Demon Immortal

183 Destined Calamity

If that is all Duncan could accept it, however, things seemed to deviate from his original plan a bit. The latest information from the Shadow Pavillion pointed out to Duncan that he still has a lot to learn in the world of cultivation.

According to the Shadow Pavillion, a week ago, several members of the Wang Clan were suddenly sent away from the city in an urgent manner. The direction in which they fled was also different from each other. In total, eight teams were dispatched with each going in different direction.

Each team dispatched by the Wang Clan contained several promising members of the younger generation and a few important family members of the clan. This sudden move of the Wang Clan had agitated both the City Lord's mansion and the Ling Clan. 

Several other powers in the city have also become vigilant after realizing what the Wang Clan had done. It was clear that the Wang Clan Patriarch was trying to minimize the loss and prevent the extermination of the bloodline.

No one knew why the Wang Clan patriarch did that. But, it was clear to every power in the city that something had spooked the patriarch of the Wang Clan. And this has caused everyone to be on edge.

When Duncan realized this, he couldn't help but frown. With his power, it was easy for him to kill the members of the Wang Clan if they were all in the same location. He still had such confidence in him.

However, if he had to chase after these eight teams and kill them all, then Duncan didn't think that he would be capable of it. These teams were dispatched a week ago. By now, who knew where they have traveled to? Searching for them and eliminating them singlehandedly would be a strenuous task.

And looking at the timing, Duncan's lips couldn't help but twitch. It seemed he had forgotten about cultivators having powerful intuition. It was most likely that the patriarch of the Wang Clan sensed danger coming and acted decisively.

Duncan didn't know whether to applaud the patriarch or curse him. If he went through with his plan of killing the Wang Clan, then he would leave a lot of hidden dangers behind. And these people would be coming for him sooner or later.

Duncan's brows furrowed as he realized his mistake. He had been complacent in thinking that nothing would change. But, it seemed that the reason for people attacking immediately once they determined to kill someone was most likely related to this. It was his inexperience with the cultivation world that had caused him to make such a low-level mistake.

It wasn't as if he had exterminated a clan before. So, it was only natural that he made such a mistake. But, does he regret causing such a situation? Duncan thought about it hard and felt that he didn't feel like it.

It is true that he wanted to use the Wang Clan to build a legendary foundation while stepping into the Violet Palace realm. And it is true that he had some enmity towards the Wang Clan. If not for that, he wouldn't have chosen them to perform Severing Karma With Slaughter.

But, his enmity was only because of how he was treated and almost forced to death due to their mechanizations. It couldn't be said that the enmity was severe enough to exterminate the entire clan. Only a few people in the Wang Clan were responsible for his predicament and his enmity was with them.

The matter of exterminating the clan came about because of its convenience. He didn't want to leave behind some hidden dangers. So, he decided to exterminate the entire clan. However, now that some of them had fled, he didn't have that much motivation to hunt them down and kill them.

As long as the patriarch, that little kid, and that steward were killed, his enmity with the Wang Clan can be said to be concluded. But, the little kid was currently in a safe place where he couldn't kill him. That meant, as long as the steward and the patriarch were present, he doesn't need to chase after the remnants and kill them off.

When Duncan figured this out, his furrowed brows loosened. His leisurely arrival to the city may have let the others escape from death, but Duncan didn't regret it. Rather, he had obtained a lot of benefits because of his slow travel. If not for the travel he experienced by retreading his path, the enlightenment at the gates wouldn't have come.

There are gains and losses in everything. No need to lament about the loss. He can just be satisfied with the gains. He did what felt right to his heart. If there are any disadvantages due to that in the future, he could only face it calmly. 

As for that kid or the other members of the Wang Clan taking revenge, Duncan didn't care about it. In fact, he welcomed that kid to come after him. It would prevent him from searching for him.

Maybe, he should leave some clues and let people figure out who killed the patriarch of the Wang Clan. It would make that kid come after him and rid him of the problem of searching for the kid.

With a small smile, Duncan decided his course of action.

Now that he had figured out everything, Duncan felt that he should head over to the Wang Clan and finish his job. Since he was going to kill someone, then it is best to be done with it as soon as possible, lest some other variables started appearing.

Duncan's footsteps turned and he started heading in the direction of the Wang Clan without caring about anything else.


The patriarch of the Wang Clan sat within the main hall with his brows furrowed. A month ago, he vaguely sensed a premonition of danger. No matter how he enquired, he wasn't able to find what the reason for it was.

At first, he thought that some member of the clan had offended a big shot while traveling outside and it would cause a calamity. But, after enquiring about it, it became clear that the Wang Clan members have been pretty lowkey for the past few months after the beast tide.

This confused him a bit. He didn't know where the premonition of danger came from. But, Patriarch Wang was an experienced practitioner. He knew that he must not dismiss such premonitions. So, he became restless trying to figure out the cause and effect of this sudden feeling.

Days rolled by and out of nowhere, a huge sense of dread enveloped him two weeks ago. Patriarch Wang knew that whatever was coming for him and the Wang Clan was inevitable. The only thing he could do was to face it head-on and fight for an opportunity for survival.

He even pondered about leaving the clan and escaping on his own. But, the sense of dread didn't diminish at all. So, Patriarch Wang knew that running was useless. Instead of leaving a strong position, he was better off defending from the clan.

The clan had several formations that were accumulated due to countless ancestors. With these formations, he even had the confidence to face the Violet Palace realm cultivators. So, he decided that he was better off defending with the help of clan resources.

After waiting for a week, Patriarch Wang could still feel the sense of dread that was approaching him. He initially expected the danger to come within a short time. But, this kind of feeling of being in constant dread was really unbearable. He didn't know when the danger would arrive or in what form it would come. He only knew it was unavoidable.

In the end, he decided to do something useful. 

A week prior to Duncan's arrival in the Starmist City, Patriarch Wang called some promising juniors and sent them away with some important members of the clan. He hoped that at least a few of them would survive and carry on the Wang family line.

Then, he called his brother, who had the second highest cultivation in the clan, and ordered him and his family to head towards his son's sect with most of the accumulated treasures of the clan. He didn't want whoever that came to kill him to gain from the accumulated wealth of the clan. He also ordered his brother to follow his son in the future.

This way, he arranged most of the affairs and waited for the inevitable to come knocking. For this past week, several clan heads have inquired about the movements of the clan. But, he didn't say anything to them.

What can he tell them? He himself didn't know what kind of danger was approaching. How can he let others know? So, Patriarch Wang kept mum about his uneasy feeling and turned deaf ears to all the inquiries.

As for offending these people, Patriarch Wang didn't think much about it. If he survived this disaster, then he would think about how to make amends. If not, it was no skin of his back. Right now, all he could do was prepare himself to be in the best state and manage to survive this calamity that was approaching him.

He even had a vague premonition that if he survived this calamity, his cultivation would break through to the Violet Palace realm. His cultivation had stagnated at the peak of the Spirit Sea realm for a long time. Maybe, this was his chance to break through the bottleneck and reach the next level.

So, Patriarch Wang waited patiently in the main hall of the Wang Clan awaiting the arrival of his calamity. Just then, his heart shook and he knew immediately that the destined calamity had arrived on his doorstep.

At that moment, Duncan stood before the Wang Clan's compound and looked at the defensive formation that was already activated completely.


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