Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 65 The old spearhead is coming!


The sorceress suddenly stood up from the willow tree.

The chief of the Wolf School was stunned for a moment and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Could the situation at the 'Big Stomach King' be worse?"

The sorceress glanced at Soi sideways, and without saying anything, she quickly rushed to the Killer Lake.

Although the chief didn't know the situation yet, he naturally couldn't let Vera destroy the apprentice's mountain trial. He caught up with the sorceress in a few steps and blocked her.

Seeing this, the other witcher masters also walked up quickly and surrounded the sorceress.

Trials are sacred to witchers.

For the Wolf School, a witcher will be born twice in his life.

One is in the mother's womb, and the other is in the mountain trial.

In the three trials of choice, grass and dream, the witcher apprentice absorbs nutrients and grows rapidly.

Finally, in the mountain trial, he breaks away from his past identity and becomes a real witcher.

As for death in the trial.

Even when a noble lady gives birth, there are always risks, right?

Moreover, many demon hunters believe it.

This trial, like pregnancy and childbirth, is itself a magical ritual that gives demon hunters power and the favor of fate.

Therefore, no one can destroy this trial in front of demon hunters.

Even if she is Vera, the sorceress who has a favor to the Wolf School.

"Vera, stop!" Soi stopped the sorceress with one hand and said seriously, "I thought we had reached a consensus."

Vera tilted her head and looked around at the demon hunter masters who surrounded him tightly.

Out of respect, no one has put their hands on the hilt of the sword.

But the sorceress knew that as long as she took another step forward, these seemingly kind demon hunters would stare at her with tiger-like eyes, attack her, and restrain her.

At such a close distance, she was not sure that she could leave without hurting their lives.

What's more...

Vera glanced at Soi with a solemn expression and sighed in her heart.

Why didn't I record the coordinates of the Cyclops cave in advance?

The sorceress blamed herself in her heart.

"Vera, I thought we had reached a consensus!" Soi repeated again.

This time his tone was very serious, as if he no longer cared about the relationship between him and the sorceress.

After a moment of silence, Vera could only take two steps back helplessly and said:

"Is there a problem with the mountain trial?"

"What's the problem?" The witcher masters asked in unison.

"If the Cyclops is hungry, his personality will be manic and his aggressiveness will increase sharply."

Soi lowered his head and thought, as if he had thought of something.

The witcher masters looked at each other.

After a while, the white-haired demon hunter asked curiously:

"We all know this, but what does it have to do with 'Old Spearhead'?"

"The water ghosts around Killer Lake are enough to fill his stomach."

The sorceress bit her teeth hard, her fair cheeks puffed up slightly, and she said with resentment and regret:

"Half a month ago... I solved all the water ghosts in Killer Lake..."

After revealing the truth with difficulty, Vera's speech became more and more rapid:

"... The Cyclops did not hibernate at all, on the contrary, this is when it is the most violent..."

"... If we go there now, we still have a chance to save all the apprentices, and it will be too late if we delay..."

The demon hunter masters were silent for a long time, and finally Soi raised his head first;

"Are you sure you can save them next time after you save them this time?"

"Fate is warning you, Vera! Fate is warning you! Have you forgotten the consequences of violating the law of accidents?"

The sorceress was stunned when she heard this, her face turned pale instantly, and her whole body was as cold as if she had entered an ice cellar.

A few seconds later, she held her forehead with her right hand, her body trembling, weakly, and about to fall backwards, but was supported by Soi who had been paying attention.

The chief of the Wolf School tilted his head to look at the other demon hunters, shook his head, and signaled them to leave.

The demon hunter masters knew that something was wrong, nodded slightly to Soi, and then quietly walked out without making a sound.

Looking down at the pale-faced sorceress, the chief sighed.

Such a powerful woman, the blood-red fox that once made all countries fear and tremble.

At this moment, she was as fragile and helpless as an ordinary peasant woman.

He looked up in the direction of the giant cave, sighed again, and said:

"Wei, think positively, since fate cannot be avoided, what should happen will definitely happen, right?"

"First...Filius Miraculi-the child of miracles-was born in a bitter cold land..."

When Vera heard this, some color returned to her face, and then she said in a trance, following the chief's poor pronunciation:

"Death and rebirth, non-humans bring blood and fire..."

"Yes, the power of fate cannot be violated."

"It is destined that he will survive, and he will definitely survive."

Soy saw that the sorceress had recovered a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and then warned again:

"Don't do anything unnecessary, Vera."

"This is his path, and the interference of others will only be backfired by fate."

The sorceress nodded, pushed the chief away, and stood up.

After standing up, she looked in the direction of Aylin, and worry flashed in her eyes.

Then she turned her head to look at the chief who was pushed away, snapped her fingers, and asked expressionlessly:

"You men really don't worry about your children at all?"

Suoyi's body stiffened instantly as he shrugged helplessly, and said helplessly:

"Just think that we demon hunters have been transformed by the grass decoction into being ruthless..."

The sorceress looked at him deeply, thinking of how many times she had tried to resist fate, but only got worse and worse results.

There is nowhere to express the frustration in my heart.

Turning her sight again to the place covered by trees and surrounded by mountains, Vera sighed quietly:

"Is fate... really so... irresistible..."

The entrance to Old Spearhead's cave.

"What kind of beast is the most dangerous?"

Thinking of the possible current state of Old Spearhead, Aylin couldn't help but have this question flashing through his mind.

He didn't think that a mere Cyclops could ruin his life, but he was not alone.

"Aelin, what's the problem?"

Seeing that Aylin's face started to look strange after asking the question, Hughes couldn't help but expressed concern.

Seeing that something was wrong, Fred and Bunter also looked at Aylin in silence.

"Old Spearhead may be awake at this time."

Aylin glanced at the several apprentices and spoke with a heavy tone.

"What!" several apprentices exclaimed.

Fortunately, they remembered that this was not Kaer Morhen and deliberately lowered their voices, otherwise the old spearhead might have arrived now.

Aylin nodded, with a serious expression on his face:

"The water ghosts in Killer Lake were exterminated not long ago due to some... um... special reasons."


Several apprentices looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, and their expressions were not very good.

Fred said angrily: "Who did this? This is too..."

"It's Ms. Vera!" Aylin said quickly.

"...This is great!"

Fred's tone suddenly changed sharply and came back to a dangerous tone.

After Leto's incident, Vesemir briefly mentioned the status and character of the sorceress to the apprentices.

Although they did not tell the specific story, the apprentices could naturally feel the indescribable weight of Leto's disappearance.

"Aelin, what should we do now?"

Bunt asked quickly.

After Aylin lowered his head and thought for a moment, he was about to speak.



There were some vibrations on the ground.

The apprentices were stunned for a moment and did not react.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the deep and dark cave, making them look at each other.

Aylin's face instantly turned very ugly.

He knows.

Old Spearhead is here!

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