Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 97 What do I have to pay?

Walking into the inner room, the smile on Mary's face disappeared instantly.


Throwing the dried cypress stem fruit into the basket fiercely, Mary whispered angrily:

"Damn it! What kind of love potion did Ailin give Ms. Vera?"

"Just because he has a good talent?"

"But is my talent worse than his?"

Mary was indignant and suddenly pulled out two bottles of dwarven liquor.

The shaking of the liquor in the glass bottle suddenly reminded her of the bottle of "Cat's Eye" with gradient colors, magnificent and mysterious.

So Mary slowly put the liquor in the basket with a depressed look.

"Okay... okay, in terms of talent, I may be a little worse than him."

"But I'm not weak either. Since I entered Aretusa, my grades have always been the best in the school."

"If it weren't for Ms. Vera coming here, the principal would have planned to make me the successor of Aretusa."

Thinking about it, Mary suddenly felt confident again.

"Yes! I can fight my way out of a cruel place like Aretuza, so there is no reason to be outdone here."

Pick up four bottles of water essence, put them into the basket, and throw a water ghost heart into the basket.

After checking the materials with high morale, Mary straightened her chest and raised her head, and walked out with her head held high.

"It's just a demon hunter. With a little skill, I, Ms. Mary, will definitely regain Ms. Vera's favor."



A faint electric shock sounded.

Ailin concentrated and held his breath, carefully observing the water ghost heart in front of him.

The magic carving knife followed the magic veins on the heart, and removed the useless waste meat stroke by stroke.

And then added complex patterns.

The water ghost heart essence is difficult to refine.

Especially the magic veins as thin as hair, each one must be handled correctly.

After the magic power in his body circulated and the coronoid process of the water ghost heart was cut into four petals evenly, Ailin breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"No wonder it takes alchemy to upgrade to LV4 to refine the essence."

"If the eyes have not been transformed, I really can't do this job."

In the process of processing the water ghost heart, he finally found out what has changed in the transformed eyes.

The pupils can be slightly dilated, and the materials can be magnified like a microscope.

His mind is focused on the focus of his vision. When he cuts the flesh with the carving knife, some premonitions will pop up in his mind from time to time to correct the mistakes in the path of the knife tip.

The most important thing is that the dilation and contraction of the pupils of the eyes and the magical and accurate premonitions are not from the Demon Hunting Notes, but are all under his control.

This feeling of complete control over the goal and self is addictive.

The water ghost heart full of weird beauty is placed horizontally in a large cup, and the tip of the magic carving knife touches the center of the four coronoid processes.

There is the intersection of the magic power of the water ghost heart.

The magic power in the body flowed into the coronal process through the carving knife, and blue light flashed on the dark purple flesh.

Then the heart that faintly emitted a foul smell came to life.


The heart was beating.


The sound of running water sounded,

After the second beat, the whole heart turned into a clear blue liquid and fell into the measuring cup.

The light blue water splashed up and fell back.

Alin looked down and saw that there were five portions of essence.

One heart and five portions of essence?

Demon Hunter's Notes, you are really black!

Alin couldn't help but curse in his heart.


"How... how did you do this?"

Mary's exclamation came from behind, and Alin looked in the direction of the sound.

Mary opened her mouth slightly and held the wooden basket full of materials tightly with both hands.

Surprise, envy, jealousy, and it seemed a little frustrated.

The emotions were overflowing to the naked eye.

Ailin was secretly happy, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and unperturbed, and said:

"Want to learn?"

"I'll teach you!"

Mary puffed up her cheeks, as if she was a little tempted, but in the end she thought of something, snorted and refused directly, and sat back in her original position.

"I really want to learn, can you teach me?"

The fragrance of orange mixed with cardamom hit my face.

The sorceress came closer without knowing when.

Ailin always brings some unique potion-making techniques

When refining killer whales, the whole process does not involve magic power, and only relies on the idea of ​​the material itself. Although unique, it can only be called novel.

But this time, only relying on magic carving and magic infusion can turn solid flesh and blood into liquid clear potion.

After reading it once, the sorceress even felt like she had touched the essence of alchemy.

"Of course."

Ailin was stunned for a moment, and seeing that the sorceress's expression did not seem to be fake, he quickly agreed.

"This alchemy technique is very valuable. Do you have any requests?" the sorceress said with a smile.

Ailin shook his head and was about to refuse.

The sorceress saw that he didn't want to be paid, and dissuaded him:

"Equivalent exchange is the basic principle of alchemy."

"Tell me a request!"

This reason actually doesn't make sense.

After all, Ailin not only took so many materials in the alchemy room for nothing.

The sorceress also taught him alchemy for nearly a month.

But he didn't pay anything.

However, seeing that the sorceress insisted, Ailin didn't argue anymore.

After thinking for a while, "Ritual: Flesh Giant" suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ms. Vera, do you know rituals?"

The sorceress nodded slightly and said:

"I know a little about rituals, but I'm not proficient in them."

"So are you sure you want to exchange for this knowledge?"

"Given the preciousness of this alchemy technique, can I teach you a few advanced potion recipes?"

"I can even give you a few magic props that are very suitable for you."


The sorceress paused, and then said:

"Several spells that are suitable for you."



Alin swallowed his saliva after hearing this, and after a struggle in his heart, he still chose rituals.

"I'm sure, I'll exchange for ritual knowledge."

People can't be too greedy. Compared with those formulas and magic props.

The impression he left in the sorceress's heart is more important.

As for spells?

Can't demon hunters only learn signs?

The decision has been made, and Alin didn't think too much about it.

The sorceress nodded slightly in response, but there seemed to be some regret in her eyes.

The ritual class was scheduled to be held after dinner every day.

Ailin took out another heart of the water ghost king from the wooden basket, picked up the magic carving knife, and was about to demonstrate it to the sorceress again.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something and looked back.

Sure enough.

The girl Mary was looking at him eagerly.

The look of wanting to say something but not saying it made people feel pitiful and funny.

"Do you want to learn?"

"Yes!" Mary's big eyes suddenly lit up.

Ailin smiled and said, "Then come over and learn together."

Mary quickly stood up and walked to Ailin's side in three or two steps.

"Equivalent exchange."

A cold female voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

Mary was stunned for a moment.

The sorceress was standing on the other side of Ailin, looking at her expressionlessly.

Mary saw this scene, a little aggrieved and a little scared.

She looked at Ailin's gentle smile, as if she was about to cry, and said:

"Equivalent exchange is the basic principle of alchemy."

"What do I need to pay?"

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