Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 52: Wolf School's Own Potion

Soy is an experienced demon hunter.

He can even be said to be the strongest demon hunter who has killed the most demons in the world.

What kind of bad environment has he not encountered?

Rotting swamps, bloody nests, suffocating deep seas...

As long as he is prepared, there is no place that he cannot endure.

It's a pity that he was not prepared this time.

After confirming that the environment after teleportation was safe, he relaxed his demon hunter perception.

The moment he turned to breathe after rolling, the stench of rottenness passed through his lungs directly when he was caught off guard.

The feeling was really indescribable.

"Vera is indeed the one who knows me best."

Soy thought to himself, and then deliberately breathed a few times to adapt to the environment of the alchemy room.

Although Mary and Alin cast a strange look on him, he was old and such a scene would not embarrass him.

Nodding to the pale Mary as if nothing had happened, the chief walked to the side of the demon hunter apprentice.

"Don't worry about me, just keep doing it."

Soy stopped Aylin from getting up and saying hello, and stood by the alchemy table watching the witcher apprentice prepare the potion.

"Did Vera teach you this?" The chief asked curiously.

He was very curious, how could a woman with mysophobia like Vera teach Aylin such a smelly potion.

"No, this is the formula I came up with myself."

The witcher apprentice did not hesitate.

Ever since the sorceress confronted him and pointed out that the reason for her selfless dedication was to invest in the child of miracles, Aylin's vigilance against Vera and the chief has decreased a lot.

He knew that the relationship between the two was very ambiguous.

Since the sorceress had told the sorceress about the "killer whale", there was naturally no need to hide it from the chief.

In addition, he also wanted to pass on the formula he obtained to other witchers of the Wolf School.

In this chaotic and dangerous world, a single-handed witcher is just a disobedient tool of the authority.

You can't go far.

Since you want to reveal your talent in alchemy to the Wolf School.

The first one to know is the chief, which is naturally the best.

The situation that is better than this is naturally that the chief asked proactively.

"Did you come up with it yourself?"

Soi was a little surprised.

Didn't Ailin make a water ghost whistle a few days ago?

Why is there something new today?

He subconsciously looked at Mary, the only one left in the alchemy room.

Although Mary was not used to the peculiar smell of the alchemy room, she still tried her best to sit up straight in front of the chief, nodded seriously, and said:

"This is indeed not the formula taught to him by Ms. Vera."

After a pause, Mary added:

"And, Ailin is now refining a potion."

"Potion?" Soi looked at Ailin in shock.

Although he doesn't know alchemy, he has been with Vera for so many years, and he still knows some simple alchemy common sense.

For example, chaos magic runs through the entire process of refining medicine.

Demon hunters have magic in their bodies, and the magic in the mutant organs is also very controllable.

But because the total amount is not as good as the warlock who converts chaos magic from heaven and earth, it is difficult to refine potions.

It was difficult to make, which led to not many people willing to study potions suitable for them.

Therefore, most of the Wolf School's demon hunters only knew how to make demon hunter potions.

They didn't know how to make potions.


Soi was about to ask again.

But at this moment, the crucible had a strange phenomenon.

The light blue mist gradually escaped from the gap in the pot.

Soon, the pot of potion was completed with a whale-like hum.

The demon hunter picked up the crystal bottle that had been prepared long ago.

Pour the light blue, crystal clear killer whale into the bottle.

"What is the effect of this potion?"

The heavy male voice reminded Ailin, who was concentrating, that the chief of the Wolf School was still watching.

"After taking it, you can improve your ability to hold your breath underwater and enhance your visual ability when diving."

Soi was silent for a moment and asked, "Is this what you prepared for the mountain trial?"

Ailin nodded.

He had considered whether it would be considered cheating if he told the truth, and whether he would be prohibited from using the potion in the trial.

However, since so many people knew about this, it was impossible to hide it.

Speaking openly would win favor.


Are the demon hunters of the Wolf School so cruel?

They had passed the cliff with difficulty, so they would not allow future generations to build bridges and planks on the cliff?

Sure enough, the chief of the Wolf School did not reprimand him after hearing this.

Instead, he looked at the blue potion that was inexplicably familiar, lowered his head slightly and pondered, as if thinking about something.

Seeing this, Ailin continued to configure the "Killer Whale".

His goal this morning was five bottles of Killer Whale.

One bottle for his own use, one bottle for backup, and the remaining three bottles were distributed to other apprentices of the same period.

In the process of refining the Killer Whale, Ailin discovered another advantage of this potion.

The refining time is very short.

In less than two hours, Ailin had refined all five bottles of potion.


Looking at the neatly arranged light blue potions on the alchemy table, a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously.

The "killer whale" and the killer lake ghost group were exterminated once again.

The mountain trial is stable!



Two sounds sounded at the same time.

When a portal appeared in the alchemy room, Mary consciously walked to open the door.

As the sorceress appeared, Vesemir also walked in from the door.

Aylin saw the master witcher and subconsciously glanced out the window.

I didn't pay attention when configuring the potion, and then I realized that it was getting late.

The sun was already high, and it looked like get out of class would end at least half an hour later than usual.

"Sorry, Vesemy..."


Aelin was about to apologize.

Vesemir took a breath and retched instantly.


A snap of the fingers.

A strong wind emerged from the void, blowing all the air in the room out of the window.


Vesemir coughed twice in embarrassment and did not ask about the source of the peculiar smell in the alchemy room.

In his mind, this is the normal smell of an alchemy room.

It was his experiences in the past few days that made him careless, thinking that Ms. Vera had a unique tasteless alchemy trick, but he suddenly fell into it today.

"Ai...Ai Lin, are you still going hunting this afternoon?"

Being stared at by four pairs of eyes from the people in the alchemy room, Vesemir wanted to take Aelin away directly after saying hello to the sorceress and chief.

"No, let's go together."

Ms. Vera snapped her fingers, and the portal appeared.

"Go together?" Vesemir was stunned for a moment and glanced at Aylin and the chief.

Aelin shrugged before he could speak.

The chief patted him on the shoulder, turned to Vesemir, and said:

"Visser, Aelin has created a potion suitable for demon hunters. Let's try it together."


Vesemir's mind was buzzing. He knew every word the chief said, but the combination made him a little confused.

Aelin creates a potion?

Didn't he only learn alchemy for ten days?

But then he felt the urging gaze of the sorceress and glanced at the portal.

His expression changed again, instantly putting Ailin's alchemy skills into the back of his mind.

"Ms. Vera, there is no need for a portal, I can walk through it..." Vesemir laughed dryly.

Aelin's eyes also shone when he heard Vesemir's words.

Yes, compared to the pain of entering and exiting the portal, taking two steps is nothing.

"Ms. Vera, I too..."

"Get in!"

"Okay!" This was Aylin.

"Okay, Lady Vera!" This is Vesemir.

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