Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 67 Do you think I am alone?

The water of the Water Ghost Lake exudes a blue light.

Fish, water plants, bluestones...

After taking the killer whale potion, everything underwater is beautiful.

It's a pity that the three demon hunter apprentices are not paying attention to the beautiful scenery in the lake.


The sound of vibrations spread underwater.

The demon hunter apprentice could sense the source of the sound, which quickly moved from the front of the three people to the left, and kept moving in the direction they were worried about.

After the three looked at each other, they leaned against the rock wall and quietly raised their heads out of the water.

A tall humanoid monster was holding a big tree and rushing towards the pile of rocks where Ailin was.

Compared with the Cyclops, Ailin was like a kitten who was born not long ago and could be crushed to death with one foot.


Xius couldn't help but let out a soft cry, and subconsciously swam towards Ailin's direction, but then he was stunned.

Even if he went over, what could he do to help him?

This question occupied his mind firmly.

After thinking for only a moment, Hughes turned around and signaled Bonte and Fred to swim quietly towards the cave.

They couldn't waste the time that Erin had saved for them.

The sooner they entered the cave, the sooner Erin could escape.


After quietly getting ashore, the three of them couldn't help but look back.

"Erin is so strong, he will be fine!"

This sentence didn't seem to be persuading others, but rather to give himself confidence.

Hughes gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his finger joints were clenched pale.

Then, without waiting for Fred and Bonte to reply, he ran into the dark cave.

The two people who were left looked at each other and followed silently.

Will Erin really be fine?

The two doubted in their hearts.

But they didn't look back.

Otherwise, they were worried that they couldn't hold back and cursed the "coward" in their hearts.


Alin retreated suddenly, stuck in the crack of the stone, and dodged the tree trunk swung by the Cyclops.

He saw three demon hunter apprentices running into the cave from the corner of his eye, and the demon hunter apprentice breathed a sigh of relief.

Hughes, Bonte and Fred were the first batch of Alin in the Wolf School.

In the Wolf School where the total number of demon hunters was less than a hundred, with three demon hunters supporting him, plus Vesemir and the chief, many things would be much easier.

He was most worried that the three people would swim over to help him in a fit of excitement.

That would be a real desperate situation for him.


The ground suddenly shook violently, and a large shadow completely covered Alin.

The demon hunter apprentice looked up vigilantly.

The blue cat pupils instantly shrank into a vertical line.

A huge meat mountain was falling from the sky towards him.

Alin knew that if he was hit by the old spearhead, he might not have the opportunity to consider whether he could still cross to the next world.

He quickly rolled to the right and hid in the gap between the two boulders again.


A loud noise came from the side, making the demon hunter apprentice's eardrums muffled, and the body was hit by chaotic gravel.

While the smoke and dust had not yet dissipated, the old spearhead had not found his trace and was about to leave along the edge of the boulder.

Before quietly leaving, he cast an appraisal at the huge shadow surrounded by smoke and dust.

[Name: Cyclops]

[Level:? ]

[Attributes: Strength?, Agility 9, Constitution?, Perception 7, Mystic 7]

"What's the use of this?"

The information given by the appraisal technique was almost useless, so Ailin almost couldn't help but invest the remaining special skill points in it.

But this special skill point can significantly change the strength of the demon hunter apprentice whether it is invested in hunting demons or tracking.

It doesn't work if it is invested in the appraisal technique.

No matter how complete the attributes are, the difficulty of killing the Cyclops will not be reduced by half.

Although the level is unknown like the Water Ghost King, except for the strength and physical attributes, other attributes are worse than the Water Ghost King.

Of course, this is still not something that Ailin can hunt alone now.

If it weren't for the Wolf School's two-handed sword, which was created specifically for hunting monsters.

After the level was upgraded to LV3, in addition to more sharp swordsmanship and stronger control of the body.

In the transmitted memory, there are also some basic ways to dodge and deal with large monsters.

Ailin can't say for sure at this time...

Well, it's not difficult to dodge the attack of the old spearhead.

Especially in the pile of rocks he chose.

The Cyclops, who is not famous for his perception, can't easily find the demon hunter apprentice hiding in the rocks.

Ailin is between a few large rocks, circling with the old spearhead.

The so-called big body is weak.

This kind of giant monster is most afraid of this kind of narrow and complex terrain.

With Ailin's current size, he could play hide-and-seek with Old Spearhead in this pile of rocks until dark.


Extreme irritability and anger were revealed in the roar.

"Bang! Bang!..."

A large amount of wood chips and gravel flew over Ailin's head.

The Cyclops was taking out his anger on the hard rocks on the ground.

"It's really a monster with low intelligence. It can't even control its own emotions."

It's a pity that he couldn't kill the Cyclops by himself.

Especially under the premise that Old Spearhead was holding a four or five meter long stick.

[Demon Hunter] needs to focus on the target at all times, and it is difficult to achieve this with his dodging method.

"If only Vesemir were here..." The demon hunter apprentice regretted in his heart.

Unfortunately, the demon hunter master could not be here.

Even if he was here, he would not be able to help him hunt "Old Spearhead".

After all.

Old Spearhead was obviously carefully selected.

High strength and high physique bring a strong enough threat.

And with low agility, low perception and low mystery, even a demon hunter apprentice with low attributes can escape from it as long as he calms down from fear.

This level tests the luck, courage, and calmness of the demon hunter apprentice.

So even if they don't happen to encounter a sleeping monster, the apprentices still have a chance to escape.

Just like him now.

It's a pity that Aylin doesn't want to escape.

He wants to try and see if he can hunt this large monster.

"It's been about ten minutes, and it shouldn't affect Hughes and the others."

Aylin hid between the stone and the river bank, muttering softly.


The demon hunter apprentice exhaled a breath of turbid air.

While paying attention to the heavy footsteps of the old spearhead, he opened the monster encyclopedia in the demon hunter's notes with his mind.

[Ding! Do you want to use the celestial sphere intersection-water ghost (cooling time 30 days)? ]

The thought turned, and the translucent prompt in front of him disappeared.

The demon hunter apprentice was about to enter the water to avoid the upcoming strong vibration.

Suddenly, a huge emerald green and exquisite door with a somewhat elf-like style appeared in front of him.

It moved with the demon hunter apprentice's sight and appeared in different places in front of him.

"Is this asking me to choose the location of the celestial sphere intersection?" Ailin thought.

Almost without thinking, the demon hunter apprentice put down this door in his mind.

Then, he drank a bottle of killer whale and dived into the killer lake beside him.


The next moment he entered the water.

A red and black banner appeared in the blue world in front of him...

[Warning! Warning! Warning]

[The fluctuation of the celestial sphere intersection was detected! The fluctuation of the celestial intersection has been detected! 】

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