Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 8 The magical effects of heart essence

There are no various potions, no highly targeted sword oils.

There is only the panacea-like demon hunter potion.

Drink a sip when you fight a monster, increase attack and reduce damage.

Drink a sip when you are injured, stop bleeding and relieve pain.

After confirming with Vesemir again, Aylin could only accept the reality helplessly.

Time passed quietly while processing materials and thinking about the future.

Even if he was doing two things at the same time, Aylin processed the materials very well.

"Almost perfect dissection technique," Vesemir crossed his arms and checked Aylin's results with satisfaction, "The shape of the water ghost brain is complete, and the cross section of the water ghost tongue did not cut into the magic nodules."

"If you were in Ban Ade College, you could get full marks for material processing."

This is almost exaggerated praise.

Ban Ade College is one of the only two magic schools in the north, famous for its ambitious wizards and various strange alchemical products.

In alchemy, Ban Ade College is undoubtedly the most professional.

As material processing is an important branch of alchemy, it is impossible for Aylin to surpass professional wizard apprentices.

Aylin nodded humbly to thank him.

"Master Vesemir has been to Ban Ader?" Hughes asked curiously.

Aylin was also curious about this question.

Kaer Morhen and Ban Ader are not only in the Kingdom of Kaedwen, but the castles of the two schools are also carved out of the rocks of the Blue Mountains.

It's just that one trains demon hunters and the other trains wizards.

"I've been there a few times."


"What else can a demon hunter go to a place for?" Vesemir rolled his eyes, a little impatient, "Of course, to deal with monsters."

"But doesn't Ban Ader have its own magic school? Why invite demon hunters?" Hughes asked curiously.

The apprentices are not completely ignorant of the world outside Kaer Morhen.

There are always children who are brought up the mountain after they are old enough to remember things, and they bring rumors that are half true, half false, or half understood, such as "Wizards created demon hunters", "Ban Ade's apprentices do not have to go through cruel trials", and "The King of Kaedwen prefers male wizards".

The preparatory male wizards of Ban Ade Academy are always the objects of envy and jealousy among demon hunter apprentices because they do not have to go through trials and have a bright future.

As if hearing something strange in Zeus's tone, the demon hunter master stopped checking the materials, turned his head to look at the two apprentices, and said seriously:

"Because demon hunters are the best monster hunters."

"We make a living from this, and we are destined to die from it."

The implicit heaviness in the words can be felt even by a heartless child like Zeus.

For a moment, the three of them fell silent.

Vesemir turned back and continued to check the materials.

Zeus lowered his head, his silver hair covering his eyes, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

Destined to die from this?

Ailin muttered to himself, staring at the cold old castle in a trance.

He didn't come back to his senses until Vesemir's scolding sounded.


"Did you listen to my lecture just now?"

Vesemir's voice broke the calm.

"The most important thing about the water ghost tongue is the magic nodule at the root of the tongue."

"Look at the materials you processed..."

"Tsk tsk, materials of this quality, I'm afraid they can only deceive ignorant farmers."

Leto also appeared at this time.

Xiusi asked curiously: "What does the farmer want the water ghost tongue for?"

"Hahaha," Leto laughed, dodged Vesemir's palm, and laughed in an indecent way, "Water ghost tongue soaked in wine. There are always people who are willing to try some weird formulas for the sake of men's masculinity, right?"

"Men's masculinity?" Xiusi's face was full of question marks.

Vesemir kicked Leto, who dodged skillfully and ran away laughing.

With Leto interrupting, Vesemir noticed that it was almost noon.

After a headache to change the subject, Vesemir carefully pointed out the problems of Hughes one by one, and gave the demonstration material - as a reward for outstanding apprentices - to Arlin.

Then he asked them to go back to the apprentice dormitory for lunch.

"By the way."

"Stay away from Ban Ade, demon hunters are not welcome there."

Just after saying goodbye to the apprentice, Vesemir suddenly remembered something and turned back to warn the two seriously.

Then without explaining anything, he walked in the direction where Leto left.


After parting with Vesemir, Arlin and Hughes returned to the apprentice dormitory in the southwest corner of the castle.

The apprentice dormitory is very large.

Surrounded by cold gray stone walls, more than 40 wooden beds are tightly together, leaving only the middle aisle for easy passage.

In the empty room, only four beds have bedding stacked on them.

It is deserted and gloomy.

Looking at this scene, who would have thought that ten days ago, this place was full of orphans and abandoned children from various northern countries?

The passing rate of the Green Grass Trial for Ailin's group of apprentices is less than 10%, far below the average of 40%.

For the Wolf School, this year may be considered a bad year.

After returning to the dormitory, Ailin and Hughes were not in the mood to talk.

Each of them put away their things, cleaned their bodies a little, and then changed into clean clothes.

Bont and Fred, who had eaten "lunch" in advance, had already "taken a nap".

The portion belonging to Ailin and Hughes was placed on the table at the door.

The special mushroom juice in the beer glass was gray and sticky.

This was Ailin's lunch.

In the ten days after passing the Green Grass Trial, their three meals were all various strange liquids.

These liquids can quickly restore the mutated body to "normal".

After drinking lunch, Alin and Xius returned to their beds and waited for the drug to take effect.

There were ants crawling in the muscles.

Pain and itch intertwined.

Although it was far less painful than the pain of the green grass potion, which was like the dissolution of internal organs, it was still very difficult to endure.

Alin twisted his body instinctively and recited the "Demon Hunting Notes" in his mind.

The effect of "lunch" still lasted for a long time, and he had to find something to divert his attention.

[Name: Ailin]

[Age: 13]

[Title: Child of Miracles]

[Level: 2]

[Health: 100% of physical strength 56/56]

[Attributes: Strength 5.3 (+0.1), Agility 5.4 (+0.1), Constitution 5.6 (+0.2), Perception 7.2 (+0.3), Mystic 3.3 (+0.2)]

[Special skills: Demon Hunting LV1, Appraisal LV1]

[Skills: Wolf School Two-handed Sword LV2 (0/500)]

[Evaluation: Bad! ! ! ! ]


Attributes improved!

Ailin was surprised that his physical attributes increased by another 0.1.

Mushroom juice is so effective!

Although I felt that I had improved slightly in the past two days, I didn't have a panel after all.

The pleasure brought by the intuitive improvement of the values ​​seemed to relieve a lot of the discomfort in my body.

Although the speed of attribute improvement is slowing down, it can at least increase a little before the end of the "lunch break".

"No wonder the stats of those demon hunters are so high." Ailin thought.

Ignore the glaring comments.

After Ailin received all the rewards for the task, he opened the prop column.

[Props: Water Ghost Heart Extract * 3, Small Experience Beads * 19, Water Ghost Treasure Box * 8, General Treasure Box * 1]

The number of small experience beads is not enough to upgrade the two-handed sword, so keep it for now.

"The attributes are still rising. Should the essence be used after the medicine is stopped?" Ailin was a little hesitant.

After thinking for a while, Ailin decided to drink a bottle to test the water first.

After all, the Water Ghost Heart Extract is not a precious reward. Every time a water ghost is killed, one will be exploded.

It is scarce now, just because Ailin is not free to move and cannot leave Kaer Morhen.

The mind clicks on the props, and a bottle filled with blue liquid disappears from the prop column.

The cold feeling appears in the throat again.

The next moment, Ailin's face suddenly changed.


"What kind of treasure is a water ghost!"

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