsters are not monsters of this world..."

"Huh?" Aristo was startled.

"Not from this world" is not difficult to understand, after all, there is the phenomenon of celestial sphere intersection in the demon hunter world.

Most monsters, even humans themselves, are not native to this world.

What Aristo doesn't understand is why Aylin said such a thing. If the monster called King Kano is not from this world, why does Aylin know this.


Before he asked, Aylin took the initiative to explain:

"It was with the help of the goddess Meliteli that I saw the monster called King Kano, and thus gained a powerful skill."

He didn't lie.

If it weren't for the harvest authority of the goddess Meliteli, Aylin wouldn't have the ability to draw eight golds and one purple from nine draws.

Naturally, there would not be the incredible "cutscene".

"I see..." Arestor nodded, "So it was in the Meliteli goddess... um... um?"

Aristo was halfway through his words, thinking that something seemed wrong. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then his dark golden cat eyes widened in an instant.

"Goddess Meliteli?" He looked up suddenly and looked at Aylin in disbelief.

"Yes," Aylin nodded, "After we left Ban Ade, we went to Elland to remove the curse of the evil god in the Meliteli Temple..."

"Then... Then, with the help of the goddess, you met the monster and gained a powerful skill?" Arestor interrupted in a daze.

"Of course not." Arryn shook his head. "Didn't Vesemir just tell me about the goddess' dream to save Elland?"

"The night before yesterday, after seeing the goddess Meliteli, the Kano King was part of the reward for the mission."

"No... No, you also saw the goddess Meliteli?" Seeing Arryn nod, Aristo felt incredible.

How could meeting the most honorable and widely worshipped great god in the northern continent be as simple as going downstairs, turning, knocking on the door, and meeting Vera and Mary from Arryn's residence in the south tower?

You know, other evil gods may frequently dream and reveal to their believers.

But as we all know, even the priests of Meliteli may never see the goddess Meliteli in their lifetime.

You, a demon hunter, can meet such a god just like that?

Aristo felt that Arryn was just perfunctoring him and telling him a story.

But the whereabouts of a monster did not seem to make a talented and powerful demon hunter master tell such a big lie.

What's more, the skill that just made him lose so badly, and the majestic and beautiful golden beast...

Such things are rewards from the gods, it seems reasonable.

Otherwise, Arryn, a demon hunter who has left Kaer Morhen once since he was born, how could he see a strange monster that he didn't even know.

Even from the difficult resistance at the beginning of the duel to almost killing him instantly later, only two strange roars were needed...

At this time.

Vesemir heard the movement and walked over quickly, looking at Arryn with the same surprise.

He knew that the evil curse on Arlin had been removed, but Arlin had not told him the details.

So he had always thought that Arlin was dreaming and the goddess Meliteli had given him divine power to remove the stubborn evil curse.


After Vesemir approached, he did not rush to ask, but winked at Arestor.

Arestor, who had not yet recovered from his shock, subconsciously looked in the direction of Vesemir's eyes.

Around the training ground.

The demon hunter apprentices were excitedly discussing the battle just now, even though they had not seen anything from beginning to end.

Seeing this, Arestor also knew what Vesemir meant.

It was related to the goddess Meliteli and it was Arlin's private matter, so it was naturally not suitable for too many people to know.


He frowned and was about to open his mouth.

But he seemed to have thought of something, and he tilted his head to look at Aylin and asked:

"Captain Aylin, do you have any other arrangements for the apprentices?"

After Aylin was stunned for a moment, he shook his head: "I just came back and I'm not familiar with it yet. Master Aristo can do it as usual."

Aristo nodded, and then shouted to the apprentices:

"Erni, Kral, take the apprentices to train swordsmanship and magic signs here according to the original plan."

"Captain Aylin and I have something to discuss. I will come back to check on your training progress later. If I find anyone slacking off..."


After a cold snort, Aristo ignored the noisy complaints and whining around the training ground, tilted his head and asked:

"Let's talk in another place?"

Aylin and Vesemir looked at each other and nodded.


Strength is always the first priority, especially for demon hunters.

Leaving the apprentice training ground and heading to the castle hall, Aylin once again realized this truth that is universal in the northern continent.

It's not that Arestor was arrogant at first and then respectful after losing, deliberately flattering.

Let's be honest.

Even when he just became a witcher master last year, several witcher masters in the school, including the chief, were very nice to him, and could be said to answer all his questions.

He even remembered that when he was about to leave Kaer Morhen at the beginning of the year and go down the mountain to participate in the apprentice fighting competition between the Wolf School and the Cat School, several witcher masters told him some tips on how to deal with the Cat School.

