
Fred turned aside to avoid the stone thrown at him, and shouted loudly to Bunt and Hughes:

"Didn't Aelin say that these trolls are easy to get along with?"

"Why do you throw stones at us when we meet?"

Hughes and Fred also hurriedly avoided large and small rocks, while avoiding and running towards the only mountain path.

"The witcher...is bad...the apprentice...is also bad..."

About forty meters away, three ugly monsters were shouting something vaguely.

They are rock trolls.

It has a stout body, small eyes and sharp teeth, although it is not as big as the Cyclops.

But it has a strong physique and a hard limestone shell as hard as a hill.

At first glance, it looks like the type of monster that has amazing defense and is very difficult to deal with.

"Is it because when you handed the sword to them, you pointed the tip of the sword towards them?" Hughes dodged the stone larger than his head and shouted at Fred.

"Ah? Is that so?"

Fred was stunned for a moment and was almost hit by an irregular black stone.

As he fled outside, he thought about Aylin's words last night.

"The rock trolls have a simple and honest personality. As long as you show no hostility, they will let you pass normally."

"How do you show a non-hostile side?"

"Well...as long as they ask you for weapons, just hand them over your swords."

This was something Aylin happened to talk to them about last night when he was talking about this final level.

The method of clearing the level is summarized from the plot when Aylin played the game.

In the mission "The Last Trial", Geralt and Lambert need to go to the Ring of Elements to strengthen the talisman.

When passing by the residence of the rock trolls, they handed over their weapons to the trolls and were allowed to leave.

However, because he did not expect to be separated from other apprentices, Aylin did not go into too much detail.

After all, although he had the idea of ​​hunting Old Spearhead at that time, he actually didn't have any hope in doing so.

In the dark cave, he was lucky enough to escape from Old Spearhead.

Even if the heavenly spheres meet to summon the Water Ghost King.

When he couldn't see anything, the apprentice demon hunter didn't think he could sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

On the contrary, if you are not careful, you may take your life.

So his original intention was to clear the level with Hughes and the others.

But he didn't expect that Lao Zhaotou would be so generous and walk out of his lair.

Without Aylin's guidance, the demon hunter apprentices would inevitably feel nervous when encountering such a seemingly vicious and invincible monster.

At that time, Fred was walking at the front of the three, and was the first to be blocked by the ferocious-looking rock troll.

Under the tension, his mind went blank. He only remembered Aylin saying, hand over the sword.

So he drew his sword, pointed the tip of the sword at one of the trolls, and "stabbed" it.

"Is it really my own problem?"

"But even if the direction is wrong, I don't use any force..."

Fred dodged another stone and couldn't help but ask himself.

Fortunately, most of them have undergone rigorous training, and their bodies can instinctively dodge just by hearing the sound of falling rocks.

Fortunately, the rock trolls seemed to be just venting their anger and had no intention of killing the apprentices.


After breaking out of the demon-hunting state, Aylin let out a long breath and wiped away the blood splashed on his face.

He used two more essences to replenish his physical strength.

This was the first time that he was able to stand firmly in place after using the [Demon Hunting] skill to kill a monster.

In the past, in addition to the [Demon Hunting] skill that consumed physical strength, actions such as running and jumping actually also consumed a certain amount of physical strength.

It's just a small amount and generally doesn't affect action.

But if you add [Demon Hunting], a big consumer, your stamina will be cleared directly.

Dizziness and fainting are inevitable.

But with the increase in physical fitness, such a situation should not happen in the future... right?

Thinking of this, the demon hunter apprentice suddenly felt a little unconfident.

After all, each level of [Demon Hunting] will increase the consumption of physical strength by 50, and it will definitely become more and more difficult to increase the physical attributes as you go on.


"Let's take it one step at a time!" Aylin thought to himself.

The mechanical sound of Demon Hunter Notes has not yet sounded.

The demon hunter apprentice did not panic at all, but took a deep breath and started [Demon Hunting] again.

Under spiritual perception, the magic power of the Water Ghost King protects the weakening of the aura, making it stable and even.

This is a sign that you are truly dying.

However, Aylin did not rush forward recklessly. He still cautiously used [Demon Hunting] to increase the progress of the demon hunt with one sword after another.

Anyway, it just takes more time and consumes two more portions of the water ghost's heart essence.

After a while.

"Ding! [Demon Hunting] progress 100%"

The red footprints appeared again.

It's just that this time the route points straight to the neck of the Water Ghost King.

There was no suspense, and there was an unusual sound of "Puch".

Elsa's silver light flashed.

【bite! Defeat the monsters "Water Ghost King" Lv26 and "Cyclops" Lv24! 】

[Reward settlement: Defeat the enemy, basic rating D, leapfrog kill +3—C, beheading and deterrence +3—B, drive wolves and devour tigers +3—A, defeat more with less (large monsters) +2—S-]

[Final rating: S- (reward*2)]

[Trophy obtained: Water Ghost King's Heart Essence*2, Cyclops's Heart Essence*2, Experience Beads*26, Water Ghost King's Treasure Box*12, Cyclops' Treasure Box*12]

The system prompts "ding ding ding" rang in Aylin's mind.

It took a moment to calm down.


At this time, the huge head of the Water Ghost King fell to the ground.

But there wasn't much blood flowing out of the broken neck.

However, the demon hunter's apprentice's attention was no longer on these two monsters, nor on the evaluations and rewards that flashed before his eyes.

"Pa tap~ tap tap~ tap tap~"

In front of Old Spearhead's cave, blood had flowed into a small river.

Aylin stepped on the blood and found a dry corner to sit down.

The mountain trial that had been weighing on his heart since the time traveled completely came to an end with the deaths of Old Spearhead and Cyclops.

All he needs to do is fool a group of honest trolls and activate the school badge, and Aelin can become a real demon hunter.


The apprentice witcher breathed a sigh of relief, laid Elsa flat on his knees, and looked up.

Killer Lake has obvious layers from near to far.

But no matter how much blood the Water Ghost King and Old Spearhead shed, it could only stain the area within twenty or thirty meters of red.

Farther away is the clear lake, the vast expanse of white trees and snow-capped mountains.


Aylin seemed to hear the sound of Killer Lake for the first time since the beginning of the mountain trial.

Clear, soft and soothing.

It seems that with such a voice, all distracting thoughts can be washed away, and all attachments can be let go...


The demon hunter apprentice suddenly sighed.

"It's not time to let go yet."

he said to himself.

"The defense battle to destroy Kaer Morhen is coming soon. It's not time to give up yet, it's not time to relax yet..."

he repeated again.

But even so.

"Only now..."

He raised his head and stared at the pure whiteness in the distance again, his eyes distant and relaxed as he murmured:

"Let me not think about anything and rest for a while..."

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