Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 50: Verdant Sigh

The top floor of the main castle.

The drawing room of the chief's residence.


The silver dagger-like blade started from the severed neck and cut open the chest and abdominal cavity in a straight line.

Even though it had been dead for a long time, the muscles in the abdomen of the corpse were still tight, completely exposing the contents of the abdominal cavity to the air.

The unique fragrance in the living room was instantly washed away by a rancid smell.


Neither of the two people squatting next to the corpse paid attention to the sudden stench.

"The Ice King is indeed a scavenger."

"Although the blood has a strange aroma, the taste in the abdominal cavity is still very similar to that in the body of a corpse-eating creature."

"Chief, our judgment last night was correct."

Vesemir took a piece of black cloth, wiped the dagger, and looked up at the chief.

Last night, he and the chief had a general discussion on the material processing direction of the "Ice King", and then they made an appointment to deal with this monster together today.

The chief of the Wolf School nodded slightly and said:

"Now that the type of monster has been roughly confirmed, let's deal with it first like a corpse-eating creature."

Vesemir nodded, put his hands into his chest, and pulled outwards.

"Click - click -"

The Water Ghost King's ribs were broken one by one.

The peculiar fragrance once again covered up the fishy smell in the abdominal cavity.

Not long after, the headless water ghost king opened his heart to everyone.

"How is that possible!"

Vesemir exclaimed, and his dark golden cat pupils shrank instantly.

There was nothing in the center of the bright red chest, surrounded by thick blood vessels as thick as an arm.

The chief frowned slightly when he heard the sound, lowered his head and carefully inspected the connection between arteries and veins.

"...the cross section is neat...but there is very little blood..."

"This heart was taken away."

"What!" Vesemir said in shock.

"Yes, it was taken."

The leader of the Wolf School seemed to have thought of something, frowned, and repeated it in a murmur.

Vesemir was about to continue asking.

The chief suddenly changed the topic at this moment.

"Visser, what do you think of Aylin as an apprentice?"

"Have you done anything strange recently?"

"Aelin?" Vesemir glanced at the chief strangely.

Could it be that Aylin dug out this heart?

But how is this done?

Could it be the Eye of the Demon Hunter again?

But he couldn't tell anything from the chief's expressionless face, so after pondering for a moment, he considered his words and said:

"Aelin is an excellent apprentice and a natural-born demon hunter."

"Although he occasionally behaves abnormally, he is not only extremely talented, but also rare in the world."

"He is also warm-hearted and kind-hearted. He selflessly teaches fellow apprentices and uses the special skills he has learned through his own exploration of the seal..."

Vesemir told.


The orange portal suddenly appeared, interrupting Vesemir's next words.

The Master Demon Hunter's eyes were subconsciously drawn to the light of the portal.

Conservative white linen dress, a delicate blue gemstone pendant...

No, not the pendant.

That... that seems to be a bottle of blue potion...

Vesemil was suddenly confused.

Is this a new fashion for female connoisseurs? Didn't they all love those weird bone crafts in the past?


As soon as the sorceress came out of the portal, she saw another person in Soi's residence and immediately stopped what she was going to say.

The chief of the Wolf School nodded reservedly in greeting.

Then he asked Vesemir, who had already stood up and was about to leave, to continue speaking.

Vera must also be very interested in Aylin's comments.

The master witcher stopped, his eyes a little evasive.

But the eyes of the chief and the sorceress have already looked over.

He had no choice but to empty himself as much as possible and focus entirely on the memory of Aylin these days.

Don't think about anything related to The Witcher Leto.

After a brief recollection, Vesemir discovered that what Aylin had been doing these past few days seemed to be completely in line with the eight virtues of knights mentioned by the chief during his travels, and he said:

"Chief, you once told me about the path to glory."

When the chief and Vera heard this, they looked at each other. They didn't know why Vesemir suddenly mentioned the path to glory when he commented on Aylin.

So they all curiously focused their eyes on the master demon hunter.

Vesemir looked at the leader of the Wolf School seriously.

"Yes, I told you." Suo Yi was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded and admitted.

"In the process of traveling to the northern countries, I have always been yearning for the road you told me, and I have been getting closer to this road..."

"I originally thought that this road might only be accessible to you now, until..." Vesemir paused for a few seconds and said, "I met Aylin."

"In my nearly hundred years of life, I have never seen such an apprentice..."

"Humility, honesty, mercy, heroism, justice, sacrifice, honor..."

"Except for humility, which seems a bit problematic, the other virtues seem to completely describe Aylin himself..."

The chief and Vera subconsciously looked at each other again, and there seemed to be a lot of communication in their eyes.

The sorceress gently touched the potion bottle on her chest, then turned and walked towards the window.

However, from Soy's perspective, one could see that the corners of Vera's mouth could not stop turning up.

In fact, he was in a good mood at this time, until Vesemir said the next sentence.

"...So Chief, the mountain trial..."

"Vesemir!" The chief of the Wolf School interrupted the master witcher and said, "If you really think that Aelin is a born witcher, you shouldn't say such things!"

Vesemir was silent.

This time he took the liberty.

But I think of the mountain trials, I think of Aylin...

The master witcher sighed, turned around and planned to leave.

Now that the sorceress is here, they cannot use any ax in front of her no matter what.


A cold female voice called out to the master demon hunter.


A snap of the fingers.

There was a bottle of emerald green exquisite potion in the sorceress's hand, which looked exactly like the two bottles Aylin drank.


Another snap of fingers.

The bottle of potion flew gently into Vesemir's palm.

The master witcher subconsciously grabbed it and looked down at the potion. After being stunned for two seconds, he looked up at the sorceress.

Vera nodded slightly and said:

"This is for you, Vesemir."

"Take good care of Aelin."

Vesemir looked at the leader of the Wolf School with his arms crossed.

"Take it, this is the sigh of the green. Drink it to delay aging and increase life span."

"Of course, for us demon hunters, its most important effect is to completely heal dark wounds."

After a pause, Soy continued:

"On the black market, his value is no less than your Elsa."

Hearing this, Vesemir couldn't help but look down at the potion, which was no bigger than his thumb.

The emerald green potion shone with an alluring luster of life, and every cell in the Master Demon Hunter's body seemed to be craving it.

However, Vesemir still resisted this desire, carefully held the potion and walked towards the sorceress:

"It is my duty to take care of my apprentices..."


A snap of the fingers.

The badges on the chests of Vesemir and Soy jumped out of their collars at the same time, vibrating wildly and making a buzzing sound.

The two demon hunters instinctively slightly bent their thumbs and index fingers to draw an imaginary triangle in front of them.

Quen's shields were generated instantly, one after the other.

The next moment.

Vesemir felt his body light up.

He quickly grasped the potion in his hand, fearing that it would slip.

Follow closely.

All the Master Witcher heard from the sorceress was "You deserve it."

Then, he quickly floated out of the room.


The door to the Chief's residence was closed.

In the room, as Vesemir "left", the gentleness on the sorceress's face was instantly frozen.

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Thanks to the book friends "From the First Meeting", "Danu Adria", "Ask Jun Can You Feel More Sad", "Feng Jimo", "Are You Afraid of Poison", "zerolce", "Junior", "Shentian Yanlong" and "Big Monthly tickets for "Poison", "Sugar Toffee", "Book Friends 201812081252133442" and "Happy RPG Maitreya Buddha".

Thanks to the book friend "Ask the Wind and No Language" for the reward.

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