Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 61 The gap between demon hunter apprentices (second round of recommendation, please read it!


A strange sound.

The demon hunters looked in the direction of the sound.

An orange portal appeared next to a larch.

As soon as the portal stabilized, a figure with a red hood rushed out instantly.

After failing to find the person he was looking for, the man ignored the demon hunters around him and walked towards the Killer Lake.


"This is the mountain trial of the 'demon hunter'."

The chief took a few steps forward, blocking the red figure, and reminded softly but forcefully.

The hooded figure paused when he heard the words and took off his hood.

A fresh scent of orange mixed with cardamom came to his face.

The messy fiery red hair half covered his eyes, and his eyebrows were furrowed on his white and flawless face.

It was indeed the sorceress Vera.

She looked at the chief expressionlessly, and Soi shook his head vigorously.

So he took back his steps with difficulty, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down his messy breath.


A snap of fingers.

A breeze blew by, quickly tidying Vera's hair.

In the blink of an eye.

The sorceress regained her exquisite appearance.

"Ms. Vera, good morning."

The gray-haired demon hunter bowed slightly to greet him, and other demon hunter masters followed suit.

The sorceress nodded in return, but her mind was obviously not on these boring demon hunters.

She looked far away in the direction of Killer Lake for a while, then looked at Soi beside her.

"You are a step late. The apprentices should be in the middle of Killer Lake now."

Soi reported the progress of the apprentices' trials tactfully, then paused and comforted them:

"It's okay, they will be back before dinner."

The sorceress nodded expressionlessly, turned her head and looked back in the direction of Killer Lake.

As her eyes moved, she was full of worry.



Hands in leather armor pushed away the lake water in front of her.

The muscles of the waist twisted slightly, which brought enough forward thrust.

The four demon hunter apprentices who accepted the trial, led by Aylin, lined up from front to back in one and three.

Even with the killer whale potion, Aylin did not relax his vigilance and assigned them directions to focus on.

Just in case.

Fortunately, everything was as Aylin expected.

With the help of the killer whale, the water ghosts were far away from Aylin and others before they saw them.

No one could find them, let alone approach them quietly.

There was no need to be suspicious of monsters in the dark. Aylin and his speed was much faster than all the demon hunter apprentices who participated in the trial before.

It was less than half an hour, and they had already swam half of the distance. In the past high mountain trials, it would take at least one and a half hours.

The only flaw was that the killer whale potion was consumed too quickly.

In the last half hour, except for Aylin, everyone consumed two bottles of killer whale.


"As long as I can pass it." Aylin thought.

Of course, the main reason why he didn't feel bad was because the materials for making potions were sponsored by the sorceress.

"I wonder where Ms. Vera is now?"

Thinking of the sorceress, the demon hunter apprentice felt a little regretful.

For some reason, he especially wanted Vera to witness the moment when he passed the mountain trial.

"Um... Um..."

The sudden crying sound from the shore instantly made Ailin alert.

"Ailin, what's the sound?"

Bonte also showed his head and asked in confusion.


Ailin commanded several apprentices to stop and listen carefully.

At this time, they were in a narrow place in the Killer Lake, not far from the shore on both sides.

At some point, layers of fog floated on the lake.

"Um... Save me... Um... Save me..."

It was a child's cry for help.

Ailin and his companions looked in the direction of the sound.

In the milky white fog, the trees on the right shore were shaded.

In the faint light, it seemed that a child was trapped in the bushes.

"Erin, someone is calling for help!"

Bunter exclaimed and tried to swim over. Hughes and Fred followed anxiously, but were stopped by Erin.

"This is not a human!"

"It's a monster trap!"

Erin repeatedly stopped several apprentices from going.

It's no wonder that these apprentices were so impulsive. The voice was too real and full of emotions.

Perhaps there was also a temptation magic in it.

If Erin didn't know the plot of the last trial in the game, he would definitely be confused.

The lakeside, the fog, and the secluded valley.

The elements are full, it must be a little fog demon.

"... Save me... Save me..."

The cry for help became louder and louder, as if the "child" noticed that Erin and the others were watching and couldn't wait to ask them for help.

"This voice must be a kind of charm magic."

Even if Erin already knew the truth, he couldn't help but think of going to rescue quickly, not to mention other apprentices whose attributes were much worse than his.

They couldn't help but swim towards the shore, their eyes were blank and helpless.

Damn it, before the Alpine Trial, didn't anyone check the environment along the way?

Ailin looked at the confused looks of the other apprentices and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

This is definitely not what the Alpine Trial should have.

Mist invisibility, swift speed, extremely fast claw strikes, and even now this distracting charm magic.

Facing the little fog monster, only he was somewhat confident, and the other apprentices would definitely not be spared if they encountered it.

At this moment of thinking, the three apprentices had already swam three or four meters.

Catch up quickly.

"Pa! Pa! Pa!"

Three slaps hit the back of their heads in turn to wake them up.

Before they fall into the charmed state again, let them quickly supervise each other, pay attention to the movements of the nearby water ghosts, and swim to the other side of the river bank.

"Alin, what about you?" Xius touched the back of his head and couldn't help asking.

Alin gritted his teeth and said hatefully: "I'm going to kill this little fog monster."

Of course, he could ignore the little fog monster and swim directly to the cave of the old spearhead.

But there is still nearly half of the way to the killer lake, with three teammates who may be charmed at any time, and they must also pay attention to the water ghosts hidden underwater.

He might as well rush up and kill the little fog demon right now.

This is at least much better than facing a group of water ghosts in the water.

Just as Erin Yuexius was talking, Bont and Fred couldn't help but swim towards the "child".

"Pah! Pah!"

Quickly wake them up.

Erin said very quickly:

"Be good, listen to me! Keep talking to each other, and once anyone stops, slap him to wake him up, understand?"

The three apprentices looked at each other and could only agree after seeing his determined face.

This was what they had agreed on last night. In the high mountain trial, everything was under Erin's command.

Erin nodded with satisfaction, then penetrated the thick fog and quickly swam towards the "child".

"It seems that we can't help at all."

Looking at Erin's figure going away, Fred felt a little discouraged.

He has always been a strong person. After seeing Erin kill the water ghost with a steel sword, he was also the first one to try it.

The result was only a fracture and dislocation.

Looking at Erin who was not affected at all and went away quickly.

Fred couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Is the gap between the apprentice of the demon hunter and the apprentice of the demon hunter really that big?

A new book by a new author, please read, comment, collect, and vote for the monthly ticket!


Today's monthly ticket is really full. I have never seen so many monthly tickets since the book was published.

Thanks again to the support of the book friends. The motivation to write the book is instantly full.

I have already saved the manuscript and will release it on the shelves!

In addition, thank the book friend "73hqbhn" for the reward.

Finally, it's time to sacrifice again, a masterpiece ranked 20th on the new book list.

This is the first reverse NTR light novel I have seen on Qidian. It's good!

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