Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 36 Water Ghost King

"What the hell!"

Aylin made a sound of surprise and wiped his eyes with his left hand.

When he opened it again, the blood in front of his eyes had disappeared.

This is just a warning.

"Aelin, what's wrong?"

Vesemir shouted from a distance.

The master demon hunter had already reached the entrance of the cave, and behind him lay scattered corpses.

Strange blue, dark red, turbid yellow.

The air is still filled with the unique fishy smell of water ghosts.

It makes people feel sick when they smell it, and makes them want to vomit when they smell it.

If Ai Lin had seen this scene ten days ago, he would have been so frightened that his gall bladder would burst.

However, after working as a demon hunter apprentice for ten days and killing so many water ghosts, Aylin had become accustomed to this hellish scene.


Aylin didn't have time to reply.

The scene in front of me changed dramatically again.

Two red to black banners flashed at the top of Aylin's field of vision.

【warn! warn! warn】

[The fluctuation of the intersection of the celestial sphere is detected! Fluctuations at the intersection of the celestial sphere detected! 】

As the banner flickered, the scenery in front of Aylin seemed to flicker as well.

Heads, severed limbs, and stone walls were all tilted and twisted.


The cave walls were literally shaking.

The heads of several water ghosts jumped up and were blown around.

"Boom - boom -"

The heaven and earth seemed to be roaring.

Fine rocks mixed with dust fell from the top of the cave.

For a while.

The apprentice demon hunter in the cave felt like his whole body was falling.

The black sky is approaching and the brown ground is moving away.

Aylin knew for the first time that the sky and the earth would really change color during an earthquake.

"Aelin! Aelin!"

Vesemir shouted anxiously.

In the face of a catastrophic disaster, even a master as powerful as a demon hunter can barely protect himself.

The water ghosts outside the cave all fell to the ground because of the sudden earthquake.

Vesemir is at the entrance of the cave, and a few steps ahead is the clear sky.

But instead of moving forward, he anxiously held on to the rock wall, trying hard to get closer to his apprentice.

"Aelin! Aelin!"

the master witcher shouted again.

The demon hunter apprentice had no time to answer at this moment. He was like a small fishing boat in the stormy waves, being beaten by the power of the entire world.


In another strong shock, Aylin was instantly knocked into the air by the ground without any resistance.

The pitch-black rock wall suddenly magnified before our eyes.


The wallet is in close contact with the rock, flesh and blood, bone and rock.


The demon hunter apprentice couldn't hold back and let out a roar.

He felt like his left arm was broken, and there was pain everywhere in his body.

Is the impact of the celestial convergence so strong?

"It's still careless!"

Use the cotton cloth on the leather armor on your shoulders to wipe the blood from your eyes.

Ailin endured the pain and hugged the rock pillar next to him tightly.

Then click on the inventory with your mind, and use five portions of the water ghost's heart essence in succession.

The cold liquid fell into his stomach, and a weak warmth rose.

The water ghost's heart essence cannot heal injuries, but it can relieve pain, and after replenishing physical strength, the body's recovery speed will be much faster.

Not long after.

The anger of the earth gradually subsided.

"Aelin! Aelin!"

Vesemir's anxious voice sounded again.

The demon hunter apprentice was about to answer when a familiar mechanical sound suddenly appeared in his ears.

【bite! Activate the main mission: Visitors from another world (kill the Water Ghost King 0/1)]


The majestic roar was deafening.

Aylin looked around and his face instantly turned pale.


"This is not a water ghost!"

entrance of the cave.

"Aelin! Aelin!"

As soon as the shaking subsided, Vesemir quickly rushed towards the direction of the witcher apprentice.


The chest badge of the Master Demon Hunter suddenly vibrated violently.

Vesemir stopped, squatted slightly, and looked around.


Following the sound, the amber cat pupils of the master demon hunter shrank instantly.

A monster suddenly appeared deep in the dark cave.

He was about four meters tall, with bulging muscles, and his huge body made the originally spacious cave look very cramped.

Muscle bundles like skinned frogs, every detail.

The fins were so red that they oozed blood, extending from the tailbone to the forehead. From a distance, they looked like a mohawk from a previous life.

A strong sense of oppression came from all over his body, and the magic power of chaos was so strong that the school badge could not stop vibrating violently, almost popping out of his cotton armor.

"Damn, this is a monster that came out of nowhere."

Vesemir held the badge with his right hand and quickly approached the demon hunter apprentice in two or two steps.

"Aelin! Are you okay?"

Aylin let go of the rock pillar, stood up quickly, and moved his left arm.

Except for the pain of bruised muscles, the functions are intact.

The apprentice witcher breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Vesemir, I'm fine."

The Master Demon Hunter nodded and then focused his attention on the sudden appearance of the Water Ghost King.

This was a monster like he had never seen before.

He looks like a water ghost, but when did the water ghost grow so big?

Aelin also observed the monster.

The Water Ghost King held his head with both paws, his huge body swaying.

The teleportation from the Celestial Sphere Conjunction seemed to cause it a lot of pain.

Quick identification.

[Name: Water Ghost King]

[Level:? ]

[Attributes: Strength?, Agility 13, Constitution?, Perception 11, Mystery? ]

What the hell?

How come the information obtained by using the identification technique is still missing some parts?

The demon hunter apprentice's face darkened.

Judging from the data alone, this water ghost king is not simple.

The group of water ghosts outside the cave also recovered from the earthquake and rushed in from outside in groups of three or five.

Vesemir's expression was tense. After thinking for a moment, he quickly faced the group of water ghosts and then stretched out his left hand.

Alder Seal.

A violent telekinetic shock wave burst out from the palm of his hand, and the water ghost in front of Vesemir was blown away like a tiny dust.

Most of the monsters that were attacked died instantly.

The silver sword is indeed a good friend against water ghosts, but a strong enough seal is even more so.

After an Alder, the demon hunter master cast the Igni seal again.

The continuous hot flames ignited the bodies of the water ghosts piled up at the entrance of the cave, forming a wall of fire that separated the inside and the outside.

Previously, only the silver sword was used to kill the enemy, but because Ailin's life was not threatened, Vesemir wanted to solve it in the simplest way and leave a few water ghosts for Ailin.

After all, the demon hunter apprentice seemed to have an inexplicable desire to hunt water ghosts.

But now that the unknown monsters are in front of him, it is natural to quickly deal with the water ghosts that can be solved first.


The strong magic fluctuations awakened the water ghost king.

After a roar, the fist-sized blood-red eyes quickly locked onto the two demon hunters in the cave.

Sacrifice method, protect me to test the water!!!

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