Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 93 Wolf Griffin Cat

"If you ask me, everything is a conspiracy of the warlock!" the master demon hunter with a black beard said bitterly.


The gray-haired White coughed slightly and reminded:

"Aristo! It's the wizard's conspiracy!"

The rugged man named Aristo took a careful glance at Vera, and after seeing that she had no reaction, he continued:

"Yes, yes, everything is a conspiracy of wizards."

"They must be carrying out palace intrigues and slandering the king."

"Ever since White was pushed out of the court by wizards as a monster advisor, the relationship between the last two kings of Kaedwen and the school has gradually become alienated."

White was pointed out, nodded slightly, and continued with approval, saying:

"It is indeed possible. The wizards of Ben Ade showed hostility to the school a long time ago."

"Our young men are better and have taken away many of their jobs, so the real enemies of the Wolf School may only be those wizards."


The gray-haired White tilted his head slightly, glanced at the expressionless chief, and said:

"Besides, predictions may not necessarily be accurate."

"We all know that prophets generally speak in vague and ambiguous terms."

The other master witchers nodded.

The king's dissatisfaction and the envoy's spying were just speculations and were not put on the table.

Their sense of crisis almost all comes from the chief's prophetic dream of unknown origin.

The master witchers believed in the Chief, but not the man who spoke the prophecy.

"Chief, is it possible that it is because we know this prophecy and believe in it?"

"That's why we completely broke up with the king and wizards, and eventually went to destruction."

"If we had adhered to the principle of neutrality, perhaps none of this would have happened."

Vesemir knocked on the table and took a step further.

If the prophecy hadn't been uttered by the chief, he would have even believed that the prophecy was a conspiracy against the Wolf School.

Let them get into chaos, show hostility, and finally offend both the king and the wizard.

"Maybe the king really just forgot to send the letter in advance."

"This is just a notice for an apprentice competition. The Big Eater always likes to hold such competitions."

The logic is smooth, consistent with the facts, and most importantly, it is easier for those present to accept it.

After hearing this, the master demon hunters all breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement.

Even Aylin was beginning to feel unsure, even a little doubtful.

after all,

He has no prophetic powers.

The occurrence of the Defense Battle of Kaer Morhen was just something he inferred through the background stories in games and novels, as well as the suspicious behavior of wizards.

But even the Ancient Son's prophecies can be changed.

What if this war would not have happened, but because of Aylin's words, a butterfly effect was created, triggering hostility between several forces.


That's really stupid.


The chief's index finger knocked on the black wooden table, interrupting everyone's commotion.

"That's all for today's meeting."

"No matter whether the precognitive dream is accurate or not, there is no malicious guidance."

"At least the king is indeed dissatisfied with us because of the elves, and this is contrary to the principles of the school and cannot be compromised."


After a pause, he leaned forward, his silver vertical pupils shrank, and a strong aura instantly oppressed everyone's bodies.

"Be alert, witcher."

"We're walking on a cliff."

The master demon hunters looked solemn and spoke sonorously and forcefully:

"Yes, Chief!"

The chief nodded, then looked at Aylin and said:

"Aylin, please notify Hughes, Bunt and Fred and ask them if they are willing to participate in the fighting competition between the two schools."

"If they are willing, 100 orens each, plus the school's standard silver sword and cotton armor."

"After winning the championship, the school will have more generous rewards."

Aylin nodded, then hesitantly said:

"Can I also participate in this competition?"

The chief was stunned for a moment and fell into silence.

The master demon hunters who had already stood up from their seats also looked at each other.

Aylin's achievements will always make people ignore his age from time to time.

Even though they were also master demon hunters and had been geniuses of the Wolf School, they knew that their talents could not be compared to Aylin's.

"Do you want to participate?" The sorceress came over.

Aelin nodded.

"Then participate. Anyway, the letters sent to other schools and nobles have not been sent yet."

The sorceress said, turning her head to look at the chief.

For Aylin, the title of Master Demon Hunter only has some effect within the school.

Who outside Kaer Morhen would give a large commission worthy of the status of a master witcher to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child?

Instead, potential enemies will notice the genius of the Wolf School.

After the chief thought for a moment, he nodded in agreement.

When the master demon hunters saw this, they all had strange smiles on their faces.

Dante put his arm on Vesemir's shoulders and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, Vesemir, I got twice the gift money."

"It seems that the drinks at the banquet next year can be replaced by Dong Zhidong."

"It's not that exaggerated, but at least it can be replaced by Duke Toussaint wine." White, who was in charge of finance, corrected with a smile.

The bright sunshine came in through the window, and the dust in the air danced with the hearty laughter.

Cheerful and joyful.

It seemed that everyone had forgotten the danger of the school's destruction.

It was almost dusk.

After the meeting, the witcher masters chatted and laughed for a few words, and then left one after another.

Ailin and the sorceress agreed to borrow the alchemy room after dinner, and also walked out of the meeting room.

After a while.

The noise was far away, and the space surrounded by the cold stone walls was silent.

"Do you believe the prophecy that Ailin said before?" The chief broke the silence.

"He doesn't have to lie, does he?"

The sorceress had a glass of wine in her hand without knowing when. After taking a sip, she continued:

"But what the demon hunters said is not wrong."

"The big eater may just be a little dissatisfied now, and it has not yet developed to the point of fighting to the death."

"If you react violently and hostilely, it may make him act extreme."

The chief nodded, sighed, tapped the table lightly with his index finger, and lowered his head to think.

The setting sun shone, and the golden red light shone on his side face, casting a thick shadow on the other half of his face with a frown.

The sorceress looked at him deeply, and asked in a rare tone:

"Soy, do you really not consider Haxo's proposal?"

"After all..."

"You have nothing to do with the elves. No matter how far back you go, it was a sorceress like Alzu who created you."

The chief looked up, shook his head slightly, and said firmly:


"You know this is impossible."

"Although wolves are not as noble as griffins, they will never become pet cats."

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Thanks to the book friend "James Xiao Xiaogui" for the reward

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