Among them, Arestor talked the most.

For some reason, he seemed to like Aylin especially.


There are many ways and types of friendly attitudes.

Before this competition, Arestor treated him more like a talented nephew. He would consider some of Aylin's opinions, but perhaps he would stick to his own ideas more.

But now...

This irritable witcher master has implicitly placed Aylin on a more equal position.

Especially at the level of the Demon Hunting Corps.

Along the way, Arestor even took the initiative to bring up this topic and asked Aylin what he thought about the development of the Corps.

Aylin actually had an idea about this before he left Elland and even before the end of the Apprentice Fighting Competition of Ben Ade.

The first point is naturally to take the members to fight as fast and as much as possible to hunt monsters.

On the one hand, the third-level Demon Hunting Corps has a maximum of fifteen members, and now there are only five vacancies, which is too few.

To be honest, with this number of members, it is better to say that it is a team than a Corps.

Aylin just roughly counted the number of apprentices around.

In addition to the seven people who are already members of the Corps, there are a total of thirty or forty demon hunters who have passed the Green Grass Trial.

Of course, these people will not be included like the first batch, but at least thirty vacancies must be reserved.


For the demon hunters who are not included in the Corps, Aylin has no ability to quickly improve their skills.

On the other hand, the large number of battle points and monster materials needed to improve the strength of the members must be obtained from actual combat.

With Ailin's current super high level of 48, the reward for killing most common monsters by himself is almost zero.

Moreover, the fusion of seven gold-quality treasure chests the night before, and the scene of inserting his hands into King Kano's roar at the end, have always lingered in his mind...

If he wants to gather enough treasure chests to fuse again, he needs a large number of treasure chests.

These treasure chests must also rely on "Legion Skill: Loot Lock" to obtain.

The second point is to teach some potions, sword oils, bombs and skills to the members to improve their strength as soon as possible.

However, in this regard, Aylin intends to leave it entirely to Mary, the chief warlock of the Demon Hunting Corps he respects.

He is only responsible for selecting suitable potions, sword oils and skills.

For example, the lowest-level sword oil, and restorative potions such as Swallow and White Honey, of course, all must be promoted.

The higher-level sword oils and bombs with stronger lethality can be promoted in grades according to loyalty, or a points redemption system can be established, but Aylin has not thought about this yet.

However, loyalty should still be followed in the early stage.

But potions such as Giant Ghoul Decoction and Blizzard can be regarded as cheating.

For the time being, Aylin does not intend to spread it, even Mary and Vesemir are the same.

After all.

These potions are too powerful and pose too great a threat to him.

Moreover, the materials needed to refine these potions are also very rare. If there is really a need, it is actually enough for him to refine them alone.

The last point is the system.

For example, the points exchange mentioned in the second point, as well as the internal division and promotion of the legion, and even the punishment for evil deeds and betrayal that will almost certainly appear in the future...

When the legion has few members, it can be managed roughly to see if there will be any major problems with loyalty.

But after the death rate of the Green Grass Trial was almost reduced to zero due to the heart essence of the water ghost, the school is now in such a crisis-ridden state, and it will definitely not restrict apprentices from becoming demon hunters.

Therefore, the surge in the number of legions under the effect of the legion and the Demon Hunting Manual is almost inevitable.

Once the number of people increases, it is not appropriate to use loyalty, and Aylin can't manage it alone.

At that time.

Without a system of clear rewards and punishments and orderly promotion and demotion, there will definitely be big problems.

This system must be thought about in advance, and it will definitely not work if it is really a problem.

In addition.

After the number of people in the school increases, the current loose school management model must also be changed.

Of course.

This point has little to do with Aylin now, but this is only now.

[Do you want to be the chief? 】

The voice of the Wolf School Grandmaster still tickled a certain fiery heart from time to time.

Although Ailin felt that after Soi, the next head of the school would almost certainly not be himself.

But the future...

Who can tell clearly?

Monster hunting, knowledge imparting, system improvement...

Thinking in this way, Ailin found that he had a lot to do in the legion.

Of course.

Ailin naturally couldn't tell Arestor all about these three aspects.

But just picking out the parts that can be said and expanding them a little, Arestor and Vesemir looked at him with a slightly different look.

This is no wonder.

After all, it is difficult to expect a demon hunter who was created for the purpose of hunting monsters and living and dying every day to consider the long-term future.

But Ailin is different.

He not only wants to live himself.

He also wants his "home" and "family"...

to live together.

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