Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 95 Cat's Eye Potion

After leaving the chief's residence, it was getting late.

Aylin went directly to the main castle hall and made a simple dinner according to the noon style.

The bonfire in the hall was swaying, and the demon hunters were toasting and changing glasses. It was very lively.

Declining invitations to banquets from several acquaintances, he found a seat in a corner with few people.

While chewing the bread, I thought about the information I heard in the afternoon.

Although the atmosphere in the afternoon meeting was tense, the situation of the Wolf School was much better than Aylin imagined.

It was different from what he had guessed before.

At present, there are basically only two enemies: King Haxor of Kaedwen and the wizards of Ben Ade Academy.

From conversations between the chief and several master witchers.

There is an obvious conflict of interest between the wizarding forces represented by Ban Ader Academy and the wolf-sect demon hunters of Kaer Morhen.

There have been conflicts with the school in the past.

On the other hand, although King Kaedwen is also somewhat hostile, he essentially wants to control the Wolf School, an armed group, and is a party that can be fought for.

Even as long as the Wolf School is willing to hunt elves for him, it can form an alliance with it.

Aylin shook his head, rejecting the idea.

Adhering to neutrality is the school's unchanging creed.

None of the other master witchers, including the First Master, could possibly agree with the king's idea.


“The king may not be unattainable, nor may he need to be fought for.”

Aylin murmured and took another bite of bread.

The king seemed to want the witchers to hunt the elves, but in fact it seemed that he wanted to find something, or to force out someone with the large number of elves dying.

So the key is, what is this thing or this person?

As long as this key point is found, whether it is to help the king fulfill his wish, or to help his enemies depending on the situation, the Wolf School has a choice.

But he couldn't even find the king, so where should he start?

Aelin sighed.

His strength is still too low. If his combat power is strong enough, why should he think so hard and look for a chance of survival?

If the power of the school had been stronger, the current situation of being treated as fish meat by the king would not have happened.


"It's useless to dream. It's better to plan what to do next to prevent the school from being destroyed."

After gathering his emotions, Aylin took another bite of bread and set his next goal.

First, find out what the king is looking for and why he is so hostile to the elves.

Second, improve your own strength.

Third, improve the overall strength of the school.

Although the first point is very important, it depends too much on luck, and he doesn't know any elves.

You can tell the chief or sorceress your analysis and let them investigate first.

But they should have already started working on this matter, so this should be a warning.

If there are no results when he leaves Kaer Morhen, then he can wait for the Apprentice Fighting Competition to collect information along the way.

The second point is to hunt monsters. The profit from hunting water ghosts is no longer high.

You can target the little fog monsters, ghouls, and the water ghost king who will meet the heaven and earth fifteen days later.

The third point is mainly about potions.

For example, the cat's eye, killer whale potion, and water ghost's heart essence will gradually be opened to the school's demon hunters.

However, this cannot be rushed, and the school or demon hunter needs to pay some price in exchange.

After all, free dedication will reduce the importance of the formula and easily cause others to ask for it excessively.

After his general thoughts were clear, Aylin ate the last bite of his lunch, then got up and headed to the alchemy room in the south tower.

Downstairs of the south tower.

Aylin was in no hurry to go upstairs.

The water ghost's heart essence formula requires Alchemy Level 4 to unlock.

He planned to upgrade his level downstairs before going upstairs.

Open the Demon Hunting Notes with your mind.

【bite! Your skill: Alchemy LV2 has been upgraded to Alchemy LV4 (0/10000)]


Upgrading from LV4 to LV5 requires four times the experience points.

Ten thousand experience points are equivalent to a thousand small experience beads.

And the total reward he received for hunting Old Spearhead and Water Ghost King was only thirty-four experience beads, which was 3,400 small experience beads.

Aylin suddenly had a premonition, and now he was worried that the character's level was too high, and the rewards for defeating monsters would be reduced and he would be downgraded.

After all the skills have been upgraded.

There may be situations where skills cannot be upgraded due to lack of experience beads.

The level is too high, and you can't get experience beads from common mobs.

In the end, he could only hunt large and powerful monsters to obtain experience beads and treasure chests.

"Blindly leveling up is not the answer. It's time to think about the direction of your specialization." Aylin thought to himself.

At this time.

So much information about alchemy had been poured into his mind that the rate of information transmission gradually slowed down.

Aylin, who had upgraded many times, knew that this was a sign that the alchemy upgrade was about to be completed, so he planned to walk in the direction of the alchemy room.



The wolf emblem buzzed suddenly.

Ailin's vision suddenly went dark, and a stinging pain struck from his eyeballs, as if thousands of steel needles were constantly piercing him.


"What's going on?"

He covered his eyes hard with his hands.

He suppressed a cry of pain and instinctively switched to the perspective of the wolf emblem.

Four colors of light enveloped him.

Aylin had an idea.

The magic of Chaos was transforming his eyes.

For a long time,

Eye pain disappears.

The transformation of Alchemy LV4 is completed.

The second floor of the south tower.

Ailin just walked to the door.


The door opened by itself.

Ailin was not surprised, he had already made an appointment with the sorceress in advance.

The alchemy room was still the same.

Fluffy red carpet and colorful oil paintings.

Lace curtains decorated the cold stone windowsill.

But after experiencing a trial between life and death, Ailin felt that this place was particularly friendly.

"Mary, I passed the trial!"

Smelling the familiar orange cardamom fragrance, Ailin smiled and greeted Mary who came over after hearing the sound.

The girl was sitting in front of the alchemy table. She was very happy when she saw him for the first time, and half of her buttocks left the seat.

Suddenly she thought of something, sat back heavily, and tilted her head to avoid looking at him.

Ailin scratched the back of his head, not knowing what he had done wrong, and subconsciously looked at the sorceress sitting at the alchemy table.

"Mary is angry with you because you didn't find her immediately after the trial yesterday."

The sorceress crossed her arms and looked back and forth between the two little people with a smile.


Mary blushed and rarely spoke loudly in front of the sorceress.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything more."

"Sorry, I just finished the trial yesterday and was dragged away by my companions to celebrate." Ailin explained.

He sat down at the alchemy table behind Mary and found that Mary was still indifferent.

So he thought for a few seconds, and then he had an idea and shouted a few times with respect, "Forgive me, Ms. Mary."

The girl Mary was immediately coaxed and asked him about the mountain trial.

After a while.

Seeing that the two had almost finished chatting, Vera asked:

"What are you doing today? Making potions or taking alchemy classes?"

"Making potions..."

Before he finished speaking, a slightly painful and surprised voice came from behind him.


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